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Beer Industry Project Konan University, Hirao School of Management

Welcome! This website is the fruit of efforts by students enrolled in the Beer Industry Project taught by Professor Brent A. Jones at Konan University, Hirao School of Management (CUBE). This project was conceived and taught first in 2011. Most recently, it was taught in the 2021/22 school year. The aim of the project is to familiarize students with the history, economics, and business side of beer and the beer industry. More importantly, it is hoped that students go away with a deeper interest in the wonders of this magical beverage. Enjoy good beer!

Early in the project, we learn about the ingredients used to make beer and the brewing process. Teams work together to create a one-minute video explaining the beer-making process. We upload these to YouTube and make here playlist. Click HERE for videos made by students in the 2021-22 school year. 

Another focus of the project is building foundational knowledge of the beer industry around the world. Toward this end, we analyze documentary films about beer, with special attention to the USA. Then, teams of students research the beer industry in one region of America and present their findings via a Spark page. Links can be found below.

USA Beer Industry (Regional Research) 2021 Spark Pages

Team 1 -

Team 2 -

Team 3 -

Team 4 -

Team 5 -

Japanese Beer Industry - Case Study

The focus of our second module is the Japanese Beer Industry. We start by reading and analyzing a case study published by Tim Craig titled Achieving Innovation Through Bureaucracy: Lessons from the Japanese Brewing Industry

Abstract - When shifts in demographics, taste preferences, and retailing methods diversified demand for beer in Japan, Japan's four brewers were ill-prepared to carry out the level and type of new product development that new conditions called for. Prod­uct development was in the hands of brewmasters out of touch with the needs of the marketplace. Information gathering systems were underdeveloped. Most importantly, existing employee attitudes were inclined against newness and blocked needed cross-functional cooperation. The Japanese brewers tackled these problems not by declaring war on bureaucracy, as might be popularly prescribed, but by using bureaucracy creatively to foster and support innovative activity and change. Their approach, and the results it achieved, provide useful lessons for managers faced with similar needs to develop innovative new prod­ucts and services in response to changing demand, while at the same time maintaining the stability that large organizations require.

Team videos with presentations of research on the Japanese beer market/industry.

While studying the above case, teams were also researching different topics related to the beer industry in Japan. Findings from this research were gathered into a multimedia presentation by each team.

Japan Craft Beer (Regional Research)

The project concluded with several weeks of research on the craft beer industry in Japan. Specifically, teams chose a region of Japan and investigated what was happening there in terms of the total number of breweries, major players, and regional characteristics as they relate to beer. Wherever possible, teams contacted one or more breweries and interviewed the owner and/or lead brewer. The final product was a website created in Google Sites (see below).

Team One Website

Team Two
Team Three
Team Four
Team Five

Acknowledging the efforts of Shi Chouyuu, Aki Osamura, Yayae Jibu, Emiko Morita, Mayaka Arisato, Kana Okamura, Fuuya Okamura, Maya Kozuki, Risa Tachibana, Yui Hirao, Shou Matsuki, Sarasa Yokoi, Maya Yoshino, Haruka Akutsu, Wataru Iwasaki, Sakura Niimi, Yuika Minami, Haruki Kishi, Tarou Sugita, Wakana Takemura, Honoka Nakamura, Eito Nishimura, Keito Nishimura, Honoka Hosoi, Kento Yamashita, Moeno Utsumi, Saki Shirota ©️ Brent A. Jones, Ed.D. 2022

Created By
Jones Brent