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rabbi randy sheinberg

No One Wants to Be Held A Captive

  • I was leading tefilah with our Religious School students this past week when one of the students asked a question, “Rabbi, this prayer says we should thank God who ‘frees the captive’. What is a captive?”
  • With the help of other students, I explained that a captive is someone who is not completely in charge of their own self - someone who, whether technically a slave or not is indentured to, subservient to, someone or something else. “How many of you would say that you are captive?” I asked.
  • The subject of captivity comes to mind this time of year, of course, because of the upcoming holiday. Passover is the time when we tell the story of our ancestors’ captivity in Egypt. We celebrate their freedom journey and our own, as we sit around our seder tables.
  • Yet the subject of captivity also comes to mind as I think about a secular holiday coming up later this month, the modern holiday Earth Day.
  • In some ways, we have a lot of freedom. We can drive where we want to, when we want to. We can buy whatever we need easily at the local store or online. However, looked at another way, these habits of comfort and apparent freedom are also holding us captive. They are keeping us dependent on chemicals and compounds that are destroying our earth, they are keeping us beholden to non-renewable resources that will one day be fully depleted. The very lifestyle of apparent freedom and ease to which we have become accustomed is also kind of a prison - it is keeping us captive, and dooming us and our descendants. And yet we cannot seem to figure out how to escape from it.
  • Let’s focus on just one example - our dependency on plastics. Here are some statistics: ...... According to the environmental organization Earthwise Aware, we produce more than 300 million tons of plastic each year. Americans use 500 million straws every single day, 100 million plastic bags per year, and 50 billion plastic bottles per year. Globally over 90% of our plastics are not recycled ...... According to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, 8 million tons of plastics end up in our oceans each year. If we do not make any changes in our behavior, by 2050 there will be more plastic in our oceans than fish.
  • We are captive to our dependency on plastic. We use plastic items every day, everywhere in our homes, workplaces, and schools. And this dependency is harming us and threatening our future.
  • It is not easy to escape captivity. Just ask the ancient Israelites who escaped Egypt. To liberate ourselves from our dependency on plastics will require tremendous changes in our laws, our economy, our culture, and our personal habits. It is a daunting task. While much of the work must be done on a collective scale, there are some concrete, simple steps that you and I can take to rid ourselves of our plastics addiction.
  • Here are a few that I am working on: RECYCLE: Recycling has gotten a lot of bad press lately. However, things are improving. According to Bloomberg NEF, the prospects for both mechanical and chemical recycling as viable alternatives are improving. They predict that around 35% of plastics demand could be met by recycled materials and bioplastics in 2050, avoiding the use of 4.1 million barrels per day of oil at that point...We can do our part by recycling the plastic we use. Know your own local recycling rules. Sort your plastic and recycle that which is eligible for recycling. • REFILL: According to the World Economic Forum, if just 10 - 20% of plastic packaging were reused, the amount of plastic waste entering the ocean could be cut in half. More and more companies are selling their products in reusable, refillable containers. You can now buy Windex in a concentrate that dissolves in water in your refillable container or a Dove deodorant stick that slots into a reusable case or refill your Body Shop products at their stores. Look for these kinds of products and choose them whenever you can. • REFUSE: My family and I consume a lot of take-out drinks - iced cappuccinos, smoothies, and the like. Most of these drinks come with a plastic straw. These days, we are ordering our drinks without the straw. It is a small gesture, yet it’s a start. Others have taken things further - refusing to buy products that are packaged in unnecessary plastic; pressuring local merchants to switch from plastic containers to more sustainable cardboard ones. Think before you take or purchase a plastic-packaged item. Is there another alternative?

As Passover and Earth Day approach, let us take responsibility for our own liberation. Let us make responsible choices so that we can bequeath a better future to the generations to come.

