Headteacher Message
On a personal note, I'm glad to be back at the helm and grateful to my team for holding the fort in my absence. As we come to the end of another session at Balwearie, it is a time to reflect on the past year. This year has brought many highs; we were awarded Kingdom FM Best School in Fife, Local Hero Award; we have been able to return to many of our ‘normal’ activities post COVID. However, with these highs we have also encountered some challenges; COVID, a period with an Acting Head Teacher and SQA changes, amongst others. Time and time again our learners and staff have overcome whatever has been thrown in their path and I am privileged to be the Head Teacher of such a resilient learning community.
In this final update of the year, I am pleased to introduce the Design & Technology Department and our Technician Team as part of our staff focus feature. You will also see that our Expressive Arts Faculty and pupils enjoyed a trip to the Lion King Musical, we were able to support a Jubilee celebration at Bennochy Church and we have enjoyed some success in both sports and literature. I hope you enjoy finding out more about all that is going on at Balwearie.
As is usual at this time of year, we are saying farewell to several colleagues for a variety of reasons.
- Mrs Zoë Robertson (PT Pupil Support) – Seconded as Depute Head to Pupil Support Services
- Mr John Mason (Teacher of Computing) – Retirement
- Ms Roisin Gilhooly (Teacher of Art & Design) – Retirement
- Miss Joanna Paul (Teacher of Home Economics) – Completion of Probation year
- Mr Ewan Stewart (Teacher of History) - Completion of Probation year
- Mr Alan Jaf (Teacher of Chemistry) - Completion of Probation year
- Miss Andrea Ingram (Teacher of Geography) - Completion of Probation year
- Miss Natasha Greig (Teacher of English) - Completion of Probation year
- Miss Lauren Thomson (Teacher of Business Education) - Completion of Probation year
- Miss Danielle Gray (Teacher of Drama) - Completion of Probation year
- Mrs Dorothy Knight (Teacher of DAS)
- Mrs Rebecca Wilkie (Teacher of DAS)
- Mrs Kim Copp (DAS PSA)
- Mrs Amanda Philp (DAS PSA)
- Mr Alan McLeod (PSO)
- Mr Mathew Greig (PSO - Pupil Support)
- Mrs Deijiva McLeod (Admin Team)
I wish all young people and families a safe, restful and enjoyable summer break when it comes and I Iook forward to seeing all learners back at Balwearie on Wednesday, 17 August
Awards Ceremony
On the 22nd June we held our first Award Ceremonies since the start of the pandemic. The ceremonies were held during the school day and we streamed it live to parents for the first time. We were treated to some musical entertainment from our school percussion ensemble. Overall we awarded 434 awards across a range of categories including; attainment, achievement, sport and contributions to community.
A full highlights video is currently being produced and will be shared with the school community. In the meantime, please see the short video of congratulations we received from Mr Gordon Brown, Prof. Jason Leitch, Boogie in the Morning and Ian Murray.
Dates for the diary
Thursday, 30 June - Last day of school before Summer Holidays
Monday, 15 August - Teachers return from Summer (Inset Day 1)
Wednesday, 17 August - Pupils return from Summer Holiday
Wednesday, 7 September - Parent Voice Meeting 1 (AGM), in school, more information to follow
Geography Writing Competition
Please see below a piece of work one of our S1 pupils has completed for The Royal Scottish Geographical Society writing competition titled "Imagine a Country". The winner will be published in the RSGS magazine, The Geographer, and/or on the RSGS website and the overall winner will be invited to the launch of the second edition of Imagine a Country at the Edinburgh International Book Festival in August 2022.
Lion King Trip
9 June 2022
On Thursday, 9 June 52 pupils from the Music Department (and staff) travelled to the Edinburgh Playhouse to see 'The Lion King'. Everyone had a great time and we cannot wait for the next one. These trips are open to any pupils who receive music lessons or are involved in extra curricular activities within the Music Department. Speak to your teachers for more info on how to get involved and take part in experiences like this one.
Bennochy Church Jubilee Party
Pupils from across the school attended a Jubilee celebration at Bennochy Church where they provided musical entertainment for the attendees.
The Art Department worked in partnership with the local community to learn about the their memories of Kirkcaldy - Linoleum, Links Market, Wemyss Pottery, Knitting, Sewing, Raith Rovers and Cole Miners. Our BGE pupils translated the memories into printed, knitted, stitched and felted textiles to produce wall hangings to display as 'Kirkcaldy Memories'. These are currently at Bennochy Church and were hung as part of the Jubilee Celebration.
Our BGE pupils also produced 80 origami and printed favours as well as designed the tickets for the Jubilee event and other Jubilee related artworks which were also displayed at Bennochy Church. Our DAS classes also produced a digital pattern unit of the Queen which was made into a bunting and hung around the church.
Sports Update
Congratulations to S2 pupil, Eva Holburn-White, who was selected to represent Scotland in the U14 Home Internationals Basketball Tournament
Parent Voice
Don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Louise and Josephine
Introducing the Design & Technology Department
Mr Giove
Principal Teacher Design & Technology
Interesting fact(s) about yourself
I can speak Italian
Your favourite design/piece of architecture/engineering?
Design: Eames Lounge chair
Architecture: Il Duomo, Milan
Engineering: International Space Station
How long have you worked at Balwearie?
6 years
If I wasn’t a teacher, what would I be?
An architect or an F1 driver!
Tell me a joke….
My friend Jack claims he can communicate with vegetables….
