In order to understand our identity, it’s useful to reflect on our personal, everyday tasks. Through my series Routines, I take a closer look at how materialistic objects subconsciously shape our identity. This uncontrolled, base value perception is affected by what we choose to be a part of our day-to-day tasks.
I focus on cluttered, candid spaces which value consumeristic materials. By interrupting my subjects’ personal spaces, I open a window to the inner workings of the subliminal motivations of those around me.
My study advocates the reinterpretation of someone’s identity. My still-life composition is done by focusing on the small details happening within the work. Oil painting allows me to employ a personal approach to meticulous rendering, paired with the oversaturation of color. In these spaces I can interpret others’ identities and personalities through a personal perspective, allowing viewers to understand who they are seeing without actually seeing them. In a sense, my study has permitted an understanding of others on a deeper level from face value. I understand how hobbies, materialized items and kept spaces work with one another to build an identifiable person. My intention is to create a reflection on the self. I want the work to invoke a conversation about how materials and practices make an appearance in day-to-day life, and how these elements leave an impactful mark on one’s identity.
Project Proposal
For my BA project, I am researching identity and personal routines. My goal here is to understand identity, what it means to others on a personal level, and what we consider to be a part of our identity. I am doing this by looking into people’s everyday routines, and how these autopilot tasks make up our identity whether we realize it or not.
I began by photographing the used space from people around me, such as roommates. I want to capture when they are in the middle of doing something that they do every day, such as studying or putting on makeup. From the reference photos, I am going to use oil paint on (hopefully) a wood surface, and repaint what I am seeing in a realistic, contemporary style. When taking these test photos, I played around with the angles of the photos which will help determine the shape and material of the surface which I'll be using.
Inspired Artists Cont.
Social Media Inspiration
Semester Proposal
WEEK SIX: First Critique Check-in 3/1/23
I wasn't looking for much critique on adjustments to my piece, although I did need some suggestions and feedback. I was curious as to what I should change in the mirror in the upper left corner and whether or not to make the background pink, which was the original color in the photo. I was also concerned about the teal tray at the top of the painting. From critique, I decided to make a blur out the contents of a bedroom in the mirror, and make a grey-toned pink for the background, so I don't have to go back and adjust the shadows. I am not going to adjust the tray until after the background is finished. This might help me with color matching and making the area sink further back into the painting. My biggest take away from critique was that I am falling behind on work. I am not stressing about this now, but I do appreciate the two week time frame I was given. I think putting the work into a time frame will help me gain perspective on where I am at and where I need to be.
Whats next?
My next piece is inspired by this photo, Im going to be focusing on routines in the kitchen and the compositions that create themselves. I am excited to begin this as I am going to be working with more organic, dimensional shapes and objects. Although, slightly discussing this image during the first critique made me realize that this reference photo might be more of a challenge than I am expecting. Over the weekend (3/3-3/5), I am going to take more pictures so I have options for what I want to work on next.
Post weekend update: I have a new reference photo that I am excited to work on.
WEEK EIGHT: Pre- spring break check in 3/15
For spring break I am setting an intense goal for myself to get the second painting finished. I think this goal might be slightly far fetched, although I know I will be able to make significant progress throughout the week. As far as the research paper goes, I am hoping to get a jump on it the week after spring break. Tomorrow, 3/16, I am meeting with a research assistant to get started on my sources and beginning stages of writing. I want to feel confident in the progression of the paintings before switching gears to the paper. I have been using my extra time before and after capstone to paint, and will eventually switch to using this time for research.
post-spring break update: I did it. I finished the second piece.
WEEK TEN: Midterm Portfollio Assessment
Throughout the semester, my goals for my work have shifted quite a bit. Initially, I wanted four, densely packed pieces that resembled a different person and a different side of identity. Although, with the fast-approaching deadline, I feel that I will only have three successful pieces. While this is somewhat disappointing, I know that my work will be stronger. I am starting to feel anxious and can tell that heavy stress is approaching, although I know I can handle it, especially with only needing to complete one more piece instead of two. As far as everything else goes, I am confident in the process and product of my other work and am looking forward to seeing the three pieces presented together. I feel that I have been extremely successful in my practice thus far and am going to cruise along these last few weeks just fine.
