A world free of high-risk roads.
We provide a free methodology, tools, training and support to governments, mobility clubs, development banks, road safety NGOs, industry, research institutions and academia in over 100 countries to help them make their roads safer.
Shared purpose, passionate people - We know the value of one life and we’re here to save thousands.
Honest and evidence-based - We draw on global evidence and best practice for life-saving solutions.
Shared goals, shared success - iRAP and 20,000 partners; sleeves rolled up, to save lives.
We get things done - No life is saved until a road is upgraded and we’ll go the extra mile until that is done.
We are family and friends.
We are innovative - We look to the future and opportunities to continuously improve. We listen and know that ideas to improve and innovate can come from everyone, everywhere. We create an environment and framework for innovation.
2021 saw the launch of the Global Plan for the 2nd Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 to halve global road deaths and injuries by 2030.
Safe road infrastructure is a key focus.
The Plan outlines how to achieve the 12 Global Road Safety Performance Targets including UN Targets 3 and 4 to ensure all new roads are built to a 3-star or better standard for all road users (Target 3), and more than 75% of travel is on the equivalent of 3-star or better roads for all road users by 2030 (Target 4).
iRAP is supporting partners and governments as they draw on the Global Plan to develop and implement their own national and local action plans to save lives and prevent serious injuries in their countries.
iRAP also launched its own Plan for the Decade focussed on Partnerships for 2030 Impact to achieve:
- 2,000,000+ people saved from death or injury
- 200,000+ km of roads worldwide made safer
- USD$200 billion of investment influenced to save lives
With the donor support of the FIA Foundation, the following is just a small snapshot of iRAP and its partners' activities and successes in 2021 delivering the charity's global approach and tools to eliminate high-risk roads. We applaud our partners' incredible passion and tireless work which has made a life-saving difference from the halls of power to safer roadsides in their communities. Enjoy!
A world where all children travel safely to and from school.
- 834 schools assessed
- 52 countries
- 100,000 children protected with 264 schools made safer
- USD$2.9 million invested in safer schools zones informed by SR4S
- 3,515 trained in use of the SR4S tool
Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) has been a global voice championing for child safety on streets with representation on the Cities for Children Global Alliance, Child Health Advocacy Hub for #StreetsforLife, and Unite2030.
Supporting Advocacy in Nigeria
Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust (KRSD Trust), with the support of iRAP and the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, has been working with Lea Primary School and community leaders in Nigeria to improve road safety at the school, informed by SR4S.
“A lot of children have died on this road. In a month, 4 crashes. We’ve been carrying children to hospital." Teacher Mrs Mildred G. Sarpiya
“We are assessing a road that is very dangerous. We are looking at achieving the minimum 3-star (safety rating). Using the tool has been a very good experience for us so we can see how to tackle the problem." - Project Leader Ayomide Akinpelu
Funding Global Impact through the FIA Club Network
~ €250,000 disbursed, 10 clubs ~
iRAP’s partnership with the FIA has seen the launch of the FIA School Assessment Toolkit. The 2021 FIA School Assessment Grants Programme has awarded €250,000 to 10 clubs to improve Star Ratings and safety of local schools in Croatia, Tanzania, Nigeria, Zambia, Uruguay, Uganda, Moldova, Colombia, Panama and Georgia.
Slow Zones, Safe Zones in Vietnam
Lead Partner AIP Foundation’s Slow Zones, Safe Zones Programme has upgraded 29 primary schools in Pleiku City, informed by SR4S, with a life-saving impact on the students, parents, teachers and the community that travel to and from school daily. It began with two pilot schools in August 2020 and an advocacy and partnership programme with the Government to set a new speed limit of 30-40km/h at city schools during drop-off and pick-up times. City funds were allocated to improve infrastructure at all schools in Pleiku. New pedestrian crossings and pavements, steel railings to separate footpaths and parking areas, and improved road signs marking speed limits and school zones are improving safety. As a scale-up of the programme, AIP Foundation has signed a national partnership framework with the Ministry of Transport for implementation nationwide. It confirms the government’s steadfast commitment to protecting children on the roads and making Pleiku City a model city for safe school zones across Vietnam.
