Knights, thank you for another wonderful year! Before you know it, it will be time to kick off yet another. The first day of school is Thursday, August 3rd. Our PTO will be holding a uniform sale on Tuesday, June 6th, and another one right before school starts. All students returning to the Academy will keep their devices for the summer. Please take good care of them so you are ready to start the year. Keep your eye out for details regarding Meet the Teacher Night and other back-to-school events. Have a safe and fun summer!-Nikki Wilfert
Student Council 2023-24
Congratulations to our new Student Council officers for the 2023-24 school year. We wish you the best of luck! Sydney Mitchel - Treasurer, Emma Hirsch - Secretary, Eliud Kuria - Vice President, and Liam Zappone - President
Mesa Academy's IB Students and Teacher of the Month
Every month teachers are given the opportunity to nominate students and a teacher that exemplify IB Profile Traits. Congratulations to the following MAAS Knights for being recognized as our IB Students and Teacher of the Month: Shawn King (4th Grade), Jenae Smith (5th Grade), Monique Wong (6th Grade), Saraphina Zhao (7th Grade), Rylee Butler (8th Grade) and Emily Escobedo (teacher).
Spirit Week
Close-up 2023
ASU Service Learning Reward Trip
This school year, 8th-grade students have been doing community service hours to earn a mini field trip at the end of the year. In exchange for completing a total of twelve hours of specific service learning activities, the 8th graders got to go to the ASU Tempe campus on Friday, May 12th. A dozen 8th graders -- accompanied by Ms. Muñoz and another chaperone -- rode a school bus to take a tour of Arizona State University at the beginning of the day. They enjoyed seeing live desert reptiles on display, taking in the beautiful architecture of the campus, exploring classrooms, and many other activities. Also, they had the opportunity to participate in a Virtual Reality experience made by ASU students. Perhaps the best part of the trip was when they stopped for lunch in a food court there on campus. Plus, they all got free ASU swag, including drawstring bags, stickers, and lanyards.
Wrapping up 2022-23!
In Art Class with Mrs. Chiren...
In Español with Sra. Sandoval...
Knights perform @RMHS
Mr. Nord's 5th Graders' Wax Museum
Choir- 4th & 5th Grade with Mrs. Escobedo...
Final UKnighters Round-up
This has been a great year with our UKnighters. Our mentors have become great role models for our young Knights and they all look forward to the times they spend together. The goal of our UKnighter mentors was to help our new Knights transition into our school and community and from the looks of it, they achieved it!
Band and Orchestra
On Thursday, May 11th, the Advanced Orchestra and Band traveled to Mesa Community College Performing Arts Center to perform their pieces, take part in a workshop, and get judged on their performance. The orchestra received a Superior with Distinction, the highest rating, and the band received a Superior rating. Congratulations to all performing Knights for their hard work and great performance.
Renaissance Concert
On April 25th our sixth-grade knights had a renaissance concert/presentation. The 6th graders started learning about the Renaissance and the Orchestra and Band did a concert to accompany it. They showcased their music along with their knowledge of the time period. There were also some beautiful posters showcased by the sixth graders as well. The Orchestra played a song called, “Sword Dance.” They were fantastic. The band played, “Renaissance Dance.” They did an excellent job! Both the songs helped the students learn about musical elements from the Renaissance such as imitation and polyphony. The sixth graders really made us proud through this concert! Way to go knights!
Mrs. McFarland our very own GCU Alumna
8th Grade "KNIGHT" Awards
Academy Knight Citizenship Award
The Citizenship Award goes to Crew Comish who is both caring and principled. Joey demonstrates compassion, respect, and empathy for others. takes responsibility for HIS actions and acts with honesty and integrity as HE strives to make a positive difference in the world.
Knowledgeable Knight Award
The Knowledgeable Knight Award goes to Paul Trendler who is both knowledgeable and open-minded. Alex demonstrates mastery of academics in every class in which he participates; he is passionate in his genuine desire to learn more about the world. Alex is not afraid to see things from other viewpoints and cultural perspectives and is eager to learn from new experiences.
Notable Knight Award
The Notable Knight Award goes to Arianne Rencher who is reflective, balanced, and a communicator of global ideas. She is thoughtful and understands the need to lead a balanced life as supported by KIERALYN's ability to assess her personal strengths and limitations. Kieralyn is a well-rounded individual who understands and expresses ideas through a variety of means and is confident when collaborating with others.
Knight of Distinction
The Knight of Distinction Award goes out to Jessica Olmedo who is a risk-taker, thinker, and inquirer. Cora uses strength of character to delve into new and uncertain situations, always ready to use creative and critical thinking skills to challenge intellectual norms. Cora is someone who regularly processes information and turns it around to ask "what if", "why not", and "how about"? Cora loves to learn and will continue to use her natural curiosity to acquire skills to further her learning all her life.
