We have loved getting into the festive spirit this half term. We have made Christmas cards, Christmas tree decorations and calendars, we hope you love them as much as we loved making them! We really enjoyed our Christmas dinner wearing the party hats we made in class.
We showed resilience and team work in our Christmas Nativity, Santa’s on Strike! Thank you for coming to watch us!
We had a fabulous time in our Christmas Party. We got to eat party food in our class before going into the hall to play games and have a boogie.
We have been working really hard on our handwriting in Literacy paying attention to using capital letters at the start of our sentences and full stops at the end. We are trying to get our capital letters taller than our other letters.
Our first literacy unit this half term was to write a what am I poem? based on Bonfire Night. We enjoyed gathering nouns linked to Bonfire Night. We are getting really good at identify mistakes in Mrs Allen’s work and improving them using capital letters, full stops and appropriate vocabulary.
We really got hooked into our second literacy unit which was based on Toy Story. We gathered nouns and adjectives linked to the film before focusing on the character of Buzz. We wrote a wanted poster for Buzz for our mini apply to show our learning and writing skills. We then identified the features of a fact file and wrote sentences under the different heading for the character of Buzz. For our final outcome we wrote a Fact File for the character of Woody.
We really impressed Mrs Allen when we completed our first maths assessments of the academic year. We showed resilience and independence.
We explored multiplication and division this half term through making equal groups. We have developed our knowledge of counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
We picked up telling the time to o’clock really quickly. We know that a clock a has a short hand which points to the hour and a long hand which points to the minute. We can write the time and draw the hands to show a time.
We recapped 2D and 3D shapes and we learnt that shapes can come in different sizes and orientations. We completed repeated patterns and some of us even created our own using shapes.
Our topic this half term had an art focus. We explored the art work of The two artists, Hepworth and Giacometti. We learnt the difference between surrealism and abstract art.
We explored different clay techniques such as rolling, making holes and joining pieces of clay together.
We sketched 2 different designs in the style of Giacometti before making a surrealism sculpture using tin foil armature and then applying clay to create our final piece.
This half term we have been singing in our music lessons. We have explored pitch and we can identify the different parts of a song. We really enjoyed singing call and response songs.
We have continued with our learning on plants this half term by growing our own cress. We put the seeds in different environments to see how they would grow. We checked on our plants ever week and commented on how they were growing.
We have continued with our learning on health and well-being this half term. We have explored our emotions and what we can do to cope with big emotions. We discussed loss and the feelings associated with loss.
We then looked at rules and age restrictions linked to video games and online platforms. Finally we explored what our personal information is and we know that we should not share this with anyone to keep us safe online.
Our key question in RE this half term has been ‘why are some places special?’ We explored this question through the religions of Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. We know the name of the religious buildings for these religions and we can talk about things that are in these special buildings and things that people do to show respect.
This half term we have developed our throwing and catching skills through the game of benchball. We showed good control in our throwing and catching skills, throwing at targets and to people. We had fun playing the game of benchball and developing our team playing skills.
Next Half Term
Literacy - writing a narrative based on a story from another culture or a story from around the world.
Maths - place value, addition and subtraction
Science - living things and their habitats
History - Victorians
PE - gymnastics
PHSE - bullying and safe relationships
Computing - digital photography
Music -
RE - special celebrations