Chag Sameach - Happy passover

Temple President ~ lisa lupo

Passing On Our Faith from Generation to Generation

  • There is something very special about the Jewish sleep-away camp experience ~
  • The early Jewish summer camps were meant to do two things – bring inner city kids to the country and Americanize the children of Eastern European immigrants. However, over time as Jews became more Americanized and secular, these camps consciously became more Jewish, and focused on reinforcing Jewish values and identity. Camps differed based on denomination and focus, yet all offer a common Jewish experience, reinforcing shared Jewish values and fostering friendships forged in outdoor summer fun.
  • Especially in today’s world, with antisemitism on the rise and many of our families living in neighborhoods with few Jews, it is important to give our kids a strong Jewish identity. They have a strong Jewish community at Temple and at Jewish day camps, but Jewish sleep-away camp is a 24-hour immersive experience.
  • I do not mean to imply that Jewish summer camps are just about being Jewish. Campers benefit from the same attributes of any well-run residential camp. They learn new skills in a safe and nurturing environment. They have the opportunity to build confidence and self-esteem and make decisions on their own while living away from their parents. And, of course, camps are fun.
  • I fondly remember my days at Camp Colang in Lackawaxen, Pennsylvania and I am still good friends with my best friend from camp. The year I turned 16, my parents spent many weekends driving me to all the Sweet 16 parties of my bunkmates in a 90 miles radius of New York City. Having never belonged to Temple growing up, summer camp had a huge influence on strengthening my Jewish identity.
  • There is no better way than attending a Jewish sleep-away camp for Jewish children and teens to experience the joy of nature, discover their identity, build lifelong friendships, and to increase their connection to the values and culture of the Jewish community.
  • Through the generosity of the Voronovsky Educational Fund, Temple Tikvah is able to offer partial scholarships for our youth to attend Jewish summer camps or other Jewish programming, such as the L’Taken Seminar for Teens, throughout the year. Most families have already made their plans for this year, however, please reach out to me to discuss your plans for next summer when the time is right.

Wishing everyone a joyous Passover...Chag Sameach!


*we were loud & we were proud!

PURIM 2023!

Education Director


Happy Passover

  • March was a busy and fun month! Our students enjoyed a wonderful Purim Carnival at Temple Tikvah!! A heartfelt thanks to Cheryl Stern for organizing and running our carnival, as well as to all the parents who helped set up, man the booths, and clean up!!! It takes a village!!!! A special thank you goes to Hayley Di Rico for providing our first photo booth!!!!! All the children, staff, and parents had a fantastic time!!!!!!
  • Congratulations to our 4th Graders on leading us in our Family Service on March 17th. They did an exceptional job.
  • On April 2nd, we will celebrate Passover with a special, delicious “Chocolate Seder”. Our Brotherhood will continue their tradition of making matzah brei for our Religious School. We thank them in advance for their hard work.
  • We are currently in our Gemilut Chasadim (“Loving Acts of Kindness”) Unit of Study, the last in our trilogy of learning following the Torah and Avodah (worship) Units. As the song “Al Shlosha Devarim” says, “The world stands on three things: Torah, Avodah and Gemilut Chasadim.”
  • Please mark your calendars with these upcoming events and important dates to remember: Sunday, April 2nd: Religious School Model Seder at 9:30am - A Chocolate Seder (Tikvah Tots may join at 11:30am) and Commonpoint Queens Community Service Event at 12:15pm (Packing Grab & Go Passover Meals) • Wednesday, April 5th: First Seder • Thursday, April 6th: Second Night Seder • Sunday, April 9th - Sunday, April 16th: RELIGIOUS SCHOOL (INCLUDING TUTORING AND SIMKHA CHOIR) IS CLOSED FOR PASSOVER BREAK • Saturday, April 15th: Junior Congregation at 9:30am • Sunday, April 17th: Yom HaShoah • Friday, April 21st: Family Shabbat Service • Saturday, April 22nd: Youth Evening Event • Sunday, May 21st: LAST DAY OF RELIGIOUS SCHOOL

And last, but not least ~ Mazel Tov to The Weprin Family on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Ellie on Saturday, April 29th!

*we know our worth on the inside

PURIM 2023!



