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K1: Student led conferences - Learners in K1 have been risk-takers and had the courage to showcase their learning to parents. It was great to see how confidently each learner walked through the learning stations and proudly discussed their progress. Thank you to all parents and learners for an active part.
Y1: Well done Suer - Although a new student to UDIS, Suer works with great effort for every assignment he completes. He can be very determined for every project and shows good promise as a “Thinker” in our Y1 class. He has succeeded in joining a great group of Y1 students.
Y4: Learner agency on display - The Year 4 students were very successful in leading their student-led conferences (SLC). Students demonstrated the learner agency element of ownership by taking ownership of their SLC and by extension their own learning. Each student shared a lot about their recent learning and their personal learning goals. We were so proud of the way the students responded to this challenge.
Y7: Confidence in learning - The Year 7 learners have enjoyed sharing their work with their parents during our Student-Led Conferences. They spoke with confidence when explaining to their parents about the many different concepts that they have learned about in the different subject areas in Terms 1 and 2.
Student Success - Y5/6 celebrating the PYPx Year 5/6 students experienced success when they presented their Primary Years Programme Exhibition presentations to our UDIS community on April 5th. Each team showed the ability to collaborate with others and identify a global problem with plastic usage, waste and disposal.

EAL: Pin it on?

Our learners in Years 2 and 3 have been reading a very short story called "Pin It On". We played a fun game called "Pin the Tail on a Donkey" to help us understand the story. We used pictures to read and write words like 'chin', 'tum' and 'leg' and we were able to write simple phrases and sentences in the end.

PSPE: Throwing and catching - During the last few weeks of Term 2, our PY learners had a chance to develop their throwing and catching skills through learning more about Frisbee. We adapted the game of frisbee by using hula hoops in order to provide a larger range of skills and techniques such as aiming, throwing to a target, gliding and many more.

Action in agriculture Student council

Our MY learners have been busy planting a variety of different fruits and vegetables with the aim of supplying produce for the Chef to use in our kitchen. Learners were involved in all aspects of planning and executing the project from choosing the plant beds and materials, planting and tending their patch. Awesome to see!
