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Creative Cloud Freebies Adobe Starter Plan Rundown

Adobe Express

Make stunning social content, logos, banners, and more from thousands of free templates. Fast and free editing for images, videos, and documents is just a click away with our Quick Actions. Resize content, convert files, and add effects in seconds. Available on web and mobile.

Premiere Rush

This free plan is available to anyone with a free Creative Cloud membership. It includes access to simple yet powerful video tools in Premiere Rush on mobile and desktop, including unlimited free exports, a built-in library of royalty-free audio, and fully customizable animated titles.

Adobe Stock

Valuable access to a brand new curated collection of over 1,000,000 completely free Adobe Stock photos, vectors, illustrations, templates, 3D models, and videos from talented creators.

Adobe Fonts

With Adobe Fonts you have access to thousands of fonts from hundreds of foundry partners—all included with your Creative Cloud subscription. Enjoy quick browsing, easy use in desktop applications or on the web, and endless typographic inspiration. This is the easiest way to bring great type into your creative workflow, wherever you are. A subset of fonts is included with a free Adobe ID.

Adobe Substance 3D Collection

Smart creative apps and high-end content give you everything you need to design in 3D. Create 3D content and AR experiences with the Adobe Substance 3D Collection. High-end 3D asset library. Build complex models. Set up the perfect shot. Give life to your 3D art. Free for higher education faculty and students.

Adobe Bridge

Adobe Bridge is a powerful creative asset manager that lets you preview, organize, edit, and publish multiple creative assets quickly and easily. Edit metadata. Add keywords, labels, and ratings to assets. Organize assets using collections, and find assets using powerful filters and advanced metadata search features.

Adobe Aero

Adobe Aero is the most intuitive way to build, view, and share robust immersive storytelling experiences in mobile AR. Available on iOS and as a public beta for desktop on macOS and Windows.

Adobe Fresco

Built for the latest stylus and touch devices — now including iPhones — Adobe Fresco brings together the world’s largest collection of vector and raster brushes, plus revolutionary new live brushes, to deliver a completely natural painting and drawing experience. For artists, illustrators, animators, sketchers, and anyone who wants to discover, or rediscover, the joy of drawing and painting.

Adobe XD

Design UI/UX experiences using a limited set of XD's most powerful features with the Starter plan — no subscription required. Build components. Create and adjust layouts. Add colors and typography. Bring your designs to life with interactions and animations, all in XD. 


Allows you to seam­lessly create content, seek feedback, showcase and distribute your work. Behance now has over 30 million members receiving 70+ million project views per month, and is a terrific way to get exposure from like-minded creatives. There’s even a job list for creatives and freelancers, with over 1,000 employment opportunities.

Adobe Character Animator

Whether you’re a content creator or animation lover, you can animate a character that’s an extension of you in the new Starter mode. Select a puppet, record your audio, add motion and emotion, and you’re ready to export an animated character. Starter mode gets anyone animating in just a few minutes — and it’s free.

(Not Adobe) Figma

Figma’s tools are easy to learn and beloved by professionals. High schools, universities and bootcamps get free access to both Figma Design and FigJam whiteboards. Get verified to use our Education plan and access all the perks of our paid Pro teams for free.

Created By
Joseph Labrecque


Created with an image by Sergey Nivens - "Woman hiding face behind book"