Solidarity and Change is Needed to Protect One Another and Save Our Planet

  • While Earth Day occurs once a year on April 22nd, we know as Jews we have an obligation to think about how we will leave our planet 365 days a year. As parents, we often feel a stronger tug to consider L’dor v’dor - how will we pass on our earth “from generation to generation”? We have a sense of urgency as we see the effects of climate change and consider how our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren will face challenges we never considered at their young age. We see so many youth ringing the alarm bells and pushing adults to make a change. And we can look to our youth as they take the lead as climate activists urging us to take action. You can read more by clicking on the LINK below:
  • So what can we do with our youngest community members to show them we are helping to pass on the earth stronger than it is today ~ Why not gather trash and have a day to create something new?... Make a bird feeder...Create a doll house or doll carrier...Make a home for their favorite stuffed animal...Take those old crayons and melt them into new ones ... What else might you try ~ Lead by example by taking a walk to the store, rather than driving...Remember to carry your reusable totes everywhere you go...Turn off the lights whenever you leave a room. Stay on the trail when you are on a family hike...And, as always, share some good books to show your children the value of taking care of our planet. A list of resources can be found by clicking on the LINK below:

Director of Youth & Family Engagement


Happy Pesach & Happy Earth Day

  • Purim was a wonderful celebration for everybody! Look at those punims in the 3 collages in this Issue and you will see the connection, joy, and love our community has for our faith and one another. It was so nice to have a carnival once again and be able to celebrate with our Tikvah Family. We had so much fun at the Havdallah / Purim Carnival Set-up! It was especially nice to see so many kids working together to make sure everything was perfect.
  • On April 2nd we will host a Community Service Event at Commonpoint Queens at 12:15pm (Packing Grab & Go Passover Meals). I am looking forward to seeing everyone.
  • As we prepare to celebrate Passover I want to take a moment to wish you and your families a Happy and Healthy Passover. The Spring season has begun and it is a time for us to embrace new beginnings and rebirth. Now that we are back in our building more and more, I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s children at our programs and celebrating events together.


*we bravely stand-up for ourselves & together for our community

PURIM 2023!




april 22, 2023

social action


"It is our responsibility to preserve, protect, and nourish our planet. We have the power to take action to create a healthy and just future for ourselves and generations to come."(

  • Each year since 1970, April 22nd has been designated as Earth Day, marking the beginning of the modern environmental movement; and reminding us of our sacred and secular obligation to protect our planet.
  • A few years ago New York State passed groundbreaking climate legislation, yet we are still struggling to flesh out the provisions which will allow us to reach our goals, and to get them adequately funded. In October, EARTHDAY.ORG (EDO), the global organizer of Earth Day, announced the theme for this year: Invest in Our Planet. It could not be more appropriate for the moment in which we find ourselves in New York.
  • Temple Tikvah is a participating congregation in RAC-NY (Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism). This year the organization is advocating for the passage of two important climate bills: The All-Electric Building Bill (S562-A, A920-A), which would ban hook-ups to fossil fuel sources in new buildings; and the HEAT Act (S2016), which would change New York law to help reduce, rather than expand the natural gas infrastructure.
  • At Shabbat Services on March 3rd, Social Action presented information about the bills and opportunities to participate in advocacy. At that time the RAC was in the process of organizing lobbying sessions with key state legislators and local Assemblywoman Gina Sillitti was among them. Paula, a member of North Country Reform Temple, had taken on the task of organizing among several Temples in Sillitti’s district. Rabbi Sheinberg planned to lobby and invited others to join her by contacting Social Action. We will be able to report on that effort in the next edition. There may be more opportunities for advocacy later in the spring.
  • Meanwhile, as we prepare to celebrate Passover, we can be mindful that, as Rabbi Stephen Lewis Fuchs wrote, “…ancient Jewish celebrations throughout the year remind us of our responsibility to safeguard the fragile planet God has entrusted to our care. Almost all of our Jewish observances reflect environmental concerns.”
  • Our March Social Action Meeting was held on Sunday the 19th. Check the Weekly Updates for notifications of future meetings or contact Social Action to be included in our emails.

Chag Pesach Sameach!



