
Welcome Back 2022-23 Welcome back to Balwearie

I am looking forward to welcoming everyone back to Balwearie next week after a well deserved summer break.

In advance of the new session I wanted to make sure all families are aware of some of our key people, how to contact the school, how we communicate and our school uniform policy.

I encourage you all to follow us on our social media channels, website and app to keep up to date with all the day to day goings on.

I look forward to working with you all over the course of the coming school session.

Mr McNeil - Rector

Important dates for the diary

We have the following important dates for the coming term. The full year calendar will soon be posted to the school website.

  • 07/09/22 - Parent Voice AGM & Meeting - In School @ 7pm
  • 30/09/22 - S4 Learners will receive their first report for the session
  • 07/10/22 - S1 Learners will receive their first report for the session

Introducing some key people at Balwearie

Mr McNeil


Miss MacLaren

S1 Depute Rector

Mrs Brawley

S2 Depute Rector

Mr McGuckin

S3 Depute Rector

Mr Robertson

S4 Depute Rector

Mr Booth

S5&6 Depute Rector

Mr Trowell

Business Manager

Our Uniform Policy

Our expectations are clearly stated on our website. Jeans, hoodies, short skirts, crop-tops etc are not part of our uniform and we shall engage proportionately with young people not meeting our expectations. Please call the school should you require any clarification.

We also have a school shop with a full stock of uniform to support any family requiring support with the cost of the school day.

Please see the following page on our website for full uniform details - https://www.balweariehigh.co.uk/Parents/Dress-Code

Our Pastoral Support Team

At Balwearie we have four guidance houses, each with two Principal Teachers who are the main pastoral links for learners. You can find out which house your learner is in by checking their form class code.

  • G = Grange
  • K = Kilrie
  • P = Piteadie
  • T = Tyrie

Some learners may also link to the Pupil Support department for more a more targeted level of support.

Grange House - Mrs Logan (PT Guidance) & Mrs Crawford (PT Guidance)
Kilrie House - Mrs Low (PT Guidance) & Mr Paterson (PT Guidance)
Piteadie House - Mrs Mitchell (PT Guidance) & Mrs Ferguson (PT Guidance & Pupil Support Link)
Tyrie House - Miss Currie (PT Guidance & Pupil Support Link) & Mrs Mearns (PT Guidance)
Mr Clunie (PT Pupil Support)
Mrs Johnstone (Support Services Co-ordinator) & Mrs Baillie (Pastoral Support Admin)

How to contact the school for any questions or concerns


  • Email - balweariehs.absence@fife.gov.uk
  • App - Register absence using the function within the Balwearie app
  • Call - 01592 583402 press option 1
  • Parentsportal - launching soon, information to follow.

General Enquiries

  • Email - balweariehs.enquiries@fife.gov.uk
  • Call - 01592 583402 press option 3

Queries Specific to Individual Learners

  • Email - balweariehs.enquiries@fife.gov.uk
  • Call - 01592 583402 press option 2

Your query/question will then be directed to the appropriate person in school who will action or respond as required.

Where you can find us


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