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"The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.” Mahatma Gandhi

Every day, more than 3,500 people are killed in road crashes. 100,000 more suffer life-changing injuries.

Road crashes are the leading killer of children and young people worldwide.

The cost in heartache to families is immeasurable. The cost of inaction is unacceptable.

3-star or better roads and designs are a key solution.

They save lives and prevent serious injuries.


Bruce Highway, Australia where 3-star or better upgrades achieved an 82% reduction in fatal and serious injuries


A world free of high-risk roads.


We provide the free globally recognised iRAP methodology, tools, training and support to governments, mobility clubs, development banks, road safety NGOs, industry, research institutions and academia in over 100 countries to help them make their roads safer.


Shared purpose, passionate people - We know the value of one life and we’re here to save thousands.

Image credit: Estiara Ellizar


Honest and evidence-based - We draw on global evidence and best practice for life-saving solutions.

iRAP Global Programme Director Greg Smith, Global Regional Road Safety Observatories Dialogue on Powered Two-wheeler Safety, Manila (Image credit: iRAP)


Shared goals, shared success - iRAP and 26,000 partners; sleeves rolled up, to save lives.

Advocating for change. UN High-level Meeting for Road Safety, New York (Image credit: iRAP)


We get things done - No life is saved until a road is upgraded and we’ll go the extra mile until that is done.

Image credit: Road Safety Pioneers


We are family and friends.

Image credit: iRAP


We are innovative - We look to the future and opportunities to continuously improve. We listen and know that ideas to improve and innovate can come from everyone, everywhere. We create an environment and framework for innovation.

Meeting of the iRAP Global Technical Committee which brings together the world's leading road safety research institutions to ensure latest research and knowledge informs our model and tools development. (Image credit: iRAP)


iRAP staff ranked our charity 4.6 out of 5-stars as a great place to work aligned to our core values.
"iRAP is an awesome place to work. Colleagues with such passion are a rare find." iRAP staff member

With the donor support of the FIA Foundation, the following is just a small snapshot of iRAP and our partners' activities and successes in 2022 delivering the charity's global approach and tools to eliminate high-risk roads. Our partners' success is the charity's success. Their incredible passion and tireless work inspires us every day and we applaud their courage, tenacity and success. Enjoy our 2022 journey!


iRAP and our partners have undertaken assessments in 116 countries. We are supporting calls for assistance in many more, with our influence reaching 172 nations of the world.


iRAP and our partners impact as at December 2022



Working with Presidents and Prime Ministers of countries

Recognising the unacceptable scale of road trauma globally, World Leaders gathered in New York on 30 June and 1 July for the first ever UN High-level Meeting for Road Safety. Commitment was sought for an increase in investment and action to ensure the SDG goal to halve road deaths and injuries by 2030 is met.

The iRAP team went to work:

  • 153 letters were sent to the United Nations Permanent Missions and Heads of State (Presidents and Prime Ministers) advocating for their participation and prioritisation of safer roads in their countries.
  • 60 responses and national partners were supported to lobby from the ground-up.
  • We collaborated with the leading global road safety agencies to maximise event and advocacy opportunities.
  • An iRAP in Countries Progress Summary was published sharing partners’ work in 150 countries, supported by a filterable online database.
  • A 3-star or Better Policy Showcase was shared of global and national road safety strategies and action plans which include targets for safer road infrastructure. With potential for safer roads in every country on earth, they are inspiring examples for all countries to follow.
  • On-the-ground in New York, the team met with Heads of State and their transport ministers to share the potential of safer roads and the way forward.


iRAP CEO Rob McInerney and Global Projects Director Julio Urzua showcasing the potential of safer roads in El Salvador with Saul Antonio Castelar Contreras, Vice-Minister of Transport and Vanessa Rubio, Movete Seguro
Eng. Gilbert G. Mwoga, Director of Infrastructure Development, President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), Tanzania and Julio Urzua discussing the TanRAP launch


The Global Plan for the Decade of Action was embraced by many, along with the goal to achieve UN Targets 3 and 4:

Implementation of iRAP in countries was shared and championed by many.

“Where we should be going as a road safety community is engaging more broadly with other issues like the climate partners, the urban design partners and really making this a common cause. We can’t do that successfully unless we have data led, evidence-based programmes which we can prove reduce road traffic fatalities like the International Road Assessment Programme." Saul Billingsley, Executive Director, FIA Foundation

See the event summary and more outcomes here.



An award-winning evidence-based programme and tool for measuring and communicating the risk children are exposed to on their journey to school.


A world where all children travel safely to and from school.


Also this year, SR4S has:



Star Rating for Schools Interactive Tool shares the positive impact of global upgrades

With FIA Foundation support, iRAP launched the “Safe Schools Tracker”, an interactive report sharing insights about how safety around schools is being improved by partners and measured with the evidence-based SR4S. Since its official launch, locations at 1,028 schools in 63 countries have been assessed by partners and there are more than 150 locations around schools across 18 countries where improvements have already been made and post-improvement assessments completed.


A safer school journey in Kitwe City, Zambia

Pictured left and below, lifesaving infrastructure was unveiled by Kitwe Mayor Mpansa Mwaya at Chimwemwe Secondary School and Kamitondo Combined School in Zambia on 14 June. Working hand in hand with the Zambia Road Safety Trust, the Zambia Motor Sport Association used the FIA School Assessment Toolkit based on the iRAP SR4S methodology to assess school zone safety. They received funding from the FIA Road Safety Grants Programme to undertake upgrades, supported also by the FIA Foundation. Raised zebra crossings, rumble strips, footpaths, bollards and signage were installed. It is expected that, thanks to this road safety initiative, the two schools will attain 5-star ratings from previously assessed 2-stars and 1-star ratings respectively.


Image credit: Zambia Road Safety Trust


Four school zones in Georgia get a ‘5 Star’ upgrade informed by SR4S

The FIA Road Safety Grants Programme and the FIA Foundation have together supported the Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport (EASST), Partnership for Road Safety (PfRS), and the Georgian Automobile Sport Federation (GASF) to upgrade four school zones in Georgia to a ‘5-Star’ standard using the Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) App (Video credit: FIA Foundation)


New safer school infrastructure unveiled in Mozambique

Image credit: FIA Foundation

The government of Mozambique (Maputo Municipal Council, the Services of Social Affairs, Maputo City; Maputo City Government); INATRO (National Institute of Road Transport); ANE (National Road Administration); iRAP; and the Mozambique Road Fund – the World Bank, FIA Foundation, ATCM (Automovel Touring Clube de Mozambique) and Amend - joined forces to deliver new lifesaving infrastructure improvements and speed regulation changes around A Luta Continua Primary School and neighbouring schools.

