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St John Vianney Newsletter 26.05.23

Assistant Headteacher's Message

Dear family and friends of SJV

Here we are at the end of another pleasing half term at St John Vianney School. The summer term is always such a lovely, though very busy, time of year, with exams having high importance and also the anticipation of what is to come in the next school year.

This week started with all classes’ Monday morning PSHE lesson being linked to the school’s Laudato Si' initiative that has been ongoing all year. Every member of the school community has made 3 personal pledges around how we can look after our Common Home by living more simply.All classes have also made their own class prayer which focuses on giving thanks but also asking God to help us to take better care of all of the wonderful resources we have here on earth, so that future generations can enjoy them too. It has been encouraging to see so many of our young people really embrace the Laudato Si programme. I think Pope Francis would be very proud of us all! You will have received pledge postcards too and we ask that, as families, you also join in and make pledges at home and support our young people in embedding the message within their local community and wider the wider world.

Lots of work-related activities have continued to take place, including a visit to Amazon and UA92 for some of our KS4 and 5 pupils and Key Stage 3 visits from our Connexions Officer, Ed Clark, talking about the journey our pupils will take in respect to careers information and guidance, as they get ready to move into Key Stage 4 in September. As I have mentioned previously, preparing for adult life is something we take very seriously at St John Vianney School and pupils are really encouraged to think about their future aspirations and goals. It is so rewarding to see our pupils make steps towards these aspirations and as they move into Post 16 the opportunities for bespoke work experience options are being encouraged and strengthened year on year.

In the next half term, we will be getting ready to say goodbye to our pupils who are moving on to pastures new. Some of our pupils have been accessing transition activities at their new placements and SJV staff have been attending with them, to ensure that we can support them and their new placement in making the transition as smooth and successful as possible. We will be saying goodbye to these pupils officially, at a service and buffet for them and their families on the 30th June. It is always a day of mixed emotions; one of pride as we reflect on their successes and achievements and one of sadness as we say goodbye.

Mrs Griffin has asked me to remind you that the school summer fair will be taking place on Saturday 1st July from 1-3pm. This will be a great opportunity for us all to come together for one last time on the site as it stands now, before our extensive building work commences in September.

Make I take this opportunity to wish you all a relaxing Whit half term. I hope you and your families get some rest, enjoy the sunshine and our children and staff prepare for the best half term of the year!

Best wishes,

Ms Nesbitt

Stars of the Week

⭐⭐Congratulations to our Stars of the Week ⭐⭐

  • Jase - For being a kind and caring friend.
  • Zack - For coming into school more.
  • Ryan - For great work in Maths this week.
  • Lee - For trying really hard this week to make the right choices and for being a kind friend.
  • Ishaaq - For pushing himself to go on the big rides at Gulliver's and working hard in English.
  • Kyan - For brilliant behaviour at Gulliver's World.
  • Heaven - For deatiled and thoughtful work.
  • Rayyan - For showing genuine concern for a friend and using his voice.
  • Andrew - For a great week and lots of hard work.
  • Curtis - For engaging well in class discussions and extra curricular activities.
  • Adley - For being a great role model to other students and also for his excellent attitude throughout the exams.
  • Filip - For being a very caring and kind friend, also sharing with another pupil in class.
  • Isaac - For having a great week and being a good role model at the football tournament.

Well Done!!

SJV Class News

Class 2

Class 2 have completed their masks inspired by the Day of the Dead festival this week. We have made our own papier mache masks and finally decorated them using sugar skulls design.

Class 3

The boys have had a creative week this week! They all worked fantastically well and independently on Monday on their day of the dead 3D models. They are in the process of creating papier mache masks, which they will decorate with their own ideas next time!

Class 4

Class 4 had a lovely time visiting Longford Park this week as our final enrichment session of the term. We played hide and seek, it felt great to be out in the sunshine.

Class 5

Class 5 were practicing their presentation skills by sharing their English work with the class!

Class 6

This week class 6 were really engaged and focussed in their Art lesson. They are currently making their own mask in relation to our topic which is Día de los Muertos. Well done class 6.

Class 7

This week in class 7 we have been doing travelling into Manchester for this term. are. It’s been lovely to see their confidence & independence grow. At forest school we have been hunting and learning all about the different parts and names of insects.

Class 8

Class 8 worked extremely hard on Thursday morning at Longford Park doing a litter pick towards our Laudato Si' work.