See our whole year of Star Rating for Schools' partner impact at https://starratingforschools.org/latest-news/
A Star Rating for every road design to support Target 3
- Nearly 14,000km of road designs Star Rated
- 39 countries with designs made safer in Australia, Ghana, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Fiji, Mexico, Philippines, Uganda, Vietnam and Uzbekistan
- Free SR4D Web App, a world-first innovation made possible by the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility
- 22 trainings delivered
- A global voice championing for safer road design, training and software
Safety at heart of AVO urban road concession design, Chile
Designs for the Américo Vespucio Oriente I (AVO I) concession in Chile, one of the largest infrastructure projects in Latin America, were assessed using the iRAP Star Rating methodology prior to its commission in 2022. The project involves a complex system of tunnels, overpasses and multi-lane carriageways beneath and across Santiago and showed how engineering safety at the design stage can save lives, money and time.
Arup partnership for Outcome Led Design
Global design firm Arup, with 16,000 designers and staff working across 35 countries, has been using Star Rating for Designs to improve the safety of their road designs and their corporate strategy for Outcome Led Design. Hear from Chris Furneaux, Arup Associate Director on their experience:
See our whole year of Star Rating for Designs' partner impact at https://irap.org/star-rating-for-designs/
A Star Rating for every road on Earth every year.
“AiRAP has the potential to play a lead role in building the social and economic business case for safer roads and create the scale of change needed to save millions of lives.”
- Crowdsourcing the world’s best AI minds for a global solution
- 19 innovation partnerships with world-leading data agencies
- Pilot projects in Australia, USA, Europe, Brazil, Vietnam, Kenya and Ethiopia
- Accreditation of data to the iRAP global standard
- A global voice championing data innovation at agenda-setting events such as the launch of global “AI for Road Safety” Initiative hosted by the United Nations (UN) Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety and the UN Envoy on Technology; International Road Federation Annual Global Meeting on “Unleashing the Potential of Digitalisation in the Road Sector” and 2021 Innovation Workshop on “Data-Driven Innovation to Halve Road Fatalities and Injuries by 2030”.
- Featured in International Transport Forum (ITF) Global Report on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Proactive Road Infrastructure Safety Management.
Omdena iRAP Challenge
The iRAP-Omdena partnership brought 50 AI and machine learning experts together from around the world - aspiring students, data scientists, domain experts, and ML and data engineers – to crowdsource a solution for the accelerated and intelligent collection and coding of road attribute data (AiRAP) to prevent road crashes and save lives. The 8 Week Challenge results were shared in a range of publications.
Image credit: Lois Anne Leal, Science Research Specialist, Machine Learning Engineer and Certified TensorFlow Developer from the Philippines and Chaitree Sham Baradkar, Data Scientist at PharmaACE and Machine Learning Engineer at Omdena from Pune, India share iRAP-Omdena results “Using Convolutional Neural Networks To Improve Road Safety And Save Lives“.
Australian iMOVE project leads world on automated data capture for RAP assessments
The Australian iMOVE Project delivered 20,000km of road attribute data for the State road network in New South Wales using TomTom’s MN-R data, as well as proved feature extraction techniques and machine learning for LiDAR data. The initiative will ultimately open up existing and emerging data sources for network-level road safety assessments throughout Australia and worldwide.
Big data and youth voices unite for safer schools
An innovative pilot called AI & Me is using big data and AI to map pedestrian risk around 1,000 schools in Vietnam and develop an app to connect young voices with decision-makers for safer journeys. The 3-year project, supported by Fondation Botnar and co-funded by the FIA Foundation, in collaboration with AIP Foundation, iRAP and Anditi, is focussing on 3 cities. 106 priority schools will be assessed using the Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) application. A youth engagement app is being developed and piloted with 1,800 students aged 10-18 years to map where students feel unsafe and safe on their walk to school. Based on student feedback and SR4S results, and working closely with the schools, local government and students, 18 priority schools will be selected for infrastructure upgrades to reduce road risk. The project result will be a consolidated single mapping platform for use by students, schools and local government decision-makers to inform future investment and road safety initiatives for safer school journeys.
See our whole year of AiRAP partner impact at https://irap.org/project/ai-rap/
Capacity built in countries to assess and improve the safety of roads and a network of accredited suppliers to deliver iRAP projects to a consistently high standard globally in support of Target 3 and 4.