The Sisterhood Scoop

  • This month with our family and friends around our seder tables, we feel the joy and remember the traditions that shape our lives. Whether you set a table for many or travel to loved ones, there will be a beautiful seder plate and laughter as the afikomen is finally found. Passover and Earth Day share the teaching of keeping our world safe from generation to generation. It is our responsibility to keep our planet filled with everything we need by doing our part to tend to the air, the water, the land, and all the beautiful creatures. In the Passover story, Pharaoh’s advisors warned him before the plague of the locusts, ”Do you yet not know that Egypt is nearly destroyed?” (Exodus 10:7) They knew it was all their responsibility to ensure their land could remain a plentiful place to call home.
  • Do all of us realize it is our responsibility to keep our earth clean so that it can continue to provide us with all we need? Adam, the first human, was told to be a guardian of the planet and it is up to us to pass this task from generation to generation. When you gather this Passover, make sure to include the importance of preserving all the goodness earth has always given us and ways even your youngest family members can do their part.
  • Thank you to everyone who participated in our Purim Card Fundraiser. All profits went to further help Temple stay strong. The Purim activities were so much fun. We were happy to provide the delicious hamantaschen at the Shpiel too!
  • A big thank you to Ramona Jones! Last month, she shared her experiences in the military and in life to a very impressed audience. We are so lucky to have such a caring woman in our Temple family.
  • We shared our Passover traditions through our Women’s Seder on March 26th. Thank you to Rabbi Sheinberg for leading our women in a festive and meaningful afternoon, and of course thank you to the many Sisterhood members who prepared and participated in the event. Happy Pesach to all!
  • As we enjoy spring’s warm up, look for details about our End of Year Dinner in June, We are looking forward to seeing many of you there to share a good meal with good friends. We miss you!
  • And as always, contact us with any new activities or ideas you may have to get involved with our super Sisterhood.

Enjoy the wonder of spring’s beauty...



Spring has Sprung!

  • Hello Sports Fans...March Madness brought the NCAA Men’s & Women’s Final 4 for basketball supremacy to its conclusion. Possibly by the time you read this, the college champs will have been crowned. And...Of course, the 2023 Baseball Season began on March 30th. Let’s Go Mets!
  • Last month, the Brotherhood sponsored, On the Marc Sports Talk had 2 very interesting guests. In early March, Ira Kaufman joined our ZOOM cast. Ira has a sports radio talk show every Monday in South Florida. He talked about his love of ALL Sports and his passion of attending as many games live and taking fabulous pictures of the games. At the end of the month former minor league baseball player, Rob Nandin was our guest. Rob spoke about his experiences as a professional baseball player. Though, he never made it to the “Show” (big leagues), he told us many stories from being a minor leaguer for 10 years.
  • PLEASE REMEMBER: On the Marc Sports Talk is LIVE every Thursday at 4:00pm on ZOOM and rebroadcasted on Spotify & Apple I-Tunes each week. Why not join us live or listen to one of our past shows.
  • Brotherhood recently held their annual Pre-Passover Wine Sale. I hope everyone purchased at least one bottle, since this was a fundraiser for our Brotherhood.
  • This month, Brotherhood will be making matzah brie for the Religious School on Sunday, April 2nd at 9:30am. Please join us in The Beber Auditorium. Everyone is welcome.

As each of you enjoy a cup of wine this Passover, do not forget to say the Kiddush/blessing over the wine...

  • Lastly, Brotherhood is still selling the Yellow Memorial Yom HaShoah Candles. Each candle is just $3.00. Yom HaShoah is Monday, April 17th look for more information in the Weekly Updates.

Until next month...Marccc

caring community


We are The Shomrei Adamah - “The Guardians of the Earth”

  • Our faith not only sustains us as individuals and as a community, Judaism also observes and provides our planet to responsibly sustain itself through the holidays we observe and annually celebrate. Examples of this are: Shavuot and the harvest of Sukkot, when we are reminded of the necessity of clean water and air, so that we can continue growing and harvesting our food chains and supplies; at Tu B’Shevat which is known as the “Birthday of Trees”, as well as the “Jewish Earth Day” for the past 1,800 years; and on Passover, which will be celebrating this month.
  • On Wednesday, April 5th we will sit down with our loved ones on Erev of Passover where we will find the traditional seder plate at the center of our respective tables. The karpas, the greenery on the plate is a reminder that Passover’s earliest roots lie in ancient spring planting festivals. It is essential to be reminded that we must responsibly take care of planet earth for its survival for all future generations to come.
  • The Caring Community is continuing to embrace and reach out to our congregants who are in need of some “TLC”. We want everyone to feel connected to Temple Tikvah, whether it is a need to talk to someone or get some advice or support, for any reason; however especially if someone is ill or may be going through a difficult time. Please keep in touch with us on a personal level or for members of Temple who may be in need.
  • REMEMBER TO MARK YOUR CALENDARS: The Writing Group will next meet on Tuesday, April 11th at 7:30pm • The Evening Book Club will next meet on Monday, April 24th at 7:30pm to review Fruit of the Drunken Tree by Ingrid Rojas Contreras (Inspired by the author's own life, and told through the alternating perspectives of the willful Chula and the achingly hopeful Petrona, Fruit of the Drunken Tree contrasts two very different, but inextricable coming-of-age stories. In lush prose, Rojas Contreras sheds light on the impossible choices women are often forced to make in the face of violence and the unexpected connections that can blossom out of • The Afternoon Book Club will next meet on Thursday, May 4th at 1:30pm to review Signal Fires by Dani Shapiro (Division Street is full of secrets. An impulsive lie begets a secret - one which will forever haunt the Wilf family. And the Shenkmans, who move into the neighborhood many years later, bring secrets of their own...Spanning fifty kaleidoscopic years, on a street - and in a galaxy - where stars collapse and stories collide, these two families become bound in ways they never could have

