We started off with an amazing time of worship followed by Edwin explaining a bit about what the next few days had in store...
We all got a chance to introduce ourselves.
We also addressed Educational Wounding and were able to tell some of our personal stories.
We also heard from Tom Bloomer on the difference between Transactional and Transformational Leadership, watch the video below...
It was very powerful to process this together with Leaders from across YWAM in the LTS.
We learned about Extension Studies, Core Courses, How to register new schools with the UofN App, Introduced the new Academic Affairs Team, learned about Formal, Non-Formal and Informal learning and so much more...
We spent more time in worship, honouring family and praying for one another.
We had much discussion around the tables to process the learning and rich conversation.
Faby led us in a panel discussion around Team-Based Leadership with some of the Core Team answering questions.
Finally, we did the commissioning for the Uniquip, where we recognised that this was "my University" and we could nail some things down with God, in three crosses, "New things we learned", "Old things that need to die", and finally, "Things we are trusting God to resurrect".
After that we drew our faces on the bus, as we each belong in this educational adventure with the University of the Nations as we follow God into our YWAM journey to the nations we serve!
Thank you to YWAM San Jose, Costa Rica for hosting the Uniquip and the LTS!