“When you educate one person you can change a life, when you educate many you can change the world.” Shai Reshef
- 47,000 people trained in 150 countries since 2005 (almost 13,500 people in 2021)
- Online and self-paced delivery supporting capacity building despite COVID restrictions
- 31 topics delivered in 16 languages
- 186 iRAP accredited individuals and 15 accredited inspection systems in 40 countries (additional 54 suppliers in last 12 months)
- 92 organisations with an iRAP accredited individual or system
“I have never gone through such detailed and easy to learn resources related to Road Infrastructure Safety. Thank you very much to you and your team for doing such excellent work to guide young people like me.” Priyank Trivedi, Civil and Infrastructure Engineer, India
World Bank and iRAP Webinar Series builds regional capacity
In 2020 and 2021, three "World Bank and iRAP Helping Save Lives" Webinar Series were held focussed on India, Latin America and Africa. The webinars boosted regional and global capacity for making roads safer. The 4-part Africa webinar series held in July 2021 received 1,160 registrations from 112 countries (57% from Africa).
Grants boost capacity of African and female engineers
Two grant schemes run this year, with the support of the FIA Foundation, focussed on building the capacity of low- and middle-income country (LMIC) road safety professionals in Africa and female engineers worldwide.
60 LMIC grantees from 24 African countries received complimentary access to iRAP courses for 12 months with eligibility to apply for accreditation.
The iRAP International Women in Engineering Day Grant Scheme supported female engineers from Nepal, Iraq, Brazil, India, Italy, Spain, Uganda, Namibia, Rwanda, Kenya, Poland, Vietnam, Romania, Jordan, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Tanzania and Bangladesh. 31 female grantees from 19 countries received complimentary Star Rating Essentials and Star Rating for Designs training.
“I have nothing but words of thanks for the grant opportunity. I applied with little hope, but was chosen! Thanks to the scholarship, I was able to study, and on top of that, gain accreditation. I hope this is just the beginning of many projects.” Yael Zaidenknop, Head of Tenders and Project Management Department, AUSA, Argentina.
Youth Master Trainers expand impact
The Youth Stars Master Trainers Programme delivered by YOURS and funded by FedEx, has trained 5 young road safety leaders as Star Rating for Schools Master Trainers. They have on-trained 24 Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety members to assess the safety of roads around schools, universities and other educational institutions. The programme is empowering youth to take road safety action for a brighter future. Hear what the Master Trainers said about their experience:
Innovation Workshop leads on Data Driven Innovation
The 2021 iRAP Innovation Workshop, held on 7 and 14 October, was co-hosted with the Regional Road Safety Observatories in Africa (ARSO), Asia-Pacific (APRSO), Ibero-America (OISEVI), Europe (ERSO), Western Balkans (WBRSO) and Eastern Partnership (EaP). The 2-part online event attracted 1,314 registrations from 124 countries and explored the theme “Data-Driven Innovation to Halve Road Fatalities and Injuries by 2030”.
iRAP Accredited Suppliers in Focus
iRAP Accredited Suppliers FRED Engineering and AFRY CZ are just 2 of 92 organisations worldwide with iRAP Accredited Individuals or Inspection Systems. FRED Engineering has undertaken nearly 12,000km of iRAP assessments in Mongolia, Philippines, Italy, Albania, India, Vietnam and Ethiopia.
AFRY supported the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute (KSRI), in partnership with Sweroad and iRAP, to undertake a landmark 6,000km assessment in Kazakhstan funded by the World Bank. 25 professionals were trained and the KSRI team are now progressing their own accreditation. Watch the project team in action on roads in Kazakhstan:
See all our iRAP Accredited Suppliers at https://irap.org/accreditation/ and training courses at https://irap.org/training/. Sign up to stay abreast of training and accreditation news here.
iRAP is the umbrella organisation for local road assessment programmes including:
Locally-owned and led Road Assessment Programmes and projects in countries.
