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Kimberly Martinez Photographer

The person who I am has been the same person as before, for the past 16 years. I’m a girl who loves flowers especially tulips, tulips in the spring as they bloom. I am my mother’s daughter, a sister, someone’s past lover. A girl who’s her father’s daughter. A girl who wants to know everything.

An explorer who wants to know every inch of the world, from the trees to the sky where the world is what you make it. Living in Los Angeles, but my love belonging to a small village in Oaxaca, Mexico. A girl named Kimberly Martinez born on July 27th, 2006. A teenage girl who loves photography. A girl who wants to know what love is, what the world is. I am Kimberly, Kimberly Mayte Martinez .

'My friend's house foundation' collaboration with the Getty Museum 2023 upcoming exhibition

Following up : My first portrait shots some including being in museums, art shows, galleries, online & in person exhibitions, and more

'California poppys'
Marlon Molina , 17 , Los Angeles CA
Youssef Safir, 17 , Downtown Los Angeles California
Rian finney, 16 LA

-Mentors at Las Fotos project located in Boyle heights -

Las Fotos project digital promotoras 2023 semester
"The way I see this world"

contact information:

email: [dm for inquiries]

phone number: 323 - 975 - 5441 - located: downtown , K- town Los Angeles, California

'I hate roses'
Models: Rian finney , Sirey Rivas , Nicole Adamian Insta: @fxney.i0, @666rilyn , @n1qnull

‘ My mothers daughter a final piece ’

A glimpse into my final piece , My mothers daughter is a project I’ve been working on for a little less than a year, that was started off a couple months into my photography journey. showing and comprehending the stages of grief. The trauma that was shared that wasn’t able to be shown. Generational trauma that we’re learning to break. As I'm growing up I'm starting to grasp a relationship with my mother that wasn’t able to be formed at a young age. A bond that wasn't able to be created. I photographed my mom in my quince dress, A Hispanic tradition that she wasn’t able to have growing up from a lower income range but worked hard for me to have. It shows and reflects how similar we are. I am her but she is not me.

'My mothers daughter' by Kimberly Martinez

I see my mom as a woman I love, a person who did what she could to continue on with her life. I grew up seeing her work three different jobs at the same time while being a single mother. I saw facing neglect and abuse caused by a man who was supposed to love and cherish her. She supports me and my dreams, and see’s the dream I am setting for myself. She is my hero. Being able to photograph her in the dress she was never able to have but I was fortunate to experience was a bonding memory I shared with her during the photoshoot for this final project, ‘My mothers daughter’. As a following project of ' I hate roses' this is my final piece.

A rose, why would a rose be an issue to anyone else but me. A rose, a singular rose, something seemed so gentle but yet so harmful. An issue as people seem to think I'm crazy when I state I hate roses but why? I've never known who to be, who I will be but I've always known why. Flowers, the beautifulest things to exist, as my father stated. A loving and gentle flower, that blooms as it grows something so delicate but yet so vibrant. Petals of the color red, a bright green stem having thorns, the thorns being the mechanism of protection. I've always wanted to be a flower, a violet to be exact. I always felt like I wanted to be something more than who I am as a person, especially now more than ever. My dad, my best friend, my shoulder to cry my dad being my biggest supporter, he had always loved red roses. He taught me how to value them, to cherish them, to realize the beauty of them. At the age of 15 I lost my best friend to suicide the person who was supposed to be there every step of the way, I didn't want to do anything let alone be anything I wanted to disappear. It just felt like the world went quiet, like everything else was spinning but I stayed in place. I wanted to scream, I just wanted to scream until I lost my voice, I wanted to melt into the floor, I wanted to be anything but me. The grief took over me and i didnt want to be alone, I didn't want to feel alone. Shortly after I got into my “ first relationship” i changed so much i didn't even recognize myself, My self esteem was at my lowest. The things he did made me feel crazy, I was made to feel like there was something wrong with me. As much pain I was already in, he kept adding onto it. In a way of trying to love him I hurt myself, I accepted the love I thought I deserved. The love that wasn't meant for me. We tend to do that especially in our generation, we tend to think we have to change ourselves to be loved especially when you're at your most vulnerable place. It's a concept not many of us comprehend until we're older but we learn one way or another. I was a violet but he wanted a rose. Something I couldn't be for him. I couldn't change my shape, my pedals but I became something he won’t ever have. A concept of flowers that relate to a part of everyday life people struggle with. The concept of having to feel like I have to change myself to feel validation. The feeling of having to feel like I need to become something I can't is something other people struggle too. I hate roses. My bio mom is a rose she's a woman I look up too and admire, she had the strength to stand up and walk away in a relationship where she thought there wasn't a way out she never stayed in the relationship where he will never lay his on her ever again. A rose, I will never be a rose.

As we got we learn to find our value and self worth, Some find it sooner than others we make ourselves feel a certain way to think that the love we have now Is the love we will always deserve

Created By
Kimberly Martinez


photography by Kimberly Martinez
