In this Edition:
- Message from Pastor Kris
- How to Connect with Us
- Upcoming Events
- Join Community
- Ministry Highlights
- Missions
- Prayer Update
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Bible Reading Plan
- Giving
Message from Pastor Kris
Saints of Shawnee Alliance:
It's always a joy to write to you and share my excitement for all God is doing! In our recent Congregational Update, it was noted that our "Because You Gave" video from May 7 helped to remind us that our church is constantly desiring to make a huge Kingdom impact. Thank you, each of you, for coming together under the banner of Christ to pursue His Kingdom! A few other things we celebrated:
- The launch of Upward Volleyball for grades 4-8
- Increasing international missions trips for adults and domestic missions trips for our youth ministry
- A successful first year of LifeWise, including ministering to 206 students and expanding into 5th grade
- The building fund being nearly paid off, with under $75,000 remaining as of May 7
Please join us in praying for God's discernment for the next things that He'll call us toward. As we pray together, I also invite us to join together. We have many trips and activities being planned for our Kids & Youth Ministries. Please take time to learn all that is coming up for your family through the Church Center App or by visiting
Last Sunday as we concluded our Family Values sermon series, we talked about Equipping God's people for ministry. As a church, we are taking the Spiritual Gifts Inventory to better discover our spiritual gifts. If you have taken this Inventory, we will be reaching out in a few weeks to begin matching spiritual gifts with roles and ministries in the church, so we all can better serve God together.
I also want to invite you to our Sunday Faith Track on May 21. This is a great way to learn more about the church, as well as how to plug into community. Lunch and child care will be provided, so please register by May 14.
God is doing big things in our community! Your generosity in giving to Shawnee Alliance continues to make Kingdom impact.
Building a community of faith... Leading people to become fully transformed followers of Jesus Christ.
New to Shawnee Alliance or have updated information?
Would you like to know more about the church, submit a prayer request or connect with a pastor? Or maybe you'd like to find out about upcoming groups and events or let us know of a change in contact information? Let us know by filling out a connect card below! We would love to hear from you!
How to Connect With Us
As you're continually called into God's presence, please be reminded of the community we have here. We invite you to reach out and connect with us.
Upcoming Events
Piano Concert for Missions - May 12 at 6:30 in East Campus Sanctuary
Stamp Ministry - May 13 at 9am in East Campus Room C
Happy Mothers Day! - May 14
Child Dedication Sunday - May 14 at 9:30 & 11am services
Beulah Beach Work Mission Trip - May 15-19 (register by May 14)
Our Daily Bread Volunteer Thursday - May 18 at 11am
Lifewise Celebration Sunday - May 21 at 9:30 & 11am in the Activity Center
Sunday Faith Track - May 21 from 10:45am-2:30pm in East Campus Room F (register by May 14)
Our Daily Bread Volunteer Tuesday - May 23 at 11am
Memorial Day - May 29 - Church Office Closed on May 26 & 29
Graduation Sunday - June 4 at 9:30 & 11am in West Campus Services (register by May 14)
Student Trip to Cedar Point - June 6 from 8:30am-11pm (register by June 1)
Preschool VBS - June 6-8 from 9:30-11:30am (register by June 2)
High School Graduation Recognition Dinner - June 8 from 6-8pm (register by May 14)
Cornerstone of Hope - Erasing Worry Seminar - June 11 at 6:30pm (register by June 7)
Keenagers Luncheon - June 13 at 11:30am
Our Daily Bread Volunteer Thursday - June 15 at 11am
Happy Fathers Day! - June 18
Windows for Water - June 25 (pick up your envelope on June 18)
Beulah on the Road - Family Fun Night - June 19 from 6:30-8pm in the Activity Center
Beulah on the Road - June 20-23 (register by June 18)
Upward Volleyball Game Days Begin - June 24 (register by May 13)
Our Daily Bread Volunteer Tuesday - June 27 at 11am
Happy Independence Day! - July 4
Chicago Student Mission Trip - July 8-14 (register by June 14)
Keenager Luncheon - July 11 at 11:30am
Our Daily Bread Volunteer Thursday - July 20 at 11am
Windows for Water - July 23 (pick up your envelope on July 16)
Our Daily Bread Volunteer Tuesday - July 25 at 11am
Upward Volleyball Sunday - July 30 at 9:30 & 11am in the Activity Center
Keenager Luncheon - August 8 at 11:30am
Blessing of the Backpacks - August 13 at 9:30 & 11am services
Baptism & Church Picnic - August 13 at 3pm at Martin's Pond
Our Daily Bread Volunteer Thursday - August 17 at 11am
5th Quarter - begins August 17 following the Shawnee Home Football Game
Our Daily Bread Volunteer Tuesday - August 22 at 11am
Windows for Water - August 27 (pick up your envelope on August 20)
Community Events
Habitat for Humanity: Bless the Build - May 13 at 8am (location: 222 E 10th St, Delphos)
One-Day Faith Track
Sunday, May 21 from 10:45am-2:30pm in East Campus Avenue56 Room F.
