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School of Social Work Newsletter February 2023

This newsletter was created by Student Assistant Destiny Santana, on behalf of the School of Social Work. For any accessibility or broken links, please email

Follow us on Social Media

We thrive to build a connection with our social work community by sharing resources, community events, and by shining a spotlight on our school, students, alumni, and faculty! Follow us today!

Contact Information

Office Telephone # 408-924-5800

Official Website:

Newsletter Archive:

General Email Address:

Post Masters PPSC Email:

On-Campus PPSC Program Coordinator:

Office Address: One Washington Square (WSQ Room 215) San Jose, CA 95192-0124

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

School of Social Work Evaluation, Suggestion, and Feedback Form (Anonymous):


SJSU Celebrates Black History Month - Events Calendar

Dear SJSU campus community,

San José State University remains committed to fostering a culture that addresses and disrupts anti-blackness, racism, and systemic racism on and off campus throughout the year.

Every year, SJSU honors Black History Month by offering events, speaker series, workshops and lectures that recognize Black and African-American heritage, cultures and contributions to society. We are excited to present to you this list of events that serve to explore and celebrate the theme for Black History Month.

Our theme this year is Black Resistance, in alignment with the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH). Events this spring include, but are not limited to:

2/8 at 6 p.m. - Spartan Speaker Series: Kendrick Sampson

2/9 at 6 p.m. - Black History Month Open Mic Night

2/13 at 6 p.m. NPHC Informational

2/15 at 6 p.m. - Black Healing Space and Drumming & Dance Workshop

2/18 at 12 p.m. - From the Eyes of Mary McLeod Bethune: A One-Act Play Performed by Tabia African-American Theater Ensemble

2/20 at 4:30 p.m. - Exploring tools for resistance through Afrofuturism

2/23 at 6 p.m. NPHC Meet The Greeks Showcase

2/24 at 6 p.m. - BHM Movie Night - TILL

For this year’s Black History Month, we greatly appreciate you joining us in utilizing these beautifully designed promotional materials to help amplify and celebrate the history and legacy of Black lives. For more detailed event information, please go to The Black Leadership and Opportunity’s website to learn more.

In solidarity,

Emerald Green, M.A (She, Her, Hers)

Program Director

The Black Leadership and Opportunity Center (The BLOC)

Accreditation Site Visit

February 21, 2023


On behalf of the School of Social Work, College of Health and Human Sciences, and San Jose State University, THANK YOU! We had a wonderful site visit today. We appreciate students, faculty, staff, community partners, university leadership, and other stakeholders supporting not only the accreditation process, but also the hard work, commitment, and passion contributing to our mutual success.

Although we must await the official report from CSWE and the site visitors to respond to any questions or concerns, I am so very grateful for the strong participation and everyone's contributions in explaining, sharing, and highlighting who we are and what we do. There are improvements expected: opportunities to make our social work programs even better. I am proud to be part of a community and team dedicated to our mission and goals, and to the growth of our purpose to enhance well-being and help meet basic and complex needs of all people. "Stand Up, Stand Proud, Stand Together"!

In appreciation,

Dr. Peter Allen Lee

Welcome Sergio!

Over the winter break, we had the opportunity to hire a new colleague to add to our Title IV-E Child Welfare Training and Stipend Program. Sergio Serna will be joining Pnina to grow our efforts in this area as the Title IV-E Assistant Project Coordinator.

Sergio Serna is a licensed clinical social worker whose interests include forensic social work, public child welfare and technology. He is committed to working with children and families engaged by the public child welfare and juvenile justice systems. Most recently Mr. Serna worked at Binti, Inc. where he helped child welfare agencies who work with foster youth implement new software solutions.

Mr. Serna worked as a field consultant for UC Berkeley and UCLA in their Social Welfare Master's program. As a field consultant with the California Social Work Education Center program, a statewide program that trains social workers to become professional public child welfare workers, he helped train first and second-year students placed in county public child welfare agencies.

