The Success Express is created by the Brian Lamb School of Communication Online Success Coach team, designed to help graduate students develop success strategies as they complete online graduate communication programs at Purdue University.
In This Issue
Faculty Spotlight
Student Success Stories
What organizational technology tools have you found to be most helpful in your personal life, work life, and online courses?
I have always been a practitioner that values goals, planning, and organization even as a young professional early in my career. Even within the past two years, I have seen the transformational power that time management can have on almost all aspects of one's life, from career to your personal life. Throughout my undergraduate career specifically, I had many opportunities to learn what worked well for my personal strategy and of course, what didn't. Though I will always lean towards planning with a paper and pen, I have found that combining technological tools with the age-old pen and paper allows for a comprehensive strategy. I have found the following technological tools effective when it comes to being successful with time management, organization, and planning in this Master's of Science in Strategic Communication program.
Upon admission into this graduate program, I decided to splurge on a technological resource that could be advantageous throughout my time in the program. I decided upon an iPad Air 4th Generation (2020) with the Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil. This may sound like an Apple advertisement, but I could not be more impressed with my purchase of these tools. The iPad, keyboard, and pencil act as an effective trio that allows me to take all assignments, readings, and Brightspace virtually anywhere, without weighing down my bag. More importantly, by using the iPad, I can write digitally on reading assignments and take notes without wasting valuable printing resources. Not only is it a time and tree saver, but it also allows for easy access on the go, which makes assignment completion during travel a total breeze. Though an Apple product is expensive, the investment is well worth it.
Furthermore, using the iPad to take detailed notes and plan out the week has been quite effective as well. I prescribe to a planner system that is basically a digital bullet journal on the iPad, which allows me to track all assignments and readings for the week, cross them out when completed (nothing is more satisfying) while also being able to write quick notes, reminders, and a glimpse ahead for the following week. By keeping this separate from my work journal, but also on the same platform, I can access both and plan out my days with ease.
Though this may not be everyone's personal style for planning out and completing assignments, I would encourage everyone to test out digitizing their notes for easy access, especially when you have the tools to allow you to write virtually. Though this program will greatly test your time management, planning, and organizational skills, the value is you will learn and grow in your knowledge of what works most effectively for you, which will only make you an even better strategic communications practitioner. As always, as strategic communicators we must seek the truth and aim to grow in transparency for not only ourselves, but the organizations we serve.
*Full Disclosure: This is NOT an advertisement for Apple Inc.*
How do you relieve stress?
The way I relieve stress is to walk away from whatever I have that is stressing me out and do what I call "No Brain Time". I do an activity that I do not have to think about at all while doing. It could be anything that works for you like: cooking/baking, playing games, going for a walk, literally anything that you can do without thinking. After 2-3 hours I come back and look at what was stressing me out and try to break it down into more manageable parts, then make a plan to do the small parts so the whole problem doesn't seem as big anymore.
Sleep Handbook
In a few weeks your first fall module will be ending, but the second module courses are right around the corner. With family, work, academic, and life responsibilities, finding time for sleep may be a challenge. Nonetheless, good sleep is vitally important to your health and to your success!
Use this Sleep Handbook from Purdue RecWell to learn about good sleep practices and track your day-to-day routines for better health. Enjoy better sleep as a result!
Upcoming Virtual events
CITATION MANAGEMENT WITH ZOTERO | Wednesday, October 5, from 11am - 12pm Eastern Time
After doing your research, you can waste hours getting your citations into the proper format, in the correct order in your paper, and listed in your bibliography. Zotero is a free citation management program that can help you collect, organize, and share your research. This session is designed to help graduate students get started with Zotero. Attendees will learn how to set up Zotero, gather citations, and generate bibliographies. Hosted by The Graduate School Professional Development Office
LINKEDIN | Friday, October 7, from 11am - 12pm Eastern Time
Attend this presentation to learn how to improve your LinkedIn profile, and use the website for networking, information gathering, and job searches. Hosted by The Graduate School Professional Development Office
COFFEE WITH THE DEAN FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS | Wednesday, October 12, from 9:30am - 10:30am Eastern Time
Join Dean Mason for her Coffee Hours! This is your chance to talk and ask questions. All questions and topics are welcome! Registration is limited to 15 people per session. So, register now! Hosted by The Graduate School Professional Development Office
HEALTHY EATING ON THE RUN | Wednesday, October 12, from 10am - 11am Eastern Time
Want to learn how to make good choices while on the go? What about some healthy snacks for studying? Learn how to choose the best foods for health while leading a busy life. This program discusses snacking, fast food and restaurants, healthy product alternatives, and more! Hosted by The Graduate School Professional Development Office
SUCCESS OVER STRESS | Thursday, October 13, from 11am - 12pm Eastern Time
This presentation touches on stress topics which enable you to pinpoint key stressors in your life and learn to cope in healthy ways. Designed to be interactive and filled with discussion, you will have the opportunity to talk about how stress affects your life and ways you can reduce stress’s negative impacts. Hosted by The Graduate School Professional Development Office
Pulitzer Prize-winning opinion columnist Peggy Noonan has been called the “voice of our times,” and her powerful and poignant commentaries and books described as “a love letter to the American political process.” Noonan brings her pointed pen and gift of giving presidents their words to Purdue University’s campus for the next Presidential Lecture Series event with President Mitch Daniels at 6 p.m. Oct. 17 in Stewart Center’s Fowler Hall. Click here to review the press` release for this event and click the button below to watch it live! Sponsored by the Purdue President’s Council.
BREAKOUT FROM BURNOUT | Tuesday, October 18, from 2pm - 3pm Eastern Time
New studies show that negative health effects related to burnout are serious and can be long-lasting. We want you to have all the tools you need to break out from burn out. In this webinar, you will receive practical, neuroscience-based emotional regulation techniques to help you recognize the signs and symptoms and how to prevent and avoid burnout for a better quality of life. Hosted by The Graduate School Professional Development Office
SETTING YOURSELF UP TO WIN IN GRAD SCHOOL | Tuesday, October 18, from 12pm-1pm Eastern Time
Join Dr. Drew Zaitsoff, a representative from Purdue's Counseling and Psychological Services, to discuss the common pitfalls that graduate students face and strategies for success! Hosted by The Graduate School Professional Development Office
NAVIGATING DATABASES AND HOW TO CONDUCT A LITERATURE SEARCH | Thursday, November 03, from 12pm-1pm Eastern Time
Please join Jessie Kull and Erika Edwards from the National Agricultural Library (NAL) as they discuss how to navigate various online databases, basic concepts of literature searching, and lastly, examples of how to design and run a literature search. The specific topics this webinar will cover are: An introduction to various databases and other resources helpful in searching for literature, Instructions on how to use existing information databases/networks, Tips and tricks on how to conduct a literature search, and Examples of search strategies and results. Hosted by The Graduate School Professional Development Office
Important Dates
Monday, October 17, 2022 - Fall Module II Courses Begin
Saturday, December 17, 2022 - Winter 2022 Commencement - Commencement Details
Being a Boilermaker comes from the great successes in your life, and for that we say Bravo! Many of you have received job promotions, added to your family (including pets!), presented at national conferences, or have celebrated personal achievements and we'd love to celebrate with you!
Victoria Jane erdel
"I was named one of eight students nationwide (graduate or undergraduate) to receive the Tony Coelho Media Scholarship hosted by the American Association for People with Disabilities and NBCUniversal. This scholarship supports students with disabilities who plan on entering the media/communication field and who advocate for disability rights."
Click Here to see the press release!
Contact us
Kiley Kallenberger |
Scott Smith |