Star Rating for Schools is supporting the €15 million FIA Foundation Advocacy Hub for Safe Streets. The Hub is supporting organizations across the world engaged in policy change activities to secure safe, low-speed streets below 30km/h where pedestrians, particularly children and youth, mix with motorized traffic. With an initial fund of €15m over five years, it is intended to deliver on the Child Health Initiative’s Manifesto 2030: Safe and Healthy Streets for Children, Youth & Climate.

Ai&Me Project innovating safety for school children in Vietnam and beyond

The YEA App pilot in Ho Chi Minh City, Pleiku City, and Yen Bai commenced in December. The launch engaged students from 18 project secondary schools and colleges in Vietnam on how to use the App (Image credit: AIP Foundation).

The AI&Me: Empower Youth for Safer Roads Project funded by Fondation Botnar and FIA Foundation, is being delivered by AIP Foundation, with support from iRAP and Anditi. The project has achieved major impact for safer school journeys in Vietnam this year including:

  • Development of a Big Data Screening Methodology enabling the desktop analysis of big data for Ho Chi Minh City, Pleiku and Yen Bai. The analysis identified the 106 highest risk schools for further road safety investigation and prioritised investment from a total of 1,063 schools.
  • Launch of the YEA Youth Engagement App piloted with 1,800 students mapping where they feel safe and unsafe on their walk to school.
  • Informed by the findings, the project will star rate the safety of the schools using the Star Rating for Schools application.
  • Work with local government decision-makers to implement infrastructure improvements at 18 priority schools.
“Today is the day that students will take charge in ensuring that their cities are safe. The YEA puts young voices at the heart of solving the global road safety crisis.” Hoang Na Huong, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, AIP Foundation
“I think that the YEA is a fantastic tool to create safer streets in my neighbourhood. With the App, I can easily alert the local authorities and let them know where there is a danger. This App makes me feel safer. It also makes me feel like I am a part of the solution, which gives me the power to make an impact.” Dang Phan, a local youth from Nguyen Hue High School
“We are excited about the Big Data Methodology, the insights it has revealed and very targeted road safety improvements it will make possible in the three cities. We’re also excited by its global potential to make schools journeys safer in the most cost-effective way far beyond the borders of Vietnam.” iRAP Project Manager, Shanna Lucchesi

Global Programme Partners helping maximise impact

3M announces campaign supporting global school journeys

Image credit: 3M

3M is a Global Programme Partner of Star Rating for Schools and provides an annual funding contribution to support the programme and its global reach. In the lead up to 2024, 3M aims to amplify their commitment to keeping roads safe with school zone transformations, starting with 100 schools around the world, as part of Project School Zone Safety.

“Every child deserves a chance at an education, and getting to school safely shouldn’t be a barrier. Over the next two years, we will work with NGOs and government agencies to improve safety in school zones and develop a scalable model for high-risk and under-resourced communities to create safer roads for all children.” Dr Dan Chen, President, 3M Transportation Safety Division


Prudence Foundation shape for SR4S partnership

Discussions also got underway to confirm Prudence Foundation, the community investment arm of Prudential Plc, to become an additional SR4S Global Programme Partner in 2023.

“At Prudence Foundation, we aim to create a better future for our communities by making them safer and more resilient to life’s risks. Our flagship SAFE STEPS Kids Road Safety programme increases awareness around road safety among children, reaching more than 35 million households every day. Through our partnership with iRAP, we will be aiming to motivate practical actions including the construction and modification of roads to ensure a safer journey for children.” Marc Fancy, Executive Director, Prudence Foundation
“Thanks to the support of 3M, Prudence Foundation and the SR4S donors, the SR4S tools are free for use worldwide and are continuously being improved. We can also support partners using the tools in their road safety projects to maximise their life-saving potential.” Greg Smith, Global Programme Director, iRAP

Funding Global Impact Through the FIA Club Network

Following the success of the 2021 Federation Internationale de L'Automobile (FIA) Road Safety Grant Programme which disseminated €250,000 to 10 auto clubs world-wide, the 2022 Grants offered member clubs up to €25,000 per School Assessment Project to upgrade at least one school zone through projects that apply the 10 steps of the School Assessment Toolkit and SR4S. We are proud to work with the FIA and mobility club network in 146 countries to deliver safer roads and streets.

See our whole year of Star Rating for Schools' partner impact at


A process and evidence-based programme of applications informed by the iRAP Methodology which enable the objective measurement, and improvement, of the level of road safety ‘built in’ to a road design for vehicle occupants, motorcyclists, pedestrians and bicyclists, before the commencement of civil works.


A Star Rating for every road design to support Target 3.


  • 44,435km of road designs Star Rated
  • 72 countries with designs made safer
  • Free SR4D Web App, a world-first innovation made possible by the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility
  • 31 trainings delivered
  • A global voice championing for safer road design, training and software
"SR4D allows us to challenge the assumptions we make and make better decisions about safety. It provides the tick that we've delivered 3-star or better and an independent verification rating that people can understand across a region, a country or the globe." Chris Furneaux, Director, Arup


iRAP and ORIS to optimise the safety and sustainability of road designs


Andrejus Laugman, Global Technical Development Manager and James Bradford, Global Technical Director, iRAP; with Nicolas Miravalls, CEO and Renaud de Montaignac, Chief Operations Officer, ORIS (Image credit: iRAP)

iRAP and digital start-up ORIS signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will see iRAP safety performance data integrated into ORIS’ pavement design platforms. Supported by Artificial Intelligence, the ORIS Digital Pavement Design and Material Management Platform gathers data on locally available construction materials and international and local standards, and considers factors like expected traffic and weather conditions to assess the carbon and cost life cycle impacts of different designs. It employs a unique material sourcing database, which helps link projects to locally available and recyclable materials to encourage a circular economy. The integration of iRAP data into the platform will enable road designers to also prioritise safety in sustainable designs. The MOU follows a successful pilot project in Uzbekistan, with the ORIS team trained to perform iRAP assessments and include the results in their road assessment dashboard.

