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Homelessness in El Centro A Bilingual Multimedia Project

During the spring of 2022, students from the School of Journalism and Media Studies at San Diego State University embarked in a project to report about homelessness in El Centro, CA, a mostly Latino and Spanish-speaking community. These are the bilingual multimedia stories they produced.

El Centro Busca Soluciones para Albergar a sus Residentes sin Hogar

por Fátima López

La ciudad de El Centro, ubicada a sólo 15 millas de la frontera que separa a Estados Unidos de México, aloja a una comunidad mayormente latina e hispana de más de 44,000 habitantes que está enfrentando el crecimiento de su población sin hogar...

El Centro’s Homelessness Services Fighting for a Change

By Ariadna Rodriguez, Liliana Murillo and Donovan Holland-Wasson

Each day those who struggle with home security live in a constant state of unknowing. There are services available but how to get them? Do the services focus specifically on providing everything homeless individuals need to begin a new start? How are these services making a positive change within the community? Our reporters asked El Centro's service providers...

From Homelessness to Independence, El Centro College Students Find Relief in Their Tiny Homes

By Elena Terlikas and Carolina Herrera

A successful partnership between the city of El Centro and Imperial Valley College has given homes to 26 college students at risk of homelessness...

Calexico Needs Change Embodies Community Efforts to Find Solutions to Food Accessibility and Homelessness

By Samantha Festin and Alani Ayala

In Calexico, a 20-minutes ride south from El Centro, a vibrant coalition of residents and non-profit organizations are taking it on themselves to find solutions to homelessness and food insecurity...

El Centro Trip Reflection

By Samantha Festin

Participating student, Samantha Festin, reflects on the experience of reporting about homelessness in El Centro, CA, as well as producing a multimedia project.

Reporting About a Bilingual Community: Reflexiones de una Maestra Entusiasta

Por Lourdes M. Cueva Chacón

En formato de blog, la profesora Cueva Chacón explica las decisiones detrás de la preparación de su curso y la producción del proyecto bilingüe multimedia.

This project was produced with the support of the Bilingual Program at the School of Journalism and Media Studies at San Diego State University in partnership with Project Sage.

Created By
Lourdes Miriam Cueva Chacon


Photos by Fátima López, Samantha Festin and Lourdes Cueva Chacón