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In this Issue

2022 was our BIG year! As the largest chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) worldwide, we were proud to celebrate our 80th anniversary with our dynamic and vibrant community of professionals.
Looking back and moving forward with the IABC/Toronto Executives
Our immediate past, current and future chapter presidents discuss their IABC/Toronto experiences and offer their thoughts on the future of our vibrant local chapter | By Mandy Gibson, Michael Blackburn, and Chantelle Cabral, SCMP®
A message from IABC/Toronto Past Presidents: Gary Schlee, ABC, MC (1977) and Priya Bates, ABC, MC, SCMP®, IABC Fellow (2001 –2002)
Gary Schlee - chapter president 1977 - reminisces about the chapter's history and its contributions to the profession in conversation with Priya Bates, chapter president 2001
IABC Toronto Chapter Timeline
A detailed look at the chapter history and notable milestones
Remembering Roberta “Bobbie” Resnick
In the summer of 2021, IABC/Toronto lost a significant member of its community with the passing of Roberta “Bobbie” Resnick, ABC, APR, MC, IABC Fellow. With a career spanning close to 50 years, Bobbie was an outstanding leader, mentor, volunteer, and educator. Her profound influence on professional communicators within Toronto and abroad will have a lasting impact for generations to come.
Belonging, Believing, Becoming
Communicator’s regular contributor Caterina Valentino shares how being an active member from the beginning has shaped her IABC/Toronto experience | By Caterina Valentino
How one expected ending led to 10-years of invaluable experiences
A long-time IABC/Toronto member Melika Ramkissoon shares the highlights of her 10-year membership | By Melika Ramkissoon
Members past and present
Pictures and quotes from our members past and present.
Looking back and moving forward with the IABC/Toronto Executives
A message from IABC/Toronto past Presidents: Gary Schlee, ABC, MC (1977) and Priya Bates, ABC, MC, SCMP®, IABC Fellow (2001 – 2002)
Remembering Roberta “Bobbie” Resnick ABC, APR, MC, IABC Fellow (1936 – 2021)

In 2022, IABC/Toronto learned of the passing of Roberta Resnick. Known affectionately as "Bobbie" to her clients, colleagues, friends and IABC family, Bobbie’s career spanned five decades. During this time, she was a professional communicator, industry leader, dedicated volunteer, multiple award winner, consultant, entrepreneur, educator and mentor to hundreds of professionals.

In 1992, IABC Canada named Bobbie as Canada’s Master Communicator. The IABC Canada Master Communicator designation (MC) is a lifetime achievement award for Canadian IABC members who are Accredited Business Communicators (ABC) or Strategic Communication Management Professional® (SCMP®) designees.

In 2007, Bobbie was chosen to become an IABC Fellow, the highest honour bestowed by IABC global to an individual member. The IABC Fellow program acknowledges outstanding leadership, contribution to the profession and service to the association.

With a career spanning close to 50 years, Bobbie touched the lives of so many professional communicators and has made a significant impact on our profession. Her profound impact on professional communicators within Toronto and abroad will have a lasting impact for generations to come.

Learn more about Bobbie’s story by reading her Volunteer Profile in the March 2003 edition of IABC/Toronto’s Communicator.

Memory Quote: Janet Comeau
"As a member of the board and later as 2007/2008 President, I had the privilege of attending the annual IABC Chapter Leaders conference. The experience of sharing best practices and getting to know chapter leaders from around the world is among my fondest memories as a chapter volunteer. In this picture, my IABC/Toronto colleagues (L to R) Amanda Brewer, Janet Comeau (me), Alix Edmiston, Lisa Belanger and Felicia Shiu share a giggle as we take a timeout from the conference at the Pike Market in Seattle, February 2005. Congrats IABC/Toronto on 80 years of supporting communicators and on your many accomplishments. Here's to 80 more!” | Janet Comeau, 2007/2008 Chapter President, a member of IABC/Toronto for 22 years
Caterina Valentino shares how being an active member from the beginning has shaped her IABC/Toronto experience.

I learned early in my professional career that belonging to a professional organization is a key career success factor. Being a neophyte in a profession can be lonely. It’s hard to break into a market and competition is stiff. As a creature of habit, I did what I usually do when trying to navigate my way in a new career direction – I joined its professional association – the Toronto Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC). This decision has not disappointed me.

First, let’s set the record straight. I firmly believe the prime directives for joining one’s professional organization include access to professional development (free or at a membership discount), exposure to local industry leaders and networking opportunities. While there have been many distractions, real and imaginary, that have hampered my ability to network, I have successfully availed myself of the other opportunities offered by the Toronto Chapter.

As a new IABC member, I longed to discover how to belong. In the beginning, I was a silent member lurking behind the safety of the Zoom screen watching and absorbing the wisdom offered by others. But learning without participation became insufficient and I found myself wanting more. That’s when I began scrutinizing the available opportunities and applying for ones that interested and challenged me.

My first success came when I was accepted as a mentee in the mentorship program. Over the course of three months, I had access to an accomplished author who willingly shared her knowledge with me, offered me advice and followed-up on my progress. That friendship and mentorship will never be forgotten.

Belonging and believing that I would succeed, I submitted my first article pitch for the Communicator. After honest feedback and guidance, the pitch was accepted, and an article written and published. As my pitches improved, more of my work was being published and I’ve become a regular contributor.