“We are proud to partner with iRAP to support our customers in positioning road safety as a key element of their project design, at the same level as environmental concerns and cost-efficiency. It is a great step towards enabling a holistic, sustainable, safe and responsible approach to road pavement design.” Nicolas Miravalls, CEO, ORIS


Global Road Designers provide input to SR4D

A new global Road Designers Consultation Group was formed to provide valuable insights into how we achieve the shared global goal of safe road designs, with a star rating for every road design on earth. Over 100 nominations were received from road designers in nearly 50 countries keen to join the group and provide a road designer’s perspective on effective advocacy and development of the SR4D programme and tools. The shortlisted Group comprises experts with extensive experience, drawn from the private sector, public sector and NGOs, from each region of the world.

Evaluating progress to achieving Target 3

Image credit: Dreamstime

The World Bank Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) and iRAP commenced an innovative project to evaluate countries’ progress in achieving UN Target 3: that by 2030, all new roads achieve technical standards for all road users that take into account road safety, or meet a 3-star rating or better. The multi-faceted two-year project will include a review of more than 10 completed priority road projects using existing iRAP assessment data and covering the full project lifecycle from planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance. Star Rating and fatality estimates will be undertaken of the road designs and constructed roads using the SR4D web tool to understand their safety performance against the international 3-star or better standard.


New guide integrates safety into road design

The World Bank’s new Guide to Integrating Safety into Road Design recognises the iRAP Star Rating, the Star Rating for Designs Tool and Road Assessment Programme resources as valuable measures for ensuring safety is systematically embedded in road designs to save lives.


New Star Ratings for Road Safety Audits (SR4RSA) Manual

A new Star Ratings for Road Safety Audits (SR4RSA) Manual will help policy makers and practitioners involved in designing, upgrading, and rehabilitating roads to meet safety targets and reduce injuries from traffic crashes.

“By bringing Audits and the iRAP methodology together, the potential of each approach can be amplified, leading to safer designs and safer journeys for everyone." Greg Smith, Global Programme Director, iRAP

See our whole year of Star Rating for Designs' partner impact at


AiRAP is helping to improve access to, and application of, existing and emerging data sources globally to make roads safer. This includes advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, vision systems, LIDAR, telematics and other data sources. AiRAP stands for the ‘accelerated and intelligent’ capture of road safety-related data using automatic, repeatable and scalable methods to support road safety assessment, crash risk mapping and investment prioritisation for all road users.


A Star Rating for every road on Earth every year.

“AiRAP has the potential to create the scale of change needed to save millions of lives.”


  • Crowdsourcing the world’s best AI and road safety minds for a global solution
  • 22 innovation partnerships with world-leading data agencies
  • Pilot projects in Australia, Ethiopia and Kenya (complete), as well as USA, Vietnam, Europe and Brazil
  • Accreditation of data to the iRAP global standard
  • 3 AiRAP Accredited Data Suppliers
  • A global voice championing data innovation at agenda-setting events such as the Fourth Global Standards Symposium. iRAP joined UN Special Envoy for Road Safety Jean Todt and global AI innovators calling for technical standards to support progress towards global socio-economic and environmental goals.


Pioneering Use of AI Scoops Prince Michael International Road Safety Award


iRAP Global Innovation Manager and Cities Specialist Monica Olyslagers, HRH Prince Michael of Kent and Richard Owen, CEO, Agilysis

An innovative project, harnessing satellite imagery to understand road network safety was recognised by the Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards. With funding from the World Bank’s Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), iRAP and Agilysis delivered a ground-breaking research and development project to mine innovative data sources for road safety in Africa, in support of the African Road Safety Observatory. Novel sources of satellite and street imagery data were combined with cutting edge machine learning approaches to map where 75% of road travel occurs across Kenya and Ethiopia.

"This project brought together several years of research and development to develop an approach that works at scale. We now have the tools and expertise to conduct rapid analyses of national networks to understand key safety features." Richard Owen, CEO, Agilysis
“An extremely innovative project and ground-breaking for those working in low and middle-income countries, it expands on existing initiatives that have proven to be effective in increasing road safety across the world.” Prince Michael International Road Safety Award Judges

Australian innovation project leads world on automated data capture for RAP assessments

Video credit: iRAP

An Australian iMOVE project pioneered innovative approaches for capturing road feature data for road safety Star Ratings. The project delivered 20,000km of road attribute data for the New South Wales' road network using TomTom’s MN-R data, as well as proved feature extraction techniques and machine learning for LiDAR data. The project was led by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) and included the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), iRAP and Australian geospatial data experts, Anditi. Part of iRAP’s global ‘AiRAP’ initiative, the project proved rapid, scalable and repeatable methods for road data extraction, breaking ground for the rest of the world to follow.

First AiRAP Accredited Suppliers announced

TomTom, Agilysis and Anditi became the world's first iRAP Accredited AiRAP Data Suppliers. The accreditation specifically certifies the use of data derived from big data and/or machine-learning methods meets iRAP specifications.

See our whole year of AiRAP partner impact at




Capacity built in countries to assess and improve the safety of roads and a network of accredited suppliers to deliver iRAP projects to a consistently high standard globally in support of Target 3 and 4.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela


"I feel privileged to be part of the first group of people in Tanzania with iRAP knowledge to make our roads safer.” Ramadhani Msangi, Road Safety Ambassador


iRAP's online and self-paced delivery options support capacity building for everyone regardless of budget or travel ability


Igniting the youth voice for road safety

Image credit: Estiara Ellizar

iRAP tools like Star Rating for Schools have helped partners provide training and engage a broad range of stakeholders in road safety.

Roadside surveys conducted in teams, role played appeals to decision-makers, and a social media challenge, were all part of an innovative “Safer Roads Save our Lives” Workshop held in August in West Java coinciding with International Day of Youth. The workshop was led by Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety Youth Leadership Board Member and iRAP mentored Estiara Ellizar. Nearly 60 students and teachers of Junior High School 22 Bandung City in West Java, seven project facilitators and representatives from the Department of Transport and 3M Indonesia gathered for the event which aimed to educate and empower youth voices for road safety supported by Star Rating for Schools.

