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How to set up your Weave and Hang loom Tips and tricks coming soon

You have your Weave and Hang loom now what? Well FUN!

Its easy to get started. Let me show you.

You need a Weave and Hang loom of your choice. A weaving needle, a small tapestry needle, scissors, and yarn.

Start by figuring out how much yarn you need for your warp. The warp is the yarn that goes up and down, vertical on your loom. I do this by placing a section of yarn on the loom, top to bottom, hole to hole. I don't make this exact I make sure it's a bit longer. Then I count the holes across and pull out the measured section of yarn the same amount as there are holes. But I also pull out extra. It's no fun when you only have an inch or two of yarn to tie off. Be generous with this, that makes it so much easier.

Next thread the yarn you picked for your warp thread the small needle and you are ready. Be sure the needle and yarn are small enough to fit through the holes.

Next pull the needle and yarn through the hole from back to front. You will leave a tail long enough to weave in or tie off.

You will then pull the needle through the hole directly below the top hole. needle is now front to back. ,

Look at the image above, I have just put the needle into the next hole.

Next you will go to the top and go from front to back. This all gets repeated till you have gone all the way across.

View from the back, if yours looks like this you are ready to tie off and weave.
This is the front view, does yours look like this? Good

Now you will either tie the warp , two ends together, in the back. Or you can weave the ends back through the holes. This fills the holes in a bit and does help to secure it.

Sometimes I weave another thread into the holes after I have woven the piece, this is because I might want to use another color. Or, especially on the bottom you can thread yarn through creating a fringe. There really are no rules, this is your art go ahead and play, make it your own!

I tied this together to hold the warp in place. I usually use a slip knot so I can get it undone easily. Just was not thinking here. But do use a slip knot you wont be sorry.
Dont forget after you have woven your loom you can add beads, buttons charms etc.

The size and shape of the loom will not make a difference in how these get done. They all start out the same. The difference comes when you pick your yarn and play around. No rules just have fun. I'll include a few samples for ideas but don't let me influence you.


copyrighted by Dawn Melka
