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We have concluded our first half term of 2022 and we are now over the halfway mark of the school year. I want to thank our students, families, and all the staff at Rawmarsh Community School for their hard work and ongoing support.

I hope you enjoy reading through our newsletter which outlines the successes that we are seeing throughout, and beyond, the curriculum across all our year groups at RCS. We are so very proud of all our achievements and it is an absolute privilege, as always, to see our students dreaming big and taking risks in their learning.

I am really proud of how our Year 11 students have risen to the challenge of their GCSE year. It would be easy for them to make excuses and focus on the challenges of the past; that is not the Rawmarsh Way. Our lot continue to work hard in lessons and put the work outside of the classroom to give themselves the best chance to succeed as we get towards the exams in May and June. Thank you again for your ongoing support of the school. Mr M. Turton


Since January, all of KS3 have begun new topics and texts in their study of English. Year 7 has moved onto ‘Love and Tragedy’ which involves exploring a range of love poetry including Shakespearean Sonnets and a selection of poems by Carol Ann Duffy. Alongside this, students will also study Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

In Year 8, students have begun the topic of Politics and Society which allows students to develop an understanding of Capitalism and Communism and the Russian Revolution. This equips them with some useful foundational knowledge to eventually study the novel Animal Farm. Finally, Y9 has started a topic based on Identity whilst also reading a contemporary novel called Boxer.

In KS4, Y10 have completed their mocks testing their understanding of the 2 previous topics: Macbeth and their 19th Century Novel. Their new topics involve starting work on their Language Paper 1 GCSE and another literature text called An Inspector Calls.

For Year 11, students have been working hard on the journey to their exams. More imminently, students are getting ready for their mocks after half term which focus on Language Paper 2, Macbeth and Unseen Poetry.

Across all of KS4, we are pleased to see their effort and resilience when approaching Hall Lessons. Students are gaining valuable cultural capital by exploring key issues such as Plastics, Adult Life Skills and Mental Health whilst also honing their viewpoint writing skills in an exam environment.


This term saw us launch our Careers lessons in science. All classes completed a careers lesson, with different year groups completing different activities.

Y7 researched different scientists and found that not all scientists wear white coats. Y8 looked at transferable skills, while Y9 looked at the type of qualifications you might need to do science jobs. In Y10 and Y11 pupils looked at the skills that are needed in science jobs and the types of careers are available in science.


During this half term all of our KS3 pupils have started to see the links between their Maths lessons and their other subjects. Cross-curricular starters have shown how Maths can be used in other subjects such as linking to Henry VIII’s reign and reading a sheet of music.

In addition to this we have started to launch our Money Matters Curriculum across both KS3 and KS4. This is a really exciting opportunity for all of our pupils to dream big, no matter their age, to be exposed to financial Maths that will enable them to leave Rawmarsh ready and able to enter the real world.


We are now halfway through our second rotation within Y7 and Y8. Students who have been doing RE will rotate to PSHE after half-term. Y7 have been completing a unit on growing up.

In Y8 students have been completing a Citizenship and Law unit unfortunately the planned Crime and Punishment drop down session has been rescheduled for later in the year but I am still looking forward to seeing students taking risks and rising to the challenge in these sessions.

In Y9, students have a lesson every other week and they have started Relationships and Sexual health education. They have shown great maturity in these lessons and have been rising to the challenge of asking questions.

Y10 and Y11 lessons are on a rotation and take place every 4 lessons. Y10 have been completing a mental health unit. This is a slight change to the planned rotation. The next Y10 rotation is Healthy Relationships. Y11 rotation have completed expectations in relationships. Their next rotation is finance.

All information on upcoming rotations can be found in the PSHE section of the website. The RSHE policy can also be found in the policy information on the school website. If you require any further information please contact


We are now halfway through our second rotation within Y7 and Y8. Students who have been doing PSHE will rotate to RE after half-term.

Y7 have been completing a unit on Islam and Y8 have been looking at religion in the media. Y8 have been completing their first Personal Opinion and Debate essay and they have worked hard. I am very much looking forward to reading their essays.

