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20 Years of Making Waves for Texas’ Water & Environment Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Report | The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment


2022 marks the 20th Anniversary of The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment – 20 years of connecting children and people of all ages to the natural resources that nourish and sustain; 20 years of providing communities with research and tools to plan for uncertainty and build resilience; 20 years of restoring iconic Texas rivers and building science to inform policies that support their long-term protection.

Anniversaries are a time to celebrate achievements, big and small, but also an opportunity to examine how we have navigated the challenges along the way. Please enjoy this commemorative report as we acknowledge the good work and the good people that make the Meadows Center a truly special place and the impact we have made with the support of our donors and friends.

While we are proud of our achievements in 2022 and over our 20-year journey, there is much more to be done to ensure abundant water for the environment and all humanity. We are committed to making even bigger waves for Texas water as we—with your help—face some of the greatest challenges yet.

A Message From Our Executive Director

When my grandparents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, it was quite the shindig. Family, extended family, and friends flew into Chicago from across the country to honor their partnership. My grandparents met during World War II when he was in the Army and she was in the Women’s Army Corp. Thankfully, he came back from Europe after stints at the Battle of the Bulge and Patton’s march on Germany and married my grandmother. As he proudly viewed the swirling mayhem of his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, he leaned over to me and whispered, “See what a little kiss did?”

The spark for the Meadows Center was a little conversation between Andy Sansom, then executive director of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and Jerome Supple, then president of Southwest Texas State University (now Texas State University), after a legislative budget hearing in 2001. With support from The Meadows Foundation and the Houston Endowment, Andy and the University established the International Institute for Sustainable Water Resources in January 2002 as a leadership initiative to coordinate and further university-wide efforts in the field of aquatic resource management. In 2005, the University renamed the institute the River Systems Institute to reflect a focus on river systems. A generous gift from The Meadows Foundation in August 2012 welcomed a name change—The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment—and an expanded focus on all aspects of water and the environment.

Twenty years in, we have hosted more than 1.3 million visitors to Spring Lake (since 2006), including more than 450,000 students; trained more than 11,500 citizen scientists as part of the Texas Stream Team; trained more than 1,700 volunteer divers to maintain spring habitat; removed more than 140,000 square feet of non-native plants and planted more than 180,000 square feet of native plants in San Marcos Springs and San Marcos River; and supported more than 1,100 students through research and education projects. The Center has hosted numerous conferences and meetings, published numerous reports, and worked at the forefront of numerous issues, including environmental flows, climate change, flooding, groundwater sustainability, and water conservation, among others. Andy could easily lean over and whisper in my ear, “See what a little conversation did?”

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary as a research center and our 10th anniversary as the Meadows Center, it’s also important to look forward, because our work is not done. In fact, with ever-increasing growth and climate change, you could argue that our work is just beginning, its importance amplified with each new subdivision and each upward tick in temperature. With the continued support of our talented team, inspiring students, and conscientious funders, we will continue to support educating the public, understanding our water and our environment, and informing decisionmakers on water-sensitive and environment-sensitive options for meeting the state’s needs while keeping Texas, Texas. And we will do this in our backyard—the Hill Country, across Texas, and the world.

Your friend in water and the environment,

Dr. Robert E. Mace

Our Misson

The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment is committed to inspiring research, innovation and leadership that ensures clean, abundant water for the environment and all humanity.

Our Pillars

The Meadows Center fulfills its mission by integrating activities across four pillars of action: research, leadership, education, and stewardship. Our work in each of these pillars begins at Spring Lake – one of the largest artesian springs in the world – and ripples outward across Texas and beyond.

Our Pillars

Fiscal Year 2022 By the Numbers

20 Years By the Numbers

Then & Now: Research

Research has always been central to our mission and informs our education and stewardship programs. This brief history offers a glimpse into some of the milestones of the Meadows Center’s research.

A Vision For Holistic River Management – The International Institute for Sustainable Water Resources

With the spring-fed San Marcos River born and running through the heart of its campus, Texas State University was always well-positioned to become the leading academic authority and resource on water issues in Texas and beyond.

In the early 2000s, in the midst of a severe drought, it became apparent that Texas’ water policies were not up to the task of addressing the state’s water needs. Science was needed to identify management solutions and the various university-led water institutes in existence at that time focused on the engineering and technological aspects of water resources. There was a clear need for an academic institution to deliver science and solutions to address the crucial environmental, social, and political elements of water issues.

In January 2002, the Houston Endowment Inc. provided the seed funding to establish the International Institute for Sustainable Water Resources (Water Resources Institute) and Dr. Andrew Sansom, one of Texas’ foremost and most beloved conservationists, was selected to lead the endeavor.

The Water Resources Institute was unique in its devotion to comprehensive, integrated water resource management. Its research was rooted in a solutions-driven approach to address real-world issues and inform science-based solutions from which decisionmakers could make choices.

The Institute was small by design, with only two full-time staff in its infancy, and functioned as a connector and hub for university-wide efforts in water management. With the startup funding from the Houston Endowment Inc., the Institute began developing integrated watershed management models in the Rio Grande, Colorado, and Guadalupe river basins, pulling expertise from Texas State’s Geography, Biology, and Political Science Departments to create models that provided guidance for achieving sustainable freshwater resources and addressed dispute resolution for water rights issues.

A Foundation of Research - The River Systems Institute

In 2005, the Institute was renamed the River Systems Institute to establish a unique niche for the program and reflect a sharpened emphasis on its research of river systems. Over the next seven years, the Rivers System Institute built on its reputation of connecting decisionmakers with Texas State researchers ready to contribute to solving real-world water problems and entered into a wide variety of projects with major state, federal, and international players in natural resource management.

With the addition of Dr. Thomas Hardy, an internationally recognized leader in ecohydraulics and river system modeling, during a period of substantive state-wide work on instream flows, the River Systems Institute became a known authority on environmental flows and the fragile habitats of our rivers, bays, and estuaries. With funded research growing to 1.5 million, the addition of resident scientists enhanced a growing reputation and built the university’s scientific capacity in the water arena. Between 2005 and 2012, the Institute’s team grew from five to 17 full-time positions.

The River Systems Institute received a million-dollar legislative appropriation in 2009 to launch the San Marcos River Observing System. The results of this research established a long-term monitoring program as well as a comprehensive management plan for Spring Lake and the San Marcos River.

