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CYBER SECURITY STRATEGY "Protect against the complex world of the unknown"

A cybersecurity strategy is a high-level plan for how your organisation will secure its assets during the next three to five years. Obviously, because technology and cyber threats can both change unpredictably, you'll almost certainly have to update your strategy sooner than three years from now. A cybersecurity strategy isn't meant to be perfect; it's a strongly educated guess as to what you should do. Your strategy should evolve as your organisation and the world around you evolves.

As a valued technology partner Simoda have built a cyber security strategy framework which we believe will add true value to our customers business and deliver successful business outcomes.

Cyber security is not just a nice to have

Why is a cyber security strategy important ?

UK cyber security market challenges

73% of UK organisations feel their in-house teams lack resources to fend off cyber threats

65% of UK firms admit to having a skills gap in security

NCSC reported same number of ransomware incidents in first 4 months of 2021 than in whole of 2020

33% increase in cyber security premiums

1 in 5 security alerts are ignored due to volume / workload

212 days mean time to discover they have a breach Cyber costs always growing

The security strategy framework

Desired objectives / outcomes

Current position (people, process, systems, services)

Cyber landscape (threats)

Risk analysis (Event probability, Business impact)

Technology options

Action plan

Technology options

User Security

Endpoint / Device

Network Security

Web / DNS Filtering

Productivity Suite (365, Gsuite, Teams encryption)

Ransomware Protection

Data Loss Prevention

Password Policy Management

Access management (MFA, SSO)

Manage Detect Respond

Security awareness Security operations centre (S.O.C)

Focused Business Outcomes

Reduce cyber insurance premiums by up to 30%

Lower your attack surface

Mitigate unknowns risks

Free access to highly skilled & accredited security professionals

Cyber security can be complex and costly, our objective is to help businesses cut through the noise and acronyms to ensure your business, data & assets are protected

Daniel Bumby, Managing Director, Simoda Limited

Simoda digital transformation solutions, trusted advisors & opex specialists

For more information & discuss your cyber security strategy contact one of our team today

0114 553 3600