While creating an entire marketing campaign for a new cereal, Marketing students learned about 3D design, 3D printing, and 3D production. Students made new cereal boxes and even 3D designed cereal box toys after completing TinkerCad tutorials. We printed the toys for students to include in their final projects!
After reading articles and studying expository language, students in Mr. Christiansen's ELA 9 classes used library databases to find articles about areas of interest for them. Since much of the content that students interact with on their phones is provided to them through algorithms, students had the opportunity to actually think about what they like and actively seek information about it from readable and reputable sources.
AP World History
Students in Mr. Breedlove's AP World History classes researched various issues related to the climate in history and created hand-made infographics to share in a gallery walk. Students then evaluated the graphics and made notes as they viewed each topic. Students created the graphics by hand while learning that when studying (particularly for something like the AP test), they remember better by writing with paper and pens than by typing due to the visual and spatial memory created by the act of writing and drawing. Students not only learned the content as they created the graphics, but also learned about HOW to learn from librarians through the library curriculum.
Students in Ms. Salimbene's Psychology classes created marble races to earn points in a class-wide competition. Students were timed and had to create successful marble runs that earned specific numbers of assigned points. Students spent the entire semester participating in team challenges like this one and the competitive spirit in this challenge was no exception! By thinking critically and working together, students created products to fit a need. This was an excellent activity to combine library curriculum with content area standards.
Students in Psychology class also lowered their stress and recovered from the frenzy of their team competitions by learning to make stress balls (balloons and Play-doh). They also spent time decompressing by making Kindness Cards for others, which fit in nicely with our school wide Kindness Walk and book display while participating in SevenDays activities!
ELA 10
Students in Mrs. Worthington's ELA 10 classes began a final research project to help make the transition to ELA 11 seamless. Students honed their note-taking skills while working with non-fiction sources, and then used library databases to find articles of interest to them. Students took notes about their articles and then turned their notes into properly paraphrased complete sentences. Their final assignment of the unit was to write a properly formatted paragraph that accurately represented their argument. They were able to use the burger template that we created for them in Canva before submitting their polished piece.
Despite the whirlwind of the month and some pretty tough challenges, we still collaborated with 47 classes and nearly 1200 students in the library this month. In addition, due to the challenges, the library was closed during the school day for a few days for the first time in 17 years. Students and staff were understanding, but dismayed at the interruption to their routines! This month certainly allowed us to practice patience and acceptance, while also enjoying the act of running around frantically to meet the needs of all learners!
Created with images by Mumemories - "bookshelf straight class in library" • bonnontawat - "Material object printing by 3d printer" • Sadashiva - "Hand Squeezing Stress Ball"