Student success at UDIS - Y8/9
Maysa has become more of a risk-taker this year. She has increased her participation in classroom discussions and she embraced her role as the March Hare in the Y8/9 drama performance of Alice in Wonderland. Maysa also won the visual arts bronze medal in the Thai Ministry of Education’s national competition. Congratulations, Maysa!
EAL: Community helpers
We have been carrying on with describing the roles of different community helpers and begun thinking about the problems they are solving to help keep our community clean, safe and healthy. We thought about what we wanted to be when we grow up. The question we needed to answer was: "What problems do I want to solve when I grow up?" We were being reflective, open-minded and communicators just by having a go at answering that one question.
PSPE: Developing hand-eye coordination
This week, our EY learners in K1 and Preschool had a chance to explore new games and activities to develop hand-eye coordination skills with a range of different materials, such as small plastic balls, tennis racquets, hula hoops, bean bags and many more. The learners had a chance to develop their fundamental skills, such as their throwing, catching and striking skills.