Research + Education + Stewardship + Leadership - The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment

2012 brought yet another name change, but this time it would stick. The Meadows Foundation contributed a transformational $5 million gift to Texas State, endowing the Institute and enabling an expansion of research into water conservation, environmental flows, watershed protection, and environmental education.

The Meadows Foundation’s gift supported the recruitment of several key leadership positions to realize this expanded vision, including the initial hiring of Dr. Robert E. Mace, former deputy executive administrator of the Texas Water Development Board, who was selected to serve as Chief Water Policy Officer in 2017 (and later Executive Director in 2019). With his experience in state government, Dr. Mace brought intricate knowledge of how science can be effectively used in the policy world.

The new Meadows Center brand would be the key to achieving the research and education vision for the former theme park known as Aquarena in a program called Spring Lake Education and provide the opportunity to stitch the decades-old citizen science expertise of the Texas Stream Team with the years of in-house river conservation expertise in a program called Watershed Services.

What’s NEXT for Research?

Today, the Meadows Center continues to make waves across the Lone Star State. Our team has grown from two to 28 full-time staff who carry out our founder’s mission of leading research that bridges the gap between academia, non-profit organizations, and policymakers. And after two decades, the Center’s role is more important now than ever as rapid population growth, land development, and climate change are intensifying stresses on water and the environment.

Thanks to a generous starting gift from the Meadows Foundation, we have embarked on an ambitious, multi-year effort to prepare Texas for climate change’s effects on water resources through education, applied science, and policy analysis. Bolstered this year by a $2 million congressional appropriation to develop climate change models aimed at analyzing the impact on surface water and groundwater at the local level, this work will enable us to provide a policy roadmap for individual stakeholders, communities, and public officials to prepare Texas for challenges related to water resources, the environment, and the economy.

Like life on Earth, the Meadows Center’s research constantly evolves. We are studying the connection between groundwater and surface water, facilitating stakeholder committees to advance our knowledge of freshwater systems in countless communities, and leading One Water projects across the state. And, while our reach has expanded far beyond the role of academic hub – now making waves in environmental education, citizen science, local community planning, groundwater sustainability, our brand is the same. Past, present, future, and from whatever source – water is what we do.

Rep. Lloyd Doggett joined Dr. Robert Mace to unveil the details of the Meadows Center’s climate change study at a press conference held at Spring Lake in June 2022.

Then & Now: Education

In 1994, Texas State University became the steward of one of the most unique ecosystems in the world when it purchased the Aquarena Springs resort and theme park. The 90-acre (and $7 million) acquisition of the beautiful, ecologically fragile San Marcos Springs opened endless possibilities for the University and started a multi-decadal effort to move the resort facilities in an educational and environmental direction.

From Historic Resort to Premier Environmental Programming

After a couple of years of trying to continue the park operations with this new emphasis, and a couple of million dollars sunk in the endeavor, the university began the true transformation of the property from a commercial-use theme park to an educational and research facility. While the glass-bottom boats would remain in operation, the dancing mermaid shows and theme park-like rides were eliminated.

Initially designated as Aquarena Center under the Office of Continuing Education, the Center became the first designated field station in Texas (making it eligible to receive National Science Foundation funding) and added educational public programming, including seven different interpreter-led tours – from bird watching and botanical tours to the infamous glass-bottom boat tours. The Center also joined the Texas Education Agency's Environmental Education Advisory Committee, and tours were customized to meet specific grade levels and classroom learning goals, including the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (known as TEKS).

In 1998, the University entered into an agreement with Texas Parks and Wildlife to transform historic Spring Lake Hall into a multi-million dollar education facility that incorporated meeting rooms, laboratories, and conference facilities to be named the Texas Rivers Center. Completed in 2006, this renovation removed many of the former resort's remaining buildings, roads, and parking lots and converted the former Aquarena Springs Inn into administrative offices, classrooms, interpretive exhibits, and a gift shop. By completion, more than 100,000 square feet of impervious cover had been removed and replaced with vegetation moving the site closer to ecological restoration.

The Texas Rivers Center became a showcase for the San Marcos Springs, but this time not for the kitschy theme park attractions – visitors were coming from all over the world to make a connection with the critical role that the water plays in their lives.

Aerial view of Spring Lake in 1969 (left) and 2018 (right).

Despite all of the other changes, there was still no better way to experience the wonder of the San Marcos Springs than by touring them on the historic fleet of glass-bottom boats that have characterized Spring Lake for over 60 years. And with the support of the family of the original 1928 resort’s founder, A.B. Rogers, Texas State created a permanent maintenance endowment in 2009 in hopes of keeping the glass-bottom boats in operation for generations to come.

(Left) One of the first glass-bottom boats in operation at Aquarena Springs in 1946. (Right) Ribbon cutting held in 2018 to welcome restored boat #1963 back to Spring Lake.

Under the leadership of the River Systems Institute, the Center received over 75,000 annual visitors, with roughly 22,000 of those being school children on field trips. And programming expanded to include weekend kid programs, senior tours, and Girl and Boy Scout merit badge programs to serve the diversity of individuals in the local community. After 16 years of devoted commitment from the staff, the rebranded educational destination finally turned its first profit. Boat ticket sales and community support still provide the funding that keeps the boats running and the educational programming available to our community.

Under the banner of the Meadows Center, Spring Lake became the first informal education center to be named a Texas Aquatic Science Certified Field Site by Texas Parks and Wildlife. The education team also launched a new teacher program to give educators the tools and training to incorporate more environmental education in the classroom. Teachers can now earn Texas Environmental Education Advisory Committee professional development credit while their students are on a field trip at Spring Lake.

In 2017, Dr. Rob Dussler’s selection as the Chief Education Officer ushered in a new era and direction for the Center's education programs that emphasizes immersive programs (like snorkeling, kayaking, and paddleboarding) and research related to education, interpretation, mindfulness, and nature connection.

In 2020, recognizing that the state had not yet incorporated climate change science in the state curriculum, the Meadows Center began to expand the impact of its expertise in environmental curriculum development and teacher training by creating TEKS-aligned content related to climate change.

We are proud to continue the legacy of this special site and continue to create lasting memories and connections to nature for the 35,000+ Texas children who visit each year.

What's NEXT for Education?

As the Meadows Center enters its next decade, we have big plans for our educational programming to keep them relevant and impactful.

Onsite, we continue to work toward an inclusive learning environment that meets the needs of all people who visit our site through the "Spring Lake: Access for All" initiative. With support from partners like H-E-B, we are taking steps to make our site fully accessible in the next four years.