Together we will:
- learn more about Shawnee Alliance
- develop connections
- become more aware of our spiritual gifts and volunteer opportunities
If you're interested in becoming a member of Shawnee Alliance, this class will prepare you for that as well (but membership is not a requirement).
Please register by Sunday, May 14. Lunch will be provided. To request child care, please specify in your registration. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Brian (
Congratulations, High School Graduates! We would like to honor you!
All who are graduating high school this year from any of the local schools or home schools are invited:
Sunday Services, June 4: we will honor graduates during the 9:30 and 11:00am church services at the West Campus Activity Center. (Please register the graduate only.)
Dinner on Thursday, June 8: graduates and their families are invited to a catered dinner in their honor from 6-8pm in the Activity Center lobby. (Please register the graduate only, and later we will ask the total number of family members attending the dinner.)
Youth Group Trip to Cedar Point
Students who have completed grades 6-12 are invited to a trip to Cedar Point on Tuesday, June 6.
We will meet in the East Campus HopeShakers room at 8:30am and return at 11pm. $90 cost includes ticket, transportation and an all day drink & food pass.
**Students must be able to ride all rides as we do not have extra chaperones going who do not ride the rides. Please do not register your student if they are unsure about riding all coasters. Thank you.**
Preschool VBS
Children ages 3-5, come join the fun as we grow with Jesus at Preschool Vacation Bible School!
June 6-8 from 9:30-11:30am each day in the East Campus Kids Min room. Must be potty-trained!
VOLUNTEERS are needed June 6-8 from 9am-noon! If you can help with crafts, snacks, games, check-in/out, etc., please register as a volunteer. We appreciate your help!!
Contact Miss Shayla at with any questions.
Beulah On The Road
Kids who have completed grades K-6 are welcome to join us for Beulah on the Road!
It's a kid's camp/Vacation Bible School where kids enjoy fun activities while learning about Jesus!
Join us on June 20-23 from 9am-4pm each day in the Activity Center. Cost for the week is $90.
If you would like to contribute to this exciting ministry, please click below:
Chicago Youth Mission Trip
We're going back to Chicago this summer! We are partnering with our friends at Adventures In Missions to engage our middle school and high school students (Grades 7-12) to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in the metropolis of Chicago, a city that we've frequently gone to do student missions in years past.
We will be leaving on Saturday, July 8 and staying at a local church (Bethel Temple) while we work with them to assist the homeless during the day and putting on a Vacation Bible School in the evenings for local children. We then will return on Friday, July 14.
There will be more details to come. The cost will be approximately $500 per student (the final cost will be determined based on how many kids are going to help cover transportation, chaperones, etc). This will pay for lodging, food, a dedicated project leader to be with our team throughout the trip, and a T-shirt.
Windows for Water
Partner with the Youth Group this summer while attending church services! As we look ahead to preparing Operation Christmas Child boxes in the fall to send to youth around the world, we also desire to include water filters in every box!
This summer, the youth group will clean your car windows during all services on June 25, July 23, and August 27. To participate, simply:
- Collect an envelope at the Welcome Desk the week before these dates
- Add your donation
- Leave under your windshield wiper on the listed Sundays
All donations will go toward the purchase of water filters for the Operation Christmas Child boxes. Envelopes will also be available on the days of the window cleanings.
Thank you for your partnership!
Join Community
Life Transformation happens through discipleship, serving, and making connections with others. Below are some opportunities to join community throughout the week and month!