- 10 self-sustaining road assessment programmes (RAPs)
- 20 EuroRAP national schemes
- 20,000 partners
- MDB Partnerships with the European Investment Bank (EIB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), World Bank, Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and African Development Bank (AfDB) to promote programmes and projects in countries
- 9 national workshops supported this year in Australia, Brazil, Russia, Tanzania, Uzbekistan, United Kingdom, Kenya, Zambia and Europe energising local stakeholders for coordinated national and regional action
- New RAPs shaping in Tanzania, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Tunisia, Morocco, Mexico, Bahrain and Nigeria
- Support for the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety 2020-25 (BIGRS) in 15 countries
- 107 iRAP projects supported in 2021
- 2 Coffee and Connect Workshops bringing together 130 RAP Leads from 64 countries for knowledge-sharing and mentorship
- 5-Star Global Connections Initiative and iRAP Connect Partner Management System leveraging powerful programme outcomes
“The work of iRAP will be critical to delivering on the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030.” Abdulla Shahid, President of the United Nations General Assembly
In Focus: BIGRS Partnership saving lives
iRAP is supporting the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) in Phase 3 of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) which runs from 2020 to 2025 in 15 countries. It builds on the success and impact of the RS10 phase (2010 – 2014) and the BIGRS phase 1 (2015 – 2019), which together saved up to an estimated 312,000 lives and prevented up to 11.5 million injuries. The programme aims to reduce road crash fatalities and injuries through road safety assessments, evidence-based improvements and capacity building. iRAP is supporting the initiative with quality assurance of road safety assessments, capacity building, update of the Road Safety Toolkit and by contributing to the development of the GRSF Speed Management Hub.
Ten Step Plan for Tanzania
Tanzania is the first country in the world to use the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) Ten Steps Approach for the development of safer road infrastructure. The Ten Step Project, jointly funded by the United Nations Road Safety Fund (UNRSF), World Bank Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) and UKAid, brings together the Government of Tanzania through the Ministry of Works, TANROADS and TARURA, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), World Bank, International Road Federation (IRF), World Road Association (PIARC), iRAP, Tanzania Road Federation (TARA), research institutions, NGOs and industry stakeholders. The project will build on existing assessments of 11,315 km of roads and designs, and 2 schools, which have influenced the safety of over US$1 billion of road infrastructure investment.
BrazilRAP: 5-Star RAP Performer
Led by the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT), BrazilRAP has achieved inspirational safer roads, policy and capacity building success. Accomplishments include a 62,000km iRAP assessment of federal roads, hosting of the 2nd Annual BrazilRAP Webinar for stakeholders to share outcomes and future priorities, training of 2,100 people in local events and a Rodovias and Vias magazine partnership promoting programme success.
A range of policy achievements have been celebrated including the inclusion of iRAP as a safety metric on multiple concessions, the Ministry of Infrastructure of Brazil (MInfra) and the Brazilian Association of Road Concessionaires (ABCR) signing of an agreement that includes the 10 priorities for the transport sector, one of which is the Regulatory framework of iRAP, and a policy KPI for the State of Parana for all highways to be 3-star or better by 2030.
Local Programme, Global Model
IndiaRAP, hosted by the Asian Institute of Transport Development (AITD), supported by local government, industry, NGO and development partners including the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility as part of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety, have assessed 28,136km of roads and designs, and 82 schools in 14 states. A recent National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) Star Rating Project has conducted 2,400km of road safety assessments across 3 states. US$4.4 billion of road infrastructure investment has been made safer and nearly 8,000 people have been trained in local events.
With its development sponsored by FedEx, IndiaRAP is a model for corporate partnerships that will deliver improved road safety in India with success shared globally.
Supporting RISM and transnational projects for impact on scale
20 EuroRAP national schemes have established national champions to support countries in implementing safer roads and the Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM) Directive. Three major transnational projects - RADAR, SLAIN and SABRINA - have brought partners and countries together with impressive outcomes.
RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads) Road Safety Improvement Strategy
The €2.15 million 3-year RADAR Project concluded this year and aimed to improve road infrastructure safety across 12 countries in the Danube region, support environmentally-friendly and safe transport systems and promote balanced accessibility of urban and rural areas. The project identified risk on road networks and produced evidence-based safer roads investment plans. Training and transnational cooperation activities ensured road safety stakeholders in the Danube learnt from the best and each other.
