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AIS Two Cents for Success

Words of Encouragement from Former Students

There are going to be somedays where you don't want to work, others where it feels like the day drags on an never ends. There will also be times where you can't stop yourself and everything feels like it won't stop moving. And that is okay. Life is unpredictable, things happen, so do not ever be discouraged from being you and pursuing what you want. There is only one you and it is okay to stand out and be unique as well as not standing out and keeping to yourself. Live your life the way you want to, that applies to what your major is in college, which organizations your apart of. Enjoy everything to your standard.
You are smart, you are special, and I know you've got this!
Do not give up. The beginning is always the hardest. ~Ashley Pardo

Former Student Words of Advice

To future AIS students, and all future Roadrunners: I just wanna say, stay strong. It's gonna get tough, it's gonna be hard to even get out of bed sometimes, there's gonna be darkness, and sometimes yeah, quitting will sound like a pretty good idea... But you gotta remember that there will always be light... and it's all worth pushing through, there's always something worth fighting for: your own well-being. I'm wishing everyone who reads this the best of luck, from the very bottom of my heart. Birds up!
Know that one grade does not define you, you have the power to prove yourself in your four years here. People have their bad days, just don't let it affect your good ones.

How to Succeed in AIS

Trust your group and trust your professor. If there is no example be that example. ~Cesar Cortez

As a student, I enjoyed this course immensely. As you begin your AIS journey, keep on top of your work. This is because if you put effort into your work obtaining the grade you desire will not be a problem. Also, don't forget to build a bond with your fellow students. They will stand by you the entire semester and will always be there for you if you need any help. It is imperative to keep in mind that your professors are there to assist you just as much as your peers. Therefore, if you encounter any difficulties, do not be afraid to seek their help. ~Juliana Sarria

Take advantage of all the resources they give you! You are able to find new jobs on campus or future careers you could possibly be interested. Very fun class to attend.
Making connections with your professors and CLASSMATES can help you in the future.
AIS is a great class with very good benefits if you take it. Procrastination can get the best of you because it doesn’t seem like the “hardest” class but treat this class as if it was your CHEM class because you are benefited a lot more and you gain a lot of knowledge for your future career. ~Mariam Light


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