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Pre/K1: Our favourite toys - In our ‘ How We Express Ourselves’ unit, learners presented their favourite toys to class in our ‘ Show and Tell’. All learners have been risk-takers and enthusiastic about presenting their toys. We have been learning about different stories and beginning to understand how stories make us feel.
Y1: Sharing our hobbies - In our ‘Who We Are’ unit, Year 1 presented a hobby or interest they already have to the class in our ‘Show and Tell’. We had children demonstrating different arts and crafts, musical instruments, golf and even taekwondo. We look forward to seeing what new hobbies or interests they have tried as part of their research project.
Y3: Building structures - The first UOI (Unit of Inquiry) for Year 3 is about the design of buildings and structures. The students are learning about the concept of ‘form’ in this unit. One learning task was for the students to carefully consider the form of the model structure they chose to build. They could choose from making a skyscraper or a tunnel.
Y5/6: Exploring religion - In our ‘Who We Are’ unit, Year 5/6 have been finding out about different religions beliefs from around the world and how different religions have a value system to create a safe place to live. We have been finding out about the rights of children as set down by the United Nations and finding out how these rights are there to take care of children around the world as they grow.
Y9/10: Ecofarm design - The Year 9/10 students went to inspect land adjacent to the school’s 6 rai land in order to plan a design project for an Ecofarm. Students were curious to inspect the buffaloes and cows in the vicinity.

Student success: Fuji in K2

Well done Fuji for consistently showing a fantastic attitude. Fuji is always well behaved and polite, constantly has a smile on his face, participates well in class and is smashing his phonics. He will be moving on to reading books in no time!

EAL: Getting to know each other

Welcome back to the first term of our academic year. We have begun the week getting to know each other. We were able to share some simple information about ourselves and we had lots of speaking practice. We demonstrated the learner profile ‘inquirer’ because we found out new things about our friends by asking questions.

Mahasarakham and Thammasat visit - It was fantastic to have two local universities visit the school and talk to our learners. This is helping our learners start to think about future career and study options to achieve their goals.