
Minera Church In Wales Voluntary Aided School End of Term News July 2022

Our School Vision
'Love Your Neighbour As Yourself' Matthew 22:39
'Love the Lord Your God' Mark 12:30

God will guide us to be:


We are kind and help others. We respect and care for each other and are kind to our family and friends.


As you will be aware, we are receiving warnings of extremely hot weather over the weekend and into next week.

We know that children can be especially vulnerable to extreme heat. As school, we are putting in the following measures to deal with the extreme heat and to keep everyone safe.

  • Normal school uniform is not required. We request that children should wear loose, light coloured clothing, if possible, wear hats and suncream outdoors.
  • We will avoid vigorous physical activity outdoors
  • Maximise shade
  • All classrooms will be ventilated with windows and door open.
  • It is important for children to keep hydrated. Please can children bring additional drinks with them to school. Water bottles can be refilled in school.


We say goodbye to our Year 6 children........

It was great to see Year 6 perform their Leaver's Service on Friday morning. A huge thank you to Mr Barnes for organising our Leaver's Service. Thank you to the friends and family of our Year 6 who joined us for our special service. It was great to see the hall so full for the first time in three years!

And finally....... I would like to wish Year 6 good luck for your transition to High School. Make the most of every opportunity and try your best! We will miss them all!

One last job for Year 6 Parents/Carers.

Our Best

This week, everyone has been very busy in school this week.

Other News

School Meals Next Week

Cold food will be offered at lunchtime with no hot options available. Sandwiches (cheese, ham and tuna), salad, veg sticks, ice cream and fruit will be offered. Please order through Parent Pay.

End of Year Reports

Yesterday, we sent out your child's end of year report. I trust you find it informative, comprehensive and an accurate reflection of the year’s work. I hope it provides a basis upon which you can discuss with your child his/her achievements and progress for this year.

I would appreciate any feedback on your child’s report. Please complete the online Family Feedback Form by clicking on the following link https://forms.office.com/r/Z3q4J4c7ts

Should you wish to discuss any aspects of the report, please contact your child’s class teacher to arrange an appointment.



We have three members of staff leaving Minera School at the end of term:

  • Mrs Emma Titchen, our Deputy Headteacher, will not be returning following the end of her sabbatical leave.
  • Mrs Sharon Day, who works in Breakfast Club
  • Miss Manon Edwards, who works in Year 1 and 2

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Titchen, Mrs Day and Miss Edwards for their service to Minera VA School. I know that everyone would wish to join with me in offering them our very best wishes for the future.

Friends of Minera News

Thank you all for supporting last week's Summer Fair and buying raffle tickets. We raised a massive £732.69.

Yesterday's disco raised £109.26 and the children had a great time. It has been so good to return to two of our favourite activities of the year - and make over £840 in the process!

Since September we have raised a total of £2,449.85 through raffles, Silver Smarties, the decorate-a-Christmas-cup competition, easyfundraising and the sale of Christmas cards, knitted toys and Jubilee tea towels.

Well done everyone,

The Friends of Minera School

Minera Kidz Klub - Summer Holiday Club

And finally....... thank you

This is the final newsletter of the academic year. It has certainly been a challenging year for everyone. I like to thank all staff for their support and hard work this year and to our Minera families for your support during this year!

Don't forget we have three more days left in school before the summer holidays and we close on Wednesday 20th July.

Have a lovely summer holiday and see you all in September,

Mr Williams

Training Days for 2022/23

  • Thursday 1st September 2022
  • Friday 2nd September 2022
  • Friday 28th October 2022
  • Monday 9th January 2023
  • Monday 17th April 2023
  • Thursday 20th July

Diary Dates

  • 12th - Nursery Induction Morning
  • 12th - Year 5/6 Visiting St Joseph's High School
  • 13th - Year 5/6 Visiting Minera Quarry
  • 14th - End of Year Disco 5pm to 6pm
  • 15th - Year 6 Leaver's Service at 10am
  • 20th - Non Uniform Day
  • 20th - School Closes for Summer Holidays
  • 1st - Staff Training Day
  • 2nd - Staff Training Day
  • 5th - School Opens for Children for the Autumn Term

Our Contact Information

Telephone - 01978 269500
Email: mailbox@minera-pri.wrexham.sch.uk
Website: mineraprimary.com
Facebook and Twitter