Flying to Istanbul physically for Greek, Lithuanian and Croatian partners & virtually for Spanish and Italian partners - Sunday 6/2/2022
Getting prepared!!!
Studying and creating presentations before visiting places of interest!
1st day- Monday 7/2/2022
Time for the EXPO BOX!!!
2nd day - Tuesday or Rainday... 8/2/2022
3rd day - Wednesday 9/2/2022
4th day - Thursday 10/2/2022
At the Byzantine Hippodrome!
A massive, enchanting structure that was a social and cultural center for Byzantine Constatinopolis!
In its heyday, the Hippodrome of Constantinople's capacity was 40.000 people, thanks to the 2 levels of galleries that were built for the people. Sadly, only parts of the galleries have survived to this day. As for the Hippodrome of Constantinople’s size; the entire structure 450 square meters, including the galleries and the semi-circular southern section of the hippodrome!
3rd online meeting
5th day - Friday 11/2/2022
Via ZOOM we were all online connected!!!
Online enthusiastic participation from the Italian school!
Spanish students share their precious virtual mobility feedback!
It's snowing! A BIG BOOK has been created!!!
"Shall we dance?"
Teachers sharing feedback and evaluating our 1st LTTA.
Taking the most out of our strengths & weaknesses!
Happy faces, great partners communicate in the most LOVELY and effective way!!!! In the end we are all ALIEN teachers, or better , as Abraham says: teachers = super heroes!!!
6th day, flying back home... - Saturday 8/2/2022
Created with images by Erasmus teachers & students 2022 Javaistan - "airplane travel adventure" • blickpixel - "board electronics computer" • geralt - "business establishing a business startup" • jarmoluk - "hands friendship friends" • marcoreyesgt - "sunset day summer" • dimitrisvetsikas1969 - "good bye funny sign"