In Y9 students are exploring philosophy and ethics by rising to the challenge of answering questions such as What is herd mentality. We have also had our drop-down day. As part of the event, students worked with The Faith & Belief Forum. The Faith & Belief Forum is a group that was founded in 1997 as the Three Faiths Forum (focussing initially on bringing understanding between Jews, Christians & Muslims).

Over the years the organisation’s work has expanded to include people of all faiths and beliefs, both religious and non-religious. As part of the day students explored how to develop a safe space for listening and asking questions and were invited to a panel of people of different faiths. This event took place across all of the Trust Schools and a further write-up will be available shortly. We are incredibly proud of the students who showed that they were respectful and listened to others as well as rising to the challenge of asking questions.

If you require any further information on our RE curriculum please contact Social Science


We have had a busy term in social science. Y9 students have completed their second Childcare unit around the challenge of parenting. There will be an opportunity in the upcoming months for students to work with our new real care babies. Further information will be available shortly.

Within Childcare Y10 students have now nearly completed their first piece of coursework showing they are equipped to learn as the vast majority of them are meeting all their deadlines. Y11 students have sat their first exam and are now waiting for their results.

In Y10 Health and Social Care students have now started preparation for their first piece of coursework with the vast majority of work being outstanding, well done Y10. In Y11 students have completed their role play exam. For the majority of students, this was something they were worried about but they have taken risks and rose to the challenge, and completed it. Mrs Hawkrige and I are very proud of all of you.

Special Mentions - These pupils are always working hard to the best of their ability. Well done!


  • Y10 Effort: Kacey Carrington
  • Y10 Work: Tiegan Green
  • Y11 Effort: Maja Ambroziak
  • Y11 Work: Jodie Rodgers

Social Science:

  • Y9 Effort: Rebecca Hunt
  • Y9 Work: Amy Mckerrow


Another mega busy half-term in the PE department. Rotherham Titans have been coaching our Y8 girls, Y9’s and Y10 boys. They have been working with players from Rotherham Titans developing their rugby skills from passing and receiving to tackling with some fun games mixed in.

Students have competed to win McDonald vouchers and have had the opportunity to go and watch them in action on a Saturday with free tickets. Y11s have had the opportunity to sample some different fitness activities including boogie bounce with a local fitness centre. They have absolutely thrown themselves into this and loved every minute working hard and never giving any less than their best.

Boogie Bounce - Rotherham


Since returning from the Christmas holidays every child at Rawmarsh has received first aid lessons learning how to treat different injuries including choking, bleeding, muscle, and joint injuries to incidents that require CPR. They have been equipped with the knowledge and skills to perform first aid that can help to reduce the seriousness of a situation, prevent injuries from worsening, and potentially save someone’s life.

First Aid Session

These lessons were delivered by First Aid instructors who will be working across the Trust ensuring every child has the tools to be confident when dealing with situations that require first aid. Thank you to the instructors and students who were amazing during these workshops.

The PE extracurricular program has also been jam-packed with activities and competitions.

Athletics - Our Y7s & Y8s took part in the Rotherham School Games Indoor Athletics Competition – performing in a range of track and field events. They worked hard and never gave less than their best resulting in some excellent finishing positions. As a team, they were supporting and encouraging each other every minute of the event showing a great team spirit


Netball - The netball season is almost coming to a close… During this half term, we have played Wingfield, Oakwood, and Aston. Our Y9s have played in their tournament at Wickersley and finished 3rd in their group. There have been some amazing team performances as well as some standout individual ones. Players of the match have been - Germiller Akilimali, Frida Mema, Alexis Driver, Courtney Atkin, Miya Marshall, Amelia Longden, Chloe Dearden.

Upcoming fixtures against are - Wickersley and Wath as well as the Y7 and Y8 tournaments.

Cross Country - Mischa And Marci Warci Walsh qualified and competed in the South Yorkshire cross country event finishing in 6th and 8th position in South Yorkshire. What a great achievement, well-done girls!