YouVersion Bible App
Join your church family on YouVersion! Download the app below and search for Shawnee Alliance, set as your home church, and connect with others through our weekly devotionals.
As we walk through each week, watch for updates on social media and in the YouVersion app for new plans! Join in our newest plan below:
Connect with others! Join a Group!
For more details, please see below or visit If you are interested in leading or hosting a small group, please contact Pastor Brian at
New & Updated Groups
You're welcome to join this growing ministry! Pickleball is from 3-6pm on Sundays. This is for competitive players with strong skill and knowledge of the game.
Ongoing Weekly Groups
- Sunday Partners in Prayer Team - Sunday during 9:30 or 11:00am services
- Life in the Spirit - Sundays from 9:30-10:45am
- Pickleball - Sundays from 6-9pm
- Aerobic Walking Exercise Class - Monday-Friday from 8-9am
- Retired Men's Prayer Group - Mondays from 9-10:30am
- SonRise Seekers Women's Bible Study - Tuesdays from 6:30-8am
- Gingersnaps - Tuesdays from 9-11am
- Tuesday Open Gym Volleyball - Tuesdays from 6-10pm
- Moms in Prayer - Wednesdays from 8:30-9:30am
- Stamp Ministry - 2nd Saturdays September-May from 9am-12pm
Ongoing Monthly Groups
- Sunday Partners in Prayer Team - Sundays at 8:20am or 8:45am
- Keenagers - 2nd Tuesdays at 11:30am
- Sewing Group - meets 2nd & 4th Mondays from 9am-2pm
Don't see a group you'd like to attend? Contact Pastor Brian at if you're interested in leading your own!
Meet our new Nursery-Preschool Director, Shayla Anthony!
I was born and raised in Upstate NY. I am the fifth of twelve siblings. My husband, Kyle, and I have two daughters, Arya (3.5) and Maya (2). I love all things outdoors, especially downhill skiing. I graduated from Nyack College in 2017 with a degree in psychology. Over the years I have been privileged to work with children through summer camps, daycares, and churches. Working with children and speaking God’s truth into their lives is a passion that has continued to fill my heart.
Thank you in advance for the grace and support, as I strive to fill this position and all that it entails. I am looking forward to undertaking this leadership role in the church and excited to see what the Lord has in store.
Centershot Archery
Centershot Archery shares the Gospel of Jesus, while teaching students in grades 4-12 the life skill of archery. Centershot Sunday was May 7, and we were so excited to celebrate our archers! In the state tournament on April 15, both our middle and high schoolers won 2nd place in their divisions and 3D tournaments. Austin Hunsaker took 1st place in the Ohio High School Centershot Bullseye Tournament, with a top score of 274, and also received the Top Overall Male Archer award for the tournament! Logan Clark took 3rd place in the high school division of the Ohio Centershot 3D Tournament. We are so proud of you all!
Top scorers of our Shawnee Alliance team:
- Senior Division: Austin Hunsaker (257), Elijah Henson (255), Ava Carge (249), Paul Snyder (247), Austin Clevenger (236)
- Middle school: William Schmersal (271), Gage Robnolte (253), Beckett Jones (243), Tyler Hunsaker (236), Jake Carge (228)
- Elementary: Jonah Steinke (235), Anderson Adlesh (189), Matthew Mallett (172), Adyson Robnolte (140), Luke Bryan (135).
On May 12, the Shawnee Alliance Centershot archers will advance to the Eastern National Centershot Tournament in Louisville, Kentucky.
Women Growing in Grace
Women Growing in Grace is focused on self-improvement and on building relationships with other women in the church. Our kick-off was February 26 and we met for 5 weeks as core groups afterward to encourage each other and to complete some of the challenges. Here's what some women said about it:
"I really enjoyed making friends with the women in my core group. If someone was thinking of joining Women Growing in Grace, I would want them to know that the relationships made are invaluable. I enjoy meeting with them each week for encouragement and fellowship." - Cassie Degen
"It was good to have fellowship with women I didn't know. They have become friends. If someone was thinking of joining Women Growing in Grace, I would tell them that it’s a good time to meet new women in the church." - Dana Hays
"I really liked being able to connect with other women. I loved the age range and diversity. It's a great way to meet other women!" - Annette Miller
"I really enjoyed the camaraderie that I felt with the women in my group, and the accountability that I felt from them! If someone was thinking of joining Women Growing in Grace, I would tell them that it’s a wonderful time to make new connections in our growing church family!" - Joyce Wohlgamuth
Shawnee Alliance Church is all about Transformed Lives. We believe that Jesus transforms our lives when we surrender our ways to His. Membership is more than belonging. We become part of something bigger than ourselves.
