Dominque Simon, Extension Agent-FCS cooked pancakes January 9th and 10th for the Franklinton Middle School classes and conducted Nutrition Education at the Franklin County Senior Centers throughout the month.
For more information about Family & Consumer Science, contact 919-496-3344, Dominque Simon.
Extension Awards
Martha Mobley, Franklin County Livestock/Local Foods Agent, and Paul Gonzalez, Sampson County Livestock Agent, recently won two awards at N.C. Cooperative Extension Annual Conference; the State Grange Search for Excellence overall team award and Southeast District State Grange Search for Excellence Award, for a series of cattle programs called Cow Camp 101: Back to the Basics. By winning the state award, they were also presented with $2,000 to be used for future team programs. The team of the two veteran Agricultural Extension Agents taught over 200 beef cattle producers with the five educational series of programming along with the finale, 5-County Beef Tour in June 2022. Between the two agents, they have over 60 years of beef cattle management in production and marketing. Both also personally raise and produce beef cattle on their family farms in Franklin and Sampson Counties. Over 60 producers were in attendance for the 2022-23 Educational series kickoff.
GAP Training
On January 25th over 100 Tobacco Farmers from the region gathered at Franklin Plaza to learn about new production information as well as to receive their Annual Good Agricultural Practices Training. In 2022 Franklin County was home to over 3700 acres of flue-cured tobacco. More information about Winter Field Crop meetings and events is located on our website: 2023 Winter Field Crop Update
Martha Mobley, Ag and Local Foods Agent, was recently interviewed for "Promoting Healthy, Locally Grown Food," an article written by Simon Gonzalez, CALS Extension Writer, and Extension Marketing Specialist. Contact Martha Mobley for more information.
The Visit NC Farms app is a tool for the public promoting local farms, fisheries, farmers markets and other agribusinesses. Download the app and find farmers markets, farms and local foods near you!
Upcoming Programs and Events
- Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22 - Kid-Cuterie 4-H Spin Club
- Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23 & March 2 - Small Farm Bootcamp
- Feb. 10 - One-Pan Dinner Cooking Class
- Feb. 10 - Meat Producers Symposium
- Feb. 11 - Annual EIA & Vaccination Clinic
- Feb. 13 - Triple P & EFNEP Parenting Program
- Feb. 15 - Respirator Fit Testing
Landscape School
N.C. Cooperative Extension partners with area businesses to host this educational event for landscape professionals Friday, March 31, beginning at 8 a.m. at Franklin Plaza, 279 S. Bickett Boulevard, Louisburg. Topics will be led by NC State University Extension Specialists:
- Management & Identification of Difficult Turfgrass Weeds
- Pick It Right - Plant It Right = Successful Landscape Projects
- Turfgrass Irrigation Management in North Carolina
- Advanced Disease Management in Turfgrass Landscapes.
Register by March 27th at For more information, contact the Franklin County Center, 919-496-3344.
Triple P & EFNEP
The Franklin County Health Department and EFNEP are collaborating to offer the community the Triple P & EFNEP program for families. Beginning February 13 - March 20, from 5 to 6pm at the Franklin County Extension Center, 103 S Bickett Blvd., in the Annex meeting room, parents are welcome to bring their children, snacks will be provided and also fun activities for the youth. For more information or to register for this free program, email or call Jessica Kearney, EFNEP Educator, 919-496-3344 OR Elane Edwards, Public Health Educator, (919)496-2533 ext. 2386; or register by Feb. 8th at link below.
Equine Clinic
The 2023 EIA Vaccination clinic will be conducted Saturday, Feb. 11, 1- 3 p.m., at the Franklin County Farmer’s Market Shelter, 137 Shannon Village Center. By hosting this event in a central location, it allows the horse owner to save money by not having a farm call fee. Coggins, 4-Way, 5-Way, Rabies and West Nile vaccines will be available.
For more information, contact Martha Mobley, 919-496-3344. To register your horse for appointment, contact the N.C. Cooperative Extension office at 919-496-3344
Created with images by Mikhaylovskiy - "fresh classic pancake stacked in stack on gray background with place for text" • alicja neumiler - "Assortment of fresh organic vegetables and garden produce on farmer market, healthy diet with vegetarian ingredients" • nito - "vegetables and text local food in a chalkboard"