This half term in History Y7s are learning about the Medieval period- including how important religion was to the people in England between 1066 and 1500, the murder of Thomas Becket- the Archbishop of Canterbury, Robin Hood and King John and the Crusades. This is going to lead them into their final topic of the Tudors and Stuarts.

Robin Hood - Fact or Fiction?

The Historical Enquiry question for their homework this half term is to find out about the Normanisation of England through buildings - eg Castles, Churches and Cathedrals - How did the Normans take control?

The Y8 Historians are starting to learn about the Trans-Atlantic Slave trade and the industrial revolution and how life changed after the 1700s in Britain.

The Historical Enquiry homework for Y8s this half term is to create a witch hunter’s guide to build on their knowledge of the previous unit of the Stewarts.

The Holocaust

Our Historians in Y9 are finding out more about the Holocaust as well as other genocides that have happened since all over the World. They listened to a visiting speaker at the start of term who came to talk about the dangers of Anti Semitism, the history of it and members of his own family who had been affected by the Holocaust.

The Historical Enquiry homework for Y9 is to Research an act of Jewish Resistance (Bielski Brothers, Anne Frank, Oskar Schindler) as it is important to remember that Jews didn’t just give in. Jews and non Jewish citizens in Europe did fight back.

Our Y10s and Y11s have been studying Saxon England and the Battles of 1066 and are now comparing life in Saxon England with life in Norman England once William had taken control.

The Battle of Hastings 1066


So far this half term we have completed 4 enrichment activities in Art and Technology and the majority of students have worked hard and never given less than our best in lessons.


This half term Y7 Geographers have explored the topic of migration, linking to current affairs in Afghanistan and Syria. Students learnt from their mistakes and misconceptions by developing their expertise on the topic.

Y8 students have started to look into a new topic of ‘Billionaires’ and the link between money and well-being. This has allowed students to see the inequalities within our world. While in Y9, students have got hands on with their construction of earthquake proof buildings. Students supported each other to create some amazing models, although we are not sure spaghetti and marshmallows would withstand an earthquake!

Y10 Geographers have taken responsibility for their own learning by revising for their mock exams and this will be reflected in their overall grade. Geography students in Y11 have started to consolidate their knowledge and understanding of physical landscapes in the UK. It has also been amazing to see the number of students attending after school revision. Keep it up!

The first Wednesday of every month will also be our KS3 film night in HUM2! Where students in Y7, 8 & 9 can come and watch a David Attenborough documentary. Popcorn and CFPs for all.


Y7 students have been working through the Kodu Game Lab topic in ICT lessons this half term. This teaches students basic programming concepts by making 3D games and worlds

Y8 students have studied a new topic this half term, Project Green. This allows students to study the impact that IT equipment has on the environment. They have created a range of ICT products to help promote the importance of the environment and provide advice on what we could do to protect it.

Y9 students have also started to study the Business Fundamentals topic this half term. Which has taught them how businesses produce and manufacture products. Students took part in a Production Method workshop which required students to manufacture paper boxes using different production methods

Production and Manufacture

GOLD AWARDS - Through their hard work and effort, KS3 students earned the Gold PC award from their teacher in the second Half-term of this academic year. All students have worked hard and shown resilience in the face of new challenges this half term. Well done to the following students:

  • Samuel McDonald
  • Alfie Hollindale
  • Ellie Cheetham
  • Tyler-James Yates
  • Harry Cuckson
  • Charlotte Thomson-Roberts
  • Jessica Seddons
  • Summer Underwood
  • Abigail Gbenro
  • Albert Clayton
  • Robyn Payne
  • Oliver Burgoyne
  • Patricia Djembe
  • Lily Greaves
  • Kacie Billups
  • Zac Fletcher
  • Ali Najaf
  • Akashdip Singh
  • Logan Frosdick


In Y7, students have been working on using Garageband and Bandlab to compose music for their own advert in order to advertise a product that they have created themselves. Some students have also explored music from around the world including African, Chinese, Reggae, and Samba music.

In Y8, students have been learning about pop music and music trends throughout the decades from 1970 - 2020. They have been continuing to develop their keyboard skills playing a popular song from each decade. Some students have also been exploring the genre of rap and hip-hop and why it has become one of the leading listened to genres of music in the world.

