Lake County Educator of the Year Nominee
We are proud to announce Mrs. Patricia Rudd, Special Education Teacher at West Oak Middle School has been nominated to receive the award of Lake County Educator of the Year within the category of Diverse Learner Teacher. Mrs. Rudd exhibits our district’s motto daily in all that she does: Embrace, Empower, Excel and we are honored to have her represent the District 76 students, staff and community.
Teaching and Learning
As we enter the final month of the 21-22 school year, students in Grades K-8 will take the Star Reading and Math Assessments. The Star Reading and Math Assessments will gauge student’s reading and math growth and attainment. Star Student Reports will be sent home to parents and guardians at the end of the school year. The student reports will explain both student growth and grade level mastery. If you have any questions about your student’s growth or progress please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher and/or principal.
The BOE approved a 2-year contract extension with Lakeside Transportation at their April 5th meeting. Lakeside has been an excellent partner for Diamond Lake since the beginning of the contract and has had great communication, customer service, and has been able to explore various cost saving opportunities that have benefited the district.
As a reminder parents can sign up to use the Traversa Ride 360 app to access their child’s bus stop location, route, and pick up time. The app uses GPS geolocation to show bus arrivals each day. More information on how to sign up can be found here.
Student Fees
The BOE also approved the 2022-23 student fees at the April 5th meeting. Student fees will increase slightly over the 2021-22 school year. The fees are as follows:
All payments can be mailed to the district office at 26156 N. Acorn Lane, dropped off at your child’s school office, or paid online using the payment portal HERE.
Instructional Technology & Communications
Continuity of core services is a major priority for the Technology Department to ensure staff have optimal resources available to support teaching and learning at D76. Within our long range Technology Plan, we strategically plan and review resources ranging from devices through network infrastructure. This upcoming Summer we are pleased to share that our Technology Department will be issuing out new laptops for staff that are robust, cost effective and have a variety of capabilities to continue and enhance instruction. Staff laptops are essential not only for teaching instruction but for staff flexibility for planning and preparation purposes. We are excited to roll out new devices and our continued support of our D76Diamonds!
STUDENT services
For the 2022-23 School Year, D76 will be making enhancements to our preschool program by changing the name to the Little Diamonds Early Learning Program. The Little Diamonds Early Learning Program will be an opportunity for young learners to strengthen their social, emotional and language skills in a play-based environment. We will be hosting an informational parent meeting to share more about the program on May 4th at 6pm at Diamond Lake School. More information will also follow about registration and pre-screening.
- Monday, May 2 - Late Start for Students - 90 minutes
- Tuesday, May 3 - Board of Education Meeting 7 PM
- Wednesday, May 4 - Parent University 6:30 PM
- Tuesday, May 17 - PTO Meeting 6 PM
- Tuesday, May 17 - Board of Education Meeting 7 PM
- Thursday May 26 - 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
- Friday May 27 - Last Day of Student Attendance
- Monday, May 30 - Memorial Day Holiday
- Monday, June 6 - First Day of Summer Learning