A message from our Headteacher
Dear Parents and Carers,
I do hope that you and your families are keeping well?
We have had another very good week in school and children have benefitted this week from their engagement in the wide range of enrichment activities, that we offer in the School curriculum, here at SJV. This week we have 10 learners participating in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme, a group of KS3 pupils representing the School at a Manchester City Football tournament, 3 class groups visiting Cronkshaw Care Farm, a class group on week 3 of their Forest School experience at CAFT and a host of other activities delivered in the local community. We even had the Farm return to School today! We have also had an excellent turnout for ‘extra-curricular’ Wednesday, with many pupils who are able to, staying for an extra hour of activities in school. We know how much value these activities have for the personal development of every child in our school and their engagement in these activities has been excellent, with us receiving very positive feedback from the providers. Thank you for your continued support in getting our children into school and ready to learn each day.
You may be aware that Mrs Rouse this week was invited to represent our School, her local community and St Kitts and Nevis at the Queen’s funeral in London. I believe she even got to meet the President of the USA! A fantastic experience for Mrs Rouse and one she is happily sharing with our School community in various ways. All these activities offered at School are signposted through our Weekly Newsletter, which is sent to you by email from the Admin team each Friday. Please also follow us on Twitter, where daily activities and celebrations are uploaded to share with you. @StJohnVianneySc
A reminder please that next, Friday 30th September we invite you to join us for a Coffee afternoon in the dining room from 1.30pm. We will be selling refreshments in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. You are very welcome to attend and support our first fundraising activity of the school year. If you are attending can you please ensure you have informed the office/returned your reply slips, so we can identify accurate numbers for catering.
On Wednesday 5th October we have our autumn term ‘Open Afternoon’ for prospective parents, looking for a school place for September 2023. It will start at 1.30pm. Please do let any other parents you are in contact with know of this date, should they wish to attend.
An additional reminder on Thursday October 6th we have our annual ‘Welcome Evening’ for parents. The evening will be an opportune time to welcome parents into school to see how the first month has gone. The evening will start at 5pm, with a welcome from the Senior Leadership Team and then Mrs Griffin, our Family Liaison Officer, will provide parents an opportunity to learn about how they can support their children to get the best of their schooling here at SJV. Following Mrs Griffin’s short presentation, Class Teachers will welcome you into your child’s classroom to meet the class team and learn about what we have planned for them, in terms of their learning at School for this academic year. From 6pm we will meet informally over refreshments with staff and all parents in the dining room, to answer any other questions you may have.
Please make every attempt to attend the Welcome Evening; it is vital we develop strong and lasting relationships with every parent/carer and this short meeting will develop that opportunity for us all. The Admin team will call you, by phone, to confirm your attendance at some point next week.
I hope you have a great weekend – stay well.
Yours sincerely,
Mr A Moloney
Stars of the Week
Each week a 'Star of the Week' is chosen by the class team to celebrate achievements; both academic and pastoral.
This week we are celebrating the following achievements:
- Lee - for having an amazing first full week at SJV! He's been kind, helpful, friendly and engaged in all his lessons. Well done Lee!
- Sean - For always trying hard in class and showing confidence during cycling.
- Troy - For 100% attendance to all of his classes. Resilient attitude and a positive outlook on every school day.
- Oskar - For settling in to his new class very well. :)
- Benjamin - For successfully starting his work experience.
- Scarlett - Great communication with her staff team and wonderful work in lesson
- Alfie - For having a more positive attitude to school life and continuing to develop his resilience, when he finds things challenging.
- Jenna - For settling well back into school and following instructions well.
- Louis - For his excellent effort and great start to the new term.
- Joseph - For some great work in History this week.
- Blythe - For settling in really well into Class 12. She is helpful, caring and kind to everyone.
- Kayden - For fantastic maths work this week!
Class 7
Class 7 have been learning about habitats in Science this term. They have been looking at different animals too that are Vertebra and In Vertebra. This week we looked at micro-habitats and the children went out into the garden to spot different creatures. They loved looking for the creatures and were so engaged through the whole lesson.
City In The Community
The football team had a great time at the Man City football tournament this week!
