Mercy Impact: Mercy Day Edition
In July, Mercy Education celebrated its five-year anniversary by inviting our community to “celebrate with service” and accrue, collectively, five years of service – 43,800 hours – during Mercy Day activities. With the generous participation of tens of thousands of students, faculty, staff, families and friends of Mercy schools, we have exceeded our goal with over 45,300 hours logged. These hours are far more than a number. They signify unity, interculturality, growth, leadership, learning, compassion and connection; they enliven participants with the charism of Mercy; and they call us to deeper engagement with the Critical Concerns and Mercy Education Core Values.
What does 45,300 hours of service look like? Catch a glimpse of Mercy in action in this special edition of Mercy Impact!
Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School
Chicago, Illinois
Mother McAuley had a very busy and mercy filled Mercy Week! Our new President, Carey Temple Harrington '86 was officially missioned by Kim Baxter in front of friends and family, our Board of Trustees, faculty, staff, and student body. Throughout the week, our school community held a food drive. On Friday we came together as an entire school community to celebrate Mercy Day and some of our neighbors, the Sisters of Mercy from Mercy Circle joined us. It was a wonderful week of celebrating Catherine McAuley's legacy!
Infant of Prague
Mangilao, Guam
Community service is an integral part of IOP's curriculum for the little ones. We start them young and want to inculcate in them the sense of empathy and compassion by helping the underprivileged and making them sensitized toward our island community, global community and the needy people around them. Our service activities included: donating different items to Erika's House for abused children, praying for different intentions, writing Mercy Day Cards to the infirmed sisters, collecting trash outside the school and more.
Waldron Mercy Academy
Merion Station, Pennsylvania
As Mercy Day also fell on the International Day of Peace, our students had the opportunity to walk with their Grade Buddies while carrying signs they made with a message for peace! Funds collected to support our Walkathon will purchase ingredients for meals that our students will pack for Rise Against Hunger.
Mercy Heights Catholic Nursery and Kindergarten
Tamuning, Guam
Faculty and staff, with the parents’ support and participation, held a week-long celebration of the works of the Sisters of Mercy, each day focusing on a Critical Concern. The first day of the week opened with a prayer service followed by sowing vegetable seeds for sustainability and using recycled materials for compost. The week culminated with a simple luncheon and the donation of gifts to celebrate the courageous and laudable members of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas for the services they render selflessly to the school community and the island of Guam.
Sisters Academy of Baltimore
Baltimore, Maryland
Mercy Day consisted of learning the history of the foundress Catherine McAuley from our own President, Sister Delia Dowling, who is an active and participating School Sister of Notre Dame. Our upcoming service projects are helping Paul's Place with lunch service and implementing activities for the residents of Coursey Station.
Mount St. Mary Academy
Little Rock, Arkansas
Nearly 500 Mount St. Mary Academy students, faculty and staff spent the morning of September 23rd volunteering at 22 locations across central Arkansas in honor of Mercy Day 2022. MSM traditionally commemorates this important date in history each year by completing acts of service on its campus, in its surrounding neighborhood, and throughout the Little Rock area. This year, MSM proudly contributed 988 hours! Once service work was completed, the MSM community gathered together in the McAuley Center gymnasium for a special all-school Mercy Day Mass that ended with Mercy Education’s missioning of Sara Jones as MSM's new head of school.
More photos:
Mercy High School
Farmington Hills, Michigan
We were proud to celebrate Mercy Day 2022 with service during our annual Make a Difference Day. On September 22, all staff and students worked together and volunteered at 20 local organizations for a cumulative 1,900+ hours, including cleaning up Sisters of Mercy headstones at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery and painting red kettle stands for the Salvation Army.
Walsingham Academy
Williamsburg, Virginia
Our Mercy Day collection for the Williamsburg House of Mercy generated donations of 2,140 pounds of items for those in need! Walsingham Academy celebrated Mercy Day with a beautiful Mass and two of our timeless traditions. We presented our seniors with their Mercy pins, and after they received their pins, the seniors escorted the kindergarteners out to the Green for our annual Mercy Day butterfly release ceremony. Friday's Mercy Day celebration proceedings were an absolute joy.
Merion Mercy Academy
Merion Station, PA
Merion Mercy marked Mercy Day and the invitation to "celebrate with service" by creating environmental action posters and ecobricking, preparing snack bags for Face to Face in Germantown, and writing letters to the Sisters of Mercy with younger students at Waldron Academy.
After Mass and a special luncheon, Mercy Day at Merion Mercy concluded with nine alumnae speakers whose careers relate to the Sisters of Mercy’s Critical Concerns: Earth, Immigration, Nonviolence, Racism and Women.
