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St John Vianney Newsletter 08.04.2022

A message from our Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to the many parents who attended last night’s Parents' Evening. We hope you found the opportunity to meet with the Class teams to be informative, in terms of understanding your child’s progress. We also hope the workshops we offered, provided you with some wider understanding of current school initiatives. Thank you for the positive feedback you gave the Senior Team and staff; it was lovely to welcome you back in school again, after the challenges of the last 2 years.

We have had another successful term and would like to thank you for your continued support in preparing your children for school each day; maximising their attendance, which helps ensure we can support them fully in their learning. It has been a long, 13-week term and the pupils and staff are, I know, looking forward to the two week Easter break, where we can all recharge for the forthcoming summer term. We have a range of exciting opportunities planned for the next term, which we know our children will enjoy and which will add further opportunities for them to make accelerated progress in their development. I remind you that School reopens for the summer term on Monday 25th April at 9am.

Congratulations to the many pupils who received recognition in my Headteacher Awards today. They deserve the recognition for their efforts this term, in contributing so consistently well to our School community and being excellent role models in school.

I hope you and your families have a happy and holy Easter and find time in the busyness of the Holidays to reflect, with your children, on the celebration of Jesus’ triumphant resurrection on Easter Sunday morning.

Best wishes

Mr A Moloney


Please note, we have made a change to the School Calendar for the summer term 2022.

Friday 24th June is now an additional School holiday for St John Vianney School. The School will be closed on this date.

This additional date is in lieu of the national holiday for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration, which falls during the Whit break on June 3rd 2022.

The term dates for 2022-23 have now been approved by the Governing Body and are now available on the School website.

We are Recruiting

Stars of the Week

Each week a 'Star of the Week' is chosen by the class team to celebrate achievements both academic and pastoral.

This week we are celebrating the following achievements:

Aiden - For fantastic work in English!

Adley - For excellent work, especially in maths and for setting a good example

Keenan - For trying really hard to make good choices in class and the wider school environment.

Charlie - For always having a great attitude and being a brilliant ' buddy'.

Katie - For her consistent effort in class and for the support she gives to her peers. Well done Katie!

Tomasz - For being an "Always Pupil", who is very helpful, especially with his duties after lunch.

Amanda - Amanda's had a really positive attitude to her learning all this week, and has been a kind and supportive friend too.

Demarjio - For trying really hard to make positive choices and for being helpful, kind and a good friend.

Emilia - For working extremely hard at Wardley Hall this week.

Hassan - Has swam to the deep end of the swimming pool, with support. Well done Hassan!

Ayla - For being helpful and looking after her friends.

Andrew - Positive attitude in all that he does.

Owen - For being honest and dealing maturely with some difficult situations this week.

SJV Class News

Class 1

Class 1 have enjoyed learning all about Easter this half term. This week we have made Easter cards for our families and we put together some Easter baskets and filled them with chocolate cornflake cakes. Yummy!

Post 16

Post 16 have just completed their Teens and Toddlers sessions at Kings Road Primary School. After having such a brilliant time there. The children made this amazing card for them.

Class 8

Class 8 have been working hard this half term selling raffle tickets, raising money for people in poverty and refugees. The winner of the Easter egg will be announced tomorrow, good luck, have a fantastic Easter everyone!

Class 12

Class 12 demonstrated great teamwork and peer support, clearing the paths during their volunteer work experience at NACRO; using tools safely, following instructions, respecting nature and completing tasks in a timely manner; Mrs Shawcross, Mrs Rouse and Mrs Peddie were very proud.

Well done to the following pupils who were presented with the 'Class Pupil of the Term' Award today.

Oskar Komerek

Kayden Wright

Leon Goulding

Harley Pedley

Daniyal Ahmed

Katie Evans

Lilli Mae Gilbert

Jake Moore

Arshvin Singh

Tomasz Gorkiewicz

Efe Erguvan

Ben Berry

Josh Waters

Additionally, congratulations to the 4 pupils who were presented the Headteacher ‘Gold Card’ Key Stage award.

Jase Cotrill

Scarlett Palmer

Curtis Rahman

Jay Mistry

Class 5

Class 5 really look forward to peer reading on a Thursday, during Whole School Reading Time. It's really helping the boys feel more confident and the girls are making new friends too!

Class 9

Class 9 enjoyed a walk to Longford Park on Tuesday and all went into the café to buy their own cake.