Class 9

In English this week have been analysing the characters in John Steinbeck's novel 'Of Mice and Men'. They even played their own version of 'Top Trumps' that is featured in the book!!!

Class 10

Class 10 had the opportunity to go and look around the Amazon Fulfilment Centre next to Manchester Airport as part of their Work Related Learning.

Class 11

Congratulations to the boys from class 11 for doing SJV proud in their tournament at the Etihad last week, and a little quiet reading during literacy time.

Class 12

Class 12 have been attending a coffee morning at Gorse Hill Methodist Church before helping at The Bread-and-Butter Thing. They have been socialising with people of all ages and abilities fulfilling their Laudato Si' pledges; helping people within the community.

Class 13

Class 13 have taken part in various activities this week. They have been working hard with Greater Manchester Outdoor Learning at Wythenshawe Park and also taking part in Tennis sessions at the Albert Club in Didsbury. While at the tennis sessions they have been learning how to serve and volley.

Our Catholic School

‘Jesus wants to be your friend, and wants you to spread the joy of this friendship everywhere.’

Our prayer focus this week is that friendship is one of life’s greatest blessings, as we are reminded in the Gospel. How do we help our young people to develop their friendships? We look to the quote above from Pope Francis to help us.

Within our Catholic School this week our PSHE time focused on Laudato Si'; the message and the paper written by Pope Francis about care for the environment and each other.

This week marks the 8th anniversary of the Pope’s message. As a school we are going to focus on the care of our common home and look at how we can help the environments and others.

Our Post 16 leaders represented SJV in a Pentecost retreat organised by Just Youth. All the schools that Just Youth work with came together to celebrate all the good work the chaplaincy teams have done in the diocese. Ben, Amy, Blythe and Isaac were wonderful ambassadors for SJV and we have made many new friends and links with other schools.

Within RE everyone had a ‘MAD’ time where we 'Made A Difference' to our work by looking at the work that had been completed this half term, reflecting on it and seeing how we can improve on it. All the classes did well with their green pen work and were righty proud of all their hard work over the past five weeks

The Kings Coronation

Two of our esteemed colleagues, Joyce Moreton - Vice Chair of Governors and Jenny Rouse - Teaching Assistant were very lucky to celebrate the King's Coronation in person, in London.

It was truly an honour and privilege, for Joyce - our school Governor and I, to attend King Charles III Coronation Concert at Windsor Castle. We had an amazing weekend, sharing memories, to treasure forever.

Stay connected with SJV on Social Media.

Keep up to date with all the activities and dates for your diary. Just click on the buttons below to view our Website, Twitter feed and YouTube channel.


Created with images by Nelos - "English Quote Big Journeys Begin With . Beach Grass At Sunrise Or Sunset In Background" • Markus Mainka - "Good luck success successful test wish wishing note paper" • astrosystem - "Milky Way stars photographed with astronomical telescope. My astronomy work." • Amelia - "catrina mexicana calavera dia de muertos halloween" • Nomad_Soul - "Theater mask on grey" • Volodymyr - "The thrill is in the discovery. Small boy play hide and seek. Small boy enjoy playing outdoor. Its a game of hide-and-seek. Its fantastic game" • Drobot Dean - "Businessman making presentation of business plan using flipchart in office" • chandlervid85 - "Typical Mexican skull with flowers painted on orange background. Dia de los muertos. Copy space" • dizfoto1973 - "Modern electric tram yellow color on the streets of Berlin" • Bigc Studio - "Group of young women volunteers helping to keep nature clean and picking up the garbage from park - Recycling and waste reduction techniques that help the environment" • Africa Studio - "Group of books on colorful background, top view" • Martin Barraud/Caia Image - "Packages on conveyor belt in distribution warehouse" • Melinda Nagy - "banner of soccer game players fighting for football" • Svitlana - "Happy young volunteers group in gloves collecting, sorting food in paper bags, Diverse team working together on donation project in charitable organization office" • bobex73 - "Tennis ball with racket on the tennis court. Sport, recreation concept" • vectorfusionart - "Friends putting their hands together " • chinnarach - "man hands holding world:save world life concept" • magele-picture - "Make a difference" • Stillfx - "British Union jack flag" • Tierney - "Social media with person using a white smartphone" • adrian_ilie825 - "Break time concept with classic alarm clock"