Holy Cross High School
Kolambugan, Lanao del Norte, Mindanao, Philippines
Through 2022 Season of Creation and Mercy Day Service Extravaganza we felt in our hearts we did great things for our brothers, sisters and planet home. Every morning began with the 2022 Prayer for Season of Creation led by students. The students and pupils with their advisers shared their time and service through a community clean-up; the Cosmic Walk, a contemplative walk outside the classroom to connect and meditate on the gift of God’s creation; as well as other ecological awareness activities. We plan to continue the activities like tree planting in some towns of Kolambugan and vegetable gardening inside the campus.
School of St. John the Baptist
Jimenez, Misamis Occidental, Philippines
SSJB celebrated the Mercy Day last September 22, 2022 by having an outreach program. The students adopted one of the poor areas in the town: Matugas, Bajo, Jimenez, Mis. Occ. They contributed rice, canned goods, biscuits and soap and shared these to the 67 families. For more pictures please visit our Facebook page:
Mount Saint Mary Academy
Watchung, New Jersey
Mount Saint Mary Academy focused on one Mercy Core Value and one of the Sisters of Mercy Critical Concerns each day. Students made chalk drawings featuring positive messages, added messages of nonviolence to the Pray for Peace bulletin board, held a book exchange, crafted flags from the students' different heritages, and sent notes of gratitude to administration, coaches, teachers and classmates. Students prayed for an end to racism before making friendship bracelets and enjoyed a watercolor meditation for the Earth. On Mercy Day, school leaders and various student accomplishments were recognized. At the Mercy Day Liturgy, Sisters of Mercy and Mercy Associates renewed their vows and covenants.
Convent of Mercy Academy “Alpha”
Kingston, Jamaica
Mercy Day activities included:
Grade 13 Tea Party - This event, held on the Thursday closest to Mercy Day, is our way of introducing our senior ladies to our Alumnae and Mercy sisters to seal the bond of sisterhood.
Our Service Clubs created presentations in the Hall to invite new members to join them. We also celebrated service by dedicating the first hour of the morning to the decoration of classrooms with a specific focus on Caring for our Environment and the Earth.
Mercy McAuley High School
Cincinnati, Ohio
Mercy McAuley celebrated Mercy Day with Mass and fun spirit activities including kickball, a walk, and an all-school dance off. Students also participated in a variety of service projects, including planting flower bulbs around campus and making sandwiches and snack bags for Our Daily Bread, a local soup kitchen. Students also decorated flower vases and delivered the flowers to the Sisters of Mercy who live in the McAuley Convent next door to the school. They enjoyed spending time with the Sisters and getting to know them!
Notre Dame High School
Elmira, New York
Notre Dame was excited to celebrate Mercy week with each grade completing a full day of service within our community under the guidance of Campus Minister Marie McCaig. Eager Crusaders and parent chaperones volunteered their time with a total of 17 non-for-profit agencies and individuals in the Elmira area. The combined efforts of our students resulted in a total of 875 hours of service! To see more about our Mercy Week visit our Notre Dame facebook page at and search Mercy.
St. Vincent’s Academy
Savannah, Georgia
On Saturday September 24th, Sister Bernarda Loncon, RSM, Sister Denis Marie Murphy, RSM, and Sister Mary Jogues Smith, RSM all celebrated their 70th Jubilee as Sisters of Mercy. All three are graduates of St. Vincent's Academy. They have lived remarkable lives of service to others and dedication to God. Sr. Jogues was the Academic Dean at St. Vincent's Academy for many years and is pictured with SVA President, Mrs. Mary Anne Hogan. We are grateful for the service of these women. They are truly “women who lead.” God bless you Sisters!
Mercy High School
Omaha, Nebraska
At Mercy High in Omaha, we celebrated Mercy Day with Mass, a play about Mother McAuley produced by the seniors, a lunch for the seniors and faculty, and an invitation to serve. The production of the play is always a mammoth task, highlighted by the introduction of the seniors who play Mother McAuley. Abby Mills and Megan Riesberg were chosen for their examples of selfless-service by their peers.
Our Lady of Mercy School for Young Women
Rochester, New York
Mercy students celebrated Mercy Day with canned-good and sock drives to benefit people who are impoverished in the Rochester community. All high school classes combined to donate 41,301 cans to five Rochester-area food cupboards. Middle school students donated 1,700 pairs of new socks to a homeless shelter and an organization that takes donations from schools to bring joy to children who need it most. We were even featured on one of our local television stations!
