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Don't Do It
Sagrada Naranja
Calla Lily
Aged With Graced
Eternal Youth
"Need A Hand?"
Metallic Beauty
Purple Warrior

My name is Haley Sparkle Santibanez and l was born on July 4 2004. What inspires me to be a photographer is that l get to capture important moments in my life and turn them into my own artistic piece. I enjoy taking pictures whenever l have the time because I love creating beautiful images that have stories behind them and sharing them with people. What l like best about myself is that l am open to new things and love learning about subjects that interest me. Something I would tell new photographers is that trial and error is key in learning photography. Everyone makes mistakes and over time your experience will grow and you’ll get more comfortable. The same thing can be said about any new hobby or subject that you want to learn. It’s important to never give up on something that you find engaging and remember to value what you do. One day l want to become a creative director and create a safe space for myself, where l can continue to create ART.
