Living and learning through Jesus in all that we do.
vision and VALUES
At St David’s, we will motivate, nurture and inspire our learners to become ambitious, capable learners throughout their lives.
With faith at the forefront, we will develop the skills that all learners need to be able to overcome challenges with resilience, and we will promote an enjoyment of lifelong learning.
We will strive to live out the words of St David: "Be joyful, keep the faith, and do the little things well."
Located in the heart of Mold, St. David’s Catholic Primary School is a happy and caring school. We provide an English medium education to around 90 pupils, aged 3 to 11, from Mold and the surrounding areas. Welsh is taught to all pupils as a second language.
St David’s benefits significantly from close links with both St David’s Catholic Church, Mold and Our Lady of the Rosary, Buckley. The family of St David’s is central to our way of life as we value each member of our community.
Mold and the surrounding villages are steeped in Welsh heritage which provides learners with an ideal environment for developing Welsh language, culture and heritage.
We ensure we incorporate the principles of the Siarter Iaith into all aspects of our curriculum. We want to inspire our learners to use Welsh in all aspects of their lives.
As part of Siarter Iaith, learners have opportunities to attend residential trips such as Glan Llyn and Cardiff during KS2.
The four purposes are the heart of what we design, plan and teach. Our overall vision is to support learners to become:
➔ ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives
➔ enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
➔ ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world
➔ healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society
Our curriculum is split into six Areas of Learning and Experience:
➔ Language Literacy and Communication
➔ Mathematics and Numeracy
➔ Humanities
➔ Expressive Arts
➔ Science and Technology
➔ Health and Wellbeing
Each AoLE contains Statements of What Matter which are used to create engaging class topics.
Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competency are three mandatory cross-curricular responsibilities that we embed across the different Areas of Learning and Experience.
We also ensure that Welsh, Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE) and Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) are carefully planned for as mandatory elements within our curriculum.
When designing our curriculum, St David's has purposefully considered the following statutory elements:
➔ Careers and work related experiences
➔ Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015
➔ United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
➔ United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)
➔ Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal Act (Wales) 2018
Pupil voice and that of their families and the community are also important to us, and pupils play a central part in the planning of termly topics.
We are flexible to follow different learning opportunities as they arise to make sure learning experiences interesting, timely and meaningful.
We also regularly utilise workshops, visitors and visits to enhance our pupils’ learning experiences.
Ensuring a high-quality learning environment that is cohesive across the school is vitally important to us at St David's.
This ensures a safe and inspiring learning environment where our learners can take risks, make mistakes confidently and work in an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation of everyone’s efforts.
At St David's we consider the needs, views and stages of our learners. Pupils are taught through fun, challenging and progressive experiences that are delivered through focus groups.
A prominent feature within our curriculum is allowing all pupils time to explore, extend and embed skills independently in our well-resourced and carefully planned Independent Learning Areas.
Religion, Values and Ethics is a mandatory part of our curriculum and is built upon a series of concepts and big ideas.
We provide a range of disciplinary approaches to help learners engage critically with a various religious and non-religious philosophical convictions. RVE runs as a golden thread across our curriculum.
At St David's, we follow the Religious Education Curriculum Directory 'To Know You More Clearly' when planning our RVE.
We have collective worship sessions each day; sometimes these are done during whole school assemblies; sometimes they are done in the classroom. TenTen is used across the school to deliver collective worship.
We invite and encourage all members of our school family to regularly participate in these important elements of our school life such as Mass, Services and Sacramental Preparation.
Health & Well-being is of great importance to us across everything we do at St David's.
Growth Mindset is a key concept we promote across the school, which helps to build the resilience of our learners.
At St David's we also make the most of our wonderful outdoor facilities to promote health and wellbeing in our Forest School.
When planning topics and activities, we also consider the following Principles of Progression:
➔ increasing breadth and depth of knowledge
➔ deepening understanding of the ideas and disciplines in the areas
➔ refinement and growing sophistication in the use and application of skills
➔ making connection and transferring learning into new contexts
➔ increasing effectiveness
Assessment plays a fundamental role in ensuring each individual learner is supported and challenged.
At St David's, we develop a holistic picture of each learner's development, including their well-being, readiness and desire to learn as well as the development of skills, knowledge and understanding.
Our learners are at the centre of the transition process. We support all learners along the learning continuum, as they move between different groups, different classes, different years and settings.
We emphasise the importance of ensuring a shared understanding of progress across the school and within our cluster of schools.
Teachers provide effective ‘live’ feedback with learners to support and extend learning. Effective use is made of assessment for learning strategies such as learner-generated toolkits, working walls and areas to support pupils’ independence.
At St David's, we use highlighting to guide learning, feedback and next steps. As pupils progress into KS2, we also use 'Purple Polish' to edit work and look at next steps at the time of feedback.
We communicate effectively with parents/carers on an ongoing basis. This helps to maintain positive relationships and to engage them in purposeful and meaningful dialogue about learners and progress.
We maintain communication in the following ways:
➔ face-to-face meetings
➔ SeeSaw
➔ written reports
Living and learning through Jesus in all that we do.