St. Catharine Academy
Bronx, New York
The St. Catharine Academy community celebrated Mercy Day with the first Mass of the school year on September 23. To share Mercy Day with the community, students contributed over 600 boxes of cereal for Mercy Center in the South Bronx, to help families begin their day with a nutritious breakfast. The Mercy Day celebration continued after Mass with the Senior pinning ceremony and installation of Student Council leaders.
Mercy Career & Technical High School
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Mercy Career & Technical 10th graders, Lanae, Hannah, Arshine and Jimmy packed snack bags for Boot Up Philly- an event sponsored by Saint John's Hospice. 50 bags were filled with socks, snack food, tissues, soap, and lip balm. Students also created letters to our soldiers through the organization, A Million Thanks.
Alpha Infant School
Kingston, Jamaica
Alpha Infant launched is annually Care of the Earth Day, one of the Sisters of Mercy Critical Concerns (Earth). Despite the weather system with heavy rains looming from storm Ian. students, parents and staff turned out to beautify and clean the school environment.
Mount Mercy Academy
Buffalo, New York
One of the service projects Mount Mercy Academy students took part in for Mercy Day was writing letters to various groups, including veterans, patients at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, the Sisters of Mercy and residents at the City Mission. Using the five Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy, students were also challenged to write reflections on their personal view of what "Mercy service" means to them and how they each can answer the call of service.
Colegio Santa Ethnea
Bella Vista, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Our whole community – teachers, staff and students from toddlers to seniors – was invited to serve our brothers and sisters. We wrote letters to the sick and to retired Sisters of Mercy and visited the neighbors of a nearby neighborhood, sharing the spirit of service. The youngest laid hands on the ground to take care of our Common Home and developed games and grab-and-go breakfasts at community centers. Secondary students designed murals that announce the Good News and put together trousseaus for pregnant mothers in vulnerable situations.
Mercy Montessori
Cincinnati, Ohio
Mercy Montessori students participated in a wide variety of service activities including: invasive species removal in local parks, making sandwiches for Our Daily Bread, and sending cards to the Sisters of Mercy and neighbors served by Mercy Neighborhood Ministries.
Mercy High School
Baltimore, Maryland
On Mercy Day, the Class of 2023 joined all Mercy High School Baltimore graduates in receiving their rings as a symbol of something much greater than their time here at Mercy. The community also collectively participated in 481.25 hours for Celebrate with Service, writing cards and letters to retired sisters across the U.S. and holding a bake sale that earned over $180 for the Mercy Girl Effect.
Mercy High School
Middletown, Connecticut
We were happy to spend the day together appreciating what makes us Mercy. We ended a week of Mercy Day activities and service projects in our theology classes with a great visit from Sr. Regina Ward, Associate Director for Mission Integration for Mercy Education System of the Americas. We also welcomed guest speaker Scarlett Lewis from the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement - a boundary breaker like Catherine McAuley. Students led a round of applause for our own Sr. Peggy O'Neill for her commitment and contributions to Mercy High School, and then we enjoyed our traditional tea and cookies!
Mercyhurst Preparatory School
Erie, Pennsylvania
On September 23, more than 500 students, faculty, and staff participated in service projects at twenty different locations all over the city. Many organizations had connections to Mercyhurst Prep. Participants cleaned storage areas, cleaned up exteriors, picked up garbage at Presque Isle, and helped younger students in the classroom. It was a terrific day to celebrate Mercy, service, and the first House of Mercy!
Mount St. Mary Catholic High School
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Students at Mount St. Mary celebrated Mercy Day by reflecting on quotes from Catherine McAuley and challenging their thinking on blessings in their life. Those reflections included; what small gift has God given you in life, write a short prayer for the needs of our world, and challenge yourself on something you want to love more like Catherine McAuley did in her life.
Special thanks to all schools, organizations and individuals who contributed to our service goal! In addition to those included here, we recognize:
- Academy of Our Lady of Mercy - Agana, Guam
- *Academy of Our Lady of Mercy, Lauralton Hall - Milford, Connecticut
- *Assumption High School - Louisville, Kentucky
- *Gwynedd-Mercy Academy Elementary - Spring House, Pennsylvania
- *Gwynedd Mercy Academy High School - Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania
- *Instituto María Regina - La Ceiba, Honduras
- McAuley Convent
- *Mercy Academy - Louisville, Kentucky
- Mercy Associates in La Ceiba, Honduras
- Mercy Associates in Mobile, Alabama
- *Mercy High School - Burlingame, California
- *Muffles College High School - Orange Walk Town, Belize
- *Our Lady of Mercy Academy - Syosset, New York
- Santa Barbara Catholic School - Dededo, Guam
- St. Jude School - Chalfont, Pennsylvania
*indicates a Mercy Education member school