Each junior high principal in Mesa Public Schools gets to award one student with the M.A.S.A. Award. It is given to one 8th-grade student that has continuously stood out in various positive ways, it is the student that is seen as exceptional. This year's M.A.S.A. goes to Kendall VonBurg.
The Final IB Academy Awards for the IB Profiles celebrate one individual from each grade level that embodies each of the traits. These students were nominated by their teachers. The aim of all IB programs is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. As IB learners, we strive to be inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective.
Inquirers develop their natural curiosity, acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research, and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives. Shawn King-(4th Grade) Brigham Kydd- (5th Grade) Eliud Kuria-(6th Grade) Jeremy Wenzel(7th Grade) and Grace Garcia-(8th Grade)
Knowledgeable students explore concepts, ideas, and issues that have local and global significance. In doing so, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines. Avery Von Burg-(4th Grade) Matthew Campos- (5th Grade) Aaron Jury-(6th Grade) Asher Norton-(7th Grade) and Marcus Rogers-(8th Grade)
Thinkers exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems and make reasoned ethical decisions. Ifeyinwa Ubosi-(4th Grade) Luis Guerrero- (5th Grade) Ugo Ubosi-(6th Grade) Ryan Ngo- (7th Grade) and Yasmine Philakes-(8th Grade)
Communicators understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others. Amanda Hinze-(4th Grade) Sam Omerza- (5th Grade) Emma Hirsch-(6th Grade) Isabella Maceira-(7th Grade) and Nathan Anderson-(8th Grade)
Principled students act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice, and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups, and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them. Angelique Longoria-(4th Grade) Jacab Solorzano- (5th Grade) Julia Norton-(6th Grade) Alyssa Smith-(7th Grade) and Bryson Parker-(8th Grade)
Open-minded students understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values, and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view and are willing to grow from the experience. Kylie Thompson-(4th Grade) Ava Murray- (5th Grade) Neil Sykes-(6th Grade) Sella Johnson-(7th Grade) and Eva Scmelter-(8th Grade)
Caring students show empathy, compassion, and respect toward the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service and act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and to the environment. Tegan Collier-(4th Grade) Sydney Mitchell- (5th Grade) Kaleah Turner-(6th Grade) -Jacob Fordtner (7th Grade) and Ripley Swinehart-(8th Grade)
Risk-takers approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas, and strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs. Aidan Irwin-(4th Grade) Felicia Pritchard- (5th Grade) Chelsea Reeves-(6th Grade) Shane Elevich-(7th Grade) and Adelyn Udall-(8th Grade)
Balanced students understand the importance of intellectual, physical, and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others. Ruby (Skye) Matosevic-(4th Grade) Troy Hernandez (5th Grade) Kenleigh Christensen-(6th Grade) William Johnson-(7th Grade) and Emma Hughes-(8th Grade)
Reflective students give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development. Luis Durazo-(4th Grade) Daniel Swinehart-(5th Grade) Elijah Shaw-(6th Grade) Liam Zappone-(7th Grade) Amelia Clement-(8th Grade)
Final words from the 8th Grade Class of 2023...
Your biggest challenge at this school is yourself and if you can beat that, then you can do anything.-Xavier Vaughan
For the incoming 4th graders...
To be at Mesa Academy, you have to remember who and what you're representing. We represent the IB program, a Blue Ribbon School, and most importantly, we represent ourselves. Keep in mind, as you walk these halls, to always try to be what an Academy Knight should be. Our school is unique and different, which makes us all Academy Knights. I hope that the next generations of Mesa Academy kids will remember to be kind to each other and to always exemplify the traits of an IB learner-Amelia Clement.
Do the right thing, because it is the right thing to do. Live above the line, and be that 20% of children who can rise above challenges and keep going.-Diego Allred
This school is an amazing place to be to learn and it might seem hard but if you push through, you’ll really like the results.-Avery Cleary
There's a difference in being relaxed and being lazy. Be relaxed, not lazy.-Thaddeus RIchardson
I would tell incoming 4th graders that they shouldn't stress out about the little things too much and that they should just do their best, not pushing themselves over the limit.-Alexis Todd
get to know your classmates and be extremely nice but set boundaries. You're gonna grow up in this school and find yourself so prepare to have people by your side that wont judje you.-Abigail allport
As we move on to high school...
I'm looking forward to my sports life. Sports has always been a big thing in my family so I'm super excited to start sports.- Sienna goforth
I am looking forward to taking electives that I am passionate about.-Ripley Swinehart
Meeting new people and becoming the person that is really "me."- Jessie Olemdo
I will be looking forward to furthering myself and my studies throughout time, and I'm excited to just move on in my life after 5 years at this great school that I will always greatly appreciate.-Xavier Vaughan
We remember when...