Mr. Serna was a social worker for the Center for Juvenile Law and Policy based at Loyola Law School. He provided support and mitigation to youth engaged by the juvenile justice system in order to help them navigate probation, detention and reentry. As part of a holistic team in a legal setting, Mr. Serna helped to interpret the context in which legal problems develop for youth due to poverty, minority membership, educational issues, gang membership, and history of abuse.

Mr. Serna was also a therapist at the Children’s Institute, Inc., working with children and families from Koreatown and surrounding areas of Los Angeles. While there, he provided individual, family and group therapy. He specialized in children and families suffering from complex trauma due to exposure to domestic violence, sexual abuse and community violence, and worked with adult domestic violence survivors in order to increase their ability to provide support and create a safe environment for their own children. He also led a program for Youth with Sexual Behavior Problems to assist children who have engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior.

As an award recipient of Title IV-E program in California, after receiving his master’s degree he worked in the public child welfare system in both Orange and San Diego Counties to fulfill his commitment to addressing the needs of children exposed to abuse and neglect.

Welcome aboard Sergio! Looking forward to your working with us.


Please welcome Maria, who is our new Title IV-E Administrative Assistant. She introduces herself below.

My name is Maria Zuniga Montejano. I would like to formally introduce myself. I'm San Jose State University’s Title IV-E Administrative Assistant. A little bit about my background: I'm both Hispanic and Latina. I’m bilingual. I speak, read, and write in both Spanish and English. Born in Texas. My family moved to California where I initiated primary education.

I attended the University of California Davis where I obtained my Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development. My passion is to provide service and empower people and communities' well-being.

My professional background includes previous work experience as a former Instructional Aide, Dental Assistant, and Medical/Dental Receptionist. As a former Instructional Aide, I had the opportunity to work with professors in primary education and assist, mentor, and tutor elementary students academically. In my previous role as a Dental Assistant, I gained exposure to the medical/dental workforce and the importance of delivering quality and effective patient health care. I worked alongside Dental and Medical Doctors. As a former Medical/Dental Receptionist, I obtained health care communication skills with the medical team and provided our patients best health care practice.

Maria, we are so glad you have joined our School of Social Work and look forward to working together.

The Social Work Experience Podcast

Season 1, episode 2 is out now!

We are excited to announce another episode of The Social Work Experience!

On season 1, episode 2 of “The Social Work Experience,” co-host Francisco “Pancho” Garcia and Eric Garcia (MSW students) have an authentic conversation with special guests Destiny Santana and Jaslyn Abdul, both MSW students and Title IV-E recipients. In the episode, they discuss their journey in the Title IV-E program offered at San Jose State University, the importance of social work student organizations, and self-care. Plus, a special message from Dr. Lee regarding accreditation.

Episode Time Markers:

  • 00:00-35.25 Title IV-E with Destiny & Jaslyn
  • 35.25-56:45 Accreditation with Dr.Lee
  • 56:45-end SWGSA & Self Care

Listen to our newest episode on Apple podcast or Spotify:

Listen on Apple Podcast

Listen on Spotify

Community Feedback Form:

We also want to hear from YOU!

Do you have suggestions on what we should discuss next? Do you have a guest that you would like us to invite next? Submit your feedback and ideas

Episode Supporting Information:

Follow us on Instagram: @sjsuswgsa @uswasjsu @sjsusocialwork

Any questions can be sent to Podcast Co-Host Eric Garcia and Francisco "Pancho" Garcia at and (please include both on the thread)

left to right: (Eric Garcia, Francisco Garcia, Destiny Santana and Jaslyn Abdul)

Check out our newest Tik Tok by clicking here

Field Fair - Spring 2023

We want to give a huge thank you to all of our community partners for attending our field fair this spring 2023. We are forever grateful for the ongoing partnership! This was our first field fair since the COVID-19 pandemic and it was great seeing everyone!