Class 1

The green-fingered Class 1 have been at it again. This week we have planted tomato and onion seeds. Also, take a look at look at how much our other plants have grown!

Jay received the Headteacher Gold Card Award for being an outstanding pupil of Key Stage 5 for the Spring Term 2022. Well done Jay. We are extremely proud of you!

Class 7

In DT this week, we have been tie-dyeing. The pupils had so much fun creating their tie-dye pillowcases! First, we used rubber bands to tie up where we didn't want any dye. Then we dyed the fabric, before letting it dry. When we snipped the rubber bands and revealed the patterns, we thought they looked great and we felt so proud of our beautiful, colourful work!

The staff in Class 7 would like to make a special mention to Kenzie. Her attendance this term has been absolutely brilliant, which in turn has supported Kenzie's learning, friendships and wellbeing. Keep up the fantastic work!

Our Catholic School

Easter is upon us again. How has 7 weeks gone so fast? For the vast majority of people, Easter is about having a break from work, spending time with loved ones or going away on holidays to have a good time. For children (and some adults 😊) it is about getting Easter eggs and having a break and some well-deserved time off.

But Easter is much more than that. It is the central foundation of our Christian faith... the day that Christ rose from the dead... the day that we celebrate the LIVING Christ. We celebrated Easter in SJV by trying to walk in the shoes of those less fortunate. We welcomed refugees in to school, to share a meal with us and to talk to the staff and chaplains about their experiences. Our staff, children & young people came together to celebrate Mass during our Easter services.

This week in SJV, we are reminded of the importance of Forgiveness. Pope Francis reminds us that each new day is a new opportunity; ‘Let us allow God’s constant help to make us new people’.

Within our Catholic school the students have all been spending time in prayer and reflection, focussing on reaching God through silent prayer. Each class has thought up their own charity appeal. The school has been alive with raffles, cakes sales, guess the names of the chicks and which baby pictures belong to which person? We have been celebrating the 'Word of God', with our weekly Bible quote and seeing the importance and significance in our daily lives. If you ever want to see how Christ is alive in our school, our lunch time daily prayers, which are signed by staff and students are truly inspirational. This is also evidenced through our 'SJV Liturgical Mass' which is planned by the student Chaplaincy/GIFT team.

We had our Headteacher's awards today, for both staff and students, which show how we all are truly valued at SJV.

In RE this week we have been looking at the key events in 'Holy Week' and the significance of what happened for us all. We have also learned our sign-a-long signs for Easter.

I hope everyone has a very happy and Holy Easter break and that everyone is well rested for the next exciting term at SJV.

By Mrs Garfin

A word from our Family Liaison Officer and Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Things to do over the Easter Holiday; check out your local offer ….

You can access your Local Offer via your Local authorities’ Website: type into the search box Local Offer.

At Family Fund, they offer a wide range of information and support to families raising disabled and seriously ill children.

Our digital support aims to help families make the most of their iPad or tablet and includes a programme of free workshops:

Want something creative for your family to do with their iPad over the holidays?

Sign up for a FREE online 1 hour workshop, tried and recommended by our families.

The following creative workshops are taking place in April - you can also see the full list of what's available and sign up on our events page. Sign up for as many as you like!

Mrs Julie Griffin

A few tips from our emotional and mental wellbeing team here at SJV.

Enjoy your Weekend!


Created with images by geralt - "board school done" • Наталия Кузина - "Three easter trendy colored classic blue and golden decorated eggs on blue background. Happy Easter card with copy space for text. Minimal easter style." • dizain - "Thank You Love Heart Word Cloud in different languages with marker, concept background" • david_franklin - "Several movie or raffle tickets, close up, white background" • Pixel-Shot - "Different gardening supplies in barn" • christianchan - "Well Done Concept" • WavebreakMediaMicro - "Happy pupil reading a library book" • Pixel-Shot - "Delicious cupcakes on white background, flat lay" • peampath - "young children planting seeds in garden.Hand holding seed and black soil in pot" • p-fotography - "tie dye pattern hand dyed on cotton fabric abstract background." • fotogestoeber - "little painter figure and cubes showing the message "well done" on wooden background" • hedgehog94 - "A mother and her cute daughter are painting colorful eggs and wearing bunny ears. Happy family are preparing for Easter." • zinkevych - "Joyful happy woman using a tablet"