The parties and dances we had were fun, I liked haning out with my friends.- Isaiah solano
I think the 8th grade dance will be my best because I asked someone to the dance and they said yes.- J. Davis
My entire experience of being around other kids that are academically challenged was great! I am exited and sad to leave the Academy but know that my experience will prepare me for my future education.- anna reeves
My best memory at MAAS is meeting most of my friends. And also being in band and performing at the area concert festival and the state concert festival. Most of my teacher where really funny and nice to talk to, and I enjoyed this final school year at MAAS.-Rita Lopez Rosas
8th Grade Celebrations!
Award's Ceremony
We are grateful to the following staff members that have contributed to the success of MAAS. It takes a team to grow such amazing young learners and our community wishes you the very best as you move on to new adventures!
Thank you, Mr. Pond you are a legacy!
Mr. Pond
I first came to Mesa Academy when our daughter entered as a fifth-grade student in 2012. Since then I have been a parent volunteer at the front desk (when that was allowed) and a robotics coach and a substitute teacher. When I first walked in I had no idea that Mesa Academy would become such a substantial part of my life. It is difficult to describe how the faculty and staff here have been helpful and supportive and tolerant and how grateful I am. Being a teacher is much more difficult than it looks, even as a substitute, and I could not have made anything of it without their guidance and friendship. The Mesa Academy community is so fortunate to have such a wonderful group of administrators and teachers and staffers here and it is an honor for me to have been included.
The kids here are the best. I love these kids. They can be annoying, sometimes REALLY annoying, but even then they are the best. I learned from them, frequently without knowing it until much later, and working with them has made me a better person.
I am truly fortunate to have found my second career here, arguably where I belonged in the first place. The Mesa Academy family will always have a place in my heart.
Mrs. Larsen
Mesa Academy has truly been a special experience for me as a teacher, and I will never forget my time here teaching math. I have loved working with the staff and students the past two years, and there are so many special moments that I have shared with all the bright, ambitious, driven, and dedicated students that I have had the privilege to teach! I have no doubt that some of our future leaders will be rising out of Mesa Academy, and the type of thinking that goes on at this school will change the world! Thank you for making my time here such an incredible experience, and I will certainly miss every one of you.
Mrs. Schmitt
It has been an honor to work with some of the most dedicated and passionate professionals in this school this year as an instructional coach. Thank you to the teachers, staff, and students who welcomed me into the school with open arms and really made me feel like a proud knight! "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light" - Albus Dumbledore -All the love, Mrs. Schmitt ❤
Summer Wishes to MAAS Students and Families from our Staff
I wish all our students a restful and enjoyable summer break! With care- Ms. Delgado
I wish all the families & students of MAAS to have an amazing summer. May you all have a fun, safe & healthy summer. See you in August! Happy Summer!-Rita Corkill Health Assistant
My wish for the MAAS Students and their families would be to find enjoyment in the normal activities we do in school School requires reading, however, the summer can be reading for fun. We study, practice, and perform the arts in particular mediums during the school year, why not explore other arts this summer? --Evan Dixon
I wish the most Fantastic, Restful, Relaxing, Adventurous Safe summer for all our MAAS families. Please come back ready to start a Spectacular-2023/2024 School Year. Linda Garrison
Have a safe, restful, and amazing summer! I look forward to seeing you all again in the Fall of 2023! -Mrs. Chiren
I hope everyone gets a chance to spend time with family and friends as they rest and recharge over the summer months. (Tina Wylie)
Happy summer, MAAS families! Have fun and stay safe.-CarolineChungWipff
Have a fun-filled, safe, relaxing summer! You all deserve it-- may you read many good books. :) -Ms. Thornell
Enjoy your summer, take time to relax, sleep and do whatever you don't get to do over the school year! We can't wait to hear all about your summer. -Sra. Sandoval
2023-24: Upcoming Information from our PTO
Class of 2023, thank you for all of the great moments that are now memories. We had fun sharing about you and your greatness!
Your 2022-23 Knightly Newsletter Team: Amelia Clement, Adri Cardall, Anna Reeves, Arianne Rencher, Charlotte Whitmer, Emma Hughes, Hadley Kennington, Jessie Olmedo, Kendall Von Burg, Kira Shultz, McKenna King, Oliva Merrill, Ryan Weinstein, Valette Lara, Xavier Vaughan, Jazzy Pascacio, Helynn Castro, Abi Allport, Alia Cluff, Julia Norton, Layla Spangler, William Taylor, Addison Wells, Scarlett Sawyer, and Mrs. Sandoval.
A special thank you to our 8th-grade team members that dedicated 3 years and are our Newsletter Pioneers: Emma Hughes, Arianne Rencher, and Ryan Weinstein.
Created with images by Stillfx - "Rippled USA stars and stripes American flag" • terimakasih0 - "ask sign design" • Belight - "Landscape with shell on tropical beach. Summer concept."