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In this issue:

  • Department Celebrations
  • Upcoming Events
  • Research Highlights
  • Student Spotlight: Economics Student Leadership Council (ESLC)
  • Welcome FTU Students!
  • CSU ECON in the News
  • Alumni News
  • Summer '22 ECON Graduates


Congratulations to Terry Iverson who has been promoted to full Professor!

Congratulations to Anita Pena and Bryanna Dixon Duca (Ph.D. '22) who received the honor of Outstanding Published Paper (Specialty Crops Economics Discipline) for their paper "Pesticide Exposure and the Physical Economic Health of U.S. Crop Workers" from the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA). Way to go!

Congratulations to Guy Numa, who has been named Director of Graduate Studies for 2022-2023!

Congratulations to Martin Shields, who has been named Director of Undergraduate Studies for 2022-2023!


8/24 Back to School BBQ 11:30 AM-1 PM | Monfort Quad

Join us for a free lunch in between classes on Wednesday, August 24! We'll provide a burger bar (vegan and gluten-free options provided), plus chips and drinks. Please RSVP to ensure we have enough food; contact for questions.

Fall 2022 Seminar Series Kicks off in September

The Department of Economics is pleased to bring an exciting line-up of speakers to campus for our fall Seminar Series! The first seminar is Friday, September 16 at 3 PM in BSB 103, featuring labor economist Dr. Jack Fiorito from Florida State University.

See the full schedule (subject to some change) on our website.

Explore ECON Week, 10/31-11/4

Save the date for our inaugural Explore ECON Week, featuring student and alumni panels, informational sessions, and social events for students currently studying or interested in Economics! More details and a full schedule of events to come soon.


Journal Publications

Zachary Schaller, "Decomposing the Decline of Unions: Revisiting Sectoral and Regional Shifts," ILR Review

Terrence Iverson, "Optimal Social Distancing and the Economics of Uncertain Vaccine Arrival," Journal of Public Economic Theory (forthcoming)

Edward Barbier, “Adaptation to Natural Disasters through the Agricultural Land Rental Market: Evidence from Bangladesh,” Land Economics

Edward Barbier, “The Policy Challenges of Green Rural Transformation for Asia-Pacific Emerging and Developing Economies in a Post-COVID World,” Economic Analysis and Policy

Conferences & Workshops

Our department had a strong showing at the 30th Annual Conference of the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE), held June 29-July 1 in Geneva, Switzerland. Presentations included Elissa Braunstein, “Gender and the Future of Industrialization in a Post-Pandemic World”; Elissa Braunstein and Sarah Small (Ph.D. '22), "Has the Feminist Economics Intellectual Project Lost its Way? An Analysis of the Journal’s Authorship, Methodologies, and Scope”); and Ph.D. student Emily Hrovat, "Baby Booms and Busts: The Impact of Import Competition on Local Labor Markets and U.S. Birth Rates.”

Anita Pena, who serves as Pilot Program Director for HICAHS, was a host of the 2022 International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health conference in June. There she presented new research on labor impacts of COVID-19 in U.S. agriculture and spoke on a plenary panel on "Data-Informed Labor Policy."

Edward Barbier gave a series of presentations over the summer, including a panel presentation on carbon pricing at CSU's Climate Transition Dialogue in June; the keynote address at Oxford University's Nature-Based Solutions Conference in July; and the keynote address at ADBI's conference on Rural and Agricultural Development in the Digital Age, held earlier this month in Tokyo.

Niroj Bhattarai presented "Impact of Open Educational Resources on Student Performance: A Comparative Study" at the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education conference held in New York in June.

Ph.D. student Emily Hrovat attended a week-long research workshop in June as part of the Population Reference Bureau's Policy Communication Training Program.

Incoming Ph.D. student Henry Williams presented "Transformation of U.S. Food System Electricity Use: Modeling Emissions Reduction" at the at the AAEA Annual Meeting held July 31-August 2.