SLAIN (Saving Lives Assessing and Improving TEN-T Road Network Safety)
More than 40 case studies, a brochure, newsletter and webinar shared the results of Project SLAIN in 2021. SLAIN triggered EUR 1.87 million in funding for work over 2 years in 4 European countries of Croatia, Greece, Italy and Spain. The project is extending the skills and knowledge of partners performing network-wide road assessments and will include the production of 8,000km of Risk Maps and 4,000km of Star Rating and Safer Road Investment Plans, technical analyses of the entire TEN-T network, and production of a library of case studies. Additional planned activities include a 2,000km survey of the quality of road markings, consultation on the definition of an effective vertical sign for automated vehicles and a review of crash analysis requirements for highly-automated vehicles.
SABRINA (Safer Bicycle Routes in Danube Area)
The 2.5-year €2.08 million SABRINA Project runs until the end of 2022 in the framework of Danube Transnational Programme (Interreg), co-funded by the European Union Funds (ERDF, ENI). Crossing 9 countries, it is tackling cycling infrastructure safety issues on existing, planned and missing cycling corridors. Approximately 5,000km of bicycle routes will be inspected and national stakeholders trained to improve bicycle infrastructure safety in the region.
Join the SABRINA team on their Project Cycling Tour across 9 countries:
5-Star Global Connections: A Partner Management System and Portal helping to save lives in India and beyond
iRAP’s novel 5-Star Global Connections Initiative, sponsored by FedEx, is unlocking the power of the charity's partnerships and knowledge across the world to support the more than 100 countries who have their own RAP programme and project activity. The initiative has supported the development of iRAP Connect, a 5-Star Global Connections Strategy piloted in India, and the pilot of a Partner Portal this year. Microsoft Partner NTT profiled iRAP Connect, the charity's Partner Management System, in their suite of ‘Technology for Good’ case studies this year alongside global innovations to unlock the mysteries of the universe, deliver rapid COVID response and track illegal poaching in Africa… to name just a few!
Existing roads upgraded to 3-star or better standard and national policies to govern the design and implementation of safer roads.
- USD$80 billion of investment made safer in 62 countries informed by iRAP assessments
- Star Rating Certification Programme piloted helping to celebrate 3-star or better road upgrades
- 59 policies published with iRAP metrics guiding road infrastructure safety in National Road Safety Strategies, Action Plans and Project Specifications.
Indonesian toll roads awarded iRAP Certification
PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk was awarded iRAP Certification for its Jagorawi and Cipularang Toll Roads in Indonesia which achieved the target 3-star or better safety rating for vehicle occupants.
Vietnam’s 2030 Strategy targets 3-star or better
Vietnam's National Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 includes 3-star or better targets for new and existing roads, in line with UN Global Road Safety Performance Targets 3 and 4. Approved by the Prime Minister, it sets the target for 100% of newly built national highways and provincial roads to be grade III or higher and 75% of the total length of the national highway network to reach 3 stars or more according to the standards of iRAP. It is an example for all countries to follow.
IDB's ongoing Pacific Corridor focus in Latin America
Ten years after its first safety analysis, iRAP has supported an Inter-American Development Bank reassessment of Central America’s Pacific Corridor connecting 7 countries, with the potential to save 65,000 lives. The Pacific Corridor is the most important land route in Central America traversing 3,241km across Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. After its first iRAP assessment, IDB invested around USD$1.76 billion from 2010-2020 to carry out 30 logistics and road infrastructure operations. The new project, iRAP Pacific Corridor 2.0, has assessed the safety of 2,153km from Guatemala to Panama, to obtain a new Star Rating. With the identification of high-risk road sections, new Safer Roads Investment Plans will guide future upgrades to reduce road deaths and serious injuries.
Australian Government $2 Billion Investment in Regional Roads
Encouraged by AusRAP partners and as part of COVID19 stimulus spending, the Australian Government is investing AUD$2 billion over 18 months under a new Road Safety Programme to deliver an estimated 3,000 km of life saving road improvements and support thousands of jobs. Upgrades to improve the Star Rating of regional roads are expected to include shoulder sealing and audio tactile line marking, centre line treatments, and barriers to protect against roadside hazards. In urban areas, projects will focus on greater protection and separation for vulnerable road users including pedestrians and cyclists. The investment, which includes targets for 3-star or better performance, will provide an estimated 35% reduction in fatal and serious injuries.