With these accomplishments under my belt and gaining a greater level of confidence, I move to the next phase of my membership – volunteering. Volunteering to use my skills and talents in new-to-me ways that I hope will help propel the Toronto Chapter of the IABC into its next 80 Years.

Congratulations to every member of the IABC/Toronto Chapter (IABC). You’re doing an awesome job. Thank you!

Caterina Valentino, Freelancer: academic rigour written with journalistic flair | | @CaterinaLucia | @caterina-lucia-valentino

Memory Quote: Vanessa Holding
“Happy 80th Anniversary IABC! I'm proud to be part of this dynamic association filled with so many lovely communication professionals.” | Vanessa Holding, Video Production Expert and Video Coach
Melika Ramkissoon shares the highlights of her 10-year IABC/Toronto membership

My story with the Toronto Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) began in 2011 as I was finishing my marketing and communications internship at the Art Gallery of Ontario. Other interns and I listened, as a senior leader answered our questions - soon, we would enter the working world, yet, for me, something I could not figure out was missing to smooth this transition.

Then, the senior leader touched on his positive experience as a member in a professional association - IABC. A flash of clarity solved the mystery and slotted the missing piece into place. In that moment, I knew I needed to join IABC/Toronto. One expected ending led to a surprise, but welcome beginning.

A decade later, the reasons why I joined are the very ones that inspired me to remain a member. They include:

  • the international nature of IABC,
  • the chance to meet a variety of communications professionals,
  • the access to a variety of resources and programming, and
  • the diverse volunteer roles.

These factors converged to help me find a sense of community within my field.

The first chapter event I attended was a Christmas party, which led to a chance meeting with the Vice President in charge of the OVATION Awards. She was recruiting volunteers, and I wished to hone my writing skills. Between 2013 and 2017, I volunteered four times with this portfolio, rotating between the marketing and materials groups. During this period, I grew considerably as a communicator, broadening my skills and knowledge. Working on the emcee’s speaking notes was a highlight of this important volunteer opportunity for me.

Initially, I attended many Munch ‘n’ Mingle events, the purpose of which was to network. New to the industry, I found these helpful to meet communicators at various career levels. Often, I came away with interesting anecdotes, useful advice, and in some cases, volunteer opportunities.

Then, in fall 2017, some members of the PIC Executive approached me to fill the role of Membership Director. This turned out to be a special experience, meeting independent communicators--hearing their unique stories, discovering their versatile skill sets, and learning from them at professional development events.

Another pivotal membership moment was attending the 2014 IABC World Conference, held in Toronto. It may have been the location or the convergence of communicators from all over the world, but the event was filled with electric energy. Even now, snippets of conversations and unique sessions have stayed with me. One of those sessions – Circles of Wisdom – provided invaluable interaction between IABC Fellows and conference attendees.

Looking Back and Ahead

Reflecting on my ten years of membership has encouraged me to take in the changes within IABC/Toronto and within myself as a communicator. I take pride in IABC/Toronto’s programming that remains abreast of technological and industry shifts and in the opportunity for all members to volunteer and become involved, regardless of their career level. My membership has challenged me to acquire new skills and refine my existing ones while interacting and sharing stories/best practices with an extraordinarily talented group of professionals. Thank you, IABC/Toronto!

Melika Ramkissoon is a versatile, bilingual, and intermediate-level communicator. Her approach to communications is unique, as it is informed by an academic background in international studies, public administration, and corporate communications. Melika’s experience includes exposure to the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Her general focus areas are writing and editing, events and member communications, social media, and media relations. She is currently looking for her next professional opportunity to tell meaningful, strategic stories | Connect with her via email at or on LinkedIn

Memory Quote: Sarah L. Manley Robertson
“Happy 80th Anniversary IABC/Toronto ! When I joined as a student over a 1/4 century ago, I did so with dreams of becoming accredited and leading a communications function. IABC/Toronto’s resources, publications, events, and networks supported me as I grew, delivered and achieved. Cheers to shaping the next 80 years of communications as a catalyst for change.” | Sarah L. Manley Robertson
Special Thank You

Thank you to everyone who shared quotes, photos, articles, and memories to make this special edition of the Communicator possible, we have a wealth of knowledge and stories, and we're so glad you shared yours!

I want to extend a special thank you to the volunteer committee AKA "Yearbook Committee," for bringing this to life. Thank you to Irene Alifanova, who was the Editor in Chief of the Communicator at the time of this issue's conception; your leadership and efforts are appreciated! Thanks to Gary Schlee, who shared his cumulative knowledge about IABC/Toronto's history via our timeline and an archive's worth of materials. Thank you to Caterina Valentino for your writing contribution and participation at the committee meetings. Thank you, Subul Naqvi and Matisse Hamel-Nelis, for sharing your perspectives and insights into the different member experiences to create a well-rounded and inclusive celebration of the past 80 years for all.

It's been a pleasure to serve as Vice President, Communications & Digital Media for two terms and leave the position on a great note of celebration. We hope you all have enjoyed this excellent retrospective of our chapter's history, and we look forward to 80 more years of communications excellence.

Sincerely, Felicia Empey Vice President, Membership


Created with images by Lev Karavanov - "Aerial view of a rural road. The road passes by agricultural fields and through the forest." • - "Thank You card in an envelope"
