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Access valuable on-demand learning to foster a creativity in your classroom.

Adobe Education Summit sessions are available on-demand through March 2023. Below are the Adobe Education Summit speakers and tracks.

Digital Media Virtual Pre-Conference

Digital Media Educators: Register to attend the Pre-conference for in-depth learning on Adobe Creative Cloud applications and Adobe Express projects. Leading educators from around the world will share effective projects to inspire your students, colleagues, and community through creativity.

You'll learn: How to design learning experiences that foster creativity in digital media and CTE programs. You'll learn how to use and teach Creative Cloud and Adobe Express tools with confidence to enrich your students' creative communication skills.

You'll create: Visually compelling graphics, illustrations, animations, videos and websites that you can integrate into your curriculum. You'll curate resources specific to the age group and area you teach in digital media (K12 - HED).

Participate in live workshops: Share your visual creations with the global educator community and industry experts for feedback and insider tips and tricks. You will access robust resources designed by master digital media education leaders to plan for deeper learning experiences.

July 26, 2022 at 8am-2pm PT / 11am-5pm ET

Select all dates you'd like to attend through the link above. Your Digital Media Pre-conference registration can automatically include the July 27-28, 2022 free virtual Summit. No need to register for each day separately.

This virtual conference offers unique and inspiring sessions for educators of all subjects.

Hear from expert educators on fostering creative expression and reimagine your students' learning experience. You'll discover inspiring ways to develop your students' innovative and digital literacy skills while igniting joyful learning. You'll gain the skills you need to successfully leverage creative technology and get your students actively building their essential digital literacy skills.

Educators and Trainers will learn:

  • How to teach and evaluate creativity across all subject areas.
  • How to design learning experiences that foster students' creative communication and critical thinking skills.
  • Creative tools to cultivate your students' digital literacy skills across the curriculum.
  • How to get started with Adobe Express.

July 27, 2022 at 8am-2pm PT / 11am-5pm ET

Virtual conference

Select all dates you'd like to attend through the link above. No need to register for each day separately.

Build on successful practices for enriching student engagement.

Join the Adobe Education Team and Garima Babbar, Adobe International Education Product Marketing Lead with guest Dr. Biswajit Saha, Director Central Board of Secondary Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India

You'll learn successful practices for inspiring students' innate curiosity. Discover how to cultivate your students' comfort with creative expression. You'll hear from expert educators on designing an action plan to include creativity in all subjects and learning experiences.

  • You'll create: Graphics, videos and websites that you can integrate into your curriculum.
  • Through guided workshops: You'll have opportunity to roll up your sleeves, build on your learning, and create an artifact of your own.
  • You'll design a creative challenge: You'll build an action plan to challenge your students and effectively include creativity and digital literacy in your classroom.

July 28, 2022 at 8am-11:30am PT / 11am-2:30pm ET

Virtual conference

Select all dates you'd like to attend through the link above. No need to register for each day separately.

Attendees of this free virtual conference will receive a certificate for up to 6 hours of professional development learning per day after completion of sessions. Certificates will be issued after the conclusion of the Adobe Education Summit for attended sessions July 26-28, 2022. To request your certificate be resent, email:

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