A global problem requires a global solution.
To bring world experts together to harness the power of innovation and partnerships to eliminate high-risk roads.
- A framework to govern innovation
- 17 Innovation Partnerships with more than 60 global partners
- iRAP Centres of Excellence in 11 countries ensuring latest research informs practice
- Global Technical and Policy Advisory Committees providing independent evidence-based input direct to the iRAP Board
RAPTools for every country on Earth
RAPTools was released highlighting the range of iRAP and partner tools available across the world that use the iRAP Methodology for trauma estimation, crash data analysis, infrastructure ratings, investment and design planning, network scanning, performance tracking and policy management. RAPTools brings clarity to what tool can be used, when and where, to support implementation of the Global Plan.
A Pedestrian Model Review Informed by Latest Global Research
In line with the new Decade of Action and this year's UN Road Safety Week focus on 30km/h on streets where people and traffic mix, iRAP, together with our Global Technical Committee and specialist experts, commenced a review of the iRAP model with a particular focus on speed risk factors for all road users and infrastructure risk factors, particularly for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Innovation for Safer Cycling
Building on the existing bicycle Star Rating model, CycleRAP is an easy, affordable and fast method of evaluating bicycling and light mobility road infrastructure for safety, without the need for crash data. It will power software tools used for pinpointing and mapping where crashes are likely to occur and inform countermeasures to improve safety. Based on outcomes of early trials in The Netherlands, a second generation of the model is now being developed for global application under the guidance of an expert CycleRAP Advisory Group. It is being piloted in trials on Eurovelo routes in the European Danube region as part of Project SABRINA.
Impact Investment Solutions
iRAP is working with the World Bank, International Finance Corporation (IFC), FIA High Level Panel for Road Safety and investment partners to explore innovative private sector and results-based financing solutions to mobilise sustainable investment in safer roads. Case studies in Brazil and a partnership with Australia's Transport Accident Commission (TAC) for the iRAP Road Injury Dashboard have provided unique insights into the potential savings and life-time claim costs associated with road trauma to inform necessary action.
High-Level Input to Activities and Growth
iRAP's Global Policy Advisory Committee (GPAC) reports to the iRAP Board on strategic issues that may impact development of the charity and achievement of our vision. GPAC includes representatives of organisations operating at the highest level of global road safety including World Bank, Asian Development Bank, World Resources Institute, Transport Research Board, UNECA, UNECE, International Transport Forum, PIARC, European Investment Bank, International Road Federation, FIA Foundation and African Development Bank.
For more information on iRAP's Innovation Framework and Partnerships, visit irap.org/innovation/
To work in partnership with our RAP Community to advocate for safer roads and celebrate and multiply success.
- 80 advocacy event presentations worldwide
- Global road safety campaigns supported for the 6th UN Global Road Safety Week, Launch of the Global Plan and World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
- Sharing the great work of our partners, in 2021, iRAP Communications achieved:
UN Global Road Safety Week Partnerships take #Love30 messaging global
iRAP partnerships with NACTO-GDCI, Vision Zero Sergek and the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety to produce animations and videos for UN Global Road Safety Week saw #Love30 messaging reach over 227,000 people online in 2 weeks. Additional language releases of the iRAP Star Ratings of NACTO-GDCI’s Global Street Design and 3 street scene animations promoted how reduced speeds protect road users and enable healthy, more sustainable choices such as walking and cycling.
10 videos featuring Alliance NGOs from Iran, Zambia, Venezuela and Philippines shared community voices calling for #StreetsforLife.
The animations and videos have been viewed more than 18,000 times.
HOWZAT! A win for England cricketing legends and safer roads awareness
iRAP and the Road Safety Foundation (RSF) were road safety partners of the 2021 Road Safety World Series raising awareness to the importance of eliminating high-risk roads to save lives. The partnership saw iRAP and RSF's logos featured on the England Legends helmets and uniforms, reaching 1.2 billion cricket fans around the globe as the Series screened from India.