The College of Health and Human Sciences hosted a visit by a delegation from Vietnam, with representatives from the Ministry of Health, the University of Public Health in Hanoi, and the University Medical Center in Ho Chi Minh City. The purpose of the delegation's visit, which was funded by UNICEF, was to learn about the interface between child welfare and healthcare settings and the training needs of healthcare workers in Vietnam about child maltreatment. The College organized a visit to the Santa Clara Department of Family and Children's Services, where the delegation met with department managers and supervisors. Then the delegation met with Dean Audrey Shillington, Interim Associate Dean Ed Cohen, College faculty, Dr. Peter Lee, our Social Work Field Director Stephanie Ruiz, a Social Work student representative (Megan Aikawa), and social workers from Valley Medical Center, Vicky Troung and Lan Cao.


Mary Anne Batayola


This month, we highlight MSW Student Mary Ann Batayola and the passion she has for her small business, Yours Truly, Mary Anne

Mary Ann is a full-time MSW Student at SJSU, who is scheduled to graduate this Spring 2023 semester! Mary Ann shares her story of how she launched her small business and describes her passion!

"Yours Truly, Mary Anne is my small business that started with my love of writing–specifically letters and puns, at just 10 years old! At that time, I sold pencils to my classmates at recess to fund my stationery and sticker collections, enjoyed making my friends and family handmade gifts, and fell in love with writing after reading Shel Silverstein’s book, Where the Sidewalk Ends.

In my 20s, I found myself doodling all over my notes to help me understand my Health Science classes, wrote only college essays, worked at a stationery store, and even opened my own Etsy shop selling handmade jewelry–but something still didn’t feel quite right, I wasn’t fully enjoying what I love. During this time, I started therapy and discovered what it was like to feel seen in a safe space and understand that I wasn’t alone in my mental health journey. I finally began to uncover the parts of me I missed, the ones that my 10 year old self loved so much.

Now, my inner child and I are extremely grateful to be able to say we are finally doing it! I am writing my own puns and letters, creating illustrations to go along with them, and making these gifts just for you. My hope is to normalize conversations about mental health through my products, which are full of reminders I need myself.

I am a lifelong learner, and am pursuing a master’s in social work to gain invaluable experiences as a mental health worker and learn skills that I’d also like to translate into my work here. My favorite part about this small business is being able to connect all my passions together while continuing this journey of lifelong healing and prioritizing mental health with amazing people like you.

My designs, writing and products are inspired by the places we travel through our inner worlds, the destinations we dare dream about, and the people we connect with through this lifelong journey home to ourselves. The reminders you come across here are all something I needed to hear myself along the way, only discovered once I began to unpack what weighed me down.

My hopes for Yours Truly, Mary Anne

I strive to celebrate what it means to be human—mistakes, fears, joys and all, and invite curiosity to uncover the beautiful parts of what makes us who we are.

I know that this journey can get uncomfortable at times, and continually showing up for yourself takes courage. I am here to offer you compassion (and hopefully a few laughs to lift your spirits) during this time we have crossed paths.

Come, join me and stay for as long as you need. There are so many adventures and laughs we have yet to experience."


Maritza Peralta

Maritza Peralta (She/her) is a full-time MSW Student at SJSU, scheduled to graduate this Spring 2023. Maritza was a recent guest on the To Be Honest podcast for Season 3 / Episode 7

On this episode of the TBH Podcast, they chat with Maritza who talks about her own mental health journey with Depression and Borderline Personality Disorder, what it's like working in the mental health field, and the importance of breaking down the stigma, especially in the Mexican-American culture.

Listen to her story today!

Jaslyn Abdul and Monica Calderon

Full-time MSW Students Jaslyn Abdul and Monica Calderon currently intern with Santa Clara County, Social Services, Department of Family & Children Services (DFCS). Monica interns with the emergency response (ER) unit and Jaslyn is Dependency Investigations (DI). Together they had the opportunity to go out into the field as emergency response social workers. They both are final year students and are scheduled to graduate this Spring 2023 semester!

"This internship has been a great learning experience for me. It also has been a privilege working alongside many different social workers at DFCS!" - Jaslyn Abdul
"I’ve enjoyed getting the opportunity to learn from amazing ER social workers and applying my knowledge in the field" - Monica Calderon

We are excited to see Monica & Jaslyn finish their field hours and officially enter the social work field!