Here at Shawnee Alliance, we have multiple opportunities to support missions. We strive to build HIS kingdom here, and we won’t stop until the job is done!
Compassion and Mercy Associates is the relief and development arm of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. They are currently requesting potential volunteer teams to come to the Bahamas to help with clean up from Hurricane Dorian in 2019. Their request is for volunteer member teams with or without professional skills, to help with cleanup and rebuilding on the islands impacted by Hurricane Dorian.
If this sounds like a mission you would like to partner with, please register at the link below and Jessica will help you with your next steps!
God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called.
If you have any questions about Missions, please contact Jessica at
Prayer Update
Join us on Friday, July 14 from 6:30-9pm in the East Campus Sanctuary. At this virtual event we will hear from four women who stayed true to their faith in the face of incredible opposition. Join us as we learn their stories, how they saw God move, and as we learn to pray more effectively for our brother's and sister's in Christ around the world.
More information available soon!
Current Volunteer Opportunities
There are many opportunities to get more involved by serving together! Check out the list of volunteer opportunities below! Fill out a volunteer form or a connect card and our staff would be glad to connect you in serving at Shawnee Alliance or in our community in a way that uses your gifts, talents and passions!
Beulah Beach Missions Work Trip
Join us in a week of missions work at Beulah Beach! This is our 15th annual trip to Beulah Beach Camp in Vermilion, OH where we work with the staff to do whatever tasks they need! These could include carpentry, electrical, plumbing, landscaping, painting, and other odd jobs and/or general cleaning and cooking.
Dates are next week, May 15-19 - come however many days you'd like! Cost is $50. (If you're only going for the day with no lodging needed, please contact Nancy Mertz at Register below by May 14 to join us!
Upward Volleyball
We are so excited about launching a brand new ministry this year - Upward Volleyball for boys and girls in grades 4-8! God is doing wonderful things!
With so many moving parts, Upward requires many volunteers. If you are interested in being a referee, coach, helping with setup/teardown, etc, please register as a volunteer below. Thank you!
Preschool VBS
Volunteers are needed June 6-8 from 9am-noon for Preschool VBS (ages 3-5)! If you are interested in helping with crafts, snacks, games or check-in/out, please register below. We appreciate your help!!
Beulah on the Road
June 20-23 will be a fun, exciting, life-changing week as Shawnee Alliance will be welcoming up to 100 kids to hear and learn about Jesus...some for the first time!
VOLUNTEERS are needed to make this happen! If you have a heart to serve during this week, we have a spot for you! If you are interested in helping with check-in/out, food donations, food prep/serving or clean-up, please register by June 18 to be part of this exciting week!
Upcoming Opportunities
Blessing of the Backpacks
FREE backpacks will be given out on Sunday, August 13 during the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. church services at the West Campus Activity Center!
If you'd like to help us fill 100 backpacks with school supplies, please donate in the church lobbies between July 16-August 9. As the event gets closer, you will be able to view the list of needed supplies at or pick up a flyer in the church lobbies. Thank you!
Ongoing Opportunities
- LifeWise Shawnee - Bible-based education for elementary students during the school day
- Worship & Tech Teams - Lead the congregation into worship through singing, playing instruments, or running sound, projection, lighting or cameras
- Kids & Youth Ministries - Help with Birth-12th grade ministries and events
- Hands-On Ministry - Help people with driving, cleaning, small repairs and projects, etc
- Prayer Team
- Go on a Mission Trip
- Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen - serve lunch to the community
- Hospitality Team - make coffee, greet people, usher or drive the shuttle
Remember, you can reach out to our staff at any time by filling out a connect card at the bottom of our website!