And while connecting students with nature at Spring Lake will always be central to our work, the pandemic taught us that we can also strengthen students' connection to the outdoors through distance learning.

Innovations in distance learning are enabling us to reach students who might never have the opportunity to visit Spring Lake due to economic or geographic barriers. We have created a virtual reality educational experience that allows adults and children to explore the underwater realms of Spring Lake in a 360-degree virtual platform. Participants can interact with the lake and its species to augment their learning and understanding.

Dr. Robert Mace demos Spring Lake virtual reality experience.

We will be working harder than ever to expand our reach far beyond Spring Lake and are committed to starting the climate change conversation in Texas schools. Our new TEKS-aligned educational field trip called the Climate Explorers' Program teaches students how to be solution-based in their thinking about environmental stewardship. And our new educator resource hub assists educators in their climate change educational efforts and interests. Future initiatives include teacher workshops and professional development opportunities for educators to increase their skills in incorporating climate change into curricula and environmental interpretive programs across the state.

Why I Give

Melissa J. Hyatt, Headwaters Fund Donor
I have been at Texas State for 37 years and have watched how the Meadows Center has evolved. I am extremely grateful for the important work they do to preserve Spring Lake. Equally as important is the education they provide to the public about one of our most important resources - water. One of my most favorite traditions is taking a glass-bottom boat ride. It reminds me of how important it is to protect this area and how changes here can literally have downstream effects. I am thrilled to be able to contribute to this wonderful Center.

Then & Now: Stewardship

The San Marcos Springs is one of the largest freshwater springs systems in the state. As the entrusted stewards, the Meadows Center ensures Texas State University fulfills its commitment as guardian of Spring Lake by carefully managing and maintaining its healthy ecosystems.

Securing San Marcos Spring Flows and River Ecology

Thanks to forward-thinking individuals and decades of work that resulted in the 2013 Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan, the use of the aquifer that feeds these springs is now being managed to keep the springs flowing and the unique species here thriving in perpetuity. This monumental achievement, however, was preceded by decades of uncertainty for the springs – and even the extinction of at least one of the unique species of Spring Lake.

Meadows Center leadership worked alongside policy-makers to help pass Senate Bill 3 in the closing hours of the 80th Texas Legislative Session (2007). The result was that all Edwards Aquifer stakeholders were mandated to participate in the creation of a federally-approved Habitat Conservation Plan for the Comal and San Marcos Springs. The new legislation also tasked the Meadows Center to assist in forming an expert science subcommittee to analyze species requirements related to spring discharge rates and aquifer levels. Our Chief Science Officer was selected to direct the subcommittee in leading research to determine measures to protect flow at Comal and the San Marcos Springs.

Dr. Hardy’s research led the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission to designate a two-mile segment of the Upper San Marcos River as a State Scientific Area in 2011 to address recreational impacts on the endangered Texas wild-rice. The designation made it unlawful to uproot the Texas Wild-rice. It also allowed for the creation of restricted areas when the river’s streamflow falls below 120 cubic feet per second to temporarily limit access to areas where Texas wild-rice was present. Today, the City of San Marcos and Texas State frequently use this designation as a tool to achieve species protection while balancing the needs of recreational users.

The Habitat Field Crew

Implementing the Habitat Conservation Plan is more than managing water use and springflows. The health of the species and their habitats is also dependent on the management of the recreational activities, impacts from development, and competing/invasive species that affect the San Marcos Springs and River. So, 2013 also marks the birth of the Meadows Center’s Habitat Field Crew. Led by Research Associate and Fish Biologist, Tom Heard, this team of highly skilled biologist divers works directly with the City of San Marcos to rehabilitate aquatic habitats and conduct research to strengthen conservation efforts in Spring Lake and the San Marcos River.

Aquatic habitat restoration is a tough job, especially in crystal-clear waters and consistent temperatures that allow for abundant (often invasive) aquatic growth. Our Habitat Field Crew continuously monitors Spring Lake and the San Marcos River for non-native and native plants. Non-native species are removed by hand and sent to composting, while native aquatic plants are grown on campus to be replanted in the river.

Over the past 10 years, the Habitat Field Crew's efforts have nearly doubled the endangered Texas wild-rice distribution – increasing areal coverage from 5,019 square meters in 2013 to 14,747 square meters in 2021. Texas wild-rice is only found in the San Marcos River, so it's important to have larger distributions to ensure its survival.

Texas wild-rice growing in the Texas State raceways.

The crew has also significantly reduced the presence of invasive species in the river. Most notably, our efforts have led to an 80 percent removal of Hydrilla, one of the world's worst aquatic invasive plants! Hydrilla is the primary invasive species in the San Marcos River and can persist for years following the initial removal due to the reproductive capabilities of its root structure. This requires our scuba divers to routinely perform extensive searches of the river to prevent Hydrilla from re-establishing.

Habitat Field Crew staff and volunteers pose after an invasive removal workday on the San Marcos River.

The Habitat Field Crew also assists faculty and staff from Texas State University and other institutions on research projects that require aquatic fieldwork. Recent projects have included scuba dives to conduct mark-recapture population surveys on the big claw river prawn and tagging suckermouth armored catfish to track population movements and quantify habitat associations. In the past, we have worked alongside San Marcos Aquatic Resources Center on annual Texas wild-rice surveys, performed visual surveys to estimate endangered fountain darter populations, and identified macroinvertebrates collected to assess the ecological health of the San Marcos River. These nimble field biologists have also collaborated with organizations on projects involving the use of unmanned aerial vehicles to gather aerial imagery across many parts of Texas, including surveys of bird populations along the Texas Coast and desert lizard habitat in the Permian Basin.

Scuba divers deploying passive tracking equipment to study movement patterns of suckermouth armored catfish.

What's NEXT for the Habitat Field Crew?

Initially created to implement the Habitat Conservation Plan, the Habitat Field Crew’s success has attracted additional partners looking to capitalize on their expertise and almost daily presence in the river. The San Marcos Lions Club has partnered with the team to collect litter from under the water's surface while performing their regular invasive plant management scuba dives – a huge benefit to a community that brings in thousands of visitors to recreate in its waters.

It's difficult to imagine the protection of the San Marcos River without this dedicated crew working every day to clean the river. The Habitat Field Crew represents conservation at its finest, and perhaps no other work we do reflects the visible contrast of a “then” before the Meadows Center and “now” with the Habitat Field Crew stewarding the river we call home.

