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Community Care, Inc. 2022 Annual Report Another Milestone

Message from Leadership: Another milestone

At some point in the distant past, the word milestone had a very specific meaning. Narrowly defined, milestones measured distance. Fast forward several hundred years and the word has taken on a whole new meaning. Nowadays, most of us use milestone to mark an important point in time.

We have celebrated many milestones at Community Care and 2022 was no exception. This was the year Community Care turned 45.

The past few years have been challenging, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic was still very much a concern at the outset of 2022. Faced with staffing shortages and increased enrollments, our staff found creative ways to ensure we continued providing consistent and compassionate care to our members.

Our staff did incredible work throughout the pandemic, but as the public health crisis continued into the second year, some were called upon to take on extra work. We offered incentive pay to anyone willing to add to their caseloads, but it is a testament to their dedication to both our members and the organization that they did so willingly.

This is one of the many reasons we take great pride in being part of this organization. Community Care employees take our mission seriously, which includes rolling up their sleeves to help ensure that our members get the care they need and deserve.

We reached another milestone in 2022; this was the year we started returning to the office following the COVID-19 pandemic. Slowly, but surely, many of our staff who had been working remotely transitioned to a hybrid model, splitting time between the office and home. This effort took a great deal of planning and coordination between our supervisors and our executive team.

We are a large and diverse organization spread out over 15 counties, with nearly 1,000 employees working in offices, day centers, convents, and out in the community.

Bringing people back required a plan that kept our staff and members safe while minimizing the risk of exposure to and spread of COVID-19.

We reached yet another milestone in 2022 by expanding our partnership with the United Community Center (UCC) in Milwaukee. For several years, UCC has provided an alternative setting for some of our members enrolled in the Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE).

Contracting with UCC to provide care management services to some of our Family Care members, allowed us to address some of our staffing issues and to serve a more diverse group of people, including our Spanish speaking members.

Strengthening an existing relationship with a trusted community partner helped us to deliver on one of the goals of our 2020-22 strategic plan.

As we look ahead to our next major milestone, our 50th anniversary, we do so comfortable in the knowledge that our team of dedicated staff at Community Care will continue to carry out our mission each and every day as they have done for all these years.

16,192 Family Care members served in 2022
Community Care's Family Care program is serves Wisconsin in Calumet, Dane, Fond du Lac, Kenosha, Manitowoc, Milwaukee, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Racine, Sheboygan, Walworth, Washington, Waukesha, Waupaca, and Winnebago county.

amy vanden wyngaard (member) and debbie williams (amy's mother), outagamie county, family care program

How has Community Care helped you and your family?

Debbie: "Being involved in Community Care has helped Amy become a gifted adult, not mentally challenged as she has been labeled. Her brother Kirk and sister Jodi have always been there for her, but they now see her as a thriving adult. Amy now feels like an important part of the community."

What do you like most about Community Care?

Debbie: "The involvement in Community Care has made me realize that without community care, family care and other programs that she could not have made it this far. Adults like Amy need the attention that you gave her and will continue to be a very gifted adult in our community. I feel very blessed to have the help to make Amy a special person!"
641 PACE members served in 2022
Community Care's PACE program serves wisconsin in kenosha, Milwaukee, Racine, and Waukesha county.

shirley alton (Member) and delbert alton (spouse), racine county, PROGRAM OF ALL INCLUSIVE CARE FOR THE ELDERLY (PACE) member

Shirley and Delbert Alton have been married for 62 years. After a severe stroke five years ago, Shirley, 80, can no longer use the right side of her body. The stroke not only impaired her memory, but accelerated the dementia she was already suffering from. Her husband, Delbert, 84, became her primary caregiver, which has not been easy. In 2022, Shirley enrolled in Community Care’s Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) in Racine. After enrolling in the program, Shirley and Delbert started getting the help they need so that Shirley can continue to live in her home, as they both wanted.

How has community care helped you and your family?

delbert: "It’s a great organization. When I talk with the social workers, they are terrific; the nurses and the nurse practitioner, they are all concerned about Shirley. It’s not like you’re on an assembly line. They want to make sure that everything is going well. Community Care has been terrific. I’m finally taking myself out of the shell. For four hours in the morning, when the caregivers come, I can be free and do what I want. I haven’t let go completely, but I have been trusting the caregivers. If I leave, I don’t have to worry. I know she is in good hands. I fear the days that they’re not here. It has relieved me a little bit. It can be overwhelming the amount of housework that is involved. Letting some of that go has eased me up quite a bit."

