Principal's Message
Kia ora koutou e te whanau
This week I put a note in my morning message about the things we say, well more what we should consider before we say, or write. Basically, before we say something let the words pass through three gates- Is it true? is it kind? is it necessary? If it falls at one of the gates, then do not say it. The same rule applies to using social media and e-messaging. I check myself with the same measuring stick and if I muck-up I will own my mess (so of course I try not to mess up).
It is frightening that there are keyboard warriors out there. A technology to save us time can at times lead to one of those dilemmas we spend time talking about - our digital footprints.
I love that line ‘let your fingers do the walking’ because jeepers it saves time. But you know what? my new favourite line ‘is let my lips do the talking’ and be kanohi ki te kanohi, or ‘face to face’. It implies that if correct contact must be made then people should meet face to face so that no misunderstandings, misconstruing, misinterpretations, misapprehensions, and misconstructions can occur.
John Parsons is going to help keep us safe online.
We had John visit us a few years ago about keeping ourselves safe online, and if you missed Rob Cope do not miss John. I have borrowed a reference from a school he visited this year:
‘Nothing ever goes away once it is posted online. Is it right to follow someone on Instagram without knowing who they are? No.
John Parsons speaks to all students about cyber safety. He works alongside police to help children who have been abused online through digital networks like social media and support their families.
John Parsons is the author of ‘Keeping Your Children Safe Online’. One learns that we need to keep ourselves safe online. We do not need to be a people pleaser and accept everyone’s ‘friend request’. If we do not know who that person is, it is okay to decline their request. John advises us that we should never ignore our gut feeling and we have our parents and teachers to speak to if something goes wrong online. He talks about real-life events in regards to cyber safety that have led to serious consequences that affected relationships and mental well-being. It can be very hard to listen about the affected people. This teaches us why we should always be aware of others and trust our gut for a safe experience.
John Parsons brings an unparalleled wealth of direct experience to this issue. He has used this develop a toolbox of highly practical, realistic, and effective strategies that enable teachers, children, and their parents to deal with the challenges of digital technology, such as maintaining oversight of your child in the digital world, establishing boundaries for acceptable use, and preventing online sexual predation, cyber bullying, and cyber-crime.
Another bit of advice he gives is not to post photos online that are taken in PJs, in the bedroom or in the bathroom. The best profile photo would be one taken with family or a group of friends. Sometimes we can get carried away with social media and we become disconnected with our core self. We end up having an ‘online personality’ on top of our true selves.
Parents can get lost in the cyber world too, chatting or browsing online and Mr Parsons will speak about using student voice to let parents know their young ones want to spend more time with them in person, in the real world.’
A visit with John Parsons promises to be a very educational experience that we hope will help everyone, because we will be a lot safer if we understand the consequences of our actions, especially online. It is important to stay safe online and being secure and protected from people we do not know. John will speak to students during the day of Aug 3.
So, the action for parents from the information just shared is to attend the John Parsons Evening on August 3 at 7pm.
Makeup and Jackets
Here verbatim are our expectations about makeup, ‘No make-up is to be worn at school. This also includes eye-lash extensions. Nail polish is not to be worn, including false acrylic nails.’
Black jackets can be worn to school and from school, and outside rooms. They are not worn instead of blazers. Black jackets must be longer than the blazer.
I previously worked in a prestigious private school here in Godzone, I have worked in two such schools. On a day when we had our Athletics sports (always held on a Saturday) we had stopped for afternoon tea and of course all the parents were invited to the partake. There was an invitation to take refreshments and without prompting some students fell upon the food without thought given to the appropriateness of their actions. Our Headmaster boomed for attention and made the students step back from the tables and boldly said ‘they did not learn that here’. At which point the parents were invited to take refreshments and then the students could follow.
Here at school, we are compelled to fulfil so many expectations which we do as best we can. Our greatest value is to enhance what you have already instilled in your young ones. We, like you, want youth who say thank you, who stand back at doors, who say hello, who treat others with kindness, who have good dining etiquette, who make valued choices, and who are basically are or working at being good people.
Please be assured that if they do not exhibit the behaviours or values we, and you, expect they will be reminded.
It is Pent this weekend and Monday. We wish all students well and thank our sports department, our many volunteers, and supporters who help to make these events happen.
Have a safe weekend.
Ngā Mihi
Around School
Boarding Note
Over the holidays there are a number of different crews coming and going in the boarding houses completing maintenance and cleaning jobs, to ensure the houses are nice and clean when the boarders return. These three ladies are our hard work cleaning crew who are in every holiday period, and every week day during the school term.
On Tuesday night we had a lovely Matariki Boarders Chapel service. Thank you to Pastor Wendy for co-ordinating the service and to Alex, Vienna, Lily, Rhiannon, Poppy, Olivia and Hope for getting involved and reading your prayers. After the service all boarders walked down to the bottom field to try and find the Matariki cluster, and then we finished the evening with ice creams in the dining room.
Can all part time boarders please confirm their boarding nights now that the term is underway. Remember we need to know what night girls will be in for catering, duties and emergency reasons.
Thank you to those parents who were able to stay for the “What’s happening in boarding” meeting on Sunday. It is nice to be able to speak with you directly about changes that have been made in boarding, what we are currently working on, and future initiatives for boarding at St Matthew’s. If you were unable to attend but would like a copy of the handout please let me know.
A reminder we have a Teacher Only Day on Monday 31st July.
All the best to our Year 9 and 10 Pent teams. We look forward to seeing you out on the court, field, and turf doing your thing!
Hokonui Fashion Design Awards
We have received confirmation that all of the 22 St Matthew’s entries in the Hokonui Fashion Design Awards are finalists. They will all be modelled on the runway for both sellout shows 28th and 29th July, before an audience in excess of 1000 people each night.
As you can imagine Mrs Bucknell a super proud teacher!!
Year 10 Science
Year 10 have been learning about motion and force. Recently they built cars to race, calculate their speeds and then understand the forces involved in these self-propelling cars.
Later in the unit we will be looking at the energy transfers occurring during the race.
Photography Workshop
School App
If you are new to St Matthew's Collegiate, or have yet to download, please follow the link to install our school app
For current families, please update your subscription groups by clicking on the cog in the top right hand of the screen. It will take you to the groups for you to change.
Key Dates
- Friday 28th July - Senior College Parent/Teacher interviews
- Monday 31st July - Teacher Only Day
- Thursday 3rd August - John Parsons Parents Evening
- Friday 11th August - Senior College 2024 Subject Information
- Friday 11th August - Foodbank Appeal
- Saturday 12th August - Exeat
- Sunday 13th August - Exeat
- Saturday 19th August - Senior College Dinner Dance
- Sunday 27th August - Cooper House Chapel
- Saturday 2nd September - Exeat
- Sunday 3rd September - Exeat
- Thursday 21st September - House Music event
- Monday 9th - Friday 13th October - Y11 Derived Grade Exams
- Saturday 21st October - Exeat
- Sunday 22nd October - Exeat
- Monday 23rd October - Labour Day public holiday
- Sunday 29th October - Wake House Chapel
- Thursday 2nd November - Last day for Y11-13
- Thursday 2nd November - Senior College Prize Giving
- Monday 6th November - NZQA Exams begin
- Saturday 2nd December - End of Year Prize Giving
2023 Term Dates
- Term Three - Monday 17th July - Friday 22nd September
- Term Four - Monday 9th October to Saturday 2nd December