Jack and beans talk
Mrs Mitchell
PT Guidance and Teacher of Design & Technology
Interesting fact(s) about yourself
I was the first female Technical Teacher in Fife.
Your favourite design/piece of architecture/engineering?
The 3 bridges crossing The Forth at Queensferry.
I love aerial photos of the bridges from above, and love how excited tourists get at seeing the bridges for the first time.
How long have you worked at Balwearie?
28 years
If I wasn’t a teacher, what would I be?
An Events Organiser
Tell me a joke….
Why did the teacher wear sunglasses?
Because his class was so bright!
Mrs Brown
Teacher of Design & Technology
Interesting fact(s) about yourself
I enjoy water sport!
Your favourite design/piece of architecture/engineering?
Design: Furniture designer and bespoke carpenter Angus Ross. ‘Spey Bench’
Zaha Hadid
Heydar Aliyev centre, Baku, Azerbaijan
How long have you worked at Balwearie?
12 years
If I wasn’t a teacher, what would I be?
Party Planner!
Tell me a joke….
Can I tell you a pizza joke? No sorry I can’t it is too cheesy!
Miss Carnie
Teacher of Design & Technology
Interesting fact(s) about yourself
I enjoy making jewellery.
Your favourite design/piece of architecture/engineering?
The Leshan Giant Buddha on Mount Emei Shan in Chengdu, China
‘The Car Tower’ a famous autostradt landmark in Wolfsburg
How long have you worked at Balwearie?
6 years
If I wasn’t a teacher, what would I be?
A designer
Tell me a joke….
Why did the bicycle fall over?
Because it was two-tired
Miss Dick
Teacher of Design & Technology
Interesting fact(s) about yourself
I love travelling and studied at an art college in Paris during my 3rd year at uni.
Your favourite design/piece of architecture/engineering?
Classic Mini
Sagrada Familia - Antoni Gaudí
Falling water – Frank Lloyd Wright
Charles and Ray Eames Lounge chair
How long have you worked at Balwearie?
6 years
If I wasn’t a teacher, what would I be?
A Designer
Tell me a joke….
Helvetica and Times New Roman walk into a bar.
‘Get out of here!’ shouts the barman.
‘We don’t serve your type!’
Mrs Heyes
Teacher of Design & Technology
Interesting fact(s) about yourself
I am Irish
Your favourite design/piece of architecture/engineering?
Forth Rail Bridge, so much so my husband proposed to me on it!
How long have you worked at Balwearie?
5 years
If I wasn’t a teacher, what would I be?
A Vet
Tell me a joke….
A horse walks into a bar. The bar person asks why the long face?
Mr Williamson
Teacher of Design & Technology
Interesting fact(s) about yourself
I love travelling, I’ve been to every continent except Antarctica.
Your favourite design/piece of architecture/engineering?
1957 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL
How long have you worked at Balwearie?
3 years
If I wasn’t a teacher, what would I be?
F1 Driver
Tell me a joke….
Why did the fish blush? Because the sea weed.
Mr Southern
Teacher of Design & Technology
Interesting fact(s) about yourself
I am from South Africa and play semi-pro rugby here in Scotland.
Your favourite design/piece of architecture/engineering?
Red Bull RB13 f1 racing car.
How long have you worked at Balwearie?
2 years
If I wasn’t a teacher, what would I be?
A Millionaire
Mrs Kindred
Teacher of Design & Technology
Interesting fact(s) about yourself
I was the first girl to score a goal in the boys U16 Ice Hockey League.
Your favourite design/piece of architecture/engineering?
Forth Rail Bridge. I love going over it and looking at the structure.
How long have you worked at Balwearie?
10 months
If I wasn’t a teacher, what would I be?
Tell me a joke….
I thought the dryer was shrinking my clothes. Turns out it was the fridge all along!
Mrs Crawford
PT Guidance and Teacher of Design & Technology
Interesting fact(s) about yourself
I love making wooden bowls on my lathe
Your favourite design/piece of architecture/engineering?
Maggie Centre, Kirkcaldy zaha-hadid
How long have you worked at Balwearie?
9 months
If I wasn’t a teacher, what would I be?
Tell me a joke….
Where do bees pee....
BP station
Introducing the School Technician Team
The School Technician Department provides technical support across the whole school. Covering all curricular areas we carry out a wide range of tasks in school with planned works as well as responding to daily technical “emergencies”.
The various tasks and support we provide can include (but not limited to) the following.
- IT support across the entire school, both software and hardware. Installing, upgrading and repairing all IT systems
- Carry out the testing and inspection of portable electrical equipment across the school. Maintain a database of electrical inspections and test results. Re-commission and repair electrical equipment where necessary
- Preparation of teaching kits, chemicals and experiments including microbiological cultures
- Operation and use of fixed machinery, material preparation for use in the Design & Technology Dept.
- Liaise with departments and advise on new software / hardware / equipment purchases
- Provide Sound and Lighting support to live school events like concerts, shows, swards ceremonies and other after school events.
- Advise on Health and Safety legislation / Policy
The job of a School Technician is varied and no day is ever the same. The varying nature of the tasks and problems we face on a daily basis is what keeps our job interesting. The above list provides a very brief example of what we do however as quoted on our job remit, we will undertake most jobs of a “ Technical Nature”.
Mr Mathieson - Senior Technician
Mr Eddie Doig - Technician
Mr Brian Murphy - Technician
Mr Ross Paterson - Technician
Created with images by webandi - "calendar wall calendar days" • Hero Images/Hero Images - "View from behind of girls on soccer team."