Then & Now: AquaCorps

SCUBA for Stewardship

Scuba diving in Spring Lake, for any reason, is complicated by the delicate nature of the environment. Declared a "Critical Habitat" for endangered species in 1980, the federal Endangered Species Act governs activity in Spring Lake. The lake is also a registered Archaeological site, governed by the Texas Antiquities Law. Consequently, there is no recreational diving in Spring Lake.

Despite these intricate dynamics, there is a long, rich, and varied history of diving in Spring Lake – starting with the clowns, magicians, and aquamaids who performed at Aquarena's submarine theater from 1950 until 1995. Volunteer scuba divers also helped with underwater maintenance for these shows, completing tasks such as cleaning the view portals. Commercial diving and underwater construction also took place throughout this period while building the submarine theatre, boat docks, and installing underwater sets. There were even two underwater weddings - and the world's only underwater fashion show!

After Texas State University assumed the property in 1994, diving priorities for Spring Lake shifted to environmental sustainability and recreational diving was no longer allowed. Recognizing that volunteer divers were going to be essential to the lake's management, Texas State University hosted a workshop and dive demonstration for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and U.S. Geological Survey to allay any fears that divers would negatively impact the sensitive ecosystem and its species.

The formal creation of the Diving for Science program soon followed in late 1996 and volunteer divers have been enlisted to assist with "underwater gardening" projects to support the conservation efforts for the San Marcos Springs ecosystem ever since. These volunteers complete a two-day Diving for Science course including training on the springs' natural and cultural significance, must pass a rigorous series of diving skills and written tests, and are always under the supervision of the Spring Lake Aquatic Maintenance Supervisor.

These certified divers agree to volunteer their services at least once a year on conservation projects such as removing non-native plants and planting native species in their place.

Over the next decade, the Meadows Center made several improvements to the dive facilities and programs offered at Spring Lake. The former underwater arena that once hosted aquamaid performances was refurbished into a designated scuba training area. Certified dive instructors who completed the Diving for Science course could now bring student divers to the lake for open-water training. And new protocols were established, such as a Gear Wash Protocol, to eliminate any possibility of harmful invasive species entering the lake due to volunteer divers.

Volunteer diver exiting the training area. ©Matthew Mohondro

When the Meadows Center and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers launched a $3.7 million aquatic restoration project at Spring Lake to remove the old Aquarena structures and restore Spring Lake's natural habitat to its original condition in 2011, the dive program was also revamped to further align with other conservation efforts.

The improved Spring Lake Dive Authorization Course launched in 2014 and included new scientific components specific to Spring Lake, integrating requirements outlined in the Spring Lake Management and Habitat Conservation Plans.

Among the "underwater gardening" tasks, volunteer divers would now contribute to a bio-monitoring system by collecting data like species counts and vegetation growth. Those who complete the course become members of the Meadows Center AquaCorps and are a vital part of one of the most unique habitat restoration projects in the country – all while enjoying dives in the beautiful crystal-clear water of Spring Lake.

Volunteer diver fans spring openings to remove debris. ©Jacob Mehr

Then & Now: Conservation Leadership

Good water policy requires good science. Research plays a vital role in devising the lasting solutions necessary to overcome the daunting water problems facing the state. When stakeholders in academia, government, philanthropy, and industry collaborate to design research that that speaks to their individual and share interests, it creates informed and lasting water policy.

The Meadows Center shines brightest when reaching beyond our own walls to connect policy-makers and communities to research that addresses the questions they really care about. From our organization’s beginnings, we have worked to bridge the academic world to help decisionmakers make smart decisions about water – whether it’s through providing a science-based perspective to water problems, or facilitating conversations about how these problems can be solved.

Connecting the Dots: Science, Policy, and Decision-Making

Leveraging the well-known cachet of our Founder, Dr. Andrew Sansom, one of the Center’s first projects became a hallmark of what the Center would become. In 2002, the Texas Legislature authorized the exploration of an unprecedented transfer of water from the Colorado River to San Antonio. The newly minted Meadows Center was contracted to lead an independent scientific review and 7-year research study to determine if San Antonio’s future water needs could be met by capturing stored or unused Colorado River flows (it could not).

The project illuminated the challenges that legislators faced in making policy for environmental flows (the quantity and timing of freshwater needed to maintain ecologically healthy streams, bays, and estuaries). With skyrocketing population growth, and a limited water supply to support this growth, Texas was at a crossroads and needed defensible science. The Texas Legislature enacted Senate Bill 1639 during the 78th Legislative Session to establish a Study Commission on Water for Environmental Flows (the Study Commission). Dr. Sansom, was appointed by the Lieutenant Governor to serve on the 15-member Study Commission tasked with analyzing existing research and the best available science to establish environmental flow recommendations and standards for all Texas river basins and estuaries.

The Meadows Center was instrumental in creating consensus among environmental and development interests in Texas on a regulatory framework for protecting environmental flows. The findings of the Study Commission were subsequently embodied in Senate Bill 3 that was passed by the 80th Texas Legislature (2007) and directed the state to develop and adopt comprehensive environmental-flows standards for major river and bay systems, using a science-advised stakeholder process to help define each system’s flow needs.

Our early involvement on environmental flows legislative action catapulted the Meadows Center’s reputation of using research as a means to address important societal questions and inform policy. Soon, the Center would undertake many more policy-driven research projects at both the state and local level.

While the Meadows Center was growing its work, state leaders and local officials in the Texas Hill Country were scrambling to protect the streams and aquifers vital to the region. Due to rising demands and continuing drought in Hays County, groundwater resources were depleted to the point that spring flow at Jacob’s Well, the source water of Cypress Creek, virtually stopped. However, the Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District (the District), the agency charged with managing groundwater for the county, had very little authority to regulate groundwater use in its jurisdiction and no significant funding.

To address this urgent situation and find consensus among stakeholders in the Wimberley Valley, the District formed a scientific-technical committee of groundwater scientists and a stakeholder advisory committee to delineate a protective corridor for Jacob’s Well using a science-based approach. The Meadows Center’s Dr. Robert Mace and Nick Dornak served on the stakeholder advisory committee. The resulting Jacob’s Well Groundwater Management Zone was established as a final rule in 2019 and created curtailment requirements for permitted wells during drought periods. This was the first time a groundwater district deployed the use of a special management zone, as permitted by the Texas Water Code. The Jacobs Well Groundwater Management Zone serves as a model tool for other groundwater districts across the state who are grappling with the conservation of their aquifer systems and associated springs.

