A message from our Headteacher
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you had a pleasant bank holiday weekend. The shorter week, this week in school has been very settled, with the pupils showing excellent engagement in their lesson activities and other school routines.
It is particularly pleasing to see the engagement of our children and young people in their enrichment activities. To give you an idea of the range of activities we use to complement the curriculum, this week we have had children access Forest School and work experience at CAFT in Altrincham, Swimming at Stretford Leisure Centre, animal care activities at Cronkshaw Care Farm and Carrington Riding Centre, Simply Cycling and Disc Golf at Longford Park, Orienteering at Chorlton Water Park, work experience activities at Asda in Trafford Park and Duke of Edinburgh/Preparation for Adulthood activities with Greater Manchester Outdoor Learning. Another very busy week!
We are really blessed to have developed such excellent external partnerships with organisations that are able to enrich our pupils learning. We are also very lucky to be located so centrally to so many close activities and learning centres. It is fantastic to see the engagement in these opportunities each week in school and the development pupils have in enrichment.
We are now starting our planning cycles for the next academic year with staff and pupil recruitment, timetable planning, whilst also preparing for the challenges the ‘new build’ will bring. A busy, but exciting time in school. We will keep you posted of all developments.
Best wishes for the weekend,
Mr A Moloney
Please note, we have made a change to the School Calendar for the summer term 2022.
Friday 24th June is now an additional School holiday for St John Vianney School. The School will be closed on this date.
This additional date is in lieu of the national holiday for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration, which falls during the Whit break on June 3rd 2022.
The term dates for 2022-23 have now been approved by the Governing Body and are now available on the School website.
Stars of the Week
Each week a 'Star of the Week' is chosen by the class team to celebrate achievements both academic and pastoral.
This week we are celebrating the following achievements:
- Daniyal -For making great progress with communicating more at home and in school.
- George -For his positivity and good humour. Excellent work in maths assessment.
- Demarjio -Chosen by staff and peers in his class, for being a good friend and making the right choices
- Sian -Great conduct and participation in all lessons
- Kalen -For fantastic engagement in lessons this week!
- Daniel -For growing in confidence and trying new things
- Evie -For being such a hard worker and displaying increasing maturity
- Leah -For being kind, calm and sensible all week, and was fantastic when we went on our retreat on Wednesday.
- Alfie -For being determined and not giving up when he has faced challenge.
- Ayla -For a great first session at hydrotherapy.
SJV Class News
Class 7
This week Class 7 visited Asda in Trafford Park to find out about what kind of jobs there are in a supermarket. We had a tour behind the scenes and even got to go in the freezers, where it was -18 degrees! To top it off, all the pupils had a go on the checkout, which was loads of fun. Thanks to Mrs Taylor for organising, and thanks to Asda for having us.
Class 8
Class 8 really enjoyed feeding the new born lambs Cronkshaw Fold Care Farm. We learnt everything from making up the feed, to how best to feed them and how we can help protect them. We spent the rest of the afternoon trimming back brambles in the fields; Outdoor learning at it's best! Just one part of the exciting curriculum we offer here at St John Vianney School.
Our Catholic School
Our focus in SJV during the month of May is Our Lady. We honour the Virgin Mary as "the Queen of May". The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the fifth of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary .
Our prayers continue to call for Peace for the Ukrainian people and throughout the world. We are also sharing with our students this important message from Pope Francis, he reminds us of our responsibilities after Easter; ‘Dear young people, Jesus is counting on you to be his friends and witnesses to his infinite love’.
Within our Catholic school this week, the chaplaincy team have been supporting the school with celebrating May as the month of Mary. We have been saying the Rosary, making items for Mary for our prayer tables and encouraging our community to reflect on the life of Our Lady and to say the 'Hail Mary' prayer more often.
In Religious Education this week we have been busy celebrating the Birthday of Saint John Vianney (8th May) and looking at his life and why he is the Patron Saint of our School. Our students loved that he struggled with his studies, but that he also had a great passion for education.
By Mrs Garfin
A few tips from our emotional and mental wellbeing team here at SJV.
Mental wellbeing doesn't have one set meaning. We might use it to talk about how we feel, how well we're coping with daily life or what feels possible at the moment.
Good mental wellbeing doesn't mean you're always happy or unaffected by your experiences. But poor mental wellbeing can make it more difficult to cope with daily life.
There are lots of things we can try to take care of our wellbeing. We have tips to help you:
• Relax and reduce stress
• Find ways to learn and be creative
• Spend time in nature
• Connect with others
• Look after your physical health
• Try to get enough sleep
Enjoy your Weekend!
Created with images by geralt - "board school done" • M.studio - "cooking pot with raw vegetable" • nito - "text poetry written with a dip pen" • wavebreak3 - "Family gardening together" • sorapop - "Hand of woman weights dumbbell equipment" • Maya Kruchancova - "pink cakes on plate on white background" • ftgstudio - "Asian beautiful woman shopping for dairy products at supermarket. healthy lifestyle concept" • goodluz - "Kids in cooking class workshop preparing apple pie" • Stephen - "Proud looking Icelandic sheep (Ovis aries) stands tall for the camera in a rural setting near Vik, Iceland."