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Mental health used to be an unspoken topic. The St. John’s student body has made strides to destigmatize mental health and promote constructive conversation. Yet many aspects of this issue, including the stress that teachers and student-athletes face, remain hidden. With quarantine and social isolation, the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated mental health challenges. The Review Online put together this special package to raise awareness about and explore mental health in the SJS community.

Students Against Stigma spreads awareness about mental health

Founded in 2019, the Students Against Stigma club aims to spark conversation and break the stigma surrounding mental health. They hope to build an environment where students can talk openly about their experiences without facing judgment.

The hidden side of education: Teachers experience stress while ensuring students receive a high-quality education

Sergios Paschalis typically spends eight hours at school, walking home at 3:35 p.m. After a short break, he spends the next four or five hours grading and preparing materials for future classes. The past two years, Covid has also exacerbated feelings of stress among teachers.

Video: Exploring the topic of mental health in the SJS community

Juniors James Li and Lexi Guo speak with students and Upper School Counselor Ashley Le Grange about ways to reduce stress and destigmatize mental health.

Why projects are more effective assessments than midterm exams

Senior Russell Li argues that classes should implement more projects, which are less stressful than midterms and better for students’ mental health.

The mental side of sports: Athletes develop ways to maintain a positive mindset

Mental health among athletes is an oft-forgotten aspect of sports. While competing, student-athletes encounter performance anxiety and recruitment pressures. Many also struggle to maintain a healthy balance between their sleep schedules, social lives, academics and sports.


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