For the remaining weeks of class, I plan to work on the third and final piece. This composition is slightly less cluttered than the others and bares less detail, so I am confident in its completion and success of it. I feel that this last piece will also fit nicely with the other two when presented together. I also need to build some sort of “stilt” for the first piece, as the thickness isnt the same as the others. I need to determine how I will mount these and the order in which they will go in. As far as the research project, I need to begin working on this. I feel that it won’t take me as long but I am concerned about putting the paintings first for too long and losing track of the research paper and presentation. I am confident in the outcomes of the writing portion as well because I am knowledgeable about the topic and confident in my personal work and findings through research.
The goal of Edie’s work is to convey the queerness around us. They began recognizing architecture in Chicago that represented queerness and its odd juxtaposition to its surroundings. They began portraying this through their more recent works, in which the geometric, architectural style mixes with queer identity.
The artist is connecting with the audience by expressing their personal experience throughout their life. Their work specifically focuses on transgender and queerness within the world around us. This may help viewers realize that queerness is all around us and isn’t as “isolating” as it may seem. Their work also allows viewers to see the beauty and personality within architecture on any street or building.
Edie’s work resonates with me in the way that they use architecture within their work. I personally love working with architecture and geometric lines within my own personal practice. I think it is interesting how Edie is able to see personality and correlate it with something completely unrelated to the building itself. This has allowed me to look at architecture beyond what it physically is, and recognize the personality and identity that makes the building what it is. In my painting class, I have a new assignment I need to work on and I am inspired by Edie’s work. I want to create something similar to Edie’s recent work and am excited to explore this artistic approach.
This week I was able to get started on my third and final piece for the collection. I am confident in completing this before the deadline because the reference is significantly less dense than the others. I am eager to see the three pieces completed together and how they will interact with each other. Our final deadlines are approaching fast and I could not be more excited.
Scream Crying. Thoughts or Prayers?
Here we are, week fourteen. Today is Wednesday 4/19 and install is on Monday 4/24. I want to freak out but that's just not going to happen. My third piece is still well in the process of being completed. HEAVILY relying on this weekend to finish it. I wouldn't be as down bad if it wasn't for this wood boarder for my first piece. I needed wood cut to build a border and I needed to do it today. OF COURSE it's cut too short. Im not mad at anyone although this is cause for a slight spiral. I know I will get everything done in a timely matter. I always have and always will. What comes with this time crunch is my future selves problem. Best wishes to her LOL.
My next steps in the meantime is to paint the sides of the other pieces and finish this third painting. I need to get the wood recut and sized correctly in order to build the border.
This semester has given me the opportunity to research and study identity within ones routine. The process has allowed me to apply what I have learned into the real world and into the work I create. Through my series "Routines", I have demonstrated my understanding and perception of how one's identity can be portrayed and spectated through a routine or task that has been ingrained into their everyday life. I've studied a variety of settings from people who prioritize different areas of their life, such as self-image, self-care, and work. I searched for surfaces that created themselves by making a narrative through a candid still life. By observing inspirational artists, I've gained a broader understanding of how the concept of still life can be portrayed through color, perspective, and medium. These artists have guided me in my process and are an inspiration for future work of this nature. This process has taught me a lot about my medium, oil paint, as well as the people I studied and myself as an artist. I am successful in my work and studies from this semester and have enjoyed the entire process from researching, documenting, and creating.
The exhibitions reception was a great day, I got to show my friends and family my hard work from over the semester and celebrate my classmates in their accomplishments. I am proud of myself and everyone that participated in the show and it was a great way to end off the semester. Congratulations to myself for working so hard this semester and finishing off on a strong foot and congratulations to my classmates for working hard and pushing through the good and the bad. Now time to graduate!
Additional photos from the show
Future Plans
Since I am graduating, I will have all the time I need to explore art on my own terms. This semester has given me an abundance of inspiration and I am ready to dive head-first into trying new art forms. Currently, I don't have a specific plan regarding art. I will always want to do art and will always be a part of my life. I hope to get my work and my name into the world in order to find a targeted community. Im not sure I will be going about this in a traditional manner, through galleries and similar processes. I feel that there are a million ways to push myself into the art world and I just need to figure out what works best for me. I have an open mind to the future of my work and I am beyond excited to begin that process.