Most attorneys do not like the idea that they are salespeople. I have been told by many that they went to law school just so that they didn't have to engage in sales activities. They believe selling is beneath their professionalism, and that they are not good at it.
To be a successful attorney you must be a legal services salesperson. You can call it business development if that makes you more comfortable, but every attorney must bring in work to their firm if they want to enjoy job security and financial success. Show me an attorney that doesn't sell, and I'll show you one that does and is more successful. In the legal business you are ultimately on your own, whether you are a solo or a BigLaw partner.
If you are already a founding partner, you have mastered the skills of business development. You know how to forge new relationships and maintain old ones. You have learned how to identify opportunity, and ask for business. And most importantly, you have developed the discipline of always allocating some of your time to ongoing business development efforts.
For those on your team who have not yet adopted these skills for success, business development can seem daunting. They tend to see it as an "art of schmoozing", focusing on the soft skills as the sole components of business development success, and concluding that they will not be successful because they are not suave or glib enough.
In order to build a team that contributes in the area of business development, it's your responsibility to help them overcome these misapprehensions, and provide them with support to develop these critical skills. Here are some ideas for getting started:
- Help them realize that their business development task is not particularly challenging.
Help them realize that their business development task is not particularly challenging. The last few words are cut off, the paragraph should end with: don't make too much of it.
Most attorneys have very easy to accomplish business development goals. There are salespeople in other industries trying to sell billion dollar, multiple year project or product agreements. Attorneys are asking for just one small bit of work. The ask is easy- "let me do this one small matter for you to show you how great a job I can do for you." It's not too hard, if you don't make too much of
- Focus on the science, not the finesse of "selling".
Success in legal business development does not hinge on the ability to "finesse" prospects; it is the science, not the art of selling that drives results. Most of the battle is changing the mindset, and helping your team to identify prospects, and planning activity so that they can connect with and stay in front of these prospects can help them immensely. And, let them know that you will provide them with the budget to engage in business development activities, and that you will be there to strategize with them and even go to meetings to help them. Activity brings results; get them moving forward.
- Build relationships, don't "hard sell".
Exceptional business develop is not only about selling services. It is forging relationships and demonstrating value. Wins come in the long run, and there are few "one call closes". Build a culture of relationship building, and provide support and patience so that you team can establish these connections without the pressure of immediate results.
- Start at "no".
When a client says "no", they are requesting more information. "No" is also a communication that you need to refine your sales strategy. No is not the end, it is the starting point. Choose your prospective clients wisely, and don't let your team give up on them because they say that they are happy with their current representation.
- Follow through.
Hosting regular meetings with the entire team to discuss business development can have many positive results. First, it communicates to the team your seriousness in succeeding in these efforts. It will also get them focused on reportable results for meetings, which means activity. Third and most importantly, it gets everyone working together toward one goal.
Every attorney is capable of business development; a little support and leadership can go a long way. Get started today.
David DePietto is the founder and CEO of NexFirm. He can be reached at
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