Just a reminder, our Macmillan Coffee Afternoon will be taking place from 1:30pm - 3pm on Friday 30th September. Letters were sent home last week, so please return the form if you'd like to attend so we know how many to expect.
Whilst we appreciate any generous donations you would like to make, as we are a nut-free school, we would ask parents and carers to only donate money to the cause this year, and school will provide the refreshments. We look forward to seeing many of you there!
Mrs Murphy and Mrs Garfin.
Manchester Local Authority are updating their Home to School transport policies they are inviting parents/carers to share the comments. Please click on the link below to find out more … https://www.manchester.gov.uk/downloads/download/7467/draft_policies_on_travel_support_to_access_education_and_training
A word from our Safeguarding Officer
Next week we commence our parenting group ‘Riding the Rapids the Teenage Years’
We are looking forward to meeting and welcoming Parents/Carers into school!
What is Riding the Rapids?
It is a high quality, evidence-based parent-training course. It is designed for parents/carers of children and young people with an Autism Spectrum diagnosis or other complex needs, including severe learning disabilities
The course enables parent/carers to understand their child’s behaviour in the context of their additional needs, and apply strategies to support positive behaviours. It also helps parents to develop stress management strategies and confidence in managing their child’s behaviour. The course is collaborative, so that parents/carers develop tools they can take with them and continue to apply once the intervention is complete.
If you would like further information or you are interested in attending the next course which will commence in January 2023: please contact Mrs Griffin Family Liaison officer/Riding the Rapids Facilitator
Is TikTok safe? How does it work? Everything you need to know about this popular musical singing and sharing app.
What is TiKTok?
TikTok is a free social media app that lets you create, share, and watch short clips. The app is popular for viral dances and celeb cameos and is a creative and fun platform for all ages to enjoy.
Currently, the app is available in 75 languages with over 1 billion active users (Jan 2021). Like Musical.ly before it, it is most popular with under 16s. It has also now become the most downloaded app of 2019
How safe is TikTok?
How does TikTok work?
Is TikTok appropriate for kids?
What age is TikTok recommended for?
Can kids under 13 use TikTok?
How can you make your TikTok account private?
How do I delete a TikTok video?
How can I delete a TikTok account?
How can I use TikTok with my kids?
How do you do a duet on TikTok?
What are TikTok Challenges?
Does TikTok have parental controls?
How can I monitor my kid's activity on TikTok?
What if my kid wants to get famous on TikTok?
Should I be concerned about TikTok's security?
To find out the answer to the questions above follow the link Parents ultimate guide to TikTok
Alternatively, to find out more information about TiKTok click on the website below
Mrs Griffin
Safeguarding Officer & Family Liaison
Our Catholic school
Our weekly Catholic focus this week at SJV, reminds us of the importance of trusting others and living a life of service. Our school's mission is based on service to others and how we can help support and nurture our students. Pope Francis reminds us “Let us not forgot to put our trust in the Lord; this is the key to success “
Within our Catholic school this week we continued with the theme we had as part of our Welcome Mass by celebrating International day of Peace on Wednesday the 21st September. Each class looked at why all countries celebrate this day together and what we can do to bring peace in our homes, school, communities and the wider world.
The chaplaincy team did a great job is helping to plan and deliver our services for the Welcome Mass and we are now busy looking and planning our next challenge The Macmillan coffee afternoon on Friday 30th September, starting at 1:30pm. Parents and carers are welcome to attend, you should have had a letter for you to express your intention of coming. We need to know so that we can make sure we have enough cake!
Within RE this week we have been looking at our identity, what make us unique and special. How we can use our talents to honour God and being able to voice our opinions on Big issues and questions.
Mrs Garfin.
Enjoy your Weekend!
Created with images by geralt - "board school done" • Mary Lynn Strand - "Pink roses in a green bucket style container on a wooden plank table." • The Len - "chicken in grass on a farm. Hen on a traditional free range poultry organic farm grazing on the grass with copy space or for banner." • deagreez - "Photo astonished shocked girl gourmet chef read recipe cook book want prepare tasty veggie organic supper wear yellow style stylish trendy t-shirt hair rollers isolated green color background" • abdul gapur dayak - "Robberfly matting and eating" • banphote - "Collection of old various wooden sign isolated on white background. Object with clipping path." • Stillfx - "British Union jack flag"