Then & Now: Watershed Services

Born out of the successes in groundwater management for Cypress Creek in the early 2000s, and under the leadership of program Director, Nick Dornak, the Meadows Center’s Watershed Services program seeks to connect our water expertise with the research and education needs of communities facing water challenges. Water issues can be complex and multifaceted and local leaders faced with decisions about water quality or supply need tools to help them address uncertainty.

Serving the Diverse Needs of Communities

We provide technical expertise to municipalities, policymakers, and citizens working through these problems. We also work alongside our partners to secure funding to protect and improve their local waterways. The successes of this program now span across the state from headwaters to tidewaters.

Launched with our first watershed protection planning project in the Wimberley Valley, the Meadows Center directed three state and federally approved watershed protection plans and has initiated countless projects in communities across the state throughout the state to develop critical knowledge and practical solutions at the forefront of watershed sustainability.

Watershed Planning in the Wimberley Valley Watershed

The Meadows Center began working with the Wimberley community to develop a watershed protection plan for Cypress Creek in 2008. While the plan was approved at the state and federal level in 2015, it was just the beginning of our work to build a clean, flowing future for the Wimberley Valley.

Today perhaps no watershed protection plan in Texas has accomplished as much as Cypress Creek. Since its approval, we have secured more than $1 million in federal funds to support community partners in implementing the strategies laid out by the plan, such as installing green infrastructure and best management practices that treat and prevent water pollution.

The Meadows Center played a key role in laying the groundwork for several significant policies adopted by the community to ensure careful water management, including the Hays-Trinity Groundwater Conservation District’s adoption of Rule 15 and new water quality ordinances that ensure nonpoint source pollution in 2050 will have no greater impact than 2020 development levels.

Permeable pavers installed in downtown Wimberley parking lot to reduce nonpoint source pollution.
THE cistern at Wimberley's Blue Hole Regional Park can harvest approx. 35,000 gallons of rainwater annually.

Watershed Planning in the Upper San Marcos River Watershed

The Meadows Center has secured more than $350,000 in funding to support the community in fulfilling the Upper San Marcos Watershed Protection Plan since its approval in 2018. Working alongside the City of San Marcos and Texas State University, we implemented two best management practices in the watershed to combat potential contaminants and other pollutants from reaching the San Marcos River.

We have also leveraged funds to create partnerships with local organizations to strength stewardship efforts. The Mermaid Society SMTX has developed curriculum to enhance its current programs with San Marcos schools by teaching students about the importance of preventing pollution and steps they can take to help protect the watershed.

The San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance led an extensive restoration in the Sessom Creek Natural Area, completing tasks such as removing invasive species and installing berms and vegetative filter strips to filter stormwater runoff before it enters the creek.

Biofiltration Pond in San Marcos captures and treats stormwater runoff.
Mermaid Society SMTX hosts a Mermaid Chat to educate local students about the watershed.
The San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance leads workday in the Sessom Creek Natural Area.

“How Much Water is in the Hill Country?”

After designing a watershed-based measurement methodology in 2014 that could be replicated across river basins within the Texas Hill Country, the Meadows Center initiated a research series focusing on creating a better understanding of how the aquifers, iconic springs, and rivers in the Hill Country interact to help make critical decisions that will ensure there is enough water in the future for the environment and people alike. To date, studies have been completed for Onion Creek, Krause Springs, and the Blanco, Guadalupe, and Pedernales Rivers. The results of our findings have helped quantify how much of the surface flows of the rivers come directly from groundwater and vice versa. These findings have direct relevance to many communities that rely on Hill Country streams and rivers as the source of their drinking water and livelihood as well as ecosystems that depend on these waterways for survival.

(left) Jenna Walker and Texas State students collect data for a gain/loss study on the Pedernales River. (right) Conducting a dye trace study on the Pedernales River to uncover groundwater-surface water interactions.

Leading through Innovative Partnerships - The Central Texas Feral Hog Task Force

This Task Force serves Hays, Caldwell, and Guadalupe counties to mitigate ecological and property damage caused by booming populations of feral hogs. To date, over 17,000 feral hogs have been removed by feral hog management, education, and direct landowner support.

Aerial operations for feral hog management.

Leading One Water

One Water is an intentionally integrated approach to water that promotes the management of all water—drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, greywater—as a single resource. And, is a natural extension of our work to assist communities in understanding, managing, and protecting their freshwater resources. The Meadows Center is fast gaining a reputation as a leader in One Water efforts throughout Texas. Our local watershed specialists teamed up with the Wimberley Valley Watershed Association to help the Wimberly Independent School District secure funding to design and build the first-ever One Water school in Texas. The school’s One Water design helps reduce groundwater consumption by an estimated 90 percent of what a traditional school this size would use. Green infrastructure, exposed plumbing, and an internet dashboard provide built-in educational components for students, educators and visitors.

The Texas Legislature’s passage of Senate Bill 905 in 2020, which developed a regulatory guidance manual explaining the rules for direct potable reuse, happened in large part as a result of a study we conducted that examined regulatory hurdles for implementing One Water in Texas. The bill will create a clear path for water providers across the state to adopt this important management strategy.

This groundbreaking work has inspired other schools and communities throughout the Texas Hill Country to pursue One Water concepts to provide sustainable, resilient projects in a water-starved region, including the Wimberley Village Library and the City of Blanco. Pictured above is a rendering of the planned One Water expansion at the Wimberley Village Library.

Transferring Successes to the Texas Coast

Through a partnership with the Texas General Land Office, our watershed services now expand to the Texas Gulf where we provide coastal communities with technical assistance to reduce nonpoint source pollution and incorporate stormwater management techniques. With the support of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services’ Texas Community Watershed Partners, the Texas Sea Grant College Program, and Doucet & Associates, the Clean Coast Texas Collaborative is delivering customized local workshops in four coastal communities on topics related to sustainable stormwater management such as green infrastructure case studies, data-driven community planning for resilience, and determining optimal locations for small-scale green infrastructure projects like rain gardens.

In conjunction with the workshops, the collaborative also engages with local officials to provide technical support for initiating community projects such as developing local ordinances, the adoption of sustainable stormwater design manuals, and creating conceptual designs for green infrastructure. These projects will showcase how Texas coastal communities can create tangible environmental benefits that can be easily replicated in other coastal communities while supporting their local economies through the restoration of coastal natural resources, improved water quality, and mitigation of coastal erosion.

Then & Now: Texas Stream Team

Three massive fish kills occurred along the Pecos River from 1988 to 1995, resulting in more than 2.5 million dead fish. The only known cause was a type of algae that had never been found in the United States.