Building regional capacity

The "World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB) Helping Save Lives from Road Crashes in the Asia-Pacific" webinar series was hosted in February in partnership with the Asia-Pacific Road Safety Observatory, iRAP and the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP). The free webinars attracted over 1,300 delegates and were delivered under the Road Safety Capacity Building Programme for Asia and the Pacific and Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety 2020-2025.

Grants boost capacity of African and female engineers

Two grant schemes run this year, with the support of the FIA Foundation, focussed on building the capacity of engineers in Africa and female engineers worldwide.

Thirty women from 19 countries were awarded training grants as part of the iRAP International Women in Engineering Day 2022 Grants Programme. They were drawn from a pool of 84 applications. The programme has been running for two years and has supported 61 female engineers.

iRAP methodology training was also offered to five female engineers through the Women4RoadSafety Network of Uganda.

“We started with challenges and the mission accomplished to certify under the iRAP methodology. But this merit is worth double because I had the privilege of being awarded to reach this goal in the framework of support for women in engineering. And as if it were well, it turns out that I am the first ingeniera of Argentina to be actively accredited as providers of the iRAP service. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity provided by the FIA Foundation and iRAP in supporting the development of women in engineering around the world." Yael Zaidenknop, AUSA

19 new Accredited Practitioners hit the road in Tanzania

The Ten Step Tanzania Project facilitated the rapid training and accreditation of 19 iRAP Accredited Practitioners in the country, positioning TanRAP well to eliminate high-risk roads. Nearly 500 stakeholders took part in capacity building activities that included training in road safety engineering, audit and the iRAP methodology leading to rapid growth in certified road safety auditors and iRAP Accredited Practitioners. From a starting position of no accredited practitioners, Tanzania now ranks #2 in the world for iRAP Accreditation.

See all our iRAP Accredited Practitioners at and training courses at Sign up to stay abreast of training and accreditation news here.




iRAP is the umbrella organisation for local road assessment programmes including:


Locally-owned and led Road Assessment Programmes (RAPs) and projects in countries.


  • 11 self-sustaining RAPs
  • TanRAP launched for Tanzania
  • 20 EuroRAP national schemes
  • 26,000 partners
  • MDB Partnerships with the European Investment Bank (EIB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to promote programmes and projects in countries
  • With the support of the FIA Foundation, appointment of new dedicated Safer Journeys Leads for the Americas, Europe and Africa
  • 12 national and regional workshops and events supported this year in Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, India, Mexico, Tanzania, Kazakhstan, United Kingdom, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean energising local stakeholders for coordinated national and regional action
  • Active participation in projects supported by the Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) as part of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS)
  • 32 Strategic Projects - From Colombia to Uzbekistan, Nepal to South Africa, Spain to Bahrain, projects with our partners are spanning the world to improve road safety
  • Two Coffee and Connect Workshops bringing together National RAP Leads for knowledge-sharing and mentorship
  • iRAP Connect Partner Management System and Portal leveraging powerful programme connections and outcomes
  • Resources for 5-star RAPs launched
Countries in which iRAP Strategic Projects have occurred this year, supported by our team

In Focus: RAP Partnerships saving lives

TanRAP launches

On 14 September, TanRAP, a locally owned and led Road Assessment Programme for Tanzania, launched in Dar es Salaam to eliminate high-risk roads and curb the more than 16,000 people who die on the country’s roads annually. A key milestone of the Ten Step Tanzania Project, TanRAP is an initiative headed by the Ministry of Works and Transport (MoWT), which aims to build capacity and improve the safety of road infrastructure in the country in partnership with other leading stakeholders such as Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS), Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA), Tanzania Road Association (TARA), National Institute of Transport (NIT), Road Safety Ambassadors (RSA), Roads Fund Board (RFB), development banks, mobility clubs, road safety NGOs and industry.

Video credit: iRAP

Other project milestones included:

Tanzania is the first country in the world to use the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) Ten Steps Plan for the development of safer road infrastructure. The Ten Step Project, jointly funded by the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (UKAid), through the Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) of the World Bank, brings together the Government of Tanzania through the Ministry of Works, TANROADS and TARURA, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), World Bank, International Road Federation (IRF), World Road Association (PIARC), iRAP, TARA and other road safety stakeholders. It is an inspiring example of the effectiveness of the approach and power of globally supported, locally led collaboration to save lives.

Prime Minister's Award for Excellence

ThaiRAP Lead, Professor Kasem Choocharukul receives the award from Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha during the 15th National Road Safety Seminar (Image credit: ThaiRAP)

ThaiRAP was awarded a prestigious Prime Minister’s National Award for its outstanding efforts and commitment to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on Thailand’s roads.

  • ThaiRAP and its partners have Star Rated 50,000km of roads, designs and school zones.
  • Thailand’s New Roads Policy aims for all new roads to achieve the global 3-star or better target.
  • Department of Rural Roads (DRR)’s iRAP-endorsed Road Safety Audit System (RSAS) has analysed the risk scores for rural road segments of its 47,303km road network based on the iRAP Star Rating methodology. Within two years, 1,309 risk spots have been investigated and treated, and crashes and fatalities have been reduced by 71% and 75% respectively.
  • ThaiRAP is led by iRAP Centre of Excellence Chulalongkorn University.

For more information on ThaiRAP, click here.

BrazilRAP: Aiming for the Stars

BrazilRAP continues to be a leader for comprehensive RAP impact and in February the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT) was awarded an iRAP 5-star Performer Award.


