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Weekly Highlight 2/14-2/18 by ayslin bowman

From the week of Feb. 14 - Feb. 18, The Journal's Photo Section covered the activities of the foreign language department.

Spanish teacher Jamie Marshall explains an engaging class activity to her Honors Spanish III students: Spanish Pictionary.
Freshman Paige Mayer listens to Marshall's hint for a vocabulary word.
Junior Aidan Kelley cheers for himself after he guesses the right word for his team.
Freshman Van Kong laughs as both teams spit out guesses.
Freshman Kenia Chiguil points at her team's drawing and attempts to guess the correct vocabulary word.
Sophomore Sophia Richason looks at her teammates, awaiting the correct guess, after she finished her Pictionary drawing.
Junior Javier Martinez Posadas looks back at Marshall and his fellow classmates as they struggle to guess what his drawing is.