Why were these massive toxic algal blooms occurring? And, why was there no documentation of prior problems?

Investigating the kills was difficult because of the extreme remoteness of the river. The local community did not know who to contact and was distrustful of the state-run agencies. In addition, technical questions remained unanswered regarding the physical and chemical conditions that created the toxicity in the river. The need for more information about the Pecos River and improved communication with local communities lead to the creation of Texas Watch in 1991, which we know today as Texas Stream Team – a statewide citizen science water quality monitoring program.

Leading Through Citizen Science

Working directly with the public, Texas Watch served an essential role for the State's environmental agency by creating an interface for free and open exchange about environmental issues. The program bridged information gaps between citizens, environmental regulators, and the private sector. It was instrumental in establishing supportive networks that transcend geographic and political boundaries. In fact, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality reported that many professionals who model streams for permitting requirements began requesting that Texas Watch sites be established on segments with little or no professional monitoring.

The 2001 Texas Watch Monitoring Procedures Manual established procedures for monitoring surface water quality in Texas, standardizing the approach between the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s regional offices and the monitoring programs, like Texas Watch, that submit water quality data to the state. This became the groundwork for the Texas Stream Team Core Water Quality Citizen Scientist Training, which trains citizen scientists to collect parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, total depth, Secchi depth, and various field observations. The Core Water Quality Citizen Science Manual continues to be updated and improved to this day.

Facing challenges in meeting the growing needs of its volunteers and partners, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality moved Texas Watch to the Department of Geography at Texas State University in 1999. The program was later moved to the Meadows Center in 2006 and provided an expanded platform to pursue its goals.

The “Texas Stream Team” brand was unveiled in 2008 to facilitate a growing need for the program to work with private landowners, members of the agricultural community, and watershed stakeholders. The enhanced focus on new programs and trainings to reach more Texans quickly produced results:

  • By 2009, Texas Stream Team had trained more than 5,000 citizen scientists who were monitoring roughly 250 sites at waterways across the state.
  • Partnerships were established across campus to enhance STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education at the university and at the Kindergarten-12th grade level, resulting in TEKS-correlated curriculum that brings Texas Stream Team concepts into the classroom and also provides opportunities for teachers to receive Continuing Professional Education credits.
  • In 2015, Texas Stream Team introduced two new training programs to help watershed coordinators and stakeholders across the state better understand the health of their local waters. The Riparian Evaluation Training teaches citizen scientists how evaluate riparian health and function, and the Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment Training teaches citizen scientists how to use aquatic insects to determine the water quality of a given water body.
  • In 2020, University of North Texas Research Scientist and Meadows Center Fellow, Dr. Kelly Albus, validated the accuracy of our volunteer data confirming that long-running volunteer programs, like Texas Stream Team, can maintain excellent agreement with professional data over time.

Texas Stream Team continuously refines the program’s data collection procedures to ensure the accuracy of its data. Monitoring manuals, water quality parameter training videos, and field guides for each training course provide citizen scientists with refreshers on the proper procedures for collecting data to help them get their work done. And, new this year is the addition of electronic monitoring forms that limit user input errors and guarantee high-quality data.

And, after training its 10,000th citizen scientist in 2019, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality awarded the Texas Stream Team with a Texas Environmental Excellence Award for bringing together partners and thousands of citizen scientists to monitor and protect water quality across Texas. The impact of 10,000 citizen scientists and 31 years of data is proudly displayed in our new datamap.

What’s NEXT for Watershed Services and Texas Stream Team?

With the momentum from an army of trained citizen scientists across Texas and over 30 years of vetted, local citizen science, the Texas Stream Team will continue to expand its reach and relevance.

Thanks to the generous support of the Trull Foundation, Texas Stream Team is developing a state-wide bacteria Coastal Water Quality Monitoring program to better understand our bays and estuaries. Over the next few years, we will leverage local partnerships, funds, and volunteers to build a coastal network that monitors the health of Texas bays and estuaries, with an emphasis on the Matagorda Bay system. Results of this work will serve as a model for other coastal counties facing similar issues and will provide critical bacteria water quality data from areas with historically high levels of bacteria.

Our successes in the One Water realm have shined the light on a significant need for more resources and expertise for the communities seeking these changes to attain water resiliency. Cultivating these technical and financial resources is now one of our top 5 priorities for the year ahead.

And, we’re already moving forward with our next One Water projects. Following on our success with Wimberley’s One Water School, we’ve partnered again with the community to transform the Wimberley Village Library’s 15,000-square-foot library expansion and 3.8-acre lot into a community laboratory and educational resource for natural resource protection for both water conservation and water quality protection. Construction will begin in Fall 2022 and include best management practices such as rainwater harvesting, HVAC condensate collection, and green stormwater infrastructure.

The One Water school has over 200,000 gallons of storage for rainwater and AC condensate capture.

We are also leading the charge for One Water strategies in the City of Blanco. The Blanco City Council approved the creation of the Blanco Reclamation Task Force in 2020 to study cost-effective wastewater options that provide for growth without discharge into the Blanco River. Following a 12-month investigation, the Task Force’s recommendations were approved and staff were directed to negotiate a new Texas Land Application Permit with a phased adoption of no discharge. Not only will this save the City of Blanco $1,090,000 when compared to pursuing a discharge permit it will also allow the City of Blanco to grow while protecting water quality, water supplies, and habitat.

As the world changes and new water issues emerge, our Watershed Services program will continue to offer its expertise and resources to bring people together to make important decisions about water. In each instance, we will bring a multi-disciplinary perspective, science-based solutions, and a dedication to the sustainability of our water resources.

Why I Give

Trey W. Mixon, III, P.E. - Natural Resources Manager, BlueTriton Brands, Inc.
Texas State University and the Meadows Center are at the forefront of Texas water science, education, policy, and action. They develop the leaders who will innovate solutions to the water challenges facing our Great State for generations to come! The Water Grand Challenges policy discussions, One Water recycling and infrastructure, and The Texas Stream Team highlight critical education and raise awareness beginning at the local watershed level. In addition, the students, faculty, and staff also put every bit of their dedication into the sustainability education, conservation, and habitat restoration experience at Spring Lake. Ozarka® and BlueTriton Brands, Inc. are very proud to support these important initiatives.

Then & Now: Stakeholder Engagement

From the beginning, the Meadows Center has been the place where science-backed collaborations lead to game-changing policy innovation. Modeled after the strengths of our Founder, we have built our reputation as an informed, pragmatic convener able to bring varied viewpoints together for lasting and impactful natural resource solutions.