Left to right: Luiz Guilherme de Mello (Director, DNIT), General Santos Filho (Director General, DNIT), Tarcísio de Freitas (Minister of Infrastructure, Brazil) and Julio Urzua (Global Projects Director, iRAP) (Image credit: DNIT)


Just some of this year’s achievements included:

  • The Federal Government of Brazil instituted a landmark Five Year Permanent Agenda for Road Safety to promote actions and public policies to prevent road crashes on highways, with iRAP included as the safety metric for road infrastructure.
  • The iRAP Methodology was awarded the Inov@BR Seal in line with the Government’s strategy to achieve international standards of road safety and innovation on federal highways.
  • Coding of the 54,500km national iRAP Star Rating assessment was completed.
  • An innovative results dashboard is sharing iRAP data alongside local crash and fatality data to inform strategic investment in upgrades and maintenance to eliminate the highest risk roads. The dashboard is publicly shared to ensure all government decision-makers and road safety stakeholders are informed and empowered.
iRAP accredited supplier Pavesys Engenharia transported their survey vehicle to the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha for the island leg of the national assessment (Image credit: Pavesys)

Bringing experts together for safer European roads and streets

Image credit: iRAP

Key European partners gathered on 3 October in Barcelona to discuss enhanced cooperation and coordination for the financing and delivery of safer roads and streets for Europe. The workshop brought together decision-makers from the European Investment Bank (EIB), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), POLIS Network, Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR), EuroRAP, European Institute of Road Assessment (EIRA), International Transport Forum (ITF), FIA Foundation, Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) Region I, iRAP and Road Safety Foundation (RSF). World Bank, International Road Federation (IRF) Geneva, IRF Global and the European Commission contributed remotely.

Supporting RISM and transnational projects for impact on scale

20 EuroRAP national schemes have established national champions to support countries in implementing safer roads and the Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM) Directive. Two new transnational projects - SABRINA and PHOEBE - have brought partners and countries together with impressive outcomes.



Image credit: Project SABRINA

The 2.5-year €2.08 million SABRINA Project concluded in 2022 in the framework of Danube Transnational Programme (Interreg), co-funded by the European Union Funds (ERDF, ENI). Crossing nine countries, it tackled cycling infrastructure safety issues on existing, planned and missing cycling corridors. Approximately 2,500km of bicycle routes were inspected and national stakeholders trained to improve bicycle infrastructure safety in the region. A new Safe Cycling Routes Toolkit (SCRT) was launched in Europe as an outcome of the project, providing a modular interactive online decision-making support tool to guide users through the process of defining new cycling routes and improving the safety of existing routes for cyclists.

Enjoy a European cycle tour led by the SABRINA team



Project PHOEBE, one of the approved projects for the Horizon 2022 grant funded by the European Union, will run for 45 months and involve 11 sector-leading partners to develop an integrated, dynamic and scalable human-centred predictive safety assessment framework for all road user types in urban areas. It seeks to build on the strengths of both iRAP’s road safety assessment tools and AIMSUN’s simulation and Artificial Intelligence for mobility. It will bring together the inter-disciplinary power of traffic simulation, road safety assessment, human behaviour, mode shift and induced demand modelling, as well as new and emerging mobility data to deliver world-leading and innovative safety prediction tools.


PHOEBE partners at the project kick-off meeting


United Kingdom inspires

The United Kingdom was one of four countries that founded the global iRAP programme. The United Kingdom RAP Programme continues to inspire and receive accolades of success:

  • 20 years of annual performance tracking of infrastructure safety - cumulatively, 893,887 km of roads have been assessed and every year the Road Safety Foundation (RSF) publishes a crash risk map of all motorways and A roads in Great Britain.
  • The Road Safety Foundation (RSF) and RAC Foundation, along with the Department for Transport, was awarded a Prince Michael International Road Safety Award for their “fine example of collaboration” and the “outstanding achievement” of the Safer Roads Fund. Based on RSF's crash risk mapping analysis, the Government launched a £100 million Safer Roads Fund to address safety on England’s 50 highest risk local A roads. The Safer Roads Fund is anticipated to prevent over 1,450 fatal and serious injuries over the next 20 years, with a benefit of £550 million.
  • National Highways undertakes an iRAP Star Rating programme every 5 years. Recently published results showed the performance indicator for 90% of travel to be on 3-star or better roads by 2020 was surpassed, with 96% achieved.
  • National Highways is using the iRAP approach throughout the organisation for strategic planning of investment, prioritisation of routes to be treated, and to ensure new road designs are as safe as they can be.

EuroRAP Lunchtime Seminar Series builds capacity in Europe and the world

EuroRAP's Lunchtime Seminar Series included six webinars this year on a range of topics to promote upskilling in the use of RAP Tools, performance tracking and developing effective national schemes. It's just one way the programme is servicing its members and #RAPCommunity.

IndiaRAP, hosted by the Asian Institute of Transport Development (AITD), works with local government, industry, NGOs and development partners including the World Bank Global Road Safety Facility as part of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety. Across India, the IndiaRAP team and partners have assessed over 30,000km of roads and designs, and 94 schools in 14 states. helping to make USD$6.9 billion of road infrastructure investment safer.

$1 billion to improve India’s road safety

In June, a USD$1 billion investment was announced to support India’s Programme for Strengthening Road Safety. The World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB) each announced USD$250 million in funding, an investment matched by the Government of India. The centrally-sponsored 6-year programme will be implemented in the 14 States that are contributing to 85% of the country's road fatalities. The World Bank financed component, to be implemented in seven states, includes an indicator for qualified road safety risk assessments to identify high-risk corridors and sites including iRAP.

New Learning Centre launched

IndiaRAP launched an innovative new Learning Centre to support engineers, researchers and students undertaking academic road safety studies using the iRAP methodology. This complements the 8,355 people already trained in local events, 3,228 who have benefited from iRAP global/online trainings and 21 iRAP Accredited Practitioners.


Nearly 60 people joined the new Learning Centre Launch highlighting significant interest in the budding programme. The Centre will provide no-cost resources to support students to learn, think and apply road safety into practice using iRAP’s free ViDA software (Image credit: iRAP).


iRAP CEO Rob McInerney and India’s Minister of Road Transport and Highways Shri Nitin Gadkari caught up during his visit to Australia to promote bilateral transport partnerships (Image credit: Infrastructure Australia)

For more information on IndiaRAP, click here.

New RAPs shaping

In 2022, interest for new RAPs was supported in United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Tunisia, El Salvador, Nigeria, Malawi, Bahrain, Qatar, Zambia, Israel, Paraguay, Philippines, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Uruguay, Colombia, Guatemala, Chile, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Eswatini and Uzbekistan.

A number of new partnerships are set to foster success:

iRAP and Aleatica Foundation sign MOU for road safety in Mexico

Image credit: iRAP


iRAP and the Aleatica Foundation for Road Safety signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work together to reduce Mexico’s road injury burden through the organization of projects and programmes to increase road safety. The Aleatica Foundation is a non-profit, civil association in Mexico constituted by Aleatica, the global transport infrastructure operator that manages 20 road concessions in seven countries, nine urban highways, and seven interstate corridors, which together handle over 353 trillion vehicles annually. The company plans to invest 94.5 million euros in road safety projects over the next 4 years.

