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World Obesity Day takes place on Friday 4 March.

This campaign activation toolkit is designed to support you in planning and developing your campaign. Read on for tips and resources to create powerful campaign messages, publicity materials and social media communications to maximise engagement with World Obesity Day 2022.

Obesity is a global problem, and it affects us all. Around 800 million of us are living with the disease, with millions more at risk. We know the roots of obesity run deep, and the only way we can make progress is by working together. We have a chance to mount a global, collective call for change.

On previous World Obesity Days, we have encouraged people from across the world to recognise the root causes of obesity, increase knowledge of the disease and foreground the voices of people with lived experience. Last year, we reached more people than ever before with the message that ‘Every Body Needs Everybody’ in the global effort to address obesity.

This World Obesity Day, we’re building on that momentum to turn widespread awareness into effective global action…


Obesity is a global problem, but different regions face distinct challenges and priorities. What works in one part of the world may not be suitable somewhere else. It’s important that when we call people to action, we do so in a way that is relevant to them.

That’s why this World Obesity Day offers unprecedented flexibility for campaign collaborators to craft their own tailored messages and materials (see next section: Creating Campaign Assets).

However, there are some high-level, central messages we can all use to ensure a coherent global campaign. We’ve prepared some statements below to get you started.

Key Message:

Obesity is a global problem, and it affects us all. Around 800 million of us are living with the disease, with millions more at risk. We know the roots of obesity run deep, and the only way we can make progress is by working together. World Obesity Day calls for action at local, national, and global levels to address rising rates of obesity, reduce the stigma faced by people living with obesity, and improve the systems that contribute to obesity around the world. Together, we can give everybody the best chance to live happier, healthier, and longer lives.

Positioning Statements:

One look at global obesity rates is enough to tell you that we’re not where we need to be, with almost one in every six adults worldwide currently living with the disease.

Once viewed as a problem for the most developed countries, obesity is rising on every continent, with the largest increases now taking place in South Asia and parts of Africa – areas where there was previously minimal prevalence.

Even more concerning, it’s not just adult obesity rising on every continent but childhood obesity too. At present, no country stands a chance of reaching its 2025 obesity targets.

But if everybody comes together for World Obesity Day, we can achieve big things.

This year, our ambition is higher than ever. Never before has there been such understanding of the root causes of obesity – and now it’s time to turn that knowledge into action.

Everybody has their part to play. At a local level, we need to ensure that our health systems, schools, and employers are equipped to reduce the risk and impacts of obesity. Nationally, we will pressure our institutions and representatives to ensure they’re doing all they can to tackle the structural roots of obesity. While at the global level, we can work with global leaders, policymakers and the WHO to address obesity through the development of comprehensive global and national action plans.

More respect. Better care. Bold policies. Real action. Together, we can give everybody the chance to live happier, healthier and longer lives.

Key Stats

For this year’s World Obesity Day, we want to help people understand the scale and impact of obesity around the world.

  1. 800 million people around the world are living with obesity
  2. The medical consequences of obesity will cost over $1 trillion by 2025
  3. People living with obesity are twice as likely to be hospitalised if tested positive for Covid-19
  4. Childhood obesity is expected to increase by 60% over the next decade, reaching 250 million by 2030.

For the latest obesity statistics in your region, visit the Global Obesity Observatory.

Roots of Obesity

Our Roots of Obesity resource identifies the main risk factors for obesity.

Language Guidance

Talking about obesity on social media can be daunting, especially for people that have no lived experience of it. So here is some guidance and a list of Do’s and Don’ts to remember.

Things to remember:

Each person’s experience of living with obesity is unique.

Obesity is complex and about more than a person’s weight. It can dramatically impact their health and wellbeing.

The aim is to create better societies to support those currently living with obesity, and develop safe, healthy and sustainable environments conducive to good health in the future.

Weight bias – referring to the negative ideologies associated with obesity – often leads to stigma which is a key social determinant of health. Always be empathetic when talking about people living with obesity.


  • Do use ‘people-first’ language by using terms such as ‘people living with obesity’ rather than ‘obese people’.
  • Do focus on the collective responsibility to address the root causes of obesity embedded in both our societies and our environments.
  • Do recognise obesity as a chronic disease in its own right as well as a risk factor for other diseases.
  • Do use clear simple language when talking about obesity in messages or content aimed at the general public.


  • Don’t focus ONLY on weight – obesity is not solely related to a person’s weight.
  • Don’t use words or labels such as ‘big’ or ‘large’ that focus excessively on size.
  • Don’t refer to ‘obese people’.
  • Don’t emphasise individual blame, self-control, the role of lifestyle and food choices. The root causes of obesity run much deeper.
  • Don’t use too much medical terminology – we don’t want to alienate or overwhelm people.


Clear branding and strong visuals are essential for an effective World Obesity Day campaign – they strengthen your campaign messages, catch people’s attention, and create a powerful sense of collective action worldwide.

We have created an extensive suite of assets for you to use. They range from simple social media templates and printable poster designs, to Zoom backgrounds and PowerPoint presentations, and an array of icons and logos.

You can see what’s available and learn about this year’s branding in our Campaign Brand Book.

Accessing Campaign Graphics

Remember to read our guidelines and terms before making use of World Obesity Day campaign assets.

General public and non-partner organisations:

A selection of readymade campaign assets is available for public use, so you can share our message quickly and easily. Access them here.

Partner organisations:

Our campaign collaborators have the option to create their own tailored campaign assets using editable design templates on Canva, a user-friendly online design platform. This year, our assets are designed to be more flexible and editable than ever before. You can adapt areas of text, icons, colours and images in a few simple steps – creating materials that fit your local campaign perfectly. If you are interested in this option, please contact us to request access.