“When God had finished showing human beings the earth, He said to them, “See how beautiful my world is. I created it for your sake. Take care of my world and do not destroy it, for if you do, there will be no one else to repair it.” - Midrash

lifelong learning


When We Have Courage, We Can Survive the Dark Days

  • In the midst of great evil, it is the courageous man or woman who refuses to succumb, and Peter Ertel was one such man. Forced to serve in the German Army despite his open contempt for the Nazis and his refusal to kill the enemy, Ertel would not only miraculously survive World War II, but would also be regarded as family by his Jewish employers. The Unimaginable Journey of Peter Ertel is a riveting, award-winning account of the life of a man who defied insurmountable odds in an unforgiving environment and who later found peace in America. This film combines archive footage – much of which has never before been shown – with Ertel’s own brave telling of his extraordinary odyssey. A true story so bold, brave, and beautiful it will restore your faith that humanity can survive even the darkest of days. The Unimaginable Journey of Peter Ertel is the winner of the "David Ponce Best of the Fest Award" at the 2017 Chagrin Documentary Film Festival, the "Founders' Choice Award" at the 2016 G.I. Film Festival, and the "Local Heroes Competition" at the 2017 Cleveland International Film Festival.
  • Join us via ZOOM to watch The Unimaginable Journey of Peter Ertel followed by a Q & A Session with the film’s producer/director, Joseph Cahn on Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 11:00am. You can view the film’s trailer by clinking on the LINK below. More details can be found in the Weekly Update.

Torah Study: Torah Study continues as always on Saturday mornings at 9:00am with Rabbi Sheinberg on ZOOM. We have been meeting once a month in-person at Temple Tikvah at 9:30a.m. The next in-person meeting will be on April 1st. There is always a ZOOM link for those days too. The links are in the Weekly Updates. We hope to see you there.