Working together for safe roads in Morocco

Azeddine Chahidi, Head of Driving and Vehicle Safety, NARSA; Rob McInerney, CEO, iRAP; Benacer Boulaajoul, Director General, NARSA; and Abdessadek Maafa, Head of Communication, Education and Road Prevention, NARSA celebrating steps towards the development of MoroRAP at May’s International Transport Forum in Leipzig (Image credit: iRAP)


iRAP also worked with the National Road Safety Agency (NARSA) and General Department of Roads to shape a Memorandum of Understanding to work together to eliminate high-risk roads in Morocco. In a step towards the establishment MoroRAP, iRAP and La Société Nationale des Autoroutes du Maroc (ADM) agreed to assess 200kms of roads in Morocco, and train and accredit ADM personnel. ADM is Morocco’s national authority for the management of over 1,800 km of Moroccan highways.


Julio Urzua, Strategic Projects Director of iRAP and Anouar Benazzouz, Director General of the Société announced the contract at the 4th International Conference on Sustainable Mobility and International Road Federation (IRF) Annual Conference in Marrakech (Image credit: iRAP)

Millennium Challenge Corporation partnership for progress in LMICs

iRAP commenced a long-term support programme partnership with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (2022-2026) which will include Star Rating and Investment Plan Assessments in Niger, Cote d´Ivoire and Nepal; Star Rating for Schools in Morocco and Cote d’Ivoire; capacity building through training and accreditation, and technical assistance; Millennium Impact Infrastructure Accelerator (MIIA) and iRAP impact investment partnerships; and the establishment of local self-governing Road Assessment Programmes linked to MCC partnerships.




Existing roads upgraded to 3-star or better standard and national policies to govern the design and implementation of safer roads.


  • USD$95 billion of infrastructure investment made safer in 81 countries informed by iRAP assessments
  • Star Rating Certification Programme launched helping to celebrate 3-star or better road upgrades
  • 65 3-star or better policies published with iRAP metrics guiding road infrastructure safety in National and Regional Road Safety Strategies, Action Plans and Project Specifications. Strategies for Uganda, Gambia, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, Brazil, New Zealand, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia and Indonesia now include iRAP-related metrics.


For policy inspiration and guidance, visit


Certification programme launched to celebrate 3-star or better success

Following a successful pilot recognising upgrades in China and Indonesia, iRAP launched its Star Rating Certification Programme to help road owners celebrate the life-saving impact of their investments in safer roads. Star Rating Certification verifies achievement of 3-star or better safety ratings on road networks for vehicle occupants, motorcyclists, pedestrians and/or bicyclists.

Transurban achieves 4-star demonstrating international leadership in urban toll road safety

Australian urban toll road operator Transurban was awarded iRAP Certification for achieving a 4-star safety rating on its network by vehicle kilometres travelled, exceeding the National Road Safety Target of 90 per cent of travel at 3-star or better for national highways.

“As an industry leader, we set high standards for our performance on safety, social and environmental issues. We are committed to design our roads to deliver 3-star or better safety performance and lasting benefits to our communities.” Elizabeth Waller, Head of Road Safety, Transurban

Australian Government $2 Billion Investment in Regional Roads

Encouraged by AusRAP partners and as part of COVID19 stimulus spending, the Australian Government is investing AUD$3 billion to roll out lifesaving road safety treatments on regional and urban roads and greater protection for vulnerable road users, like cyclists and pedestrians, in urban areas. Upgrades to improve the Star Rating of regional roads are expected to include shoulder sealing and audio tactile line marking, centre line treatments, and barriers to protect against roadside hazards. The investment, which includes targets for 3-star or better performance, will provide an estimated 35% reduction in fatal and serious injuries.


Projects supported in Tranche 1 of the funding programme (Image credit: Office of Road Safety)

Six year programme in Lebanon

Following an iRAP assessment of more than 6,000km of roads in Lebanon in 2016 and World Bank-funded infrastructure upgrades, road safety audit training led by the University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (FPZ) continues today helping to improve road safety in the country.

Images credit: FPZ
“It’s good to see the collaborative efforts of local development partners and iRAP assessments from 2016 resulting in actual improvements on the road network in Lebanon.” Prof Marko Sevrovic, Head of the Transport Planning Department, FPZ



A global problem requires a global solution.


To bring world experts together to harness the power of innovation and partnerships to eliminate high-risk roads.



iRAP's Centres of Excellence ensure global research and best practice informs our model, tools and innovation.



CycleRAP launches for safer cycling

Following successful pilots in Europe and four years of research development in consultation with global cycling and safety experts, CycleRAP was launched at the Velo-city Conference on 14 June in Slovenia. Building on the existing bicycle Star Rating model, CycleRAP is an easy, affordable and fast method of evaluating bicycling and light mobility road infrastructure for safety, without the need for crash data. It will power software tools used for pinpointing and mapping where crashes are likely to occur and inform countermeasures to improve safety. The model is being developed for global application under the guidance of an expert CycleRAP Advisory Group.

“CycleRAP is the first globally-applicable model of its kind. Safety for bicycling and other forms of light mobility are critical for cities moving toward more healthy and environmentally friendly modes.” Monica Olyslagers, Global Innovation Manager and Cities Specialist, iRAP

New and improved Road Safety Toolkit launched

To support the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021 – 2030, the new and improved Road Safety Toolkit was launched, funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies under their Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS 2020-2025) and undertaken by the World Bank’s Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), with support from iRAP. First launched 10 years ago, the Road Safety Toolkit is an important online resource that provides free information on the causes and prevention of road crashes that result in death and injury. Thousands of visitors access the Toolkit every month and it is helping road safety practitioners across the world, especially in low and middle-income countries. The update included a peer review and road safety stakeholders survey to identify how the Toolkit could continue to reflect the latest evidence and research in engineering safety.