What do you like most about Community Care?

delbert: "I really like the friendliness and the caring that they have for the patient. I know that if I request a visit, if I say, “This has been going on” could you come in and check, they are right there talking to me on the phone, asking me what the issue is and telling me, “We’ll be there.” It may not be the same day, but they will be there. With Community Care, the patient isn’t just a number, they treat the patient as a person. Also, everyone has been concerned about how I have been as a caregiver. It makes me feel good that I’m not somebody who just sits here while they are checking on Shirley. They are checking to make sure I’m doing OK. When Shirley was in a rehab facility, people just didn’t seem to care, they were overwhelmed and the were just doing a job, whereas with Community Care they’re not just doing a job, they are following the Hippocratic Oath, that’s the best way I can think of to describe it."
931 partnership members served in 2022
Community Care's Partnership Program serves wisconsin in calumet, kenosha, milwaukee, outagamie, ozaukee, racine, washington, waukesha, and waupaca county.

molly mcclellan, outagamie county, Family Care-Partnership member

How has Community Care helped you and your family?

"Our daughter, Molly, has Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy. She is non-ambulatory and non-verbal with a strong desire for independence. When she was 27 years old, she was able to move into her own home with 24-hour care. She lived there comfortably for 11 years until last year when the company that supported the house was unable to supply the workers needed and told us to find another company. That’s when the bottom fell out. Finding another reliable company under IRIS was nearly impossible and John, myself, and Molly’s sisters became the back-up 24-hour caretakers for many months. We were told to switch from IRIS to Community Care and thank goodness we did! Because of Community Care, Molly now has the caretaking company she needs. She is happier than we have seen her for the longest time and she is able to stay and live her life in her own home. She finally has her life back … as does her entire family!"

What do you like most about Community Care?

"Community Care advocates for those who are incapable to do so themselves. Community Care and its support team truly want what is best for our daughter. If I ever have a question or concern, they direct me toward a solution or to someone who can help. They also keep a close eye out making sure Molly’s health concerns are addressed."
17,764 total members served in Community Care's programs in 2022.
1,000 employees

CCI Employee Excellence Award

Each year, Community Care employees for their extraordinary contributions in the areas of customer service, exemplary achievement and performance, and initiative and innovation.

In 2022, three employees received Employee Excellence Awards for their contributions to the organization throughout the year.

Tammy Harp, Kelsey Lawton, and Laura Moodie were selected from 30 employees who received nominations. Each winner received a $1,000 prize and a framed award.

Community Care is proud of all the nominees and grateful for the staff who took time to recognize a deserving employee by nominating them for an award.

Congratulations to the 2022 CCI Employee Excellence Award winners:

Excellence Award Winner – Tammy Harp, Certified Nursing Assistant (Sacred Heart Convent)

As a CNA working at the Sacred Heart convent, Tammy Harp has developed a reputation. For Tammy, it is all about the sisters. She goes out of her way for the sisters. She loves working for them. If one of the sisters in her care says they need something, Tammy won't stop until she gets them what they need or finds someone who can help her get what they need. That is just Tammy being Tammy. In addition to the lengths Tammy goes to for the sisters at Sacred Heart, she also goes out her way to help her fellow CNAs. If there are open shifts available, Tammy will fill in to ensure the work gets done. Those who know her understand that when patience can run low, Tammy seems to exude an abundance of it. This does not go unnoticed by the sisters. She cares for people with patience, thoughtfulness, and grace, which leaves a positive and lasting impression.

Excellence Award Winner – Kelsey Lawton, Finance/Financial Reporting & Government Relations Project Manager (Bishop’s Woods)

Due to her role in Community Care’s finance department, not many employees know Kelsey Lawton. Kelsey is one of those employees whose behind-the-scenes efforts are crucial to our organization’s success. In addition to helping with the 2023 Department of Health Services business plan, Kelsey is also responsible for coordinating the audit by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI). Both projects require an extensive amount of research and writing. Kelsey’s superb writing skills help bring clarity to complex business concepts. Not only does she complete her work with a high degree of efficiency, but she does it with the finesse required to obtain and coordinate responses from a variety of individuals and departments. This helps lighten the load for others. Most importantly, Kelsey maintains a calm demeanor while working under compressed deadlines. This calm and collected demeanor is not only appreciated, but it is also contagious! Her professionalism, positive attitude, and achievements reflect highly upon her, the department, and Community Care.

Excellence Award Winner – Laura Moodie, Nurse Practitioner (Our Lady of Angels)

Laura Moodie exemplifies the best of Community Care with her warmth, good sense of humor, and willingness to help. She goes well beyond her job description to ensure our members enrolled in the PACE program get the best possible care. She is very thorough in her treatments and recommendations for our members. Laura exceeds in communicating with the PACE team members with any concerns and getting team input to work toward achieving the best outcomes for members. She does a great job recognizing the best plan of care for members and really advocates for all-inclusive care for the elderly, making realistic and achievable goals as part of the treatment plan. Laura also does a great job coordinating discharge planning when any member is hospitalized to help ensure a smooth transition back into the community. In addition to her efforts on behalf of our members, Laura shares her knowledge and expertise with colleagues and is always willing to assist whenever called upon.

