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Nursery Newsletter Autumn 2022

Welcome to a new year, we hope you had a wonderful summer and made the most of the British weather whilst we had it. We are hoping this year will be the year where everything returns to normal (Fingers crossed) where we can enjoy stay and plays, Christmas productions and a bucketful of adventures.

Our topic this term is 'Me and My World' During this topic we will be looking at our bodies, our families and things that we like to do. We will also be exploring different celebrations and traditions that occur over the term such as Diwali and Christmas.

Class Elephants

We will be exploring our topic through each of our areas of learning and we will be providing parents with a weekly newsletter on Class Dojo, showing our story of the month, text of the week, rhyme/song of the week, activities we will be doing and key vocabulary. This will give parents/carers the information they need to support their child further at home.

Class Dojo: At St Botolphs we use Class Dojo as a positive behaviour system, rewarding children for their amazing work. You will be able to see the points they earn and children will be able to redeem their points for prizes. We will also use Class Dojo to keep parents updated with different events happening at school and any exciting things that are happening in class. Parents can also contact the class teachers directly with any questions they have.

Tapestry: We will still be using Tapestry to show parents/ carers what the children have been doing that week in more detail. Please check this on a regular basis and when your child does wonderful things at home, you can post photographs or short videos on Tapestry for the teachers to see and comment on.

Our core Christian values for the term will be Responsibility in the first part of the term and then Resilience in the second half of spring. We will explore these themes in our class worships.

British Weather:  Please remember what our British weather is like and just because it is sunny in the morning doesn't mean it will stay that way. It may be Autumn, but that can mean rain or sun. Please dress your child accordingly and provide appropriate outdoor clothing for the season, i.e. sun hats. Also remember to apply sun cream before school when applicable. Any pieces of clothing or footwear brought into school will need your child's name on it to avoid any confusion or loss.

Your support in sending your child to school regularly and on time is vital so that you child can receive the maximum amount of education they can. To give an example: A child attending nursery for 3 terms would approximately attend nursery for 270 hours. If a child missed only 10 days of nursery within that time, they have missed over 10% of their nursery education.

We are looking forward to another fantastic year with lots of new children and parents. If you have any questions about anything this term, either come in and see us or please use Class Dojo and we will get back to your as soon as we can.

Get ready for lots of questions about themselves, their families and traditions!

Mrs Howarth and the Nursery Team


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