The Social Work Graduate Student Association or SWGSA is a student organization created by and for MSW students at SJSU. All students in the MSW program at SJSU are automatically enrolled as members. ​SWGSA thrives to build connections and enact social change on every level as well as be a voice for the students.

Contact Information

General Email:


Graduation Committee:



Instagram: @sjsuswgsa

Updates and Announcements:

Social Work Convocation

SWGSA and USWA continue to work hard to plan the details of the Social Work Convocation. Updates regarding the Class of 2023 Convocation can be found here:

New T-Shirts for Sale


We have a small supply of quarter zips and brand-new t-shirts for sale. If you are interested in purchasing with us, I'm sharing how you can do so:

1. You can view our inventory, remaining sizes, and order procedures here

(Please read this document in full, it has crucial information)

2. Place your order here

Everything is first come, first serve.

**If you have any questions, please email

Thank you


SWGSA Board of Directors December 2022 Meeting
SWGSA Internship Networking Mixer 2/5/2023


The Undergraduate Social Work Association (USWA) is a student-led organization created by and for BASW students at SJSU. All BASW students are automatically registered as members of USWA. Follow USWA on social media today!

Contact Information

Instagram @uswasjsu

Facebook Group: Undergraduate Social Work Association

Email Address:

SJSU Handshake

As graduation approaches, we want to encourage our students to utilize the SJSU online job board, Handshake!

Handshake is the online job that SJSU students and alumni have access to. The School of Social Work receives inquires from various community agencies looking to hire social work graduates and alum. Throughout the year, we have encouraged those agencies to post their openings on the Handshake job board. This is why we highly encourage students and alum to download the app today or check out the website. More information can be found here

Students can login here for free:

If you are an alumni, learn more here:

If you are an agency that is interested in sharing your job positing with our network, you can learn how to do so here:



Training Scholarship Opportunity

(Beck Institute - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Student and Early Professional Workshop)

Dear Students,

We are excited to announce a great opportunity for all of you to apply for the Beck Institute - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Student and Early Professional Workshop. Please read the training scholarship opportunity below:

Each year, Beck Institute holds a scholarship competition for graduate students and early career professionals in a health or mental health field interested in attending our Student and Early Career Professional workshop.

Beck Institute is dedicated to the future of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and those who study and practice it. That’s why we hold an annual Student and Early Career Professional Scholarship Competition. We award ten applicants from a variety of health and mental health fields a full scholarship to our Student and Early Career Professional workshop.

Applicants are encouraged to share any achievements, awards, research, or other exceptional work they’ve accomplished in relation to their program of study. We welcome students from a variety of disciplines within psychology as long as they are working towards a master’s or doctoral degree. Clinicians who have been practicing for under five years are also eligible to apply. The application is due Mid- March 2023. Please click HERE to learn more!

Kind regards,

The SJSU Field Office

Yanga, African-Mexican Slave Hero! 1570

Monday, February 27, 6:00 pm-7:30 pm (PST)

Community Living Campaign invites you for an exciting bilingual feature on the history of Yanga. Yanga led a band of slaves to escape to the highlands near Veracruz, Mexico around 1570. We will be joined via Zoom by Dr. Lina Arceo, coming from Veracruz, Mexico to hear the untold story and learn about the man who helped accomplish freedom! This is a story to share across the generations how Black and Brown people have a history of solidarity! Viva la Gente!

HOW TO JOIN THE EVENT: To join by phone, dial 888-475-4499 (toll-free) or 669-900-6833 (local). Enter Meeting ID: 859 4154 3946, then press # twice. To join with video, click this link: to register and join. Wait in the “waiting room” until the activity is ready to start. For additional information, please contact Ms. Olivia Franco at 415 240 - 5160.

Newsletter & Social Media Submissions Form

Would you like to nominate a person to be highlighted in our newsletter? Do you have a story or idea that you would like us to consider? If so, submit your idea to our Student Assistant, Destiny Santana, by completing out this google form:

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