66 Employees celebrated 10+ years of service




We would like to acknowledge the employees who have been with us for 30 years or more: Susan Schinko – 30 years, Cheryl O'Connell – 31 years, Bonnie Al-Sabki – 33 years, Cindy Cowie – 34 years

celebrating our 45th anniversary in 45 words or less

To celebrate our 45th anniversary in 2022, we asked employees to share their thoughts about what Community Care means to them, in 45 words or less.

We were so pleased with the responses we received. The submissions are a testament to the dedication of our employees and the culture they have helped to foster throughout our organization.

Here is what Community Care means to them:

"What Community Care means to me is living my own missions and values as a social worker and as a leader through my organization and team." - emily hewitt, program supervisor, waukesha county
"Community Care means commitment to me. Every day, my team is dedicated to a high-quality work environment for each other and excellent service to our members. We are fortunate to have incredible staff and leaders in this organization. I am grateful to be working here!" - Raven DeLange, Administrative Assistant, Walworth County
"I started at Community Care 3 short months ago and have been overwhelmed by the support and kindness from the wonderful staff this company has. I am confident that my desire to help others will be fulfilled by working with members enrolled with Community Care!" - Katie Gordon, Care Manager, Ozaukee County
"Community Care means the opportunity to make a positive impact in communities, work with some of my best friends and make the world a better place. It also means having job security and flexibility through the pandemic while facing the challenges of having aging parents, a child with special needs, and getting a divorce." - Sarah Harris, Care Manager, Racine County
"Community Care has given me the chance to find my way in the world and to share my gifts with others. Giving our members the opportunity to be the best they can be with the supports we offer." - Amy Eldredge-Nischik | Care Manager
"Having been with CCI over half my life (34 yrs), I think it is safe to say I believe the mission. Members and employees are AMAZING. From 1988 to the present we have come a long way, baby! Let’s keep it rolling!" - Cindy Cowie | Director of Medical Informatics
"Community Care has afforded me the opportunity to see the Fruit of His Spirit (Love, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control, joy , faithfulness, Goodness, and peace) exemplified by the awesome people I work with, and the patients who are blessed to receive such dedicated and comprehensive care." - Linda Fikes | Physician
"Community Care for me means a supportive work environment. A place where ideas and questions about improvement are encouraged. Being involved in Community Care means being part of an agency focused on creating a positive experience for everyone involved." - Alexandra Nelson-Zirzow | Care Manager | Waukesha

adult day center in milwaukee turned 15

In March 2022, we marked the 15-year anniversary of our Adult Day Center in Milwaukee.

Community Care opened the site, including the adult day center, in 2007 to expand the services we provided to our members.

This began with the merging of some of our smaller community PACE and Partnership sites: St. Mike’s, Lapham Park, and Walnut Village. At the time, we also chose to relocate a few members from our Fond du Lac Avenue site.

We completed the merger with the Fond du Lac Avenue site in 2010 followed by the Layton site in 2015. In 2015, our Milwaukee site also became the only PACE Center in Milwaukee.

The site has seen many transitions through the years, but thanks to the dedication of so many employees, past and present, the site continues to play an important role in carrying out the mission of our organization: helping seniors and individuals with disabilities live independently in the community.

hr gets creative with hiring

While Community Care had experienced staff shortages throughout the organization in the past, the COVID-19 pandemic made the situation even more challenging. Despite this, we made progress thanks to some intense recruitment efforts by our HR staff.

Here are a few of the efforts we undertook to help with hiring in 2022:

  • We piloted a program to allow new hires from outlying counties to participate in New Employee Orientation remotely.
  • We continued to streamline our recruitment process.
  • We increased our social media presence to spread the word about open positions.
  • Additionally, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) approved our request to waive certain hiring requirements for care management applicants. Our request for a six-month exemption allowed us to expand our pool of applicants and fill open care manager positions in a timelier manner.

As part of this plan, we've implemented several new processes to ensure that anyone hired under this plan will get the training, supervision, and mentorship needed to be successful.

We are grateful to everyone for continuing to provide the excellent care that our members have come to expect, even under these challenging conditions.

We appreciate all their efforts to help us navigate through a challenging year and work together for the greater good of the organization and the members we serve.

partnership with united community center

In 2022, Community Care expanded its partnership with the United Community Center (UCC) in Milwaukee. For several years, UCC provided an alternative setting for some of our members enrolled in the Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) in Milwaukee County.

For many years, Community Care has searched for creative ways to address staffing issues so we can continue to provide an excellent level of care to our members.

In 2022, we contracted with UCC to provide care management services to some of our Family Care members in Milwaukee County. UCC has provided contracted care management services through the Family Care program in Milwaukee County for more than 20 years. Their knowledge and experience are an asset to Community Care.

In addition to helping with staffing, the plan strengthened our relationship with a trusted community partner and allowed Community Care to serve a more diverse group of people. Most of the members served through this expanded partnership with UCC speak Spanish.

This effort helped Community Care to deliver on one of the goals of our 2020-22 Strategic Plan: serving more members.


Community Care is committed to managing its resources responsibly and making its annual financial reports viewable to the public. We are pleased to provide the following document for your review.