“Using the Toolkit helps focus clients on appropriate countermeasures based on data rather than intuition.” Anonymous survey respondent
“An excellent resource. I use it for many things including training.” Anonymous survey respondent

Australian NetRisk2 launches

iRAP Centre of Excellence, ARRB launched NetRisk2, a tool that brings together AusRAP data generated using the iRAP Star Rating methodology, and Australian National Risk Assessment Model (ANRAM) data. NetRisk2 is a fantastic example of local innovation building on the iRAP Star Rating Methodology to meet a local need.

Active Travel Tool released

A new planning tool that helps local authorities assess how to make walking and cycling safer, more pleasant and less stressful was launched by the UK's Road Safety Foundation. Developed with funding from the Road Safety Trust, the tool shows how different active travel measures perform both in terms of the iRAP Star Ratings – which assess the safety of roads – and the level of traffic stress.

High-Level Input to Activities and Growth

iRAP Global Policy Advisory Committee (GPAC) (Image credit: iRAP)


iRAP's Global Policy Advisory Committee (GPAC) reports to the iRAP Board on strategic issues that may impact development of the charity and achievement of our vision. GPAC includes representatives of organisations operating at the highest level of global road safety including World Bank, Asian Development Bank, World Resources Institute, Transportation Research Board, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), International Transport Forum, PIARC, European Investment Bank, International Road Federation, FIA Foundation and the African Development Bank.

Empowering 5-star global connections

iRAP Connect and Partner Portal

Microsoft partner NTT produced this video case study sharing the success of iRAP's Partner Management System (iRAP Connect) and Partner Portal based on Microsoft Dynamics 365

Our FedEx-sponsored 5-Star Global Connections Initiative has been a transformational innovation partnership for our charity's operations. It facilitated the creation of iRAP Connect, our Partner Management System and a Partner Portal launched this year. The Portal shares global and national road safety data and metrics, news, knowledge, training and projects per country, and empowers and connects leads of road assessment programmes across the world. It enables partners to connect in a Forum and contribute information to develop their own national profiles for the mutual benefit of all.

"The Partner Portal is so great! I love it. Congratulations for the wonderful work." Alvin Poi Wai Hoong, MIROS and MyRAP
"Congratulations on this work done. I believe the new iRAP Portal will be welcomed by many existing and new partners across the globe, and will contribute to improved road safety in many ways." Mirko Gigov, Auto-moto Association of Macedonia

Resources for 5-star RAPs

As part of the initiative, a new online package of Resources for 5-star RAPs funded by FedEx, was launched to support RAPs around the world eliminate high-risk roads and save lives. It features a wealth of materials to develop an effective programme, build capacity and stakeholder engagement, make roads safer and celebrate success with 140 award-winning examples, templates and downloadable materials, drawn from the best practice of partners world-wide.

“Effective RAP Programmes require the skills, passion and commitment of a whole ecosystem of partners working together. Resources can be limited, especially in low- and middle-income countries where 90% of road crashes occur. This resource places the best tools and knowledge at the fingertips of every partner in the world." Judy Williams, Global Programme and Communications Manager, iRAP

Thank you FedEx for helping us provide a global solution to a global challenge!

For more information on iRAP's Innovation Framework and Partnerships, visit




To work in partnership with our RAP Community to advocate for safer roads and celebrate and multiply success.


  • 144 advocacy event presentations worldwide
  • 36 Partnership Agreements with global road safety agencies to drive action to eliminate high-risk roads
  • Signing of two new MOUs in 2022 with Aleatica Foundation and ORIS to work together for road safety
  • Global road safety campaigns supported for the UN High Level Meeting, International Women in Engineering Day, COP27, Powered Two-Wheeler Safety, and World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
  • Inclusion of the iRAP methodology and partners work' in 78 publications (reports, trade press, book chapters and conference proceedings) with international reach
  • Sharing the great work of our partners, in 2022, iRAP Communications achieved:



Working at the grassroots level with NGOs

Image credit: RSAF

As well as advocating at the highest level to Presidents and Prime Ministers in countries, the iRAP team and partners also championed at the grassroots level alongside NGOs and injury prevention specialists whose experience of road trauma can be deeply personal.

iRAP worked closely with the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety and its members to support their advocacy for safer roads in their countries. Pictured above and at right is Joel Jere of Malawi NGO Road Safety Alert Foundation (RSAF) with the Hon. Jacob Hara, Minister for Transport and Public Works and local road safety stakeholders. iRAP's advocacy letter to the President of Malawi, His Excellency Mr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera, in support of the UN High-Level Meeting for Road Safety, supported RSAF's advocacy for safer roads in the country.

Read more on all the ways we worked with NGOs here.

Working with the global injury prevention community

iRAP collaborated with the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) for Safety 2022: The 14th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion in November in Adelaide, Australia, showcasing the vital importance of safe road infrastructure to achieving the Global SDGs to halve road deaths and injuries world-wide by 2030. The event drew global injury prevention specialists from across the world, tackling road safety through research and clinical practice. The Road to Zero through the Safe System Approach was showcased in an interactive exhibit showcasing the necessary safe system elements to achieve zero road deaths – safe road users in 5-star vehicles on 5-star roads, travelling at safe speeds.


The exhibit was complemented with a range of interactives allowing visitors to take Victoria’s road safety journey from 1970 – 2050 via virtual reality headsets, test their knowledge on speed and crash outcomes, and explore how safe their country’s roads are, the human and economic impact of injury, the road attributes that matter and the Business Case for Safer Roads. The exhibit has now been made available for other partners to use globally.


iRAP CEO Rob McInerney chaired the State of the Art Vision Zero by 2050 session which included panel members Nneka Henry, Head, United Nations Road Safety Fund (UNRSF); John Crozier, National Trauma Committee of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons; Sana’a Ramiz Alkhassawneh, Youth for Road Safety (YOURS); Dr Etienne Krug, Director of the Department for Social Determinants of Health, World Health Organization; Monica Olyslagers, Global Innovation Manager and Cities Specialist, iRAP; and Mr Martin Small, Principal, Martin Small Consulting (Image credit: iRAP)

Collaborating to save lives through private investment in road safety

The World Bank and International Finance Corporation (IFC), in partnership with iRAP and FIA High Level Panel for Road Safety released the "Saving Lives Through Private Investment in Road Safety Report" examining the market failure in road safety funding and outlining practical business models to mobilise the estimated $260 billion investment gap needed to halve road deaths and injuries by 2030. The report was launched in May by the World Bank Vice President and includes results-based financing frameworks that can support Road Safety Bonds and blended finance instruments that unlock the benefits of road trauma reductions including bringing roads to the 3-star or better global standard for all road users.