HAKARAT HATOV - הַכָּרַת הַטּוֹב

with gratitude

TODA RABA – תודה רבה


  • Angel: Barbara Silberman Susan & Martin SirokaSisterhood Ken & Neela Weber
  • Chesed: Arnold & Sylvia Bloch Cheryle & Steve Levine
  • Tzedekah: Lynn & Jay Beber  Elaine Farber • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan Joyce & Joel Mensoff
  • Benefactor: Betsy Jacobs Biviano Arline & Jack Cazes Bruce, Maria, Lauren & Marc Gross • Robin & Robert Jacobson  Carole Kaplan Lisa Lupo  David & Sandra Peskin Madeleine Wolf
  • Patron: The Bader Family Brotherhood • Fran Fredrick • Ronni & Charlie Hollander Marilyn Markowitz  Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Massey Stuart & Judy Weinstock
  • Sponsor: Arlynn H. Charlotte • Terry & Michael Cutler  Beth Feldman Sonia Fink Martin & Susan FoxMarc & Michele Gold • Lois & Richard Howard Terry & Ira Lepzelter • Mimi Kahn Avery & Lynn Okin •  Phyllis RichardsHelaine & Ed Schachter Janet & Barry Spool Norman & Dr. Stephen J. Wilson
  • Donor: Muriel Adler Anonymous Ann ArkinMichele & Dennis Baltuch Florence Baravarian  Cindy & Joe Bettelheim Sheila & Martin Bokser Farhad Bolandakhtari Elaine Brooks & Anthony Kolios  The Chirel FamilyThe Comerchero Family • Dr. & Mrs. Norman Feder • Rochelle & Evan Fischer Vivian E. Floch Alan Fogelman • Stephen & Barbara Goldberg Susan & Martin Goldschmidt Lauren & James Gries Lori & Mark Gordon David Herz & Janet Stahl • Debra & Herb Hochrad Phyllis & Joe HorneCharles Hyman • Andrea King Leslie Kizner  Nicole & Rachel Lavoie • Traci & Victor Levy Helen Lipson & Carol Weiner Susan & André Louis The Magidson Family Mark & Robin Mandell Lynn Moser Margery & Edward Orenstein Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ravens & Family Barbara & Milton Rosenberg Gerson & Pam Sabel Susan Schall Barbara, Ron, Melissa & Justin Schreiber Jack & June Schwarz Claire Shapiro Dr. Irving & Doris Silberman Joan Wiener Marvin Witt Laurence Wolfson Jack & Linda Zaffos Howard & Gale Zeidman Irene & Stanley Zorn
  • Participant: Deborah AbramowitzJeanie & George Berger • Sharyn Chanin • Terry Hood Curiale Ruth Friedlander Steve & Doreen Geller Muriel Gorochow Toby & Steven Israel Esther Krichevsky  Steven B. Levine  Andrew & Marilyn Mandell Lee Newman & FamilyKarla Osuna Donald & Lori Panetta Sandy Portnoy Susan & Irwin Schneider  Alene & Helene Schonhaut Howard & Gale Zeidman


  • RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Gloria & Lawrence Konstan in honor of Rabbi Randy’s CCAR Vice Presidency
  • SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND: Sisterhood in honor of the 55th Anniversary of Elaine & Howard Weiss (April 7th)
  • TEMPLE TIKVAH MEMORIAL FUND: Sharon Adler in memory of Edith Adler and Jennie Kornhauser • Carolyn Alexander in memory of Beth Weiner Alexander Robert Bader in memory of Charles Bader • Marian & Seth Baskin in memory of Benjamin W. Cohen • Susan Beckerman in memory of Gertrude Gross • Stephen & Maureen Berman in memory of Leo Berman • Sheila Bokser in memory of Charles Israel Sussman • Doris Brown in memory of Samuel Platt, Esther Platt, and Ruth Hollander • Martin Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg in memory Samuel Sol Cohen and Monroe Sheinberg • Mindy & Mark Daniels in memory of Frances Fox • Elaine Farber in memory of Richard Farber • Merle Fishkin in memory of Samuel Pugach • Judy Friedman in memory of Ida Eichner Sue & Bob Gelfand in memory of George S. Ader and Pearl Bederman  Martin & Susan Goldschmidt in memory of Robert Schwesky • Deborah Golob & Michael Golob in memory of Sophie Golob • Ronni & Charles Hollander in memory of Julius Kirschbaum, Alexander Warantz, Dr. Arthur Hollander, Ruth Warantz, and Rita Penny • Robert & Robin Jacobson in memory of Irene Jacobson Carole Kaplan in memory Joseph Sorblum and Irving Abzug  Joe & Judy Kirschner in memory of Israel Kirschner • Nancy Kiss in memory of Robert M. Kiss and Daniel Hurwitz • Gloria & Larry Konstan in memory of Edythe Konstan • Cheryle & Stephen Levine in memory of Barbara Brenner and Abraham Siegel Bonnie & Robert Love in memory of Louis Berland • Lisa Lupo in memory of Anne Selkin and Bernard Selkin  Estelle Magidson in memory of Bonnie Magidson  Lois Marcus in memory of Sadie Pepper, Harry L. Pepper, and Philip Marcus  Joyce & Joel Mensoff in memory of Max Mensoff and Bessie Mensoff Beverly Osrow in memory of Leonard Osrow and Helen Kerbel • Karla Osuna in memory of Orlando Osuna • Suzanne Plastrik in memory of Samuel Markus • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg in memory of Alwine Einstein • Lorraine & Martin Ross in memory of Sol Rosenthal • Susan & Irwin Schneider in memory of Arthur Rosen, Mildred Rosen, Samuel Schneider, and John Cavaliere • Charla Schnupp in memory of The Sasoon Family and Charlotte Jemal • Helene, Alene & Jordan Schonhaut and Family in memory of Traci Schonhaut-Fuller • Marilyn Schwartz in memory of Nathan Schwartz • Claire Shapiro in memory of Lena Linzer • Barbara Silberman in memory Jack Walden • Susan & Marty Siroka in memory of Violet Hochstadt, Joseph Hochstadt, and Shirley Siroka • Sisterhood in memory of James McCorey and Manuel Soifer • Neela & Ken Weber in memory of Pearl Weber • Stuart & Judy Weinstock in memory of Lotte Rosenfeld • Irene & Stanley Zorn in memory of Rose Riegelhaupt, Jim Grenman, and David Zorn