Image guidance


This World Obesity Day, we have provided a selection of primary and secondary graphics alongside our editable assets. The primary graphics show hand signals signifying care and community as well as action. The secondary graphics show silhouetted figures, celebrating the body and joyful human connection.

Please consider your audience and local cultural context carefully when choosing which graphics to use. Hand gestures can have different meanings in different cultural settings. Figurative imagery can be engaging for some audiences but stigmatising for others. Only use graphics that you are confident will resonate with your audiences in a positive way. If in doubt, consult your members or contact us for further advice.

Advisory note from the Global Obesity Patient Alliance

The Global Obesity Patient Alliance (GOPA), urges everyone to be vigilant to the types of imagery and language used when covering the topic of obesity. To help humanize and destigmatize people living with obesity, GOPA, a global group of obesity patient organizations, supports the use of real images of people living with obesity over figurative images in any initiative collateral. As patients, we want to ensure that obesity is treated with the respect and dignity of any other disease; use of silhouettes and figurative imagery/illustrations to represent individuals in larger bodies can further perpetuate the misinformation and stigma associated with obesity. GOPA welcomes an open dialogue regarding the use of imagery and can be contacted at


If using photography in your campaign, take care in the selection of images. We recommend using photographs from the World Obesity image bank or the ECPO image bank, but if using your own photographs, be sure not to use stigmatising images that perpetuate negative stereotypes. This could include those that focus on the abdomen or lower body, or show people living with obesity from unflattering angles, engaging in sedentary behaviour or consuming unhealthy food.

Please avoid using hand icons to point to, encircle or otherwise single out an image of an individual person – this can be seen as stigmatising.

For more guidance on using imagery, as well as how to use our illustrations, typography and more, check out our Brand Book.


We want to spread the message that ‘Everybody Needs to Act’ far and wide this World Obesity Day. Social media is an important tool for getting the word out.

We will be sharing stories, events, facts and figures about obesity on social media on and around World Obesity Day. Make sure you are following us on Twitter. Share our content and tag us into your posts so we can maximise our online reach!

Planning on using social media in your campaign? Here are some tips to get you started:


Amplify the message of World Obesity Day using our campaign hashtags. Using the hashtags ensures that all social media material relating to the day can be discovered and tracked by those involved.

#WorldObesityDay is the main hashtag. Include this on all posts.

#WOD2022 can be used if space is a challenge.

#EverybodyNeedsToAct is the campaign strapline. Use it wherever possible to spread the message.

Example tweets

Use social media to share your key messages and catch the attention of your target audiences.

Here are some examples of tweets that you could use:

Healthcare professionals – we need your help to prevent and treat obesity around the world! Find out how to take action now at #EverybodyNeedsToAct
Employers – are you doing your bit to support people living with obesity? Find out how at #EverybodyNeedsToAct
With every passing day, countries fall further behind their obesity targets. The longer we wait to take global systemic action, the more costly change becomes. This #WorldObesityDay, #EverybodyNeedsToAct
Nearly one in six of us is living with obesity. This #WorldObesityDay, it’s time to demand more respect, better care, bold policies and real action! #EverybodyNeedsToAct
The root causes of obesity are everyone’s issue. If we work together to address them, we will all have the chance to live happier, healthier and longer lives. Learn more at #EverybodyNeedsToAct #WorldObesityDay
Unhealthy food systems; unequal access to healthcare; poor mental health… the roots of obesity are a problem for us all. Help us tackle them together this #WorldObesityDay #EverybodyNeedsToAct Learn more at
Good nutrition isn’t just down to the individual, it is determined by the society we live in. This #WorldObesityDay, let’s all push for better standards #EverybodyNeedsToAct
We all have a role to play in addressing obesity. Find out what yours could be at #WorldObesityDay #EverybodyNeedsToAct
Together, we can change the way we understand, prevent and treat obesity. Find out what you can do today at #EverybodyNeedsToAct #WorldObesityDay


Share the animation

The World Obesity Day flagship animation is an engaging introduction to the campaign and its core message that ‘Everybody Needs to Act’. Last year our animation reached record numbers on social media – and we can do so again if it is shared widely enough.

Example Tweet: World Obesity Day is a chance to come together as a global community and call for change in how the disease is understood. Find out why this is important in this short animation.

Show us your ‘O’ for obesity! Simply hold your hands together in the ‘O’ shape.

Example Tweet: Signal your support for #WorldObesityDay. Take a picture of you making the ‘O’ for Obesity and post it to show your support for #WorldObesityDay because #EveryBodyNeedsToAct!

Add a frame to your profile picture

Use a WOD 2022 frame on your social media account and encourage others to use them too. They are available to download here.

Example tweet: : This year #WorldObesityDay is on March 4th and the theme is #EveryBodyNeedsToAct. Show your support by adding one of our frames to your profile picture! Download them at!

Shares & Retweets

Example Tweet: Our theme for this year’s #WorldObesityDay is that #EverybodyNeedsToAct. We want to spread this message far and wide – so please share & retweet and keep an eye out for #WorldObesityDay posts throughout the day.

Download the fact sheets

Factsheets are available to download here.

Example Tweet: #DYK that obesity is no longer just a disease of rich countries? Obesity is now rising the fastest in lower- and middle-income countries. This #WorldObesityDay, download our factsheet to learn more about obesity at

Make a pledge

This year is all about action, so why not use social media to make a pledge? Use the World Obesity Day website pages for Healthcare Professionals, People Living with Obesity, Employers and Policymakers & Advocates for inspiration and encourage your networks to join in.

Example Tweet: This #WorldObesityDay, we pledge to learn more about the roots of obesity and tackle weight stigma wherever we see it. Why not see what you can do to support? Find out more on

To keep up to date with all the latest World Obesity Day activities, follow us on Twitter!