Community Opportunities
Habitat for Humanity: "Bless the Build"
Habitat for Humanity will be kicking off its next build with a Bless the Build at 8:00am on May 13 at the build site: 222 E. 10th St in Delphos. You are invited to come out to pray with our partner family and volunteer to get the walls raised and the roof papered all on Day 1!
You can also support Habitat through prayers for the family and their home ownership journey. If you would like more information about volunteering on May 13 or a future date, you can email Caleb at or call the Habitat office at (419) 222-4937.
Bible Reading Plan
Bring transformation to your life by reading your Bible! You will get to know Jesus on a deeper level and learn wisdom for your everyday choices.
You can find a free Bible in any of our church lobbies. Please feel free to take one when you're with us at church on Sunday or download the YouVersion app on your phone.
Use this simple SOAP format to guide your interaction with God's Word:
- Scripture. Take your time reading each chapter and allow God to speak to you.
- Observation. What do you see God doing in the Scripture? What is God saying to you?
- Application. Ask yourself how you can apply this to your life right now.
- Prayer. Communicate with God and ask Him to help you apply this to your life.
Try adding a chapter from Proverbs every day to the below plan! This list is also posted every Sunday on our Facebook page.
- Thursday, May 11 - Philippians 4
- Friday, May 12 - 1 Peter 5
- Saturday, May 13 - Ephesians 5
- Sunday, May 14 - Matthew 6:25-34
- Monday, May 15 - 2 Thessalonians 3
- Tuesday, May 16 - 2 Samuel 22
- Wednesday, May 17 - Psalm 91
- Thursday, May 18 - Ephesians 6
- Friday, May 19 - 2 Corinthians 9
- Saturday, May 20 - Psalm 37
- Sunday, May 21 - Psalm 34:4-10
- Monday, May 22 - Hebrews 13
- Tuesday, May 23 - Proverbs 3
- Wednesday, May 24 - Joshua 1
- Thursday, May 25 - Isaiah 12
- Friday, May 26 - Isaiah 26
- Saturday, May 27 - Psalm 56
- Sunday, May 28 - Deuteronomy 8:2-4
- Monday, May 29 - Psalm 33
- Tuesday, May 30 - Psalm 9
- Wednesday, May 31 - Jeremiah 17
- Thursday, June 1 - 1 John 4
- Friday, June 2 - Jeremiah 29
- Saturday, June 3 - Psalm 28
- Sunday, June 4 - Proverbs 3:5-12
- Monday, June 5 - 1 Corinthians 1
- Tuesday, June 6 - James 3
- Wednesday, June 7 - Proverbs 2
- Thursday, June 8 - Proverbs 11
- Friday, June 9 - Proverbs 16
- Saturdays, June 10 - Proverbs 19
- Sunday, June 11 - James 1:2-18
- Monday, June 12 - 2 Corinthians 10
- Tuesday, June 13 - Revelation 14
- Wednesday, June 14 - Romans 1
- Thursday, June 15 - John 14
- Friday, June 16 - 1 Kings 2
- Saturday, June 17 - 1 John 3
- Sunday, June 18 - James 1:19-27
- Monday, June 19 - Galatians 3
- Tuesday, June 20 - Deuteronomy 1
- Wednesday, June 21 - Proverbs 24
- Thursday, June 22 - 1 Timothy 5
- Friday, June 23 - Exodus 23
- Saturday, June 24 - 2 Chronicles 19
- Sunday, June 25 - James 2:1-13
- Monday, June 26 - Hebrews 11
- Tuesday, June 27 - 2 Peter 1
- Wednesday, June 28 - 2 Timothy 1
- Thursday, June 29 - 2 Thessalonians 1
- Friday, June 30 - 1 Timothy 6
- Saturday, July 1 - Titus 3
- Sunday, July 2 - James 2:14-26
Thank you for giving to the ministries of Shawnee Alliance Church. Through your generosity and faithfulness, we continue to see life transformation happen in our church, community, and around the world!
Ways to Give
- Online at
- Church Center App - download today
- In Person - place check or cash in offering box after Sunday services
Thank you for your generosity and partnership with our ongoing ministries!
Thank you for reading this edition of the Shawnee Alliance SnapShot! Please visit to view previous editions of this newsletter, watch sermons and testimony videos with links to our YouTube channel, and check out our Tuesday Talks with Shawnee Alliance podcast!