In Y9, students have been continuing to work on their chosen disciplines to improve their technical ability and skills in preparation for their performance assessments.

Choir Club

Since our return in January, we have launched a number of new extra-curricular activities. Our Choir has been on for a few weeks now and it's lovely to see it getting busier and busier. Come along every Wednesday after school with Mr Nota where budding singers can sing to a number of popular songs and musicals.

We also have our keyboard club which is every Monday 2nd break with Miss Forshaw where students can come and learn new songs in order to improve their keyboard skills.


Students have had a busy week during the National Apprenticeships week - we have had live sessions from Burrows Toyota on their local apprenticeship scheme, found out some key facts and figures, looked at examples of local live vacancies suitable for our Year 11 leavers, and even found out about celebrities who started their career as an apprentice - including David Beckham and Jamie Oliver!

Science and MFL have both had a focus on applying their subject to different careers in the last few weeks - and all Y9,10,11 languages students have taken part in a Me & My Degree session run by HEPPSY highlighting the different career opportunities that studying a language can lead to.

The University of Sheffield US in Schools Mentoring team are back in school and enjoying working with some of our Year 9 students on a weekly basis improving academic skills, confidence and aspiration.

Next week we have the Princes Trust MOSAIC team in school with local employers helping some of our Year 8 students to compete in a national enterprise competition - good luck to them!


Y7 have made a fantastic start to the year making progress towards completing their bronze pledge tasks. So far this half term they have completed 546 pledge tasks since we returned after the Christmas break and have totalled 1718 pledges since September. The top pledge achievers for Y7 are; Blake Mitchell, Miley Yip & Abbey Hancock who have all achieved the 3 bronze pledges so far this half term.

Y7 are continuing to settle into life at RCS and are taking part in many after-school activities and trying new things such as climbing, photography 7 arts and crafts. Some of our Y7 students have even been involved in the school production of Matilda. We have achieved 2055 CFP so far this half term, which is a fantastic effort from our students. Well done Y7, let's keep up the good work


Y8 Have made a good start to 2022 achieving 3002 CFPs as a year group and 169 Pledge tasks. Well Done to all students who have contributed to this total. The top CFP earner is Hayden Atkinson with a whopping 64 CFPs. His closest competition was Carys Lindley with 40.

The students achieving the highest number of pledge tasks are Carys Lindley and Carter Fenton, both completing 5 pledge tasks, closely followed by Evie Mottershed, Katy Mould, Thomas Wing and Elliot Szczepkowski , achieving 4 tasks a piece.

A big round of applause needs to be given to these stand-out students within Y8. Well done! Although the next half term is only 6 weeks, Let’s aim to beat the last half term's CFP total and, as a year group, let's aim to complete as many bronze pledge tasks as we can! Well done Y8. Let's keep up the good work as 2022 progresses.


The Y10s have returned from the Christmas break and gone straight into their studies with the determination we expect from them, they have risen to the challenge of mask-wearing being brought back into the classroom and continued to support others around them by adhering to the new rules.

We had plenty of Y10 students showcasing their favourite subjects and supporting the school community by attending Y8 options evening and sharing with both parents and Y8 students their experiences of different GCSE subjects. I am sure the Y8 students in particular found the unfiltered advice from the Y10 students very helpful as they begin to make their option choices.


This half term, Y11 have returned refreshed and motivated after the festive break.

They have shown their aspirational attitude and drive, giving their best both in lessons and in their own time, taking responsibility for their progress even more by attending after-school revision sessions to consolidate and develop their learning in the different curriculum areas.

In other exciting news, the prom venue has been booked. The Y11 Leavers’ Prom 2021-22 will be held at Hellaby Hall on June 30th 2022! Doors will open at 18:30 and close at midnight.

After rising to challenge after challenge over the last few years, Y11 deserves a celebration to remember. Mr Leary, Mrs Tapper, and the Prom Committee will be liaising to ensure that the Prom experience is one that will never be forgotten.