A Voice for Safer Roads at Key Global Forums
Supporting Event for the High-Level Meeting on Road Safety
On 3 December, Heads of UN Member States and Parliamentarians gathered in New York to discuss the critical domestic and international financing needs of the 2nd Decade of Action for Road Safety and how government and NGOs can ensure it is a decade of delivery and results. Presenting alongside United Nations General Assembly President Abdulla Shahid, UN Special Envoy for Road Safety Jean Todt and Global Ambassador for the Child Health Initiative Zoleka Mandela (amongst others), iRAP presented on the critical work of NGOs. Organisations like iRAP and Global Alliance for Road Safety NGO members provide passion and purpose for road safety action; a push and evidence-based products to support the business case for investment; and emphasise the need for long-term partnerships to maximise the life-saving potential of their work.
2nd UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference
iRAP ensured road infrastructure's important role in sustainable transport was profiled at the 2nd UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference in Beijing in October. The Conference attracted 7 Heads of State, 50 Ministers, more than 500 in-person delegates and thousands more virtually from 171 countries of the world. iRAP presented alongside Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization and Jean Todt, UN Special Envoy for Road Safety in the conference main. In addition, the UN Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC), International Road Federation (IRF) and iRAP co-hosted a side event on "Halving Road Deaths and Injuries by 2030 – The UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030”.
Supporting road safety prioritisation in the media
In partnership with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), iRAP supported the training of 50 journalists to promote road safety in the media and Second Decade of Action efforts to halve global road deaths and injuries by 2030.
A Message from iRAP's CEO
Our charity’s 2021 success would not be possible without the generous donor support of the FIA Foundation and our 5-star team who work with passion every day to create a world free of high-risk roads. Our many development partners including the EIB, ADB, IDB and World Bank Global Road Safety Facility and corporate partners including FedEx and 3M amongst others are key to our shared impact as a charity. With over 20,000 partners worldwide we are truly mobilising the Partnerships for 2030 Impact where we all hope to stand together and celebrate a halving of road deaths and injuries by the end of the Decade.
Looking forwards we can save more than 450,000 lives a year by achieving more than 75% of travel on 3-star or better roads for all road users by 2030. Together we can make that happen with our priority initiatives including:
- AiRAP – to scale the availability of road infrastructure data worldwide
- Star Ratings for Designs – to ensure safe roads, right from the start
- Star Rating for Schools – for a world where children travel safely to and from school
- Impact Investment – to mobilise the financing to unlock the win-win-win benefits of safer roads that save lives, save money and create jobs
Every life matters, and we welcome new partnerships to scale our life-saving impact as a charity. Together we will work to achieve safe journeys for all road users aligned with important global agendas focussed on road safety, child health, climate, transport, gender and urban mobility.
We will not rest until we do.
To sign up for more iRAP News, click here.
The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a registered charity dedicated to preventing the more than 3,500 road deaths that occur every day worldwide. iRAP partners with governments, mobility clubs, development banks, research institutes and road safety NGOs in over 100 countries to provide the methodology, tools and training to make roads safe.
iRAP is the umbrella organisation for regional RAP programmes including:
Our activities are supported by:
See the digital story of iRAP's impact in the First Decade of Action for Road Safety here.
2021 Annual Report main digital story image credits: Jakarta traffic scene, Shutterstock; African children walking on road, Shutterstock; Traffic India, Dreamstime; African school children, Jake Brewer, Flickr; Crosswalk Bangkok, Dreamstime; Iran children, Road Safety Pioneers; Nigerian school children, Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand Trust; Children on crosswalk, iStock; Phan Dang Luu School Vietnam, AIP Foundation; AVO Chile images, SCAVO; Evening traffic, Pexels; Sydney white lights traffic blur, Pixabay Patty Jansen; Nguyen Luong Bang, AIP Foundation; Colombia training, iRAP; Arusha Tanzania, Dreamstime; Pedestrians on crossing Shibuya Japan, Dreamstime; RAPs representatives, iRAP; Burma cyclists, Shutterstock; Kenyan family crossing road, Shutterstock; Brazil highway, Shutterstock; India traffic jam, Dreamstime; Man and woman riding bike, Pexels Photomix; Urban scene India, Dreamstime; Queensland Bruce Highway, Shutterstock; Laos village, Dreamstime; Straight road, Karsten Wurth; Kangaroo crossing, Pexels Sabel Blanco; Lightbulb in hands, Pexels Anete Lusina; Love 30 image, Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety; Children crossing road Canada, Dreamstime.