Our Intent at Swinton Queen
Through Religious Education, we provide our children with the opportunities to discover, explore and consider human identity, meaning and value in local, national and global contexts.
We are sensitive to the broad range of traditions and beliefs reflected in our school community. We teach our children to weigh up for themselves the value of wisdom from different communities, to disagree respectfully, to be reasonable in their responses to religions and world views, and to use their own experience to deepen their understanding.
Our pupils learn about multiple religions from around the world, However, more emphasis is placed on the teaching of Christianity since this is a statutory requirement and the Christian faith forms the fundamental basis of law and traditional culture in Britain.
It is our intent that Religious Education assists in the promotion of our children's Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development, so they are prepare for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
Our Implementation at Swinton Queen.
Our Programme of Study for Religious Education adopts the local Rotherham syllabus as agreed by the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) 2022.
We have developed a curriculum which focuses on a progression of skills and knowledge, which is encompassed by our Curriculum Concepts for Religious Education:
Symbolism - Worship - Belonging - Big Questions - Inspirational People
These key concepts form building blocks of progress in terms of knowledge, skills and understanding as the children progress through school.
Our children listen to stories from different faiths. They learn about the key teachers in all the traditions and they learn about some of the feasts, celebrations and rules of participation. They then consider how these aspects affect the people who follow those traditions throughout their lives, whilst considering how these teachings can be universal for themselves, and others.
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