TAG's Corner
On January 31st, I attended a press conference in Montpelier at the Capitol building. The topic was the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act.
I joined Governor Scott and Interim White River Junction Veterans Affairs executive director Becky Rhoades to encourage our Veterans across Vermont to register for the Department of Veterans Affairs Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry, and to enroll in the VA health care system for benefits under the PACT Act.
This is important to me and so many Veterans. Burn pit and toxic air exposure are real threats to so many of us. I've lost friends who died far too early from the sickness and disease that have a foundation in exposure to toxins, and I know many of you have too. Take the necessary time to see if you are eligible for both the Burn Pit Registry and for benefits under the PACT Act and register as soon as you are able. The VA's website has a lot of helpful information here:
I am also trying to expand the PACT Act and VA Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry to include those who deployed to Kosovo. That was one of our most recent deployments and others Veterans with Vermont has also previously deployed there.
To do this, I need your help. If you deployed to Kosovo, I need you to send your experience or testimony to the Vermont National Guard. This will give me more information to help fight to expand the registry and get more covered.
I am also trying to expand the PACT Act and VA Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry to include those who deployed to Kosovo. To do this, I need your help. If you deployed to Kosovo, I need you to send your experience or testimony to the Vermont National Guard. Please email your experience/testimony to our public affairs office at: ng.vt.vtarng.mbx.vtng-statepao@mail.mil.
This will give me valuable information to help fight to expand the registry and get Kosovo Veterans covered.
Thank you for your help and thank you for what you do.
All the best. - MG Knight
COVER Photo: Marshalling an F-35 for flight
Recruiting Team Ensures Mission Success
With the mission of providing the nation and state a ready force skilled in executing a broad spectrum of global and domestic operations, the Vermont Air National Guard relies on the recruitment of qualified individuals.
This task falls on the shoulders of the men and women of the 158th Force Support Flight recruiting team.
“Our main purpose is to ensure the base has enough manning to execute the mission,” said Tech. Sgt. Meghan Feeney, 158th Force Support Flight production recruiter.
As a state with the second smallest populace in the country, recruiting for the Vermont Air National Guard poses some unique challenges.
“Since Vermont has a small population, it’s important that we’re proactive,” said Feeney. “We constantly travel throughout the state to schools and different events to interface with as many people as possible.”
Though the career field has many challenges, the 158th recruiting team does not let those obstacles distort the bigger picture.
New American Series: Senior Airman Saini
Lt. Gov. Visits Air National Guard Base
Guardsmen Train for Edelweiss Raid 2023
The Edelweiss Raid is an international, military competition designed to test the alpine skills of mountain soldiers. The event intends to challenge soldiers, foster camaraderie, and build relations between mountain warfighters across the world.
Soldiers spent the day alpine touring, or AT, through the Underhill and Stowe areas of Vermont’s highest peak, Mount Mansfield. After sunset, the competitors skied several ascents and descents of Morse Mountain.
Winter STX Lanes (sans snow)
First Class in New AMWS Facility
CASE Training
Childcare for Feb/Mar Drill
Tax Season: Free Tax Software
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