in loving memory

april 2023 calendar


  • SATURDAY, APRIL 1st - Torah Study (extended) at 9:30am in the Beber Auditorium & on ZOOM and Brotherhood Yom HaShoah Candle Sale now through April 16th
  • SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd - Kol Simkha Rehearsal at Temple Tikvah at 9:00am; Religious School at 9:30am in the Beber Auditorium for a Passover Program: A Chocolate Seder / Brotherhood will be making matzah brie. Everyone is welcome. (Tikvah Tots may join at 11:30am); Tikvah Tots at 10:30am; and Commonpoint Queens Community Service Event at 12:15pm (Packing Grab & Go Passover Meals)
  • MONDAY, APRIL 3rd - Brotherhood Meeting at 7:00pm
  • TUESDAY, APRIL 4th On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm (moved due to holiday on Thursday)
  • THURSDAY, APRIL 6th - OFFICE CLOSED / FIRST DAY OF PASSOVER ~ SECOND SEDER at Lake Success Jewish Center at 6:30pm ($65 per person)
  • FRIDAY, APRIL 7th - Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, APRIL 8th - Torah Study ON ZOOM at 9:00am
  • TUESDAY, APRIL 11th - Sisterhood Board Meeting at 7:30pm & Writing Group at 7:30pm
  • THURSDAY, APRIL 13th - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, APRIL 14th - Shabbat Service at 7:30pm`
  • SATURDAY, APRIL 15th - Torah Study ON ZOOM at 9:00am & Junior Congregation at 9:30am
  • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19th - Choir Rehearsal at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, APRIL 20th - Wise Aging / IN PERSON at 11:00am & On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRDAY, APRIL 21st - Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd - EARTH DAY / Torah Study at 9:00am and Lunch & Learn at 11:00am
  • SUNDAY, APRIL 23rd - Kol Simcha Rehearsal at Shelter Rock Jewish Center at 9:00am & Religious School at 9:30am
  • MONDAY, APRIL 24th - YOM HAZIKARON & YOM HAATZMAUT ~ ISRAEL'S MEMORIAL DAY & INDEPENDENCE DAY (through Wednesday, April 26th) / Evening Book Club at 7:30pm
  • TUESDAY, APRIL 25th - Brotherhood's Annual Ben's Fundraising Event
  • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th - Choir Rehearsal at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, APRIL 27th - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, APRIL 28th - Tikvah Tots at 6:30pm; Shabbat Family Service at 7:30pm; and **Artist-in-Residence Weekend Event through Sunday, April 30th/Evening Event at Temple Judea in Manhasset
  • SATURDAY, APRIL 29th - Torah Study on ZOOM at 9:00am; Ellie Weprin’s Bat Mitzvah; and **Artist-in-Residence Weekend Event at North Country Reform Temple in Glen Cove
  • SUNDAY, APRIL 30th - Kol Simkha Rehearsal at Shelter Rock Jewish Center at 9:00am; Religious School at 9:30am; and **Artist-in-Residence Weekend at Temple Tikvah at 2:00pm





Editor* - Alene Schonhaut; Assistant Editor - Madeleine Wolf; and Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant

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Created with images by Pixel-Shot - "Stylish workplace with modern computer on table near color wall" • Rymden - "Vintage bouquet of beautiful different flowers. Floral background." • Amarievikka - "Frame for the text of congratulations with natural flowers of Alstroemeria on a wooden background. Design greeting card with natural colors. Background for text with alstromeria. Flat lay, top view."