Economics Student Leadership Council (ESLC)

Economics Student Leadership Council (ESLC) is the undergraduate student voice in the department. The mission of ESLC is to provide leadership and support of engagement activities for ECON majors and minors. Student members participate in the planning and implementation of ESLC programs and events with the support of a faculty advisor. Join ESLC for the first general meeting of the semester on September 7!

General Meetings

General meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month at 4 PM in Clark C 307. These meetings are open to all economics students; pizza is provided!

2022-23 Executive Board

For more information, reach out to a member of the Executive Board or faculty advisor

  • President: Lauren Vilims
  • Vice President: Jessica Laffey
  • VP of Outreach: Aidan Knaus
  • VP of Operations: Stephen Laffey


Chào mừng các bạn sinh viên FTU!

CSU's Department of Economics is proud to partner with the Foreign Trade University (FTU) in Hanoi, Vietnam to offer an Economics-International Business Economics advanced program to FTU undergraduate students from Vietnam. FTU has one of the best economics programs in Vietnam, and the joint program has been one of the most successful international degree programs in recent CSU history.

This fall, we are excited to welcome 8 students from FTU to our beautiful campus and department community! These scholars have already taken many courses, virtually and/or in person, from CSU faculty, and we are so glad they have elected to spend their senior year here in Fort Collins.

Please join us in welcoming the following students to the Department of Economics for the 2022-23 academic year!

  • Nguyễn Ngô Hằng Giang
  • Nguyễn Hữu Thành Đạt
  • Hoàng Phan Thanh Hương
  • Đan Vũ Hoàng Linh
  • Khuất Vũ Ngọc Linh
  • Đỗ Thùy Vân
  • Nguyễn Minh Phương
  • Luyện Huy Long


From gas to food, nearly everything got more expensive – and harder to come by – over the summer. Inflation, interest rate hikes, and talk of a looming recession have many Coloradans asking, "What does this all mean, and how will it impact my life?"

Confused? You're not alone. Here are some good places to start with understanding the current state of the economy, featuring insights from CSU's leading regional economist Stephan Weiler:

Q&A: CSU Economics Expert on Fed Interest Rate Hike, Why Inflation is So High, and What's Next (6/16/22)

6 Things a CSU Economics Professor Wants You to Know About Inflation (7/14/22)

Are We in a Recession? Here's What a CSU Professor Says about 'Tepid' Economy (7/28/22)


  • Ann Mari May (Ph.D. '88) has published a new book, Gender and the Dismal Science: Women in the Early Years of the Economics Profession, now available from Columbia University Press.
  • Justin Smith (B.A. '21) recently accepted a position with top consulting position KPMG International.

Have alumni news to share? Submit using the form on our website or contact Communications Coordinator

Congratulations, Summer Class of 2022!

Ph.D. Economics

  • Yeva Aleksanyan
  • Levi Altringer
  • Fatih Kirsanli
  • Austin Landini
  • Kelly Lee
  • Wisnu Nugroho
  • Teresa Perry
  • Edward Teather-Posadas

Economics Majors & Minors

  • Christian Arellano
  • Yohan Khor Fernando
  • Cameron Isbell
  • Sai Kalagara
  • Jessica Kennedy
  • Kedrick Kinsella
  • Jarod Krebill
  • Alfred Lin
  • Jake Magobet
  • Nash Marez
  • Abbie Mause
  • RJ Mello
  • Blake Nelson
  • Andy Ng
  • Jackson Omilian
  • Jayesh Patel
  • Charles Perryman
  • Alec Sloan
  • Parker Winkler
  • Yuhe Wu
  • Yuanyu Zhou
Created By
Becca Lee-Simpson


Created with images by ink drop - "Well done note with blurred bokeh lights in the background" • komar.maria - "Tasty cheeseburger" • Denver Edge - "College Campus_Fort Collins Colorado"