Leading Change Through Stakeholder and Scientific Process Design and Facilitation

As demonstrated throughout this report, this distinction has put the Center front-of-mind for Legislators grappling with water policy impasses, for local communities facing seemingly intractable conflicts, and for scientific endeavors requiring diverse and interdisciplinary expertise. The practice is also at the heart of our Watershed Services work, but the 2019 addition of our Operations Director, Carrie Thompson, a specialist in natural resource mediation and facilitation, has catalyzed the Meadows Center on a journey to further formalize the Center’s historic role as a convener and expert in stakeholder processes. Partnering with national organizations like the Association for Conflict Resolution, the University Network for Collaborative Governance, and the University Council on Water Resources, we are also working to enhance our academic presence around the topics of public and scientific engagement.

What's NEXT?

There’s no mistaking the themes emerging in our most recent work: flooding, drought, water reuse, water rights, loss of springflow, degraded water quality. They all point to climate change. With the 2020 and 2021 infusions of seed money from the Meadows Foundation and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Meadows Center is gearing up to change the climate conversation in Texas. Not only will we be working to produce and make available the most up-to-date and relevant data to inform local decisionmakers we will be convening decisionmakers and scientists to answer the most important questions and produce solutions that fit the needs of local communities. We’ll be facilitating conversations about how to best reach and engage communities that have historically been excluded from the decisions that affect their communities and we’ll be working to ensure that information produced by our scientists is informed by, relevant to, and usable by all of the diverse stakeholders of Texas.

Fiscal Year 2022 Financial Overview

Click to enlarge.
Click to enlarge.

What's NEXT?

Fundraising Priorities in Fiscal Year 2023

Reimagining Discovery Hall

Our Discovery Hall connects thousands of visitors with the wonder of an aquatic ecosystem like no other, Spring Lake. Children and their families engage with endangered species, learn about watersheds, and develop an appreciation for the incredible natural and cultural resources located here in the San Marcos Springs. Discovery Hall has tremendous potential to offer even more and Texas State University and the Meadows Center have launched a capital campaign to renovate its interpretive exhibits to meet the needs of a changing generation. The new facility will support innovative technology that lets visitors take a virtual dive into the lake, storytelling by the original peoples of the region, expanded educational opportunities, and modernized exhibits.

Rendering of the planned upgrades to our Discovery Hall.

Changing Texas for a Changing Climate

We are focusing our endeavors on the single greatest environmental threat facing the world: climate change. The Meadows Center will help Texans address these issues by developing sound science to inform public policy. Changes to our climate affect the way our natural systems operate and could impact the environmental services they provide. In 2023, under the leadership of our new Director of Climate Science, Dr. Mona Wells, we will build a multi-institutional collaboration to downscale climate data, calibrate tools to model its impact, and better understand how anthropogenic climate change will impact groundwater sustainability in Texas.

Access for All and ADA Compliance

The Meadows Center’s offices, educational facilities, and historic glass-bottom boats are not ADA-compliant; therefore, mobility-challenged students and guests are not able to fully access facilities or experience a glass-bottom boat tour at Spring Lake. Over the last two years, the Meadows Center has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to expand access for every member of our community and we’re still a long way from converting the historic facilities (some more than 100 years old!) to accessible standards. This year, we will add a new ADA-accessible boardwalk to aid access to our glass-bottom boat dock. We will also incorporate permeable pavers around our ticket kiosk that both improve runoff infiltration and ease access challenges. Funds to expand access and improve interpretative experiences for all who visit the San Marcos Springs are a high-priority need.

View of the proposed trail from kiosk to boat dock.
View of proposed trail from the boat dock looking towards the ticket kiosk.

Advancing One Water Policy and Research

The Meadows Center has emerged as a statewide leader in advancing One Water principles across the state. Over the last three years, we have established networks with dozens of NGOs, governmental agencies, and local communities to facilitate research and develop real-world solutions to water supply and water quality challenges. Additional funding is necessary to develop One Water projects, policies, and infrastructure and transfer the expertise to urban and rural communities throughout Texas to implement this resource-optimizing approach.

Operational Resilience

Like most organizations, the COVID-19 pandemic shined a light on our financial resiliency – and areas that need bolstered resiliency. With 90% of our resources coming from federal and state grants, professional service contracts, donor support, and the revenues from our glass-bottom boat rides, we realize that remain too vulnerable to external factors. The Meadows Center is developing an intentional, strategic and diverse approach to fundraising that will ensure our staff is protected from external volatility, our research projects are carried through to their respective conclusions, and that we never waver in pursuit of our mission even in the most turbulent of financial times. As our organization grows in size and reach, we will strengthen our financial infrastructure and internal systems to enable us to scale up our impact. We will protect the investments that our supporters have made and ensure that the essential functions of our organizations are maintained in perpetuity.

Thank You to Our Donors in Fiscal Year 2022!


  • Akshatha Puthuraya
  • Ana Turrubiartes
  • Angela D. Lozano
  • Ann E. Medford
  • Anna L. Huff
  • Burnes Hollyman
  • Charles W. Wilkinson
  • Deanna A. Frazee
  • Dennis Gutierrez
  • Eric Algoe
  • Harry Tibbals
  • James D. Daniel
  • Jason P. Martina
  • Jeremy J. Burrell
  • Julianna D. Gravois
  • Karen E. Evans
  • Katherine E. Purswell
  • Kathryn A. Weiser
  • Katrina A. Eilers
  • Kristina K. Troxel
  • Larry D. Herwig
  • Lori A. Barr
  • Lori D. Hickman
  • Lynn Williams
  • Mark D. Kacer
  • Martin Perlman
  • Mary J. Anderson
  • Melissa J. Hyatt
  • Michael J. Fasig
  • Michelle Vancil-Osborn
  • Miranda L. Wait
  • Nicholas S. Maulding
  • Peter L. Tschirhart
  • Rachelle R. Horner
  • Rebecca E. Torres
  • Rebecca K. Worden
  • Richard G. Parkin
  • Rick R. Reyna
  • Robert E. Mace
  • Ron Lucik
  • Ryan K. Spencer
  • Sarah C. Rabe
  • Scott B. Birkey
  • Shana L. Riviello
  • Shaya Zucker
  • Staci L. Cooper
  • Sue Roberts
  • Thecla Chomicz
  • Thomas C. Heard
  • Thomas J. Madden
  • Tom Afflixio
  • Trevlyn A. Carson
  • Tyler Von Roemer
  • William J. Maynard

