Oracy - We have been practising our oracy skills this week. To be an excellent speaker, we have to speak loudly and confidently with a clear voice. Whenever we finish any tasks, the children go and choose a conversation card from our oracy wall to discuss with their partners.
English - This week in English, we have started to look at free verse poetry. This is poetry that does not follow a set rhyme scheme or rhythm. In groups, the children read different poems and discussed what they liked about them and what made them free verse poems. Next week, the children will write their own free verse poems.
P.E - This week we have been playing football. This has taught us how to play well in a team and to cheer each other on.
P.S.H.E - Our topic this half term is all about our health and well-being. We have looked at ,intakes and why they should be celebrated. We had a go at completing a tricky maze which most of us could not complete first time. However, we spoke about how this did not mean that we gave up but instead kept trying.
We created a display of reasons why we love mistakes.