Developing an Investment Case to Reduce Road Traffic Injuries among Adolescents

Image credit: iStock

iRAP data also informed research conducted by the Australian Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and Victoria University into the development of an investment case to reduce road traffic injuries among adolescents. The research, funded by FIA Foundation, aimed to address the gap, building on previous research by the Victoria Institute for Strategic Economic Studies to develop a model for understanding the impact of a range of interventions on deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents in a variety of settings in low and middle-income countries.

The modelling shows that if the adolescent road safety interventions are implemented across 77 countries between 2022 and 2050, the lives of over 1.9 million young people will be saved, as well as 11.7 million serious injuries averted.

Celebrating Gold, Silver, Bronze and Honorable mentions at the International Safety Media Awards!


iRAP CEO Rob McInerney and Global Innovation and Cities Specialist Monica Olyslagers receive the ISMA Awards on behalf of the iRAP Comms Team Judy Williams and Briarlea Green at Safety 2022 in Adelaide


We love sharing our partners' passion and safer roads success across the world and were delighted to have our storytelling and digital media recognised by the International Safety Media Awards (ISMA). The ISMAs recognize powerful and effective safety promotion and injury prevention media initiatives and in 2022 iRAP and our represented partners scooped the pool with:

Now on podcast

iRAP explored new presentation technologies this year delivering two podcasts to reach fleet and engineering audiences via the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS) Talk Now Series and Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE Talks with USA and global reach.

Image at left: iRAP Global Technical Director James Bradford presenting at ITF Day@OECD (Image credit: ITF)


Rob McInerney, CEO

A Message from iRAP's CEO

The world came together this year for road safety, with the first ever UN High-level Meeting for Road Safety, and united by the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030. The task ahead to halve global road deaths in the decade to 2030 is clear. Safe road infrastructure will be imperative to meeting the goal and UN Targets 3 and 4. As will be individual tenacity, working together in collaboration, critical investment, and shared road safety resources and innovation to achieve impact on scale. Lives depend on it.

With over 26,000 partners worldwide, our charity is mobilising our Decade Plan, empowering Partnerships for 2030 Impact. Working together, we are arming the world with the free globally recognised methodology, tools, training and support to enable countries to make their roads safe. Our success would not be possible without the generous donor support of the FIA Foundation, and the tireless work of our partners and 5-star team, passionate in their vision for a world free of high-risk roads. Our many development partners including the EIB, IDB, ADB and World Bank Global Road Safety Facility and corporate partners including FedEx, 3M and Prudence Foundation, amongst others are vital to our shared impact as a charity.

Achieving more than 75% of travel on 3-star or better roads for all road users by 2030 stands to save 450,000 lives a year and 100 million fatalities and serious injuries over the 20 year life of road treatments. Our priority initiatives to make that happen include:

  • Star Rating for Schools – for a world where children travel safely to and from school
  • AiRAP – to scale the availability of road infrastructure data worldwide
  • Star Ratings for Designs – to ensure safe roads, right from the start
  • Impact Investment – to mobilise the financing to unlock the win-win-win benefits of safer roads that save lives, save money and create jobs

As we look ahead, we are focussed; focussed on every life and creating a safe journey to bring them home. We are open to new partnerships and grateful for our #RAPCommunity - friends who have become family working together with shared goals and an absolute commitment for shared success. We will keep striving to bring the world's best minds together to innovate the solutions we need and imagine ones we cannot yet envision, within a framework that benefits and is inclusive of everyone regardless of economic status, location, age or gender. We will connect, with an aim to bring all voices to the table, for road trauma impacts everyone.

We will go the extra mile, every day and every time, to make the world a safer place for the next generation.

Join us.


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Partnerships for 2030 impact. For a world free of high-risk roads.

To see iRAP’s Annual Trustee Reports, with financial statements, visit

The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a registered charity dedicated to preventing the more than 3,500 road deaths that occur every day worldwide. iRAP partners with governments, mobility clubs, development banks, research institutes and road safety NGOs in over 100 countries to provide the methodology, tools and training to make roads safe.

iRAP is the umbrella organisation for regional RAP programmes including:

Our activities are supported by:



2022 Annual Report main digital story image credits: India traffic jam, Dreamstime; Woman in street, Shutterstock; Urban scene India, Dreamstime; Vaccines for Roads III; Children on bike, Pixabay by Jess Foami; Winding road, Shutterstock; UNHLM, Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety/UN; Indonesian SR4S youth on street, Estiara Ellizar; Chimwemwe Secondary School Zambia, Zambia Road Safety Trust; AI&Me, AIP Foundation; School bus, Pixabay by S M Anamul Rezway; FIA Americas Congress, FIA Foundation; Aerial view, Pexels by Aleksejs Bergmanis; Road in forest, Pexels by Scott Gudahl; Woman on road Madagascar, Dreamstime; Canadian Space Agency; African road, Pexels by Antony Trivet; Australian motorway at night, Pixabay by Patty Jensen; AiRAP attributes, TomTom; TanRAP accreditation certificate presentation, International Road Federation; Students in classroom, Estiara Ellizar; motorbikes on highway, Dreamstime; Tanzania Ten Step Project launch accredited practitioners, iRAP; TanRAP launch, iRAP; Tanzania street, Dreamstime; Thailand intersection, Dreamstime; Brazil highway, Shutterstock; CycleRAP assessment bike, Project SABRINA; Female pedestrians, Pixabay by Raj Mohan; Moroccan neighbourhood, Mike Ramirez Mx; Nepal street, Pexels by Volker Meyer; Roadworkers, Pixabay by S M Anamul Reway; Transurban; Semitrailer, Pixabay by Falco; Lebanon street, Unsplash by Ramy Kabalan; Globe in bulb, Pixabay by PIRO; Woman on Cameroon street, Shutterstock; Malawi Ministerial advocacy, Road Safety Alert Foundation; Road to Zero exhibit, Transport Accident Commission (TAC), iRAP and Global Designing Cities Initiative (GDCI); Money on trees, Pixabay by Nattanan Kanchanaprat; James Braford at ITF@OECD, ITF; Running children, Pixabay by Moon Bhuyan.
