My name is Haley Santibañez and I am 17 years old. I'm currently in CEO B. My main focus is fashion photography. What inspires me to be a photographer is that l get to capture moments in my life and turn them into my own artistic piece. Being able to create beautiful images and share the stories behind them is fulfilling since I pride myself off of my work. When I grow up I want to be a creative director. I love creating and making any form of art. Some advice I would tell new photographers is that trial and error is key in learning photography. Everyone makes mistakes and over time your experience will grow and you’ll get more comfortable. It is important to never give up on something that you find engaging and remember to value what you do. As a photographer at Las Fotos Project, I have improved significantly in managing the technical side of the camera and finding aesthetic value in my work. I am really proud of myself for developing new skills that I have been taught at LFP because it shows how far I have come from when I first started