Foundations & Corporate Donors

  • Bahnbrëcker
  • Blanco-Pedernales Groundwater Conservation District
  • BlueTriton Brands, Inc.
  • Great Springs Project, Inc.
  • H-E-B
  • San Marcos Lions Club
  • Shield-Ayres Foundation
  • S-M Hixon Family Foundation
  • The Powell Foundation
  • The Way Family Foundation
  • The Winkler Family Foundation

Permanent Endowment Donors

  • A.B. Rogers Family
  • James A Buddy Davidson Charitable Foundation
  • Kathie and Ed Cox Jr.
  • The Meadows Foundation

Our Team

Robert Mace, Ph.D., Executive Director & Professor of Practice, Department of Geography

Andrew Sansom, Ph.D., Founder & Professor of Practice, Department of Geography

Carrie Thompson, M.P.A., Director of Operations

Rob Dussler, Ph.D., Chief Education Officer, Director of Spring Lake Education

Nick Dornak, M.S., Director of Watershed Services

Mona Wells, Ph.D., Climate Science Director

Miranda Wait, B.S., Deputy Director of Spring Lake Education

Jenna Walker, M.A.Geo., Deputy Director of Watershed Services

Sandra S. Arismendez, Ph.D., Senior Watershed Scientist, Watershed Services

Regina Allen, M.S., Administrative Assistant

Esther Betts, B.A., Administrative Assistant

Claudia Campos, B.S., Administrative Coordinator, Texas Stream Team

Synthia De Hoyos, B.A., Procurement Specialist

Collin Garoutte, Research Associate, Habitat Field Crew

Sharla Gutierrez, Business Manager

Tom Heard, M.S., Research Associate & Fish Biologist, Habitat Field Crew

Caleb Henderson, B.A., Spring Lake Dive Coordinator

Anna Huff, B.S., Communications Manager

Christina Lopez, Ph.D., Coastal Coordinator, Watershed Services

Sam Massey, Glass-Bottom Boats Manager, Spring Lake Education

Erica Jane Meier, M.S., Administrative Assistant II, Spring Lake Education

Aspen Navarro, M.S., Program Coordinator, Watershed Services

Laura Parchman, B.A., GIS & Data Management Associate, Texas Stream Team

Patti Pulis, Office Administrator

Bess Reisberg, B.S., Education Manager, Spring Lake Education

Christopher Riggins, B.S., Research Associate, Habitat Field Crew

Ally Schlandt, B.S., Program & Outreach Specialist, Watershed Services

Ryan Spencer, M.A.Geo., Research Coordinator

Aaron Wallendorf, B.S., Lake Manager

Yipeng Zhang, Ph.D., Hydrogeologist

Students, Interns, & Part-Time Staff

  • Andrew Adams.
  • Regina Allen
  • Afaaf Alnahas
  • Stephen Barkalow
  • Juliette Barrilleaux
  • Eros Baua
  • Amanda Beck
  • Esther Betts
  • Allison Bigler
  • Kaylee Boggan
  • Haley Busse
  • Kannon Byckovski
  • Katlinn Calzoncit
  • Kaylei Chappel
  • Piper Cotton
  • Lucas Craig
  • Madison Darwish
  • Camille Dedeaux
  • Stevie De Leon
  • Faith Fabian
  • Lisa Fields
  • Shelby Fisher
  • Ximena Gamboa
  • Jesse Hernandez
  • Annelise Holguin
  • Emily Horan
  • Aisha Howery
  • Desiree Jackson
  • Tiffani Kane
  • Rachel Keese
  • Clayton Klingberg
  • Olivia LaGrone
  • Kainoa Lee
  • Logan Leedham
  • Amir Liron
  • Rachel Littleton
  • Maggie Maine
  • Akayla Martin
  • Claudia Martinez
  • Miriam Martinez
  • Animate Mazurek
  • Madison Mitchell
  • Connor Mogen
  • Gabriela Molina
  • Barbara Mtanous
  • Joshua Neves
  • Farrah Nobles
  • Justice Northcott
  • Abygail Panther
  • Margaret Pappano
  • Kelsie Phelps
  • Jessica Powell
  • Andrea Quan
  • Mireya Reyes
  • Morgan Richmond
  • Antonio Rodriguez
  • Madison Sanchez
  • Emma Schuetz
  • Joe Shingledecker
  • Amalia Sica
  • Kaya Smiling
  • Destiny Smith
  • Izzy St. John
  • Taylor Swor
  • Makayla Thornton
  • Faith Tund
  • Mariana Uribe
  • Erica Walker
  • Emily Williams
  • Hannah Yetter
  • Sam Zinn

Water Wizards

Christopher Brown, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Political Science

Joni Charles, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Economics

Richard Earl, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Geography Sangchul

S. Hwang, Ph.D., P.E., Associate Professor, Ingram School of Engineering

Keisuke Ikehata, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Ingram School of Engineering

Jason Julian, Ph.D., Professor & Associate Chair, Department of Geography

Kimberly Meitzen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Geography

Ken Mix, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Sciences

Benjamin Schwartz, Ph.D., “The Original Water Wizard” Associate Professor, Department of Biology Director, Edwards Aquifer Research Center

Meadows Center Fellows

Kelly Albus, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor, University of North Texas

Mike Abbott, Ph.D., Fellow of the Meadows Center

James Dodson, M.P.A, Principal/Consultant, GroundswellTX

Mario Garza, Ph.D., Principal Founder, Indigenous Cultures Institute

Ronald T. Green, Ph.D., P.G., Technical Advisor, Southwest Research Institute

Sharlene Leurig, Chief Executive Officer, Texas Water Trade

Vanessa Puig-Williams, Texas Water Program Director, Environmental Defense Fund

Warren Pulich, Jr., Ph.D., Coastal Ecologist

Carlos Rubinstein, Principal, RSAH2O, LLC

Todd Votteler, Ph.D., President, Collaborative Water Resolution, LLC

Bill Reaves, Ph.D., Art Curator & Co-Editor, Joe & Betty Moore Series on Texas Art, Texas A&M Press

Linda Reaves, Ph.D., Art Curator & Co-Editor, Joe & Betty Moore Series on Texas Art, Texas A&M Press

Rudolph Rosen, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Water Resources Science and Technology

Douglas A. Wierman, P.G., President, Blue Creek Consulting, LLC